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Illustrated by James Berry

First published 1961
Reprinted 1963, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1978
Second edition 1982


68-74 Kingsford-Smith Street, Wellington 3

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© Literary Production Limited

ISBN 0 589 01439 0

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Kings Time Printing Press Ltd, Hong Kong.


This book is the successor to Maori Place Names and their

■Meanings; which was first published in 1950 and which has been
ireprinted a number of times. It is now felt that the time has come
when it should be completely revised, and enlarged by the inclu¬
sion of more factual material than the earlier book was able to
A personal word of explanation may not be out of place. Maori
Place Names and their Meanings was compiled by the present
author because of the need that had been expressed for a book
of this kind. Information was sought from obvious sources such
as the New Zealand Official Tear Book for 1919, in which the
late Elsdon Best had given a brief list of meanings of Maori
names; Mr. Johannes G. Andersen’s Maori Place Names; Mr.
G. G. M. Mitchell’s Maori Place Names of Buller County, and
other works which were readily accessible.
It was realised at the time that there are many problems to
be faced in attempting a literal translation of Maori place names,
many of which go back to early days; some indeed were used in
the homeland of Hawaiki and transplanted to the soil of
Aotearoa (New Zealand). Others had their origins in history and
legend and have been lost, or are too long to recount in a small
book. Some names have suffered alteration and distortion; some
are modern names; some are too easily translated, giving false
and ludicrous conclusions; and some are quite untranslatable.
On the other hand the Maori was closer to nature than the
Pakeha (white man) ; common words for wood and water, wind
and cloud and soil were frequently incorporated in his names.
Commonsense and direct translation provided most of the
answers in the original collection, although it was always
acknowledged that a more comprehensive and documented work
would eventually be required.
As it happened, the task of putting together the first reference
book was the start of a fascinating hobby, which has resulted in
a collection of the origins of place names in New Zealand. The
fruits of some of this work will be found in the present book.
The information contained in Maori Place Names has been
gathered from hundreds of books, and through correspondence
and conversation with many who are able to provide specialised
knowledge in different parts of the country.
Some of the limitations of the first collection still apply, for a
really satisfactory answer can seldom be supplied to the question
“What does this name mean?” The Pakeha reader will realise
how futile it would be to attempt to translate English names in
New Zealand for the benefit of Maori readers; what would he
make, for instance, of such names as Gore, Nightcaps, Huntly,
Cashmere, Fortrose, Dunedin, Auckland, Shotover and Drury?
A similar problem faces us when we attempt to make a literal
translation of Maori names.
On the other hand, sufficient historical and legendary tradition
has been preserved to enable us to say with some certainty how
some names were determined, and to give their meanings. We
trust that the interested reader may find interesting glimpses of
Maori life in the short notes which are attached to some of the
In order to assist the reader, the names have been broken up
into their several components, with a translation of the words
which these comprise. If sense can be made of the resulting words,
a meaning has been attempted. But it must be emphasised that
this meaning is no more than an attempt at translating a word,
a phrase or a sentence from one language to another. The
interested reader who is equipped with a Maori dictionary may
himself arrive at an equally satisfying translation.
A comprehensive selection of names has been made, but a large
volume would be required to include every Maori place. All the
best-known and more important Maori names are included, but
there is also a selection of older names which are no longer in
use but which most readers may come across at some time or
another—an obvious example is Aorangi, the Maori name for
Mount Cook. Some lesser-known names are mentioned because
of the interest attached to their origin.
The appendix consists of Pakeha names to which reference is
made in the text. These may be Pakeha names which have
replaced the original Maori name, or they may list Maori place-
names in towns and cities; e.g., under Wellington will be found
references to the suburbs of Hataitai and Rongotai, which are
listed in the main part of the book.
Some thought has been spent on the question of giving an
indication of the location of the various places, but it is felt that
this is outside the scope of the present book. Such a gazetteer
would sufTer through the absence of Pakeha names and by the
frequent duplication of Maori names, e.g., Wairoa found again
and again in various parts of New Zealand.
It is hoped that this excursion into the meanings of Maori place
names will prove stimulating to the reader, who may well be
encouraged to make his own investigations. To assist those who
are interested, or who may require the meaning of a name of
some place not included in this book, a list of words which
commonly form a part of Maori place names will be found at the
beginning of the book. Readers who wish to extend their interest
in the subject are recommended to Reeds’ Concise Maori
Dictionary; those whose studies carry them further would be
well advised to seek Williams’s Dictionary of the Maori




There are only fifteen letters in the Maori alphabet :


Every syllable in Maori ends in a vowel, which makes the

proportion of vowels to consonants much higher than in English.
The vowel sounds are therefore of great importance. While the
quantity of each of these vowels may vary, and thus change the
meaning of a word, such differences are beyond the capacity of
the average Pakeha. The following list should be learned by

A is always pronounced as the a in “rather”.

E is always pronounced as the e in “ten”.
I is always pronounced like the ee in “seen”.
O is always pronounced like the o in “border”.
U is always pronounced like the oo in “bloom”.

When two vowels come together each is given its proper sound.
The compound consonants NG and WH. These are the two
stumbling blocks in the way of correct pronunciation. The sound
NG is that of the middle NG in the word “singing”.
WH is usually pronounced as F. This is not the correct sound,
which has been described as F, but without letting the top teeth
touch the lower lip. If you cannot manage this, the sound of F
will pass muster.
These are simple rules, but if they are mastered you will never
again be guilty of referring to TE AWAMUTU as TEE-



AHI : fire. O : of, or the place of.

AO : cloud. ONE : mud, sand or beach.
ARA : path or road. PA : fortified village.
AT A : shadow. PAE : ridge, or resting place.
ATUA : god. PAPA : broad, flat, or ground
AWA: river, channel, gully covered with vegetation.
or valley. PO : night.
HAKA : dance. PUKE : hill.
HAU : wind. PUNA : spring of water.
HUA : fruit, egg. RANGI : sky.
IKA : fish. RAU : hundred, many or leaf.
ITI : small. RIKI : small or few.
KAI : food, or eat. ROA : long or high.
KINO : bad. ROTO : lake.
MA : white or clear. RUA: cave, hollow or two.
MA : (short for manga) : TAHI : one, single.
branch or tributary or stream. TAI : sea, coast or tide.
MANGA : branch, tributary or TAPU : forbidden or sacred.
stream. TEA : white, or clear.
MANU : bird. WAI : water.
MATA : headland, and many WAKA : canoe.
other meanings. WHANGA: bay, inlet, or
MAUNGA : mountain. stretch of water.
MOANA : sea. WHARE : house,
MOTU : island. WHAT A : raised platform for
MURI : end. storing food.
MUTU : end, finished. WHENUA : land or country.
NUI : big, or plenty of.


AHAURA : Probably a cor¬ the range he rested, lit a fire

rupt form of O-hauroa. o: the and ate some of the hearts.
place of; hauroa: height. As The range was then known as
the township of Ahaura is on Te Ahi-manawa-a-Te-Kohipipi
an elevation, and the local (The fire of the hearts of Te
Maoris say that the name Kohipipi).
means a cliff, the meaning is AFIIPARA : ahi: fire; para.-
doubtless The place of a cliff. various roots used for food.
AHIARUHE: ahi: fire; Fire for roasting fern-root.
aruhe: fern-root. Fire for roast¬ AHITARAKIHI: ahi: fire;
ing fern-root. Fern-root was an tarakihi: an edible fish. Fire at
important food for the Maori. which the tarakihi was roasted.
It was roasted before a fire and AHITITI : ahi: fire; titi:
pounded with wooden beaters. mutton-bird. Fire for cooking
AHIKIWI : ahi: fire; kiwi: mutton-birds.
flightless bird. Fire on which AHUAHU : to heap up.
kiwis were cooked. This is the Maori name for
AHIMANAWA : ahi• fire; Great Mercury Island. Paikea
manawa: heart. A chief named came to this island on the back
Tarewa-a-rua was slain by his of a whale. He was cold and
enemies. His heart was torn heaped the warm sand over
out, cooked, and eaten. The him, and from this circum¬
Ahimanawa Range has a sim¬ stance he gave the island its
ilar origin. To avenge himself name.
for the death of his daughter, AHURIRI : Named after
-the chief Te Kohipipi surprised Tu Ahuriri who found the
his enemies by night. In the lagoon blocked so that the
early morning he cut out the flood destroyed the shellfish.
hearts of those he had killed. He organised a working party
He put them in a flax kit and to clear a channel to the sea,
took them home. Half-way up and the area was named after
him. The missionary Golenso, two brilliant red tail feathers.
however, said that the name The name was given in 1929.
means “fierce rushing”, which AMURI: Correctly the
was an allusion to the swift name should be Haumuri,
current in the channel where which means an east wind, or
the river runs into the sea. “the wind at your back”.
AHUROA: ahu: heap or ANAKIWA : ana: cave; a:
mound; roa: long. of; Kiwa: a man’s name. Kiwa
AKA AKA : Fibrous roots. was also one of the gods of the
AKARANA: The Maori ocean. The cave of Kiwa.
form of Auckland. ANATOKI : ana: cave;
AKAROA: aka (South toki: adze. Cave of the adze.
Island form of whanga): AN AURA : This may be a
harbour; roa: long. Long har¬ name which has come from
bour. Mangaia in the Cook Islands.
AKATARAWA: The orig¬ In a true Maori form it would
inal form of the name may be Anakura. ana: cave; kura:
have been Akatarewa. aka: red. Red cave.
vine; tarewa: trailing. Trailing ANAWHAKAIRO: ana:
vines. cave; whakairo: to paint or
AKATORE : The correct carve in a pattern. In this cave
spelling is Akatorea. Aka is the on the banks of the Waitaki
South Island form of whanga:
harbour; torea: wading bird.
Torea harbour.
AKEAKE : a native tree.
AKERAMA: This is the
Maori form of the name
Aceldama, “field of blood”,
the name being given at the
time that the first missionaries
came to North Auckland.
AKITIO : aki: to smash;
tio: piercing cold. It is said
that the name came from a
famous greenstone mere (club).
AMOKURA : The name of
tropical bird which visits New
Zealand. It is distinguished by Toki: adze
River near Coal Creek, the South Island Maoris called it
water has carved out recesses Aoraki, because raki is the S.I.
in the rock wall, and there are pronunciation of rangi. There
fantastically shaped pinnacles, are several versions of the true
and round window-like holes. origin of the name. It is said
Cave of carved or sculptured to be named after well-known
rock. peaks in the Cook and Society
ANAWHATA : ana: cave; groups of islands at which the
whata: food store. Cave of the Maoris called on their way to
food store. New Zealand.
ANIWANIWA : Rainbow. Then there is a romantic
AOHANGA: A variety of legend connected with the
flax. The name has appeared arrival of the famous Arai-
at various times as Ohonga, te-uru canoe which came from
Ohanga, and Aohanga, but the Hawaiki in the fourteenth cen¬
proper form is probably Owa- tury. The canoe was wrecked
hanga. o: the place of; waha- and the crew travelled by
nga: mouths. The name was land northwards through the
applied to the river as a whole. Mackenzie country. When they
AOKAPARANGI : ao: sighted Mount Cook they not¬
cloud; kapa: row or rank; iced that it was higher than
rangi: sky. A row of clouds in any of the other peaks which
the sky. had been named after members
AOKAUTERE : ao: cloud; of the party. They looked
kautere: to float or move round them to see who was the
swiftly: Swiftly moving clouds. tallest in order that his name
AONGATETE: go: cloud; might be given to the moun¬
ngatete: to move. Moving tain, and it was found that the
clouds. one who was tallest was a little
AORANGI : ao: cloud; boy named Aorangi who was
rangi: sky. Cloud in the sky. being carried on the shoulders
This is one of the best-known of his grandfather.
names in New Zealand, be¬ There is another story which
cause it is the Maori name for goes even further back into
Mount Cook, the highest time, when the gods were to be
mountain peak in the country. found on the earth. Some of
It is popularly translated Sky- the sky children came to earth
piercer, but this is not the real in a canoe which was called
meaning of the name. The Te Waka-a-Aorangi (the canoe
of Aorangi). The canoe was New Zealand. The Aotea gave
turned to stone and became the its name to a small harbour on
South Island. Aorangi, the the west coast of the North
captain of the canoe, was Island where the immigrants
turned into the mountain we first landed. It was also the
know as Mount Cook. He Maori name of Great Barrier
had three brothers, Rangi-roa, Island.
Rangi-rua, and Rarangi-roa. There is a farming district in
They were turned into moun¬ Marlborough which was so
tains too and became Mounts named by Archdeacon Grace
Dampier, Teichelmann, and because it means sunny spot.
the Silberhorn. AOTEAROA : The usual
The name is applied to meaning given to the Maori
many other parts of New Zea¬ name for New Zealand is Land
land and sometimes it has an of the long white cloud, ao:
entirely different origin. There cloud; tea: white; roa: long.
is a place of this name near But this is only one of several
Feilding. Here called the fam¬ possible meanings. The follow¬
ous explorer Tamatea who was ing interpretations have been
on his way to Wanganui. He given by various authorities:
left a lizard there and called Long white cloud; Continu¬
the place Aorangi. It is possible ously clear light; Big glaring
that it was named after the light; Land of abiding day;
lizard. Long white world; Long bright
world; Long daylight; Long
The Aorangi Range is mis¬
lingering day; Long bright
named, as it was originally
land; Long bright day. Most
Haurangi. The pronunciation
of these meanings can be justi¬
of the two names is very sim¬
fied because ao means both
cloud and day, and tea both
AORERE : ao: cloud or
white and bright.
mist; rere: flying. Flying scud
When Kupe, the first dis¬
or mist. Nowadays the Maori
coverer of New Zealand, first
calls an aeroplane ao-rere or
came in sight of the land, his
manu-rere (flying bird).
wife cried, “He ao ! He ao!” (a
AOROA: ao: cloud; roa: cloud ! a cloud !). Great Barrier
long. Long cloud. Island was therefore named
AOTEA : The name of the Aotea (white cloud), and the
canoe in which Turi came to long mainland Aotearoa (long
white cloud). When Kupe fin¬ Marlborough is named after a
ally returned to his homeland Maori, Ihone Apoka, who
his people asked him why he lived there.
did not call the newly discov¬ A PONG A : Gathered to¬
ered country after his father- gether or heaped up.
land. He replied, “I preferred ARA-A-KIWA: The path
the warm breast to the cold of Kiwa. The Maori name for
one, the new land to the old Foveaux Strait. Kiwa was an
land long forsaken.” ocean god.
Nevertheless the name still ARAHIWI : ara: track or
provides some problems which path; hiwi: ridge or hill-top. A
may never be fully solved. descriptive name. Path over the
AOTUHIA: ao: daylight; ridge.
tuhia: to glow. Glowing day- ARAHURA : ara: path;
light. hura: to discover. The name is
AOWHENUA: ao: day¬ connected with Ngahue who
light; whenua: land or country. was the companion of Kupe on
Land of daylight. his discovery of New Zealand.
APARIMA : apa: a party of Ara’ura is the ancient name of
workmen; rima: five. The Aitutaki in the Cook Islands,
name is almost certainly that of and the landing place and river
a celebrated Waitaha chief- in the South Island were pos¬
tainess of long ago. Another sibly named in memory of the
theory is that the name is the island home.
Maori form of Apolima, an On the other hand, it may
island in the Pacific known to be that Kupe and Ngahue,
the Maori before the migra¬ after a battle with an octopus
tion. in Cook Strait, went down to
There is an interesting but the west coast of the South
suspect conjecture that the Island to search for any people
name means “five-fold streams” they could find. Ngahue gave
or “five-fold ridges”. From five the name to perpetuate their
ridges the Aparima River re¬ search. It was also an early
ceives five tributaries, which name for the South Island.
are known as the Five Rivers ARAI : Screen or veil.
district. ARAI-TE-URU: The name
APITI : Narrow pass or of the early canoe which was
gorge. wrecked at Moeraki. Applied
APOKA : This small inlet in originally to Shag Point.
ARAKIHI : ara: path; kihi: West Coast has an entirely
to be cut off. different meaning, ara: a small
ARAMATAI : ara: path; fresh-water fish; nui: many.
matai: native tree. The path Large numbers of grayling
indicated by a matai tree. were taken in this creek by the
ARAMIRO: ara: path; Maoris.
miro: native tree. This and the ARAPAEPAE : ara: path;
previous name may indicate paepae: ridge. Path along a
that a path was made across a ridge.
stream by felling a tree. ARAPAOA: ara: path;
ARAMOANA : ara: path; paoa: smoke, or blow. The
moana: ocean. name is an interesting one of
ARAMOHO : The correct importance in Maori tradition,
form is Aramuhu. Ara: path; for not only is it the correct
muhu: to force one’s way form of Arapawa Island, but
through heavy bush. Over a was once used for the whole of
hundred years ago a Maori the South Island, and later for
named Hau-e-rangi was lost in the island which Captain Cook
the dense bush here and wand¬ landed on to discover Cook
ered about until he died of Strait. It received its name in
starvation. When his body was one of two ways. It was close
found it was seen that he had to the entrance of Queen
beaten an almost circular path Charlotte Sound where Kupe
in his struggles to find his way with a downward blow (paoa)
out. killed the enormous octopus
ARANGA : The act of ris¬ Muturangi. The second theory
ing. is that early Maoris peered
ARANUI : ara: path; nui: through the mist across the
big. There are different origins strait which they called “the
for different places of this misty path”.
name. In Christchurch it was ARAPAWA: ara: path;
probably simply descriptive, as Pawa: name of Kupe’s slave.
the name was only given about Arapawa Island, however, is
the year 1900. correctly spelt Arapaoa, q.v.
The Aranui Cave at Wai- ARAPITO : ara: path;
tomo was named after a Maori pito: end. The Maoris trav¬
who discovered it while pig¬ elled along a well-used track by
hunting. the Karamea River inland to
The Aranui Creek on the snare birds and gather berries.
The track ended at a point ARATAPU : ara: path;
where the present settlement of tapu: sacred, or prohibited.
Arapito stands. The sacred path, or Path to a
ARAPOHUE : ara: path; sacred place. The full name is
pohue: convolvulus plant. Path Te Aratapu-o-Manaia. Manaia
through the convolvulus. was a chief who came to New
ARAPUNI : ara: path; Zealand in the Tokomaru
puni: blocked, or place of en¬ canoe in the 13th or 14th cen¬
campment. The meaning may tury and landed here on the
be Path to the camp, a path Wairoa River, Kaipara.
that has been blocked up by ARATAURA : probably de¬
some obstruction. rived from ara: path; tauru:
ARARAT A : ara: path; head or source of a stream. Path
rata: native tree. Path by or by the source of a stream.
through rata trees. ARATIATIA : ara tiatia:
ARARIMU : ara: path; a series of pegs stuck into the
rimu: native tree. Path by or ground to assist in climbing a
through rimu trees. steep ascent. This descriptive
ARARUA : ara: path; rua: name has been applied to the
two. Two paths. rapids on the Waikato River
ARATAHA: ara: path; because the water seems to
taha: to pass by. zig-zag from one rock to an¬
other like the primitive ladders
used by the Maori. It may also
be connected with the explorer
Tia who proceeded up the
rapids in his small canoe. It is
said that the old river bed was
a series of small ledges, each of
which carried Tia past another
obstacle as he paddled up it.
ARATIKA : ara: path;
tika: straight. Direct path.
ARATORO : ara: path;
toro: to explore, to discover.
ARAWHATA : This may
mean a hanging path. A
whata is a foodstore elevated
Rimu: native tree on a post to keep the contents
away from rats. Such stores bodies, something happened
were sometimes approached by which caused them to run away
a notched post which was leant in fright and horror. They had
against the store, thus provid¬ seen the bodies moving. They
ing a series of steps or stairs. told their chief, Rakai, what
Such a stairway was known as they had seen, and he realised
an arawhata, a path .to the at once that it was the kidney
foodstore. fat which was twitching. He
ARERO : Tongue. There is went to the ovens and paoa nui
a tradition that there was a (thoroughly bashed) the offend¬
battle at this place, and that ing portions. From this incid¬
the victors cut out the tongues ent the place received its name.
of the vanquished. ARORANGI : aro: front;
ARIA : A deep pool, or a rangi: heaven. The front of
stretch of water suitable for heaven. The name was brought
fishing by net. from the island of Tahiti.
is short for puna-ariki: hot or front; whenua: land. Sev¬
springs; kapakapa: flapping. eral interpretations have been
The name refers to the flap¬ made from time to time, in¬
ping or fluttering noise made cluding Good or desirable land;
by the hot spring. Turning up land for cultiva¬
AROARO-KAIHE : The tion; and To face or desire
Maori name for Mount Sefton. land. It is an ancient Polynes¬
Aroaro-kaihe and her husband ian name transplanted to New
Mauka-tu (Ben Ohou) were Zealand.
both members of the crew of ATAAHUA : Good, beauti¬
the Arai-te-uru canoe. ful, or pleasant.
AROPAOANUI : aro: fat ATAPO : at a shadow; po:
covering the kidneys; paoa nui: night. Night Shadows.
thoroughly bashed. The pa at ATARAU : Moon, or moon-
the mouth of the Aropaoanui light.
river was raided, but the de¬ ATAWHAI : Liberality, or
fenders were victorious. In kindness.
order to celebrate their victory ATEA : Space. A synonym
a great feast was prepared with for Watea, the personified
the bodies of the slain. When form of space.
the ovens were opened up and ATENE: The Maori form
the cooks were watching the of Athens. The name was given
to the mission station on the in Awarua Bay, Nelson, once
Wanganui River by the Rev. provided a problem when a
Richard Taylor, the original Post Office was opened. It
Maori name being O-a-whiti. could not be called Awarua,
ATIAMURI : It was at the its proper name, because there
Atiamuri Rapids that Tia, the was another Post Office of that
elder brother of the commander name. There were two rivers in
of the Arawa canoe, turned the bay, the larger being called
back. The name therefore can Awanui (big river). It was then
be broken up into the words decided to call the other Awaiti
A-Tia-muri, muri here mean¬ (little river).
ing “turned back”. AWAKAPONGA : awa:
It has also been conjectured stream; kaponga: tree-fern.
that the word is a contraction Tree-fern stream.
of the tribal name Ngati-a- AWAKARI : awa: river;
Muri. kari; isolated clump of trees.
ATIU : One of the oldest River with isolated patches of
names in Marlborough, it has bush on the banks.
probably been transferred from AWAKERI : Ditch.
the Cook Islands. AWAKINO : awa: river;
AURIPO : Both au and kino: bad. Bad river. The
ripo mean whirlpool or swirl¬ Awakino River is still muddy
ing current. in places, which possibly gave
AUROA: au: cloud, mist, rise to the name.
or current; roa: long. AWAKOKOMUKA : See
AWAAWAROA : awaawa: under Awamoa.
valley; roa: long. Long valley. AWAMANGU : awa: river;
AWAHONU : awa: river; mangu: black. Black river.
honu: deep. Deep river. AWAMARINO: awa: river;
AWAHOU : awa: river; marino: calm. Calm river.
hou: new. New river. The AWAMATE : awa: river;
Awahou River which flows in¬ mate: dead. Dead river, or
to Lake Rotorua was named Former river. At Awamate in
by the explorer Ihenga. Nelson, a branch of the
AWAHURI : awa: river; Motueka River used to run
huri: fascine to turn fish into a through the place which bore
river. River with a weir in it. the name.
AWAITI : awa: stream; iti: AWAMOA : awa: stream;
small. The place of this name moa: large, extinct flightless
bird. Moa stream. The name A W AMOKO: awa: stream;
was given by W. B. D. Mantell moko: lizard. Lizard stream.
about 1852. The original name AWANGA: South-west
was Awakokomuka. Awa-: wind, or a variety of flax or
stream; kokomuka: the South taro.
Island name for koromiko, a AWANUI : awa: river; nui:
native species of veronica. At large, or many. The name may
the mouth of the stream have been brought from
Mantell discovered ancient Hawaiki.
ovens of the Waitaha tribe con¬ AWAPUNI : awa: river;
taining moa bones. The stones puni: blocked up. It has been
of the ovens were heated by suggested that the river may
burning kokomuka, which was have been blocked up with
considered the best fuel for the drift-wood when it was named.
purpose. Mantell preferred to There was a lagoon called
call the stream by the more Te Awa-puni at Palmerston
euphonious and appropriate North, which was an ox-bow or
name Awamoa. cut off river bend, and could
AWAMOKIHI: awa: river; thus be described as a blocked
mokihi: a craft made of flax river.
sticks. The stream north of AWAPUTAKITAKI : awa:
Oamaru was named after a river; putakitaki: the South
man called Awamokihi. Island form of putangitangi,
Paradise duck.
AWARERE : awa: river;
rere: flowing. Flowing stream.
AWARIKI : awa: stream;
riki: small. Small stream.
AWAROA: awa: river;
roa: long. Long river.
AWARUA : awa: river; rua:
two. Two rivers, or arms. The
name is a common one in New
Zealand and also throughout
Polynesia. Avarua is the name
of a harbour in Ra’iatea which
had two openings in the reef.
AWATEA : Daylight, or
Moa: extinct giant bird midday.
AWATERE: awa: river; E
tere: swift flowing. Swift-flow¬
ing river. Of the river at East EAHEINOMAUWE : This
Cape it is said that in a battle is Captain Cook’s spelling of
one man had his stomach the Maori name for the North
ripped open, and the contents Island of New Zealand. It
ran swiftly down the current, probably stands for He ahi no
hence the name. Maui: the fire of Maui, and
The name may be the true refers to the volcanoes of the
form of Kawatiri, q.v. central plateau.
AWATOITOI : awa: river; E KAPA : A modern name,
toitoi: a small fresh-water fish, after a Maori who lived here.
a variety of flax, or possibly a EKEMANUKA : eke: to
corruption of toetoe. crouch; manuka: tea-tree
AWATOTO : awa: river; shrub. A party of Maoris who
toto: blood, or the name of a were out hunting saw a large
ceremony performed over a enemy force approaching.
child, usually by the side of a They made their escape unseen
stream. by crouching down and creep¬
AWATUNA : awa: creek; ing through the short manuka
tuna: eel. Eel creek. The settle¬ scrub.
ment of this name in Taranaki EKETAHUNA : eke: to run
is known locally as Eels Creek. aground; tahuna: shoal or
AWHITU : Longing to re¬ sandbank. This place was as
turn. Literally the meaning of far as the Makakahi river
awhitu is to feel regret for, to could be navigated by canoes
yearn for. At one time the on account of the shoals.
Maoris at this settlement near EPUNI : Correctly Te Puni.
the heads of the Manukau He was the Ngati-Awa chief
Harbour were forced to aban¬ who greeted Wakefield and his
don their pa because of the companions when the Tory
depredations of the taniwha arrived off Petone beach. E
Kaiwhare, and they took the Puni! is the vocative form of
title Te Rua-o-Kaiwhare. It address, meaning O Puni!
has been suggested that the ERUA : Two. The e is a
place was named because of particle used before digits one
their longing to return to fam¬ to nine in enumeration, e.g. e
iliar surroundings and the place rua, e toru, two, three. Another
they loved. ingenious explanation of the
name has been offered in the Underwood is, in a roundabout
form E rua! which could be way, probably named after
translated colloquially, “Hullo, the pioneer missionary, Rev.
there’s a cave!” Samuel Ironside. He was
known to the Maoris as
H Haeana, which was the nearest
they could get to the pronunci¬
HAEHAENUI : haehae: to ation. Hakana is thought to be
lacerate, or parallel grooves in a corruption of Haeana.
a carving; nui: big. An ingen¬ HAKAPOUA : haka: South
ious but doubtful theory is that Island form of whanga; poua:
this is the original name for the old man. It is thought that the
Arrow River; it means “big Maori used the expression “old
scratches”—a reference to the man” in much the same way
number of channels the river as the Pakeha might say “old
has carved. man flood”. The name has
HAERE-HUKA: haere: to therefore been jocularly trans¬
come or go; huka: foam. The lated as Grandfather’s Gully,
name was apparently applied Old Man Gulf, and Big Chasm
to the great rock in the middle of the Aged Man.
of the rapids. It has been popu¬ HAKAPUPU: haka: S.I.
larly translated Moving foam, form of harbour; pupu: several
or Flying foam. kinds of shellfish. Estuary of
HAIRINI : It has been the shellfish.
stated several times that this is HAKA-PUREIREI : haka:
the Maori form of Ireland, but dance; pureirei: tufts of grass,
a more authoritative statement or small patch of garden.
is that it is a missionary name, HAKARU : haka: dance;
Gyrene, which takes this form ru: to shake.
in the Maori language. HAKATARAMEA : haka:
HAKAHAKA: The name dance; taramea: spear-grass.
of a Marlborough chief. The name commemorates a
HAKAKURA: haka: a dance which took place near
South Island form of whanga, the mouth of the river. The
a hollow; kura: red. Reddish performers wore bags filled
coloured hollow. It is the orig¬ with the sweet-scented gum
inal Maori name for Lake from the flower stalks of the
Sumner. taramea. The bags in which the
HAKANA : This bay at Port gum was contained were made
of the skin of the whekau, an
owl that is now extinct.
HAKATERE: haka: a form
of whaka, to make; tere: swift.
To make swift. It is the Maori
name for the Ashburton River.
HAMAMA : to shout aloud.
Three young men from
Taumarunui came down the
Whanganui River and killed a
chief named Tama-tuna and
insulted his wives. Tama-tuna Tiki: greenstone image
was attacked unawares and in
surprise he called out loudly. HANGATIKI : hanga: to
HAMARIA : a missionary fashion or make; tiki: a grot¬
village on the shore of Lake esque image in human form.
Taupo which was named after To carve a wooden post in the
the Biblical town of Samaria. form of a tiki.
HAMURANA : The Maori HAPARANGI : to shout or
form of the Biblical name to cut open.
Smyrna, given to the springs at HAPUA : a hollow or pool.
Rotorua which were originally HAPUAWHENUA: hapua:
called Te Puna-a-Hangarua. depression; whenua: land.
See under Hangarua. HAPUKU : the fish known
HANGAROA: An orna¬ to the Pakeha as groper.
mental belt, anklet, or neck¬ HARAKEKE: flax (Phormi-
lace made of shells. um tenax).
HANGARUA: A name HARIHARI : a song to
occasionally given to the make people pull together in
Hamurana Springs, q.v. The unison.
full name is Te Puna-a-Hanga- HATAITAI : Many mean¬
rua, meaning The spring of ings are given for the name of
Hangarua. It was presided over this Wellington suburb. The
by a taniwha or water-monster most interesting is the myth
named Hinerua. The small that two taniwha once lived in
blind fish, koaro, which came the lake which is now Welling¬
up in the waters of the spring ton Harbour. They attempted
from time to time, were called to force their way out. One of
the Children of Hinerua. them, Ngake, succeeded, and
made the entrance to the harb¬ HAU MOAN A : hau: wind;
our. The other, Whataitai, moana: ocean. Sea breeze.
failed. He changed into a bird HAUNUI : hau: wind; nui:
and flew screaming to the top big. Strong wind.
of Mount Victoria (Tangi-te- HAU PAPA: hau: wind;
keo). The suburb should there¬ papa: flat. Windy flat.
fore be named Whataitai. HAURAKI: hau: wind;
There have been attempts to raki: north. Northern wind.
provide a literal translation. There is a proverb about Hau-
ha: smell or breath (or wha: raki which refers to a wind that
to cause or make known); rises moaning from the sea. No
taitai: tide, resulting in such doubt this is the north wind. It
meanings as The lapping of the has been said, however, that
tide, or The breath of the Hauraki (or Haurangi) was a
ocean. personal name.
HATE PE : to cut off, or to HAUROKO : hau: wind;
proceed in an orderly manner. roko: South Island form of
HATUMA : Possibly a per¬ rongo, sound. Sound of the
sonal name. It was sometimes wind. This is the meaning
called Whatuma. No meaning ascribed to it by Southland
can be ascribed, but an old Maoris, and the name has been
Maori once stated that it re¬ officially noted as Hauroko.
ferred to the discoverers of the But it has been the subject
lake who ate until they were of dispute in the past, for
satisfied. The name was given it is held by some northern
by Tara. Maoris that it should be
HAUHANGAROA : hau: Hauroto: hau: wind; roto:
wind; hangaroa: sea-shells. lake. Windy lake.
in the form Haumatiketike it are many meanings. Here it
was applied to mountains such may possibly refer to a relig¬
as Mount Brewster, Mount ious ceremony; tapu: sacred.
Prospect, and the Grown Sacred ceremony.
Range. The name is descript¬ HAUTEKAPAKAPA: hau:
ive, meaning The wind blowing wind; te: the; kapakapa: flap¬
from the heights. ping. The flapping of the wind.
Named after a chieftainess of tere: swift. Swift wind.
Otago. HAUTURU: hau: wind;
turu: post. Wind’s resting-post. HEMO: to cease, or dis¬
This is the Maori name for appear.
Little Barrier Island. In legend HEREKINO: here: knot;
it is the centre post of the great kino: bad. Badly tied knot.
net of Taramainuku. For an HERETAUNGA: here: to
account of this net, see under tie; taunga: to come to rest,
Te Kupenga-a-Taramainuku. applied to a canoe. But Heretau-
HAUWAI : A mollusc. nga of the Hutt Valley was
HAWEA : The Hawea tribe never a suitable place for
was among the original inhab¬ canoes. It has been suggested
itants of the South Island. The that it is a corruption of Hau-
lake and other places where tonga, breath of the south
the name occurs may be named wind. There is also a theory
originally from one of Rakai- that the name was imported
haitu’s men. If the name was from Hawke’s Bay. The Here-
given through some event in taunga Plains were named after
history, it implies doubt and a notable carved house built
indecision. near the present Hastings by
HAWERA : ha: breath; Whatonga.
wera: hot, or burnt. Breath of HIAPO : The famous sisters
fire. The occupants of a Kuiwai and Haungaroa left
crowded whare were attacked their brother Hiapo there while
by their enemies here, and the they went to Maketu to carry
house was set on fire. The messages from Hawaiki to
people who were inside were Ngatoro-i-rangi.
killed by “the breath of fire”. HIHITAHI : hihi: stitch-
HE AHI NO MAUI : an bird; tahi: single. A single
ancient name for the north stitch-bird.
Island. See under Eaheino- HIKUAI : This may be a
mauwe. contraction of Hikuwai, one
HE I PI PI : hei: necklace; meaning of which is Tail end
pi pi: shell-fish. Necklace of of the backwash, hiku: fish’s
pipis. tail; wai: water.
HEKEIA : The father of Te HIKURANGI : The name
Anau, one of the early immi¬ appears in many parts of New
grants from Hawaiki. Zealand, because it commem¬
HEKURA : The name of a orates a well-known and loved
woman of the Arai-te-uru mountain peak in Hawaiki.
canoe. The probable meaning is hiku:
point, or summit; rangi: sky. are named after a woman who
HIKUTAIA : hiku: tail, or lived long ago.
end; taia: neap tide. Tail end HINUERA: Properly Hinu-
of the tide. wera. hinu: oil, or fat; wera:
HIMATANGI: hi: to fish burning. Burning fat or oil.
with hook and line; Matangi: HIONA : A missionary
the name of a chief. Matangi’s name for a pa on the Whanga-
fishing. At one time it was nui River. It is the Maori form
thought that the name was of Zion.
really Hima-tangi, referring to HIRA : abundant, or multi¬
the weeping (tangi) of Hima tude.
for her lost greenstone treasure. HIRUHARAMA: Maori
But the story is now believed form of Jerusalem. Named by
to relate to the chief Matangi the Rev. Richard Taylor.
who settled here long ago. HITAUA : a small waist-
Travellers were killed by a mat or apron.
huge taniwha in a lake by the HIWINUI : hiwi: ridge;
Manawatu River and Matangi nui: big. Big ridge.
set out with twelve men to kill HIWIPANGO : Correctly
it. Some of them acted as bait, Hiwiponga : hiwi: ridge;
tempting the taniwha from its ponga: tree-fern. Ridge cov¬
home. Others lay in wait and ered with tree-ferns.
snared it with ropes when it
emerged, and killed it.
paddle; o: of; Tainui: the
HINAHINA : a native tree. Tainui canoe. Paddle of the
HINAKURA : The name of Tainui canoe.
a chieftainess who took ill and HOHONU : deep. A suit¬
died by the Pahaoa River. She able name for the river.
was buried there and the place HOKIANGA : It is from
was named after her. The true here that Kupe the navigator
form of the name is Hinekura. returned to Hawaiki. From
HINAU : a native tree. this event the place was named
HINERUA: hine: girl; Hokianga, Great returning
rua: two. Two girls. place of Kupe. It is said that
HINE-TE-AWA: hine: girl; the proper form is Hoki-anga-
a: of; aw a: river. The girl of nui (direct return), or Hokianga-
the river. This is the original nui-a-Kupe.
name of Bowen Falls, which HOKIO : Whistling. Hau
gave the name because the carried the bodies of chiefs
wind whistled in his ears. slain in battle was here.
HOKITIKA: hoki: to re¬ HONGI’S TRACK : Where
turn; tika: directly, or in a Hongi took his canoes over¬
straight line. When some of land in 1822 from Rotoehu to
the Ngai-Tahu were about to Rotoiti on his way to attack
attack the pa here, one or more Mokoia * Island. The Maori
of their chiefs were drowned, name in Te Ara-a-Hongi.
and they therefore made a HONIKIWI : honi: to
direct return back to their nibble, or eat; kiwi: native
home. Long ago Bishop Harper flightless bird. Where the kiwi
wrote that the name means forages for food.
“ ‘When you get there, turn HORAHORA : greatly ex¬
back again,’ as the Maoris re¬ panded, or scattered about.
gard it as the end of the earth.” HOREKE: to throw a spear.
HOKONUI : There are two HOROEKA : a native tree
explanations. First, that hoko (lancewood).
HOROERA : horo: to swal¬
is a contraction of hokowhitu:
war party; nui: large. Large low : wera: hot. To swallow
war party. Second, that Hoko- hot.
nui is a corruption of hukanui: HOROHORO : The name
huka: snow; nui: big. Thick in full is Te Horohoroinga-o-
snow. nga-ringaringa-a-Tia, the place
where Tia’s hands were cerem¬
HOKOWHITU : war party
oniously washed. This was
of about 140 men. Hokowhitu
necessary to remove the tapu
near Palmerston North was so
after handling the dead. Tia
named because of the men who
was the Arawa explorer who
garrisoned at Te Motu-o-
named Lake Taupo.
An alternative for the full
HOMAI : to give to the name is Te Horohoronga-a-
person speaking. Tia, which refers to the swal¬
HONGIHONGI : to smell. lowing of sacred food in a
Turi of the Aotea canoe took ceremony to remove tapu.
up a handful of earth at this HOROIRANGI : horoi: to
place and smelled it to see wash, or cleanse; rangi: sky.
whether the soil was good. When bad weather threatens
HONGI’S POINT : The pa Nelson, this mountain is cov¬
Kororipo where Hongi Hika ered with clouds.
HOROKIWI: horo: to run;
kiwi: native bird. The running
of the kiwi.
HOROKOAU : horo: to
swallow; koau: shag. Te Horo-
koau is probably Mount Tas¬
man, and is said to have been
given this name because it
resembled the swelling in the
long neck of a shag when it
is swallowing a fish. The name
appears in several places in the
South Island.
It is also the name for the Hoteo: calabash
Cass River, and could there be
interpreted as A precipitous HOROTUTU : horo: land¬
landslip {horo) where shags slip; tutu: native tree.
congregated. HOROWHENUA: horo:
HOROKOHATU: horo: slip; whenua: land. Great land¬
crumbling; kohatu: stone. slide. The whole district from
Crumbling stone. It may be an Levin to the Ohau River is a
adaptation of the name Te gravel deposit. It is a fan of
Horokoatu, who was on the detritus which has the appear¬
Arai-te-uru canoe. ance of an enormous landslide
HOROPITO : a native from the Tararuas.
shrub (the pepper tree). The HOTEO : a calabash.
literal meaning is Scent of the HOUHORA : hou: feather;
woods. hora: to spread out. Feathers
HORORATA : horo: land¬ spread out. Feathers were at
slip; rata: native tree. one time spread out near the
HOROTIU : horo: to run; Heads to dry.
tin: swift. Swiftly flowing. HOUHOU : a native tree
Above the junction of the (five-finger).
Waipa the Waikato River HOUHOU-POUNAMU :
flowed swiftly. Until after the houhou: to drill; pounamu:
Waikato War the name Waika¬ greenstone. To drill greenstone.
to was used only for the river This stream near Greytown
below Ngaruawahia; above it was named from the custom of
was termed the Horotiu. drilling greenstone and using
the water of the stream in the
HOUIPAPA : houi: lace-
bark or ribbonwood tree; papa:
flat. Ribbonwood flat. This is
the name used by the Pakeha.
HOUPOTO : hou: feather;
poto: short. Short feather.
HOUTO : ripe fruit of the
poporo tree.
HUAPAI : hua: fruit; pai:
good. Good fruit. This settle¬
ment was founded and named
in 1912. It is a noted fruit¬ hui: assembly; hour a: crayfish.
growing district. Gathering of crayfish. Old
HUARAU : hua: fruit; Maoris tell stories of walls of
rau: hundred, or many. Plenti¬ crayfish plastered solidly sev¬
ful fruit. eral tiers deep in the waters of
HUATAI : hua: product, or Stevens Island, in Breaksea
progeny; tai: tide. The name Sound.
means Sea froth. HUINGA: Said to mean
HUHUTAHI: huhu: thigh; swamps.
tahi: single. Only thigh. One HUIROA : a species of fine
of Tama-tu-pere’s thighs was flax.
eaten at this place, on which HUI TE RANGIORA:
the settlement of Ranana was name of the great explorer and
later established. navigator of the seventh cen¬
HUIA : an extinct bird, the tury, who is reputed to have
feathers of which were greatly sailed down to the Antarctic in
prized. It was never known to his canoe. The district adjoin¬
be in the Karamea district ing the mouth of Motueka
(the Huia River is a tributory River was named after him.
of the Karamea). The name HUKA : foam. The name of
was probably conferred by an the great waterfall on the
early surveyor. Waikato below Lake Taupo is
HUIARAU : huia: extinct Hukanui in full. Great body of
bird; rau: many. Many huia foam.
birds. HUKANUI: huka: foam,
HUIHUI-KOURA: hui- spray, or snow; nui: big.
HUKAPAPA : huka: snow, a chieftainess. The local mean¬
or frost; papa: flat. Frosty flat. ing, however, is The soft hair
HUKARERE : huka: spray, of Taikawa. She insisted that
or foam; rere: flying. Flying the muka or dressed flax of this
foam. This was the high sea¬ part of Horowhenua was so
ward bluff of Scinde Island, fine that it should be called by
Napier, and in storms the spray this name.
would come right to the hill¬ HURUNUI : huru: hair;
top at this point. nui: big. One explanation is
HUKERENUI : hukere: that the name means Flowing
cascade; nui: big. Great cas¬ hair. It does have something of
cade. this appearance from the hills.
HUNUA: infertile, high It may have taken its name
country. from the female dog, Hurunui,
HURIAWA : huri: to turn which Kupe was supposed to
round; awa: river. River turned have left in charge of his dis¬
round. The Waikouaiti River coveries. It may also refer to
once entered the sea on the vegetation by the banks.
south side of the Huriawa
Peninsula into Puketeraki Bay. I
HURIMOANA: huri: to
overflow; moana: ocean. Over¬ IHU-NGAU-ANA : ihu:
flowing sea. nose. Nose bitten off. A chief
HURI-O-TE-WAI : huri: named Tama-haki had his nose
to turn round; o: of; te: the; bitten off by Kura at a battle at
wai: water. The dividing of the this place on the Whanganui
water. This is the Maori name River.
of Bishop’s Peninsula on Pepin IKAMATUA : ika: fish;
Island, which diverts the Wha- matua: parent, or fully grown.
kapuaka stream from the tide. One explanation of the name is
HURITINI : huri: to re¬ that it is a shortened form of
volve; tini: many. Ever circl¬ Te Ika-a-matua, The fish of
ing, or Many circles. It is a my ancestor (Maui).
large pool of boiling muddy IKORAKI : a South Island
water at Tikitere, and is there¬ form of Hikurangi, q.v.
fore a descriptive name. INANGAHUA : inanga:
HURUHURU - O - TAI - whitebait; hua: preserved by
KAWA : huruhuru: coarse drying in the sun, or plenty of.
hair; o: of; Taikawa: name of The Inangahua River was
noted for the big catches of Kahikatea Bay was an early
whitebait that it yielded. name for Curious Cove.
IRIMAHUWHERI : The KAHINU : This peak in the
correct name of this headland Tararuas was named after a
in the Buller district is Irima- chief of the Rangitane pa.
huwhero. iri: hanging; mahu: KAHIWIROA: kahiwi:
hair; whero: red. Hanging red ridge; roa: long. Long ridge.
hair. On the seaward side of KAHU: Named after Kahu-
the headland there are masses mata-momoe, son of Tama-te-
of rata trees which are some¬ kapua, because he stayed here
times ablaze with red blooms. at Orakei in Auckland.
IWIKATEA: iwi: bone; KAHUI : flock, or herd.
katea: bleached. Bleached KAHUIKA : the meeting of
bones. This is the Maori name the waters. It is the equivalent
for the site of Balclutha. A of the North Island Ngahuinga,
great battle took place there and is a descriptive name, for
long ago, and the bones re¬ it is at the meeting of the
mained for many years. Matau and Clutha Rivers.
IWIRUA : iwi: bone; rua:
meeting; kakapo: ground par¬
pit, or cave. There may have
rot. “Kakapo Parliament”. An
been a burial ground on this
old legend says that Doubtful
cape in Grove Arm, Marl¬
Sound was a place where the
borough Sounds.
chief of the kakapo sent out
IWITUAROA : backbone. invitations to his subjects to
From the sea the Iwituaroa meet together to discuss mat¬
Range bears a striking resem¬ ters of common interest among
blance to a human backbone. the parrots. Spey River and
Hall’s Arm were similar meet¬
K ing places.
KAEO : freshwater shellfish. sembly of river-heads. The
KAHAROA : kaha: net; Maori name for D’Archiac,
roa: long. Large seine or drag¬ which is the source of many
net. rivers.
KAHIKA : native tree, KAHUI-KAWAU : kahui:
white pine. Short for Kahika- assembly; kawau: shag. As¬
tea. sembly of shags. Ihenga’s wife
KAHIKATEA : white pine. exclaimed with delight at the
many birds he had brought in garment. The Maori village in
his canoe, so the place, between the Bay of Islands was so
Rotorua and Maketu, was named because a woman’s
given this name. garment caught fire here, and
KAHUITAMARIKI : ka- she had to rush into the sea to
hui: assembly; tamariki: grand¬ extinguish it. The same name
children. Assembly of grand¬ in Southland comes from the
children. name of a woman who lived
KAHUKURA : rainbow, or there about three hundred
god of the rainbow. years ago.
KAHURANAKI: Properly KAIAKA : adept, or man.
Kahura-a-nake, the wished for. KAIAPOI : It is generally
When the Maoris set out from agreed that the proper form of
Wairoa to Ahuriri in their the name is Kaiapohia, mean¬
canoes, this high hill was their ing food depot. But some South
landmark. If it became ob¬ Island Maoris deny this, and
scured by clouds, it was greatly say that it has always been
wished for. Kaiapoi. Kai: food; poi: swung.
KAHURANGI : kahu:blue; The pa was in a strategic posi¬
rangi: sky. Blue skies. Canoe tion and adequate food sup¬
voyagers from the North plies could be “swung” towards
Island, Nelson and Marl¬ it from all directions.
borough always endeavoured KAIARERO : kai: to bite,
to reach the mouth of the or eat; arero: tongue. Bite the
Kahurangi River in the even¬ tongue.
ing, because this landfall was KAIATA: kai: food; ata:
almost invariably associated morning. Eat in the morning.
with blue skies and calm KAIATE : kai: food; ate:
waters. liver. Meal of liver. The livers
KAHUTARA : the name of of sharks were often eaten
one of the canoes in which the here.
Maoris came to New Zealand. KAIAUA : kai: to eat; aua:
The Ngai-Tahu came from the herring. Meal of herring.
North Island in a canoe with KAI-HAU-O-KUPE : kai:
the same name and established eating; hau: wind; o: of;
themselves here, a little south Kupe. Kupe’s wind-eating.
of Kaikoura. This spot at Castlecliff is a
KAHUWERA : kahu: gar¬ place where Kupe stayed at a
ment; wera: burnt. Burnt time that it was very windy.
KAIHERE : kai: food; “The bone of a kokako (New
here: to tie. Zealand crow)”, which was a
KAIHIKU: kai: to eat; good joke, and so the place was
hiku: tail of a fish. To eat fish named Kai-iwi (eat the bone).
tails. KAIK : village. This name,
KAIHINU : kai: food; which occurs often in the
hinu: fat. Rich food. South Island, is the same as the
KAIHU : The full name North Island kainga, an un¬
was Kai-hu-a-Ihenga. kai: fortified village.
food; hu: secret; a: of; lhenga:
KAIKANOHI : kai: to eat;
grandson of Tama-te-kapua.
kanohi: eye. A noted warrior
He went travelling in the far
caught his wife with another
north, and his men carried
man and swallowed her eyes as
some toheroa inland. While
an act of revenge. Thus a point
his companions were absent,
on Ellesmere Spit gained its
he ate all the remaining sup¬
name. Elsewhere in the South
plies, and pretended he knew
Island the name came from un¬
nothing about it. He was found
worked greenstone, and was
out, and the place named as a
also the name of a famous
reminder of his greed.
mere (club).
KAI-IWI : kai: number;
KAIKANUI : kaika: village
iwi: tribe. Gathering of the
(kainga)] nui: big. Big settle¬
tribes. Several meanings have
been advanced. Kai also means
eat, and iwi means bone. One KAIKOHE: kai: food;
of the stories is that a chief ate kohe: tree, or climbing plant.
the flesh and bones of birds; KAIKORAI : Properly Kai-
and another is that food of karae. kai: to eat; karae: a sea
bone was threat against an bird.
enemy tribe. It is also said that KAIKOURA : kai: to eat;
a woman named Hine-koatu koura: crayfish. To eat cray¬
was killed and eaten, and her fish. The full name is Te Ahi-
bones thrown into the stream. kai - koura - a - Tama -ki-te-rangi
And there is an amusing tale (or Tamatea-pokai-whenua).
that a woman named Kiteiwi This great traveller stayed
was one day eating a choice here and lit a fire to cook a
morsel of kuia (old woman). meal of crayfish, and this is
Someone asked her what she what the full name means. The
was eating, and she replied, name of this place was once
G 33
applied to the whole of the operation was probably carried
South Island. out alongside the stream.
KAIMAI : kai: to eat; mai: KAINAMU: kai: to eat;
mussel. To eat mussels. namu: sandfly. To eat sand¬
KAIMANAWA: kai: to flies. At this place on the
eat; manawa: heart. Heart- Waiau River a Maori was
eater. plagued by sandflies. He licked
KAI MATA: kai: to eat; his hand to allay the itching
mat a: unripe, or uncooked. To and inadvertently secured a
eat raw food. mouthful of them.
eat; mataitai: salty. Salty food. meal; roa: long. Protracted
KAIMATUHI : kai: to eat; meal. The name in full is Te
matuhi: bush wren. To eat Kaingaroa-a-Haungaroa. A
matuhi. priestess named Haungaroa
KAIMAUMAU: kai: food; was exploring the plains. She
maumau: wasted. Wasted food. took so long over her meal
KAIMIRO: kai: to eat; that she was teased by her com¬
miro: native tree. To eat miro panions, and the place was
berries. called The long meal of Hau¬
KAIMOKO : a man skilled ngaroa. The women who made
in the art of tattooing. This the remark were changed into
cabbage trees which recede
across the plain before travel¬
KAIPAKATITI: kai: food;
pakatiti: defective. Inedible
food; pakirikiri: rock-cod.
Rock-cod food.
KAIPARA: kai: to eat;
para: fern-root. To eat fern-
root. When Kahu-mata-momoe
and his nephew Ihenga were
visiting here, they were well
fed, and amongst the food
there was a basket of para.
Matuhi: bush wren They had never seen or tasted
it before, and named the place spread out on a platform. Food
after the meal. spread out on a stage.
erly Kapara-te-hau. Kapara: eat; reperepe: elephant-fish.
to sport; te: the; hau: wind. Meal of elephant-fish.
The wind is sporting. The KAIRUA : A contraction of
name probably comes from the Kopukairua. kopn: full; kai:
chief Te Hau who was offended food; rua: pit. Well-stocked
by Kupe, who caused the area food pit.
to be inundated by the sea. It KAITAIA : In full, Kaita-
is the shallow lake or lagoon taia. kai: food; tataia: thrown
which later became Lake about. Two women competed
Grassmere. to see who could store away
KAIPARORO : kai: to eat; the most food. Eventually
paroro: bad weather. To eat there was so much gathered to¬
bad weather. There is a flat- gether that it could not be
topped hill, and the fogs dis¬ contained in the store-pits and
appear when they reach it. had to be thrown away.
KAIPIPI : kai: to eat; pipi: There is another legend to
shell-fish. To eat pipis. the effect that Tamatea, son of
KAIPO : kai: to eat; po: Rongokako, took vast quanti¬
night. To eat at night. ties of wood-pigeons here. The
KAIPUKE: kai: to eat; name of the place was changed
puke: hill. The hill that was from Orongotea to Kaitaia
eaten. In the old whaling days (food in abundance).
several ships set out their sails KAITAKATA: a South
to dry by Kororareka Point, Island form of Kaitangata,
thus obscuring the hill. Quick man-eater. A party of Maoris
to make a joke, the Maoris travelling along the beach near
called it Kaipuke. Orepuki were overwhelmed by
KAIPURUA : kai: food; a “man-eating” wave.
purua: done in pairs. Fish KAITANGATA : kai: to
caught in pairs. A Maori who eat; tangata: man. The eating
was fishing in this tributary of of man. After a battle between
the Waiau caught two fish two tribes over eeling rights on
simultaneously. the lakes, the chief Mokomoko
KAIRANGA: a company of was eaten by his victors.
men making a charge in battle. Another account says that
KAIRARA: kai: food; rara: the place was named after one
of the crew of the Arai-te-uru keet. The Ellesmere Spit was
canoe who found a supply of a place that had a plentiful
paint in the hills nearby, and supply of birds and fish for
was skilled at using it. food.
KAITANGIWEKA: kai: KAITUNA: kai: to eat;
food; tangi: to cry; weka: tuna: eel. To eat eels. There
wood-hen. The crying of the were many localities with this
wood-hen for food. name, and no doubt it was a
KAI-TARAKIHI: kai: sign that eels abounded, and
food; tarakihi: native fish. were a popular food.
Meal of tarakihi. The fishing KAIUKU : kai: to eat;
ground is located by the Maoris uku: blue clay. To eat clay.
by sailing out until this moun¬ The people of this pa were be-
tain comes into view. leagured, and when their food
KAITAWA : kai: to eat; supplies ran out, they ate clay
tawa: native tree. to assuage their hunger. Their
KAITERETERE : kai: to bravery and tenacity was re¬
eat; teretere: quickly. To eat warded when a taua came to
in a hurry. Local Maoris who their aid, the warriors being
were having a meal on the pulled up the cliff to the pa by
beach were surprised by stones ropes.
which rolled down the hillside. KAIUMU : kai: food; umu:
Fearing a surprise attack, they oven. Food oven.
gathered their food together KAIWAIWAI : Correct
and ate hurriedly as they re¬ spelling Kaiwaewae. kai: to
tired to the pa. eat; waewae: foot. Destructive
KAITI : kai: to eat; ti: cab¬ to the feet. In the early days
bage tree. To eat the leaves of the wild Irishman shrub grew
the cabbage tree. plentifully round about Feath-
KAITIEKE : kai: to eat; erston, and took toll of the bare
tieke: saddle-back. To eat the feet of the Maoris.
saddle-back (native bird). KAIWAKA : kai: to eat;
KAITOKE : kai: to eat; waka: canoe. Destroyer of
toke: worm. The soil was very canoes. Most places where this
poor, and on occasion nothing name is found are by banks of
could be found to eat but a swiftly-running river or
worms. stream which is noted for the
KAITORETE : kai: to eat; canoes “eaten” or destroyed.
torete: parakeet. To eat para¬ KAIWHARAWHARA: kai:
to eat; wharawhara: fruit of
the astelia which grows in the
forks of trees. To eat whara¬
KAKA : native parrot.
KAKAHI : fresh-water mus¬
KAKAHO : culm of the
toetoe grass.
KAKAHOROA : kakaho:
culm of the toetoe; roa: long.
The original name for Whaka-
KAKANUI: Properly Kaka-
Kakariki: N.£. parakeet
unui. kakau: to swim, or stalk
of plant; nui: many. Many
plant stalks, or swimming or KARARAMEA : A con¬
crossing a river. traction of Kakara taramea.
KAKAPO : ground parrot. Scent made from gum ex¬
KAKAPUAKA: kaka: par¬ tracted from the leaves of spear
rot; kuaka: dry twigs or grass. See under Karamea.
flowers. KAKARIKI : parakeet.
KAKATAHI: kaka: parrot;
tahi: single. One parrot.
KAKEPUKU : Correctly,
and in full, Kakipuku-o-Kahu-
rere. kaki: neck; puku: swollen.
The name was given hundreds
of years ago by Rakataura,
partly after his wife Kahurere,
and partly because of the shape
of the hill near Te Awamutu.
It is also said that the full
name is Kakepuku-te-aroaro-
KAKIROA : kaki: neck;
roa: long. The name of a
Waitaha ancestor, or one of
Kaka: New Zealand parrot the crew of the Arai-te-uru.
KA - KOHAKA - RURU - throwing darts. It is a very old
WHENUA: In standard Maori name for the Canterbury
the name would appear as Plains, and there is an infer¬
Nga - kohanga - ruru - whenua. ence that there was no room
nga: the; kohanga: nest; ruru- for such sport in the hills and
whenua: large owl, or more- gullies of Otago.
pork. The nests of the large KAPITI : Short for Ko-te-
owls. Some southern Maoris waewae - kapiti - o - T ara - raua -
went up to Moonlight Gully in ko-Rangitane, the place where
the early sixties to dig for gold, the boundaries of Tara and
and cooked and ate these owls, Rangitane divide.
giving this name to what later KAPONGA : a tree-fern.
became Moonlight Gully. KAPOUPOU - O - TE - RA -
K AM AH I : a native tree. KIHOUIA : the posts of Raki-
KAMAKA : rock or stone. houia. He was the son of
KAMAUTURUA: the fast¬ Rakaihaitu, who dug the
ening of two bundles. The southern lakes. Rakihouia made
name of a chief of the Arai-te- a number of eel-weirs, and
uru canoe was given to the this very old name for Canter¬
Burnett Range. bury coast was received because
KAMO : to bubble up. Des¬ of the posts he planted in the
criptive of the hot springs. rivers in order to make eel-
KAMOKAMO: winking. weirs.
When the chief Porourangi KAPO-WAIRUA : kapo:
was murdered, winking was snatching; wairua: soul. A
adopted as a signal for setting place where demons snatch at
upon him. the spirits of the dead in Tom
KANAPA : shining. Bowling Bay as they pass to
KANIERE : the act of saw¬ the afterlife.
ing greenstone. KAPUARANGI : kapua:
KANOHI : eye, or face. cloud; rangi: sky. Cloudy sky.
KA - PAKIHI - WHAKATE - KAPUKA : a native tree.
the; pakihi:open grass country; KA : snaring pigeons with a
whakatekateka: to play with a string. A name which describes
dart; a: of; Wait aha: a tribe. pigeon-hunting on the slopes
The open grass country where of Mount Cargill.
the Waitaha people would KA - PUKE - MAEROERO :
have room to play the game of ka (nga): the; puke: hill;
maeroero: wild men of the hills. KARANGARUA: karanga:
The hills of the wild men. This to call; rua: two.
was the Maori name for the KARAPIRO : kara: stone;
foothills of the Southern Alps. piro: stinking.
KAPUNI : an assembly. A KARAPITI : to fasten, or
place named by Turi of the place side by side.
Aotea canoe where he and his KARATIA : Maori form of
men camped by a river. Galatia, a missionary settle¬
KARAKA : a native tree. ment on the Whanganui River,
KARAMEA : A shortened originally called Hikurangi.
form of Kakara-taramea: ka KAREKARE : surf.
kara: scent; taramea: spear- KARETU : sweet-scented
grass. The scent was made grass.
from the gum extracted from KARIOI : to loiter. A place
the leaves of the spear-grass. where the Maoris sometimes
The kakara taramea made by lingered.
the women of the Karamea KARIRI : Maori form of
district was highly valued, and Galilee. Early mission station.
Maoris came from long dist¬ KARITANE : kari: to dig;
ances to barter food and green¬ tane: men. Men digging. This
stone for it. may be a reference to the dig¬
KARAMU : a native shrub. ging of a ditch to catch eels.
KARANGAHAKE : kara- Another explanation is that
nga: to welcome; hake: hunch¬ while the Huriawa pa was be¬
back. Loosely translated as a ing besieged, some of the men
Meeting of the hunchbacks, a slipped out on a fishing expedi¬
phrase which is descriptive of tion leaving only the wounded
the cluster of low hills in the (kari) to defend the pa.
vicinity. KARORI: In full, Te-kaha-
KARANGAHAPE : a shell¬ o-nga-rore, The rope of the
fish. There is a story that a hill snares. Before European settle¬
on the East Coast was called ment the Karori valley was
Karanga-na-Hape, because noted for its birds.
the chief Hape pursued a KARORO : The proper
wounded moa up a hillside. He name is Kararoa. kara: beach;
attacked it with his taiaha roa: long. Long shelving beach.
(weapon), but it kicked him, KARTIGI : Properly Kati-
and his leg was broken, and he ki. Ka (nga): the; tiki: carved
rolled down *Le hill. figure. The tikis.
KARU-MOE-RANGI: to creek, and they were cnased
day-dream. away or hunted with much
KATIKATI : nibbling. In flapping of their wings.
full, Katikati - o - Tama - te - KAUKAU : Corrupt form
kapua, The nibbling of Tama- of Kaka, parrot.
te-kapua. When they reached KAUNGAROA: Properly
this place, Tama-te-kapua’s Kauangaroa. kauanga: ford;
men ate their food quickly, roa: long. Long ford.
but the captain of the Arawa KAURI : Short for Kauri-
canoe kept nibbling his, hence hohore, a bald or smooth-
the name. barrelled kauri tree.
KATIPO: a small venomous KAUROA : kau: to swim;
spider. roa: long. To swim for a long
KAUAERANGA : no cross¬ time.
KAUANA : Maori form of RO: kauwae: jaw; whakatoro:
the name Cowan, who was an to stretch out. The Ngai-tahu
early settler in the Oreti River tribe, fighting against the
basin. Ngati-mamoe, sent out decoys
KAU-ARA-PAOA : kau: to at Hillend. Then they closed
swim; ara: path; Paoa (Paw a): round their victims like jaws
the route by which Pawa swam round food.
across the river. Pawa was
Kupe’s servant. He went up
the Whanganui River, and
Pawa swam to the other side to
get some korau (native turnip)
and was drowned. This was an
important place because here
Kupe heard voices. They were
the voices of the weka, kokako,
and tiwaiwaka. When he found
they were birds and not men,
this early explorer returned to
the mouth of the river.
swim; kapakapa: flapping. To
swim with much splashing.
There were wild ducks in the Kauri: New Zealand pine
KAWAKAWA: a native this place because of the enmity
tree. Kawakawa at East Gape of Rangihaeata.
is in full Te Kawakawa-mai- KENANA : Maori form of
tawhiti, and has come from Canaan.
Hawaiki. KENEPURU : sandy silt.
KAWARAU : kawa: shrub; KEREPEHI : clod of earth.
rau: many. Many shrubs. An old Maori said that it was
KAWATIRI : There are a clod of earth, “easy to hold”.
many explanations of the KERIKERI : to keep on
meaning of the Maori name of digging.
the Buller River, some of KETEKETERAU: kete-
which are lengthy. A noted kete: to click the tongue; rau:
authority believed that it many. Many clickings of the
should really have been Ko tongue. Tara, son of Whatonga,
A water e, The swift river. set out to avenge the killing of
KAWAU : shag. his dog. He landed at what was
KAWERAU : kawe: to then the outlet of the Ahuriri
carry; rau: many. Many car¬ lagoon, Napier, and jumped
riers. The district was first ashore. Then he remembered
settled by the Tini-o-Kawe- he had left his putatara (trum¬
rau tribe from Hawaiki, which pet) at Wairoa, and gave vent
took its name from a chief. to his surprise by many click¬
KAWHIA : In full, Ka- ings of his tongue.
awhia. The name was given by KETEMARAE: kete: kit;
Turi of the Aotea canoe when marae: courtyard. Basket on
he entered the harbour. An the marae. An old woman at
awhiawhi was a ceremony per¬ the pa on the site of Norman-
formed on entering a new land by had only one basket of food
to protect the explorers from to give to visitors. She put it on
evil influences. Each phrase of the marae.
the karakia (chant) that Turi KETETAHI : kete: basket;
used began with ka. tahi: one. One basket.
KAWITI : the Maori chief KIEKIE : a native vine.
who fought against the British KIHIKIHI : cicada. An
forces in the Bay of Islands. onomatopoeic name.
The name comes from a young kiko: body; whakarere: cast
Maori chief who had to flee to away. Bodies cast away. The
the contestants were naked was
fought here long ago.
kiri: a mass of rock; katata:
sharp points. A sharp-pointed
mass of rock. The Maori name
for Mount Cook.
KIRIKIRIROA: kirikiri:
gravel; roa: long. Long
stretches of gravel. The Maori
name for Hamilton.
Kete: basket KIRIKOPUNI : dark-
Maoris of Whangapoua sur¬ skinned eel.
prised those at Kikowhakarere, KIRIOHINEKAI : the skin
but were defeated. They had of Hinekai. It was a hot pool at
to leave so many behind who Rotorua which was useful in
were dead or wounded, that the cure of skin diseases.
the place received its name. KIRIPAKA : quartz, or
KILMOG : A whaler’s pro¬ flint.
nunciation of kirimoho: a KIRITAKI : to pull off the
species of manuka, or tea-tree. bark. There was a totara tree
It was used to make an infusion from which a great deal of
of tea. bark was taken.
KIMIAKAU : kimi: to look KIWI : flightless bird.
for; akau: coast. To look KIWITAHI : kiwi: bird;
for the coast. A band of ex¬ tahi: one. Single kiwi.
plorers followed the course of KIWITEA: kiwi: bird;
the Arrow River to see if they tea: white. White kiwi.
could find a way through to the KOHAI : a form of kowhai,
west coast. flowering tree.
KIMIHIA : to seek. KOHANGA : nest.
KINOHAKU: kino: bad, KOHEKOHE : a native
or ugly; haku: kingfish. tree.
KIOKIO : a native fern. KOHI : seasick. When the
KIORE : native rat. Mataatua canoe paddled to¬
KIOREROA: kiore: rat; wards the shore in the Bay of
roa: long. Long rat. Plenty, the ground-swell made
KIRIKAU : kiri: skin; kau: Wairaka, the daughter of
bare. Naked. A battle in which Toroa, sick.
point; marama: light. Light on
a headland.
KOHUA-ORA : cooked in
an earth oven while alive It
refers to an event of long ago
at Papatoetoe.
KOHUKETE : kohu: mist;
kete: basket. Mist in the form
of a basket. The chief Koha
took this form of mist as the
sign of an approaching enemy.
KOHUKOHU : moss, sea¬
weed, a plant, or a tree.
KOHUMARU: kohu: mist; Ko: digging implement
maru: sheltered. Sheltered
from the fog. from which red ochre was ob¬
KOHUNUI : kohu: mist; tained by burning.
nui: big. Big mist, or ground jCOMATA : end of a range
mist. of hills.
KOHURATAHI : kohura: KONGAHU: boulders.
to sprout; tahi: single. There are many boulders in
KOHUTAI : kohu: mist; this part of the Buller district.
tai: tide. Sea foam. KONINI : fruit of native
KOIRO : conger eel. fuchsia.
KOKAKO: native crow. KOPAKI : to wrap.
crow; riki: little, or few. Few kopi: gorge; o: of; kaitangata:
kokakos. man-eater. Cannibal gorge.
KOKIRI : to dash forward, Parties of Maoris travelled to
or charge. the west coast through this
KOKONGA : angle or gorge, their passage being
corner. The name probably marked by cannibal feasts. An
comes from the bend in the alternative name is Kapai-o-
river. kaitangata, Good feed of human
KOKOPU : small fresh¬ flesh.
water fish. KOPU : a deep hole in a
KOKORI : a small bay. river.
KOKOWAI : red earth, KOPUA : deep.
KOPUARAHI: kopua: deep When they woke they found
pool; rahi: large. Large deep that their canoes had drifted
hole. away on the tide. They shouted
KOPUARANGA: kopua: “Koputai!” (High tide!).
deep hole; ranga: shoal of fish. KOPUTAROA: koputa:
Fish in a deep pool. snare for catching parakeets;
KOPUAWHARA: kopua: roa: long. Long snare.
deep pool; whara: plant. Deep KOPUTAUAKI: to relax
pool with astelia growing round comfortably after a feast,
it. which was exactly what hap¬
KOPUKU: closely woven pened after a cannibal banquet.
cloak. KOPUTIRAHA: Lying
KOPURIKI: kopu: belly; back with the arms above the
riki: little. Little stomach. head. An attitude adopted by
KOPUREHEREHE: kopu: a chief at this place, which is
belly; reherehe: wrinkled. The now the business centre of
name refers to eels which had Nelson.
been fat, but had become KORAKONUI : korako:
shrunk and wrinkled. albino; nui: big. Big albino.
KOPURIKI : kopu: small
KORANUI: Short for Koro-
fish; riki: few. Hardly any fish.
koronui. Korokoro: throat;
KOPUTAI: high tide. Some
nui: big. Big throat. The valley
Maoris landed at Port Chalm¬
is long and narrow and may be
ers and went soundly to sleep.
said to resemble a throat.
KOREKE : quail.
KORERE : channel.
KORINITI : Maori form of
Corinth. A missionary settle¬
ment on the Whanganui River.
KORITO : unexpanded
leaves, or a variety of green¬
KOROKATA : Maori form
of Golgotha. Te Rauparaha
raided this place, just outside
Whanganui, and fourteen years
later the Rev. Richard Tayloi
Kopuku: cloak was so horrified by the number
of human bones to be seen tame owl. Maori name for Port
there that he called the place Levy.
Golgotha. KOURA : crayfish.
KOROKORO: throat. KOURARIKI : whale-feed.
KOROMIKO : native ver¬ Maori name for Cape Provid¬
onica. ence.
KORORAREKA: korora: KOUTU: promontory. A
blue penguin; reka: sweet, or descriptive name.
tasty. An old chief lay dying KOWAI : shortened form of
and expressed a wish for a pen¬ Kowhai, flowering tree.
guin. After much searching one KOWHAI : flowering tree.
was found. When it was cooked KOWHATU : stone.
he was too weak to eat it, but KUAOTUNA: kuao: young;
he drank some of the water in tuna: eel. Young of eels.
which it had been boiled, and KUIRAU: kui: old woman;
murmured, “Ka reka te rau: many. A picnic spot at
korora!” (How sweet is the Rotorua where the old women
penguin !) cooked the kai (food).
KORU : to fold, or folded. KUMAR A : sweet potato.
KO - TE - KETE - IKA - A - Kumara on the West Coast
TUTEKAWA: the fish basket however was named after a
of Tutekawa. A proverb which flower, either of the convolvu¬
applied to Lakes Forsyth and lus, or the bush-lawyer. It may
Ellesmere because they were so originally have been kohi-
full of fish. mara.
KOTEMAORI : Incorrect KUMEROA: kume: to
form of Te Moari, the giant pull; roa: long. A long pull.
swing. KUMEU : kume: to pull;
KOTINGA : boundary line. u: breast. Pulling the breasts.
KOTUKU : white heron. It This is probably an action sim¬
is an abbreviation of the Maori ilar to that performed by
name for Lake Brunner, Ko- Ruataupere of Ngati-Porou.
tuku-whakaoka. Whakaoka: to To incite a war party to avenge
stab. The reference is to the her cousin’s death, she bared
kotuku darting its long, sharp her bosom and pulled her
beak down to catch fish. An¬ breasts.
other name for Lake Brunner KUPENGA-A-KUPE : ku-
is Kotuku-moana. penga: net; a: of; Kupe: the
KOUKOU - PARATA : famous explorer. Kupe left a
net here at Jackson’s Head as calm; paw a: smoke. When Te
a sign of his having been there. Rauparaha raided the valley,
KURIPUNI : kuri: native the inhabitants saw him com¬
dog; puni: place of encamp¬ ing and set fire to their pa. Te
ment. Rauparaha saw the smoke ris¬
KURIWAO : kuri: dog; ing calmly in the air, and said,
wao: bush. Wild dog. “I see smoke!”
KUROW : Correctly Kohu- MAHANA : warm.
rau. Kohu: mist; rau: many. MAHARAHARA : to keep
Many fogs. The name prob¬ in remembrance another’s
ably came originally from one fault.
of the crew of the Arai-te-uru. MAHAU : shelter.
As Kahu-mata-mamoe went name was conferred by a
ashore at Lake Rotoiti, he Pakeha.
threw off his clothes. His grand¬ MAHEPUKU : a rounded
sons laughed and shouted, sinker. The Maori name for
“Ho! Ho! see, there go Pepin Island.
Kahu’s legs!” and so the place MAHIA : to sound, or re¬
was named. sound. The Mahia Peninsula
was named Te Mahia-mai-
M Tawhiti after a place in Tahiti.
MAHINAHINA: refers to
MAENENE: smooth. grey hair.
sibly this should be Maero-
whenua. maero: original in¬
habitants; whenua: land. Land
of the wild men, or strange
folk. An alternative meaning
and spelling could be Maru-
whenua; maru: shelter. The
name is applied to the rock
shelters with their unusual
Maori paintings near Dun-
MAERO : wild men.
MAHAKI : mild, or calm.
MAHAKIPAWA: mahaki: Mahau: porch
MAHINAPUA : Mahina: Maori word, but a corruption
proper name; pua: flower. of the Australian word for
Mahina’s flower. a rough camp or bivouac,
MAHITAHI : Properly brought over by the gold-
Maitahi. mai: garment; tahi: diggers.
one. Single garment. MAIRANGI : shortened
MAHOE: a native tree. form of Omairangi, the place
MAHOENUI: mahoe: tree; of Mairangi.
nui: big, or plenty of. Many MAIRE-KURA : maire:
mahoe trees. native tree; kura: red garment.
MAHOETAHI : mahoe: Red garment hanging on a
tree, tahi: single. Single mahoe maire tree. A chief dared his
tree. enemies to cross the Whanga-
MAHUNUI : the name of nui River by hanging his red
the canoe in which Maui came garment in a tree.
to New Zealand. This canoe MAIROA: mai: mussels out
was the South Island, Te of their shells; roa: many.
Waka-a-Maui, from which he MAITAI : The proper spell¬
fished up (discovered) Te Ika- ing is Maitahi, and refers to
a-Maui, the North Island. Also one particular matai or mai
Maahunui. (black pine) which grew on the
MAHURANGI : One of bank of the river.
the explanations of the name is MAKAHU : ma: white;
that the Tainui canoe called in kahu: hawk. White hawk.
here before the portage over MAKARA : head, or to
the Tarnaki Isthmus, and that come or go.
this place, later known as MAKARAKA : ma (short
Warkworth, was so-called after for manga) : stream; karaka:
the chieftainess who designed native tree. A place where
the Tainui canoe in Hawaiki. karaka trees grew by a stream.
MAHUTA : Named after MAKARAU : maka: to
the third Maori King, son of throw; rau: to catch in a net.
Tawhiao. MAKARETU: ma: stream;
MAI A : brave. karetu: sweet-scented grass.
MAIKI : the high place. Stream where the sweet-scented
The peak where the flagstaff grass grows.
stands at Russell. MAKAREWA : maka: fish¬
MAIMAI : The place of this hook; rewa: floating. Fish¬
name in Westland is not a hooks floating on the water.
After baiting hooks to catoh MAKINO : ma: stream;
eels, the local Maoris found kino: bad.
them floating on the surface of MAKIRIKIRI : ma:
the water after a storm. stream; kirikiri: gravelly. Grav¬
MAKARINI : named for elly stream.
Sir Donald McLean. MAKOHINE : ma: stream;
MAKARORA: maka (S.I. kohine: girl. Girls’ stream.
form of manga) : stream; rora: MAKOTUKU: ma: stream;
spread out. kotuku: white heron. Stream of
MAKARORE : maka: part the white heron. Alternatively,
of a bird snare; rore: to en¬ kotuku should be kotukutuku:
snare. fuchsia.
MAKATOTE : ma: stream; MAKOURA: ma: stream;
katote: tree-fern. Tree-ferns koura: fresh-water crayfish
growing by a stream. (“crawlies”). Crayfish stream.
MAKAURI : ma: stream; MAKOWHAI: ma: stream;
kauri: native tree. Kauris grow¬ kowhai: native tree. Kowhai
ing by a stream. stream. A name given by a
MAKA WHIG: ma: stream; Pakeha.
whio: blue duck. Stream of the MAKU : wet.
blue duck. MAKURI : ma: stream;
MAKERONIA : Maori kuri: dog. Dog creek.
form of Macedonia. The pa
was built at the time of the
Hauhau wars.
stream; kerikeri: rushing viol¬
ently. Turbulent stream.
MAKETU : named after a
place in Hawaiki.
MAKIEKIE: ma: stream;
kiekie: native flower plant.
Stream where the kiekie grows.
MAKIKIHI : ma: stream;
kikihi: cicada. Stream of the
cicadas. Or kikihi may refer to
the sound of the cicadas, in
which case the meaning is
Murmuring stream. Kowhai: native tree
MAMAKU : tree-fern. MANAWARU: anxious, ap¬
MANA: power. Mana prehensive, or enraptured.
Island near Wellington is, in MANAWA-TAHI : out of
full, Te Mana - o - Kupe - ki - breath. The name of the Three
Aotea-roa, the ability of Kupe Kings Islands. The chief Raura
to cross the ocean to Aotearoa. owned one of them and swam
It was Kupe’s daughter who across from the mainland,
suggested that the name should arriving exhausted on the shore
be given to the island. of the island.
MANAIA : a carved Maori MANAWATU: heart stand¬
figure with beak. Manaia in ing still with fear, or depressed
Taranaki was named after a spirit. Haunui was pursuing his
local Maori chief. Manaia, on wife, and when he came to the
the south side of Whangarei river he held his hand to his
Harbour was named after a heart and gave the name
chief who climbed the hill. Manawatu, which means Heart
When at the summit he quar¬ stood still, or similar meanings.
relled with his wife and kicked MANGA - A - TE - TIPUA :
her and his slave, and the whole manga: stream; a: of; te: the;
family were turned into stones tipua: demon. Goblin creek, a
by the gods. suitable name for the boiling
MANAKAU : mana: auth¬ stream at Ketetahi.
ority or prestige; kau: alone. MANGAHAO: Short for
Prestige alone. Te Rauparaha Manga-a-hao. manga: stream;
subdued the local inhabitants a: of; hao: netting. Stream
by means of his prestige with¬ where cockabullies are caught.
out having to resort to war. MANGAHARAKEKE: ma¬
MANAPOURI: Short for nga: stream; harakeke: flax.
manawa-popore. Manawa: Flax creek.
heart; popore: throbbing. Anx¬ MANGAHOE : manga:
ious heart, a name given by a stream; hoe: to paddle. Padd¬
traveller whose canoe who was ling in the stream.
threatened by a storm. The MANGAHUIA: manga:
true name of the lake is Motu- stream; huia: extinct bird.
rau, meaning Many islands. Huia stream.
MANAROA: mana: power; MANGAITI : manga:
roa: long. stream; iti: small. Little stream.
MANAWAORA : manawa: MANGAKAHIA : manga:
heart; ora: healthy. stream; kahia (or kohia) : pas-
D 49
sion vine. Passion vine stream. MANGAMATE: manga:
MANGAKAIWHIRIA: stream; mate: death. Stream of
manga: stream; kaiwhiria: death.
climbing plant. MAN GAM AUNU : manga:
MANGAKINO : manga: barracouta fish; maunu: bait.
stream; kino: bad. Useless Barracouta bait.
stream. MANGAMINGI : Probably
MANGAKURA : manga: Mangamingimingi in full.
stream; kura: red, or red ochre. manga: stream; mingimingi:
Red stream. shrub. Mingimingi stream.
MANGAMAHOE : manga: MANGAMUKA : manga:
stream; mahoe: whitewood stream; muka: shoot of nikau.
tree. Mahoe stream. Nikau palm stream.
MANGAMUTU : manga:
stream; mahu: gentle. Gently
stream; mutu: finished. Dead¬
flowing stream.
end stream.
MANGAM AIRE : manga:
stream; maire: tree (New Zea¬
nga: stream; ngarara: lizard.
land olive). Maire stream.
Lizard stream.
short for Mangamakomako. MANGANGUKAIOTA : I
manga: stream; makomako: will eat you raw. Said by one
wineberry tree. Wineberry chief to another if he dared to
stream. cross a line between them. The
chief did so, and was eaten
raw. Manga : scraps; ngu : eat
greedily; kai: food; ota: raw.
MANGANUI : manga:
stream; nui: big. Big stream.
manga: stream; nui: big; a: of;
te: the; ao: world. The great
stream of the land. It is famous
in legend, and has two other
names equally pretentious :
The powerful and famous
river of Rongomai, and The
river of ever-dancing waters
Nikau: New Zea^an(^ palm and steep, echoing cliffs.
MANGAOHAE: the stream stream; piko: bent. Crooked
of Hae. stream.
stream of Hutu. stream; piri: to hide, or native
MANGAONE : manga: burr. Hidden stream.
stream; one: beach. Sandy MANGAPOURI : manga:
stream. stream; pouri: dark. Dark
MANGAONOHO: manga: stream.
stream; o: of; Noho: proper MANGAPUAKA : manga:
name. Noho’s stream. stream; puaka: bird-snare.
MANGAOR ANGA: Correct Stream of the bird-snare.
name is Manga-o-Rongomai. MANGAPURUA : manga:
Manga: stream; o: of; stream; purua: abundant, or
Rongomai: a god. Stream of plenty. Stream of plenty.
Rongomai. MANGARAKAU : manga:
MANGAOTAKI : manga: stream; rakau: tree or timber.
stream; o: of; Taki: proper Stream by the trees.
name. Taki’s stream. MANGARAMARAMA:
MANGAOWERA : manga: manga: stream; ramarama:
stream; o: of; Wera: proper myrtle tree.
name. Wera’s stream. MANGARATA: manga:
MANGAPAI: manga: stream; rata: tree. Rata stream.
stream; pai: good. Stream of MANGARAWA: manga:
good water. stream; rawa: swamp. Swampy
MANGAPAKEHA: The stream.
correct name is. Mangapakia. MANGARENGARENGA :
manga: stream; pakia: to be manga: stream; rengarenga:
touched. renga-lily. Stream of lilies.
stream; pakihi: open grass manga: stream; re pore po: soft
country. Grassy stream. mud. Muddy creek.
MANGAPAPA : manga: MANGARIMU : manga:
stream; papa: flat country. stream; rimu: tree. Rimu
Stream through the flat. stream.
MANGAPEHI : manga: MANGAROA : manga:
stream; pehi: sticks for making stream; roa: long. Long stream.
fire, or trouble. Stream of MANGAROHUTU:
trouble. manga: stream; rohutu: myrtle.
MANGAPIKO : manga: Myrtle stream.
MANGARUA : manga: Buller district flows through is
stream; rua: two. Two streams. very broken.
manga: stream; tainoka: nat¬ stream; titi: mutton bird.
ive broom. Broom stream. Stream of the mutton birds.
stream; tangi: weeping. Babb¬ stream; toetoe: plume grass.
ling brook. Toetoe stream.
MANGATAPU: manga: MANGATOKI: Possibly a
stream; tapu: sacred. Forbid¬ contraction of Mangatitoki:
den stream. manga: stream; titoki: tree.
MANGATARATA: manga: Titoki stream.
stream; tarata: tree. Tarata MANGATU: ma: stream;
stream. ngatu: part of the raupo.
MANGATAWHIRI : Stream of the reeds.
manga: stream; tawhiri: tree. MANGAWAI : manga:
Stream where the tawhiri stream; wai: water.
grows. MANGAWARA : manga:
MANGATEA: manga: stream; war a: indistinct sound.
stream; tea: clear, or white. MANGAWEKA: manga:
Clear stream. stream; weka: wood-hen. Creek
MANGATERA: manga: of the wood-hens.
stream; te: the; ra: sun. Sunny MANGAWHAI : manga:
stream; tere: to flow. Flowing
manga: stream; teretere: swiftly
flowing. Swift flowing stream.
stream; tina: exhausted. The
first Maoris to reach the stream
were exhausted by the effort of
MANGATINI : manga:
stream; tini: many. Stream
with many branches. The
country this stream in the Weka: woodhen
stream; Whai: name of a chief. MANIATOTO : The name
Te Whai fled from the Nga- in full is Maniaototo. mania:
Puhi and settled on the head¬ plain; o: of; toto: blood. It
land where the rivers meet. was the scene of many bloody
The name means River of Te battles.
Whai. MANIATUTU : mania:
M ANGAWH ARARIKI: plain; tutu: tree. Plain where
manga: stream; wharariki: a the tutu grows.
kind of flax. Stream where the MANUHEREKIA : manu:
flax grows. bird; herekia: tied. The tied
M ANGAWH ARAWHARA: bird. A Maori scout tied a
manga: stream, wharawhara: wounded kaka there to mark
perching lily. Wharawhara the crossing place.
stream. MANUKA : tea-tree.
MANGAWHARE : manga: MANUKAU : manu: bird;
stream; whare: house. Stream kau: to wade. Wading birds.
by the house. The original name of the
MANGAWHATA : manga: Manukau Harbour was Manu¬
stream; whata: raised store¬ ka (tea-tree). It may have
house. Stream by the store¬ received this name when Kahu-
house. mata-momoe set up a manuka
MANGAWHERO : manga: post there as a rahui or sacred
stream; whero: red. Red mark. On the other hand, it is
stream. likely that the name is of even
MANGERE : lazy. When greater antiquity. There is an
Ihenga crossed the Waikato, he old proverb which says, Kei te
came to this place and rested tua o Manuka, te kite muri ki
while his young men prepared te kupenga - o - Taramainuku
food. They took so long that (When you pass out beyond the
he was angry, and named the Manuka waters, do not look
place Laziness. back until you reach, or pass,
MANGONUI: mango: the fishing net of Tara).
shark; nui: big. Large shark. MANUNUI : Properly
MANGOPARERUA: two Mananui. mana: prestige;
hammerhead sharks. nui: large. Great prestige. It
MANGOREI : mango: refers to the power and pres¬
shark; rei: tooth. Shark’s tooth. tige of the chief Paparangi.
MANGUNGU: closely knit, MANUPIRUA: two little
:>r woven. birds.
MANUREWA: manu: kite;
rewa: floating. Floating kite.
A kite once broke loose at One-
hunga and floated over
MANUTAHI : manu: bird;
tahi: single. Solitary bird.
MANUTITI : manu: bird;
titi: mutton-bird. The small
island in Dusky Sound was so
named because there was a
colony of birds there, and the
Maoris could always collect a
few in the autumn.
Marae: meeting ground
MANUTUKE: manu: bird;
tuke: elbow, or to twitch. MARAEKAKAHO: marae;
MANUWHAEA: manu: village assembly ground; kaka-
bird; whaea: split. The split ho: plumes of the toetoe. The
bird. courtyard surrounded by plume
MAORI: native to the grass.
country. When the word Maori MARAEKURA : marae:
enters into a name, as in Maori courtyard; kura: man of prow¬
Hill, Maori Greek, etc., it is ess. When Turi reached the
safe to say that it has been con¬ Kaupoko-nui River his en¬
ferred by a Pakeha. chanted cloak opened twice
MAPERE : to fly. and spread out, and he called
MAPIU : In full, Mapiupui. the place Maraekura.
ma: stream; piupiu: fern. MARAEROA: marae:
Ferny creek. courtyard; roa: long. Long
MAPOU : native tree. plaza.
MAPOURIKA : The word MARAETAI : marae: open
is unknown. It may possibly be space; tai: coast. Open space
a South Island form of Mapo- by the seashore.
uriki, q.v. MARAETUI : marae: open
MAPOURIKI : mapou: space; tui: sea. Flat area at the
tree; riki: little. The small head of the bay.
mapou trees. MARAEWEKA : marae:
MAPOU : bearing abund¬ courtyard; weka: woodhen.
ance of fruit. Weka on the marae.
MARAHAU: mar a: garden; Aotea canoe folded his girdle,
hau: wind. Windy garden. or where he went lame.
MARAKEKE: Probably MAROMAKU : maro:
Marakerake, bald. girdle; maku: wet. Wet kilt.
MARAMA : moon. MAROPIU : maro: kilt;
MARAMARUA : marama: piu: to swing. Kilt waving in
■month; rua: two. Two months. the breeze.
MARANGAI : east wind. MAROTIRI: maro: apron;
MARANUI : The name in tiri: to throw or place beside.
full should be Maraenui. marae: Placed beside the apron.
‘expanse; nui: big. Great ex¬ MARUA : valley.
panse. It refers to the expanse MARUAKOA: marua:
of ocean visible from Lyall valley; koa: glad. Happy
Bay. valley.
MARAROA : mara: cultiva¬ MARUIA : sheltered, like a
tion; roa: long. Long cultivated valley deep in the hills.
area. MATA: quartz, flint, or
MARARUA : mara: culti¬ face.
vation; rua: two. Two planta¬ MATAHARA : mata: sur¬
tions. face; hara: ugly. Ugly surface.
REHU : mara: cultivation; hiwi: ridge. The ridge above
whiu: to throw; pungarehu: the cliff.
ashes. The cultivation overcast MATAHORUA: mata:
with ashes. face, or eye; horua: sobbing.
MARERETU : mar ere: to Weeping.
let down; retu: part of a fish¬ MATAI : sea, or a native
ing net. To let down the net. tree.
The original name has been MATAIHUKA: black pine.
contracted. MATAINUI : matai: black
MAREWA : raised up, or pine; nui: big, or many. Plenty
soil. of black pine.
MARINO : calm, or peace¬ MATAIRANGI : an ob¬
ful. servation post on a hill, so
MARIRI : unripe fruit of named because of its com¬
the tawa tree. manding position on Tinakori
MAROKOPA: maro: kilt, Hill.
or stiff; ho pa: to fold, or lame. MATAITAKIARA: matai:
The place where Turi of the look-out point; takiara:
morning star. The look-out MATANGl: breeze.
point from which the morning MATANGIRAU: matangi:
star can be seen. breeze; ran: leaf. Wind among
MATAIWHETU: matai: the leaves.
to look at; whetu: star. To gaze MATANUKU : mata: cliff;
at the stars. nuku: to move or extend. Kahu-
MATAKANA: distrustful, mata-momoe came to a cliff
or wary. where there was a stone pro¬
MATAKANUI : mata: jecting from the face, and he
face; ka: blow, or scar; nui: named it for this reason.
big. The scarred face of a big MATAPEHI - O-TE-
cliff. RANGI: the first streak of
MATAKINOKINO: mata: dawn from the heavens. Maori
face; kinokino: ugly. Ill-fav¬ name for McLaren’s Peak,
oured face. Nelson.
MATAKITAKI: to gaze MAT API A : mata: head¬
at. The name was given to a land ; pia: to bathe with water.
number of places which Kupe Headland washed by the sea.
and others inspected when they MATAPOURI : gloomy, a
first came to New Zealand. black teal or a shellfish.
MATAKOHE: mata: head¬ MATAPU : to make clear
land; kohe (short for kohe- of tapu. There was a prolific
kohe) : a tree. Pinnacle of land miro tree at this place which
where kohekohe trees grow. attracted flocks of pigeons. An
MATAMATA: point, or old chief made it tapu or
extremity. The point of land sacred to himself so that all the
on which the pa (fortified vil¬ pigeons would be his. No doubt
lage) was built projected like a it became necessary to clear
tongue into the surrounding the tree of tapu at a later date
swamp. if others were to have a share
MATAMAU: stingy. Or of the pigeons.
mata: heap; man: products of MATARAE : a headland.
the soil. Heap of vegetables. MATARAU : a number of
MATANEHUNEHU: points, used in describing a
mata: headland; nehunehu: rocky shore.
spray. A headland drenched MATARAWA: mata:
with flying spray. In a stiff headland; rawa: numerous.
northerly the spray flies right Many headlands.
over the cliff. MATARIKI : the Pleiades,
or the north-east sea-breeze.
MATAROA : mata: head¬
land; roa: long. Long head¬
MATATA : dividing waters.
MATATAPU : mata: head¬
land; tapu: sacred. Sacred
MATATOKI : mata: flint;
toki: adze. Flint adze.
MATAU : fish-hook. At one
place given to a river which
has a bend resembling a fish¬
hook, to another where there is
a beach of the same shape.
Matau, the original name for
the Clutha River, was properly Matuku: bittern
Mata-au, a current or eddy in
an expanse of water.
MATAU IRA : Mata: point ing water. The swamp water
of land; uira: lightning, or which drains into the river is
gleaming. impregnated with oxide of
MATAURA : reddish, eddy- iron.
MATAURI: ma: stream;
tauri: ornament of feathers.
MATAWAI: fountain head,
or source of a spring.
MATAWHAURA: warfare.
face; whero: red. Red face.
MATIAHA : after Matiaha
Tira Morehu.
MATIERE : ma: stream;
tiere: scent. Scented stream.
MATIU : Somes Island in
Wellington Harbour was named
after Matiu, the daughter of
Matau: fish-hook MATUKITUKI: ma:
stream; tukituki: dashing. The mountain; hura: bare. Bald
dashing or pounding stream. mountain.
The Matukituki River was MAUNGAKARAMEA:
probably named after a chief. maunga: mountain; karamea:
MATUKU : bittern, or blue red ochre. There are many
heron. colours in the mountain, which
MAUKU: small ground is known to the Pakeha as
ferns. Rainbow Mountain.
mountain; atua: god. Moun¬ unga: mountain; kiekie: plant.
tain of the gods. The mountain where the kiekie
MAUNGAHARURU: grows abundantly. It is the
maunga: mountain; haruru: Maori name for One Tree Hill
rumbling. Rumbling mountain. in Auckland.
When the Takitimu canoe was MAUNGANAMU: ma¬
travelling down the east coast unga: mountain; namu: sand¬
on its way to search for green¬ fly. Sandfly mountain.
stone, a high inland range was MAUNGANUI : maunga:
seen. The tohunga (priest) mountain; nui: big. Large
took a piece of wood which mountain.
received life and flew to the top MAUNGAPOHATU : ma¬
of the range in the shape of a unga: mountain; pohatu: rock.
bird. The mountain gave forth Rocky mountain.
a rumbling sound. MAUNGARAKI: maunga:
MAUNGAHAUMI : mountain; raki: north. Moun¬
maunga: mountain; haumi: tains running in a northerly
piece of wood used to lengthen direction.
a canoe. When at Whakatane, MAUNGA TANIWHA:
Pawa the captain sent a party maunga: mountain; taniwha:
of men ashore to get a suitable monster. Taniwha mountain.
piece of timber for a topside Maori name for Mount Camel.
plank for the canoe, and they MAUNGATAPERE : ma¬
found it at this mountain. unga: mountain; tapere: place
M AUNG AHUK A: maunga: for meeting. Meeting place of
mountain; huka: snow. Snowy mountains.
mountain. This peak in the MAUNGATAPU: maunga:
Tararuas was usually snow- mountain; tapu: sacred or for¬
covered. bidden. Forbidden mountain.
maunga: mountain; tautari:
upright stick. Maungatautari
was the ancient name for Cam¬
MAUNGATI : maunga:
mountain; ti: cabbage-tree.
Cabbage-tree mountain.
MAUNGATIKI : maunga:
mountain; tiki: fungus. Moun¬
tain where the fungus grows.
MAUNGATUA : Properly
Maungaatua. maunga: moun¬
tain; atua: god or spirit.
Mountain of the spirits.
unga: mountain; tu: to stand; Mere: greenstone club
roto: lake. Mountain standing
in a lake. Several of the vol¬ stone club; toto: blood. Blood¬
canic peaks in North Auckland drinking club. It is the Maori
are surrounded by swamps, name for Ship Cove.
which were originally lagoons. MIHAMIHANUI : miha-
MAUNGAWERA: maunga: miha: to begin to grow; nui:
mountain; wera: hot, or burnt. large. A large patch of growing
Burnt mountain. vegetation.
unga: mountain; whau: native greet; waka: canoe. To greet
tree. Whau hill. the canoe. It is said that when
MA-WARO : ma: stream; the Mihiwaka tunnel was being
waro: charcoal. Charcoal constructed, a store was kept
stream. by Mrs. Walker. The Maori
MAWHERA : widespread labourers gave the Maori pro¬
river mouth. It refers to the nunciation to her name, and
broad mouth of the Grey River, Mrs. Walker became Mihiwaka.
and is the site of Greymouth. MIKI : a ridge of hills.
MAWHERAITI : little Named after a woman who was
Mawhera, a tributary of the carried away by the maeroero
Mawhera of Grey River. or wild men.
MEREMERE: evening star. MIKIMIKI : surprised ex¬
MERETOTO: mere: green- pression. It is said that the full
name is Mimikitanga - o - te - Insects flew so close to the
mata-o-Ngatuere. The Waira- water here that they seemed to
rapa was being invaded by a lick it.
force of Hauhaus and were MOA : large, extinct, flight¬
met unexpectedly by the chief less bird. Most places such as
Ngatuere Tawhirimatea Ta- Moa Flat, Moa Creek, Moa
whao, who had a surprised look Point, etc. have been so named
on his face when he saw them. because of the large number of
This is the meaning of the long moa bones found in the vici¬
name, The surprised look on nity.
the face of Ngatuere. MO AN A : ocean, or large
MIKO : young shoot of the lake.
nikau palm. MOANA-KOTUKU :
MIMI : stream, or creek. moana: large lake; kotuku:
MIMIHAU : passing white heron. Lake of the white
shower. heron. Maori name for Lake
MINA : to desire. Brunner where the kotuku
MINARAPA : mina: to de¬ would often be seen.
sire; rap a: to seek for. To look MOANA - NUI - A - KIWA :
for something earnestly desired. moana: ocean; nui: big; a: of;
The stream on Mount Egmont Kiwa: a god. The great ocean
was named after Minarapa of Kiwa. The Pacific Ocean.
who accompanied Bell and MOANATAIARI: moana:
Carrington when they climbed ocean; taiari: dashing. The
the mountain. stormy ocean.
native tree; whare: house; ra: POURI : moana: ocean; whe¬
The miro tree which shades nna: land; pouri: sad, or dark.
the house from the sun. The Sombre sound, the Maori name
name appears on early maps as for Edwardson Arm in Fiord¬
Merofafara, and is suggested land, notable because there was
that it was a Maori attempt to usually a cloud over it casting
pronounce Meadowbank, as a dark shadow.
there was gum-diggers’ settle¬ MOAWHANGO : moa:
ment of that name in the large extinct bird; whan go:
locality at Waipoua Forest. hoarse. Wheezy moa. Whan go
MITIMITI : shallow water. may be a corruption of whanga,
MITITAI: miti: to lap; tai: valley, thus giving Moa valley.
the coast. To lap the coast. MOEAWATEA: moe: to
sleep; awatea: daylight. Sleep¬ sleep; rangi: sky. Sleepy sky.
ing in the daytime. MOEREWA: moe: to sleep;
MOEHAU : moe: to sleep; rewa: floating like a bird ap¬
hau: wind. Windy sleeping parently asleep. To sleep on
place. The name in full is Moe- high.
hau-o-Tama-te-kapua. Tama- MOEROA : moe: to sleep;
te-kapua, captain of the Arawa roa: long. Long sleep, or rest¬
canoe was buried at Cape Col¬ ing, or sleeping place.
ville, and the name was given MOETAPU : moe: to sleep;
by his son Kahu-mata-momoe. tapu: sacred. Sacred sleep.
Hau probably refers to the life- MOETERE : moe: to sleep;
essence, and the name means tere: swift. Swift sleep. Named
The sleeping sacredness of after Moetere who died in a
Tama-te-kapua. It may also snowstorm here on the Hui-
mean The wind resting, or arau Range.
sleeping. MOHAKA : mo: used for;
MOENGAWAHINE: mo- haka: dance. Place used for a
enga: bed; wahine: woman. dance. The name was imported
Woman’s bed. from Hawaiki.
MOERA: moe: to sleep; ra: MOHAKATINO: mo:
the sun. Sleeping in the sun. used; haka: dance; tino: exact,
MOERAKI : moe: to sleep; precise. The river was named
raki (South Island form of because Turi of the Aotea canoe
rangi) : sky, or day. A place for departed in person (tino) after
sleep by day. having slept at Mokau.
MOERANGI : moe: to MOIOIO: the little blue
MOKAI : captive.
MOKAU: sleeping place.
Named by Turi because he
slept there.
MOKAUITI : little Mokau.
MOKIHINUI : mokihi:
raft of dry flax stalks; nui: big.
Large raft.
MOKO HINAU : moko:
lizard; hinau: native tree.
MOKOIA: tattooed. On
Haka: war dance Mokoia Island, Lake Rotorua,
a chief was fatally stabbed over is a long narrow lake which is
the eye in a closely tattooed always full, although it receives
place with a sharpened ko no big streams or rivers.
(digging implement), and the Monowai was as close as James
name is a pun : moko: tattoo; McKerrow, the Pakeha dis¬
ko: digging implement. On the coverer, could get to the Maori
other hand, Mokoia, which name.
was the original name for MORERE : a swing, or
Panmure, was Mokoika, named “giant stride”.
after the taniwha (water mon¬ MORORIMU: moro: wave;
ster) Mokoikahikuwaru, the rimu: bull kelp. Kelp floating
lizard with eight tails. on the waves. A Maori chief
MOMONA: good, fertile who raided the pa reported his
land. success by saying, “Nothing
MOMORANGI : momo: now moves at Waipapa but the
offspring; rangi: the sky. Off¬ kelp in the sea.”
spring of heaven. MOTATAU : Properly
MONOWAI : The proper Motautau, talking to oneself.
name is Manokiwai; mano: a In this place Ihenga was heard
fixed channel; ki: full; wai: talking to himself.
water. Channel full of water. It MOTITI : named after a
place in Hawaiki because there
was no firewood there. There
is a proverb which concerns the
Arawa canoe : Kei Motiti koe
e noho ana : I suppose you are
at Motiti, as you can find no
firewood. Lit. extirpated.
MOTU : island, or isolated
clump of trees.
MOTUARA : motu: island;
ara: path. Island in the path of
the canoe.
island; arohia: reconnoitred.
The island that was spied
MOTUEKA: In full, Motu-
Moko: tattooing weka. motu: clump of trees;
cveka: wood-hen. Wood-hens in MOTUKARAKA : motu:
a grove of trees. The name island; karaka: native tree.
originally came from Hawaiki, Island of the karaka trees.
where it may have a different MOTUKARARA : motu:
connotation. It is sometimes island; karara (South Island
said to mean The crippled form of ngarara) : lizard.
wood-hen—one which was kept Lizard island.
as a lure to capture wekas. MOTUKAUATIITI :
MOTUHORA : whale motu: grove of trees; kauati:
island. This is the name given rubbing sticks to make fire; iti:
to it by the Pakeha. In that little. Little fire-making tree
case it should be Motutohora. grove. This was Corsair Bay,
lit could also mean motu: and Motukauatirahi (rahi
clumps of trees; hora: scat¬ meaning large) was Cass Bay.
tered. Scattered patches of Both bays were noted for their
bush. groves of kaikomako trees, the
MOTUIHE : motu: island; timber of which is specially
Ihe: short for Ihenga. The suitable for fire-making.
island was named after his
nephew Ihenga by Kahu-mata-
See under Motukauatiiti.
island; kauri: native tree.
island; kanae: mullet. Mullet
Kauri island. The small island
in the Hokianga River was
covered with kauris.
island; kiekie: plant. This is
the Maori name for Stop
Island in Dusky Sound. It is
one of the few places in the
sound where the kiekie grows.
island; kina: sea-egg. The
island of sea-eggs.
island; kiore: rat. Rat island.
The island at the mouth of the
Karaka: New Zealand tree Motueka River was infested by
rats, and had to be abandoned MOTURAU: motu: island;
for cultivation purposes. rau: many, or a hundred. A
MOTUNAU : motu: island. hundred islands. The proper
nau: scurvy grass. The grass name for Lake Manapouri,
grew here until it was eaten off q.v.
by cattle. MOTUROA : motu: island;
MOTUNGARARA: motu: roa: long, or tall. Long island.
island; ngarara: lizard. Lizard There are many places with
island. this name. Moturoa is the
MOTUNUI: motu: island; largest of the islands in the Bay
nui: big. Big island. of Islands, whereas Muturoa in
MOTUPIKO: motu: clump Queen Charlotte Sound is
of trees; piko: winding, or small* and there probably
curved. Straggling clumps of means Tall island.
trees. MOTURUA: motu: island;
MOTUPIPI: motu: island; rua: two, or a pit. Two islands,
pipi: shellfish. Pipi island. Island with a pit.
MOTUPIU : motu: island; MOTUTAIKO : motu:
piu: to swing. Swinging island. island; taiko: mutton-bird.
This is Dog Island near Bluff. Mutton-bird island.
The story is that a southern MOTUTAPU : motu:
tribe found a huge piece of island; tapu: sacred, or for¬
greenstone in the sea. They bidden. Forbidden island.
drove it round to Bluff by fol¬ MOTUTARA : motu:
lowing it in three canoes. It island; tar a: gull. Gull island.
nearly eluded them several Motutara Island in Lake Roto¬
times and finally came to rest, rua is frequented by the tara-
where it remained as an island. punga} the little lake gull.
MOTUPOUA: motu: MOTUTAWA : motu:
island; poua: old man. Old island; tawa: native tree. Tawa
man island. An old chief was island.
buried on the summit of the MOTU-TAWAKI: motu:
hill. island; tawaki: big, or crested
MOTURATA : motu: penguin. Penguin island. Maori
island; rata: native tree. Rata name for Passage Island.
island. Whale Island at Taieri MOTUTERE : motu:
Mouth and other places of this island; tere: floating. Floating
name were often bright with island. The name is found in
the scarlet blossoms of the rata. several places; among others it
is the Maori name for Castle wai: water. Backwater or the
Rock at Coromandel, which junction of streams.
looks like an island floating in MURIWHENUA : muri:
the sky when it is surrounded end; whenua: land. End of the
by mist. land. Land’s end. Maori name
MOTUTIEKE: motu: for North Cape.
island; tieke: saddleback bird. MURUPARA : muru: to
Saddleback island. wipe off; para: mud. To wipe
MOUREA : remnant. A off the mud.
name which comes from the
Society Group. N
MOUTAPU : mou: fixed;
tapu: sacred. On this island in NAENAE : sandfly.
the Grey River the Maoris NAMU : sandfly.
placed the bones of their dead NAUMAI : Come!
in the branches of kahikatea, NEHUTAI : sea-spray.
thus making them tapu. NGAERE : swamp.
MOUTERE : island. NGAHAPE : nga: the;
MOUTUA : In full Motu- ha tie: hunchback, or cripple.
toa. motu: island; toa: warrior. The cripples.
An island where warriors NGAHERE : the forest.
fought. • NGAHINEPOURI : nga:
muri: breeze; aroha: affection;
o: of; Kahu: Kahu-mata-mo-
moe. Kahu-mata-momoe came
to a dividing of the river
Waihou and rested. As he felt
the soft breeze, words of affec¬
tion came to his lips.
MURIHIKU : muri: end;
hiku: tail. End of the tail. So
named because it is the south¬
ern end of the South Island.
MURITAI : muri: breeze;
tai: tide. Sea-breeze.
MURIWAI : muri: end; Nga hine: the women
E 65
the; hine: women; pouri: sad. NGAPAENGA: nga: the;
The sorrowing women. paenga: boundaries.
NGAIO : a native tree. NGA PAKIHI - WHAKA -
tree; nui: big. The big ngaio. nga: the; pakihi: open plains;
NGA-KARIKARI-A- whakatekateka: to strut; a: of;
RAKAIHAUTU : nga: the; Waitaha: South Island tribe.
karikari: excavations; a: of; The plain where the Waitaha
Rakaihautu: South Island people gave vent to their joyful
giant. The diggings of Raka¬ feeling in playful exuberance.
ihautu. The great series of cold This was the old name for the
lakes in the South Island which Canterbury Plains when they
were supposed to have been were first discovered.
dug by Rakaihautu. NGAPARA: The name
NGAKAWAU : the shags. should really be Ngatepara.
NGA - KURI - HINE - POU - nga: the; tepara: tables. It is a
POU : nga: the; kuri: dog; Pakeha invention, the equiva¬
hine: girl; poupou: plunged in. lent of table-lands.
The dogs of the girl who
NGAPOHATU: nga: the;
plunged in.
pohatu: rocks. The rocks.
NGAKUTA: edible seaweed
which was found at these bays.
INUKU : the floats of the net
MAAHU : nga: the; makawe:
of Taramainuku. These are the
hair; o: of; Maahu: a chief
islands of the Hauraki Gulf.
who engaged the rainbow god
See Te Kupenga-a-Tarama-
in conflict. The hairs of Maahu.
They are represented by the
flax which grows on the cliff. NGAPUHI: nga: the; puhi:
NGAMATAPOURI : nga: plumes. The decorative plumes
the; matapouri: black teal. at the bow of a war canoe. Also
NGAMOANA: nga: the; the name of the North Auck¬
moana: pit-covers. land tribe.
NGAMOKO: nga: the; NGAPUKE : nga: the;
moko: lizards. puke: hills.
NGAMOTU: nga: the; NGAPUNA : nga: the;
motu: islands. puna: springs.
NGAONE : nga: the; one: NGAROMA: nga: the;
sands. roma: currents.
NGAROTO : nga: the; NGAURANGA: nga: the;
roto: lakes. uranga: people who came by
NGARUAWAHIA : nga: canoe.
the; rua: pits; wahia: broken NGAURUHOE : the name
into. The plundered kumara of a slave girl (Auruhoe) who
pits. The local tribe was enter¬ was thrown into the crater to
taining a large party of visitors, appease the gods. There are
and the store-pits of kumaras two literal translations. That
(sweet potatoes) had to be Ngatoro-i-rangi threw his
broken into to provide suffi¬ grandson Hoe into the crater.
cient food. The plumes of smoke represent
NGATARI : nga: the; taki: his hair, nga: the; uru: hairs;
flocks of whiteheads (birds). Hoe: Ngatoro’s grandson. The
NGATAMIRO: ngata: dry; hairs of Hoe. The other is
miro: tree. Dry miro tree. nga: the; uru: the act of
NGATAPA: nga: the; tapa: arranging hot stones in a hangi
edges. (oven); hoe: to toss out. When
NGATIMOTI : belonging the mountain is in eruption it
to Timothy. A Maori carved tosses out the hot stones.
his name on a tree. The words NGAURUKEHU: nga: the;
were na Timoti, which means urukehu: fair-haired people.
Belonging to Timothy, and The place of this name in Nel¬
were changed to Ngatimoti be¬ son was The red hairs, because
cause it looked more like a a chief likened the prolific
Maori word. growth of the flax to his own
NGATIRA : nga: the; tira: red hair.
parties of travellers. NGAWAKA : nga: the;
NGA TUAHU : nga: the; waka: canoes.
tuahu: sacred places. NGAWAPURUA: nga:
NGA TUTU-MAHANGA- the; awa: waters; purua:
A-KAU-KOHEA : the twin blocked up. The blocked up
tutu heads of Kau-kohea. waters. An alternative, Nga-
When crossing the summit of a waipurua meaning The meet¬
hill, a chief killed a hawk that ing of the waters, has been
was flying over with a sweep of suggested.
his club. Not to be outdone the NGA WAR I : soft.
other, Kau-kohea, made a slash NGAWARO: nga: the;
at two tutu bushes growing waro: burning coals.
there, and gave the name. NGAWHA : boiling springs.
Then he was afraid and ran
away, but gave the name to the
river and mountain.
NGUNGURU : to sigh or to
NGUTUNUI : ngutu: lip;
nui: big. Big lip.
lip ; wera: burnt. Burnt lips.
thorn; manga: stream. Thorny
NIHONIHO : young shoots
or buds.
NIHOTUPU : niho: tooth;
Ngawha: hot springs tupu: broken. Decayed or
broken teeth.
nga: the; whakapakoko: carved NOKOMAI: a corruption
posts or palisades.. of Nukumai. Move this way
NGA WHATU: nga: the; towards the person speaking.
whatu: eyes. When the Maoris NUHAKA: a place-name
passed these rocks in Cook which comes from Hawaiki.
Strait, they veiled the eyes of There is no Maori equivalent.
those who were passing them NUKUHOU: nuku: to
for the first time, as otherwise move; hou: feather. Moving
the voyagers would meet with feather.
disaster. Another version is that NUKUNUKU: to move
Kupe placed the eye-balls of away.
the octopus he killed on The NUKUROA : far-stretching
Brothers, which thus became a land. An old name for the
tapu or sacred place. North Island.
NGAWI : native grass.
to drink; taha: calabash. To
drink from a calabash. Ihenga OAKURA : the place of the
ascended this mountain and flashing of the redness. Turi of
met a fairy woman who gave the Aotea canoe had a red
him a drink from her calabash. cloak which when spread out
at this place was a symbol of who was drowned in a whirl¬
his mana (prestige). pool.
OAMARU : the place of the OHAUPO : the place of
god Maru. Haupo. Or, o: the place of;
OAMURU: the place of hau: wind; po: night. The
the flesh left to dry. The flesh place of night winds.
of conquered warriors was OHAWE : o: the place of;
brought here to be preserved. hawe: bend in a river or road.
OAONUI : o: the place of; OH IA : to approve, or to
ao: cloud; nui: big. The place think on the spur of the mom¬
of a large cloud. ent.
OARO: o: the place of; OHIKANUI : to perform
aro: bog. A boggy place. rites with incantations. Two
bands of warriors separated
OEO : o: the place of; eo:
here, and one party was pro¬
louse. The place of lice.
vided with food. The incanta¬
OHAEAWAI : the place of
tions were chanted to secure
thermal water.
their return.
OHAI : o: the place of;
OHINEHOE : the place of
hai: stone used in a game.
Hinehoe. Literally, the place
OH AREA : oha: to repeat of an unpleasant girl.
incantations over; kea: a lie; OHINEKOPIRI : o: the
or false. Imperfect incantations. place of; hine: girl; kopiri:
OHAKUNE: o: the place The place of a young girl. Her
of; hakune: to be careful. A name Punohu. She was
place to be careful in. Hakune assaulted, and her- father died
is probably a personal name. in her defence. Her body was
OHARIU : The correct hidden in a kumara pit, but
name is Owhariu. It means was revealed by the presence of
The place where Kupe turned hawks, and she was avenged.
aside to dry the sails of his OHINEMUTU : o: the
canoe. place of; hine: girl; mutu: cut
OHAU : The place of Hau, off. The place of the young
a noted traveller or name- woman who was killed. Hine-
giver. His full name was te-kakara (the fragrant maid)
Haunui-a-Nania. Elsewhere the was the daughter of Ihenga.
name means Windy place. After her death she was thrown
Ohau Stream in Rotorua was into a boiling mud pool. To
the place of Ihenga’s dog, Hau, punish the murderers, Ihenga
set up a memorial stone and OHOUKAKA : o: the place
called it Ohinemutu. of; hou-kaka: parrot feather.
OHINEPANEA : the place The place of the parrot’s
of Hinepanea. feather. Ihenga took a feather
OHINERAU : the place of from his hair and stuck it in
Hinerau. She was a female the ground, and it became a
goddess of whirlwinds. taniwha (monster).
OHINEREHIA: the place OHURA: the place of
of Hinerehia, who was a legen¬ Hura. Literally, o: the place
dary mermaid. of; hura: to uncover.
OHINETAHI : the place of OIHI : o: the place of; ihi:
one daughter (daughter of power, or authority.
Manuwhiri). OIO : o: the place of; io: a
OHINEWAI : the place of spur.
Hinewai. Literally, The place OKA: o: the place of; ka:
of the water girl. to burn. The place of burning
OHINGAHAPE : the place or cooking. This was Shelly
of the crooked foot. Named by Beach, Auckland. Great catches
Tiri after the crooked foot of of fish were made in the Waite-
Tua-nui-a-te-ra. mata and the people camped
OHINGAITI : the place of on the beach and kept the
Hingaiti. Literally o: of; hinga: cooking fires going.
childhood; iti: small, or un¬ OKAHAU : oka: knife;
important. hau: famous. Famous knife.
OHIRO: o: the place of; OKAHUKURA: o: the
hiro: dark, or stormy. A stormy place of; kahu: garment; kura:
place. The correct spelling is red. The place of the red gar¬
Owhiro, and it may commem¬ ment. Kahukura was the god
orate Whiro, the explorer. of the rainbow.
OHIWA : o: the place of; OKAIAWA: o: the place
hiwa: watchful, or alert. The of; kai: food; awa: river. The
place of watching. place of food by the river, or in
OHOKA : o: the place of; the valley.
hoka: stake to which a decoy OKAIHAU : o: the place
parrot is tied. of; kaihau: vagabond (literally,
OHOTU : the place of one who eats wind).
Hotu. Literally, o: the place OKARAHIA : the place of
of; hotu: the fifteenth night of calling in vain. Some fugitives
the moon. were surprised and killed here.
OKARAMIO : Correctly, The famous warrior Te Rangi-
Okuramio, the place of the whakaputa captured the local¬
plume of the miromiro (tom¬ ity of Lyttelton from the
tit). Ngati-Mamoe and kept the
OKAREKA : o: food for a heads of the slain in baskets.
journey; kareka: sweet. Tasty OKIATO : o: the place of;
food for travellers. kiato: a receptacle for holding
OKARITO : o: the place sacred objects.
of; karito: bulrush. A place OKIORE : o: the place of;
where bulrushes grow plenti¬ kiore: rat.
fully. OKIWI : o: the place of;
OKATAINA : o: the place kiwi: flightless bird. The place
of; kataina: laughter. The of the kiwi.
place of laughing. The full OKOKE : o: the place of;
name is Te Moana-i-kataina- koke: moving forwards.
e-Te-Rangitakaroro, The ocean OKOKI : the place of the
laughed at by Te Rangitaka- Koki canoe, which belonged to
roro. It has been suggested early inhabitants of New Zea¬
humorously that Rangitaka- land; koki: small canoe.
roro may well have laughed at OKONGA : o: the place of;
the thought of the tiny lake konga: running waters.
Okataina being described as an OKOROIRE : o: the place
ocean. of; koroire: an extinct duck
OKATO: the place of Kato. which once was plentiful here.
Literally, The place of the OKOWHIU: oko: wooden
tidal wave, or the full-flowing bowl; whiu: to throw, or place.
OKAU : o: the place of;
kau: swimming or wading. The
swimming place.
OKAUIA : the place of
Kauia. Literally, The place of
articles threaded on a stick.
OKERE: o: the place of;
kere: to drift, or float.
place of; kete: basket; upoko:
head. The place where baskets
full of human heads were kept. Kiwi: flightless bird
To place a wooden bowl. An OMAIO : o: the place of;
Arai-te-uru name. maio: calm. A calm spot.
OKU I : o: the place of; OMAKA : o: the place of;
kui: an underground insect. maka (South Island form of
This is a very old name, be¬ manga) : stream.
cause Kui was supposed to be OMAKAU: belonging to
one of the first people to live husband and wife, i.e. the
in New Zealand. He was an baby. There are three rocks
immediate descendant of Tu- here, the father, mother, and
putupuwhenua, who was left the smallest, Omakau.
in New Zealand by Maui. OMAMARI : the place of
OKUKU : o: the place of; the Mamari canoe. This fam¬
kuku: shining cuckoo. The ous canoe, which came from
Pakeha called the place Cuckoo Hawaiki, was wrecked at
Hills and this was changed to Maunganui Bluff, and is petri¬
“Maori” form, Okuku. Kuku is fied as a group of rocks.
not the wood-pigeon, therefore, OMANAIA: o: the place
but the shining cuckoo. of; manaia: carved figure with
OKUPE : o: the place of; beak.
Kupe: the famous explorer. OMANAWA : o: the place
OKUPU : o: the place of; of; manawa: mangrove.
kupu: message. OMANU : o: the place of;
OKURI : o: the place of; manu: birds.
kuri: dog. OMAPERE: o: the place
OKURU : o: the place of; of; mapere: a species of toetoe
kuru: weary. The place of (plume grass).
weariness. OMARAMA : the place of
OMAHANUI : o: the place Marama. Literally, o: the place
of; maha: pleasure; nui: great. of; marama: moon, or light.
The place of happiness. OMATA: o: the place of;
OMAHU: the place of mata: quartz.
Mahu. Literally, The place of OMAUI : o: the place of;
healing. Maui: the great explorer.
OMAHURI : o: the place OMIHI : o: the place of;
of; mahuri: young trees. mihi: lamentations. The place
OMAHUTA: o: the place of this name in Canterbury
of; mahuta: to rise. The place was originally Omimi.
of rising, or landing from a OMIMI : o: the place of;
canoe. mimi: a stream.
OMOANA : o: the place of; rahi: extensive. Long, sandy
moana: the ocean. beach.
OMOKOROA: the place ONEROA: one: beach; roa:
of Mokoroa. Literally, o: the long. Long beach.
place of; mokoroa: a large ONETAHUA: one: sand;
white grub. tahua: heaped up. The name
ONAEROA: o: the place for Farewell Spit, and the sand
of; naeroa: mosquito. dunes.
ONAMALUTU: Obviously ONETAHUTI : one: sand;
an incorrect spelling. It is tahuti: to run along. Running
probably Onamahutu, the along the beach.
place of a cave, and it has been ONETANGI : one: sand;
suggested that as the entrance tangi: sounding. The sounding
to the valley is narrow, it has sands.
something of the appearance ONETAPU : one: sand;
of a cave. tapu: sacred. Sacred sand.
ON A WE : the place set on ONETEA : one: sand; tea:
fire. Te Rauparaha set fire to white. White sand.
this village on the Onawe ONEWHERO : one: beach;
Peninsula in Akaroa Harbour. whero: red. Red beach.
ONGAONGA : nettle.
ONEHUNGA : o: the place
ONGAROTO : o: the place
of; nehunga: burial. There
of; nga: the; roto: lakes. The
were burial places on the shore.
place of the lakes.
ONEKAKA : one: sand;
ONGARUE : o: the place
kaka: hot. A descriptive name.
of; ngarue: shaking, as in an
beach; kakara: cockle shell, or
ON I AO : o: the place of;
smelly. Either Cockle shell
niao: gunwale of a canoe.
beach, or Smelly beach. As the
ONOKE : o: the place of;
beach at Waikouaiti was part
noke: earthworm.
of a whaling station, it would
OPAHEKE : o: the place
certainly have had an evil smell.
of; paheke: slip. The place
ONEPOTO : one: beach; where the slip occurred.
poto: short. Short, sandy beach. OPAKI : o: the place of;
ONEPU : one: sand; pu: paki: fine weather.
loose. Loose sand. OPAPA : o: the place of;
ONEPUA : foam of the sea. papa: flat land.
ONER AH I : one: beach; OPARA : o: the place of;
para: mud. Muddy place. pa (village). This is the mean¬
OPARAE : o: the place of; ing of the name of Christchurch
parae: open country. Opawa. The Opawa River in
OPARAPARA : o: the place Marlborough is said to be
of; parapara: scum on the Opaoa, smoky river, because
beach. the brown swamp water which
OPARARA: o: the place of; poured into it gave it this
parara: to lie open towards. appearance.
The shallow bay faces the OPEPE : o: the place of;
Tasman Sea. pepe: moth.
OPARAU : o: the place of; OPIHI : o: the place of;
pa: fortified village; raw: many. pihi: springing up, referring to
The place of many fortified plants. The place of good
villages. growth.
OPATU: o: the place of; OPOHO : the place of Po¬
patu: to strike. The place of lio. Literally, o: the place of;
striking. poho: chest, or stomach.
OPAWA : The correct form OPONAE : o: the place of;
of the name is Opaawaho, the ponae: a small basket.
place of the outer or seaward OPONONI : the place of
OPOTIKI : the place of
Potiki. He was Potiki-mai-
Tawhiti, Potiki from Tahiti.
Literally, The place of children.
OPOURI : o: the place of;
pouri: sadness.
OPOUTAMA: the place
of Poutama. Literally, o: the
place of; poutama: pattern on
the reed walls of a house.
OPOUTERE : o: the place
of; pou: post; tere: to float.
The place of the floating post.
OPUA : the place of Pua.
Literally, o: the place of; pua:
OPUATIA : o: the place of;
Pa: fortified village pua: flowers; tia: to stick in.
ORANA: Correctly Oranga:
ORANOA : escaping with
ORAPIU : ora: alive, or
escaped; piu: to throw.
ORARI : the place of Rari.
Literally, o: the place of; rari:
a fish.
ORATIA : o: the place of;
ra: sun; tia: persistency. The
place of the long-lingering sun.
ORAWAITE: When Reuben
Waite, the first store-keeper on
the West Coast, arrived with
Poutama: reed pattern supplies for the gold-diggers,
the Maoris called joyfully, “Ora,
The place of adorning with Waite !” This may be a contrac¬
flowers. tion of “Kia ora, Waite !” Wel¬
OPUNAKE: the place of come Waite. See also Orowaiti.
Punake. Literally, o: the place OREPUKI : favourable
of; punake: bow of a canoe. weather; or, aropi ki: a cliff
OPURA : o: the place of; washed by high tides. A party
pur a: dust in the eye. The of Maoris was once drowned
place where Tamatea got dust there when trying to pass at
in his eye. high tide.
OPURERE : the place of ORERE : o: the place of;
flying mist. rere: the waterfall, or low tide.
ORAKAU : o: the place of; ORETI : o: the place of;
rakau: trees. reti: a snare.
ORAKEI : o: the place of; OREWA : o: the place of;
rakei: adorning. rewa: the rewa shrub.
ORAKEI - KORAKO : o: ORIKAKA : on: to wave
the place of; rakei: adorning; to and fro; kaka: native parrot.
korako: white sinter. This To wave to attract the kaka.
beautiful hot pool with its One method of snaring the
glowing colours was used as a kaka was to wave a piece of
place where chiefs attended to coloured fabric to attract the
their toilet. attention of the inquisitive
bird, which was then easily concealment. It may also be a
caught. The Orikaka River Maori form of Europe.
was a noted place for birds. OROROA : o: the place of;
ORIKARORO: ori: bad roroa: a shellfish.
weather; karoro: seagull. Where OROTORE: o: the place
seagulls congregate in bad of; roto: inside; re (short for
weather. repo) : swamp. The swamp
ORINGI: the place of dwellers. This was an almost
Ringi (Rangi). The inhabit¬ humorous term applied to the
ants of a besieged pa included Maoris who lived along the
a beautiful young woman who banks of the River Avon in
was admired by Takarangi Christchurch. Although they
of another tribe. When he lived in a swampy region they
heard that the defenders were were well provided with eels
short of water he walked and ducks.
boldly to the palisades with a OROTOREPO: See Oro-
calabash of water for the tore.
young woman. This ultimately OROWAITI: see Ora-
brought peace, and joy to the waite. The Maoris, when refer¬
lovers. At the spring there was ring to Reuben Waite, may
once a sign which read, “Kote have called him Oro Waite :
Puna Oringi” (being the spring old Waite. Another explana¬
of Ringi). tion is that the name may
Other places of this name originally have been Ora-iti:
probably mean o: the place of; escaping with difficulty.
ringi: to pour out. The place of ORUA: o: the place of;
pouring out. Orini has the rua: a pit.
same meaning. ORUAITI : o: the place of;
ORINI : See Oringi. rua: pit; iti: little. The place
ORONGO : o: the place of; of the little pit.
rongo: round bay. ORUAIWI: o: the place of;
ORONGORONGO: Cor¬ rua: two, or pit; iwi: bone. The
rectly Te Wai-o-Rongorongo : place of two bones, or The
te: the; wai: water, or stream; place of the pit containing
o: of; Rongorongo: the name bones.
of a woman. The stream of ORUANUI : o: the place
Rongorongo. of; rua: pit; nui: big. The
OROPI : o: the place of; place of the large pit.
ropi: to cover up. The place of ORUAWAIRUA: o: the
OTAHEIITI : the place of
the little calabash.
OTAHU : o: the place of;
tahu: signal fire. The local
Maoris used to light fires on
the peak to warn their neigh¬
bours of the approach of
raiding parties.
OTAHUHU : ota: un¬
cooked; huhu: grub. Eating of
the huhu grub in an uncooked
state. This was done by Wai¬
kato Maoris who, on dragging
their canoes across the portage,
discovered several rotten tree
Ruru: more pork trunks full of huhu grubs.
OTAHUTI: ota: uncooked;
place of; rua: two; wairua: huti: to pull out of ground.
soul, or spirit. The place of the OTAIKA : o: the place of;
tv^o spirits. taika: to lie in a heap; or ota:
ORURU : o: the place of; to eat raw; ika: fish.
ruru: morepork. OTAKARO : o: the place
ORURUTUMARO: the of; takaro: games or sports.
immovable owl, the legendary The place of the sport. The
name of a guardian of cultiva¬ original name of the Avon
tions. River, and the site of Hagley
OTAGO: Correctly Ota- Park.
kou; o: the place of; takou: OTAKI : o: the place of;
red earth, or red ochre. The taki: to stick in. The place
Otago Peninsula abounded in where the staff was stuck in
yellow earth which yielded red the ground by Hau, who was
ochre when burnt. The south¬ pursuing his wife.
ern pronunciation of “k” ap¬ OTAKIRI : o: the place of;
proaches “g” in sound, and was takiri: loosening, or making
pronounced Otago by the free of tapu.
whalers. The name was ex¬ OTAKU : o: the place of;
tended from the Kaik near taku: slow and deliberate, or
Taiaroa Head to the harbour, firm and solid.
and finally to the province. OTAKUWAO: the place
where a bird was seen flying OTANGIHAKU: o: the
past a belt of trees. place of; tangi: to cry or lam¬
OTAMAHUA : o: the place ent; haku: to murmur.
of; tama (short for tamariki): OTANGIWAI: 0: the place
children; hua: eggs. The place of; tangi: to sound, or weep;
where children ate seagulls’ wai: water. The place of sound¬
eggs. This was the Maori name ing or weeping waters.
for Quail Island, where the
OTAR A: o: the place of;
gulls’ eggs were a delicacy
tar a: mountain peak, or spear.
much esteemed by children as
well as adults. OTARAIA: the place of
OTAMANGO: ota: un¬ Taraia, a Waitaha chief.
cooked; mango: shark. OTARI: o: the place of;
OTAMARAKAU: o: the tari: snare. The place of bird
place of; tamarakau: warriors, snares. Wilton and Mount
or the young men who carry Tinakori were noted places for
weapons. birds.
OTAMARAU : o: the place OTATARA: o: the place
of; Tamar au: a legendary of; tatara: to untie or loosen.
spirit who comes in whirlwinds. Or ota: unripe; tar a: point.
OTAMATAPIO : ota: un¬ Green point has been suggested
cooked; mata: a plant; pio: as the meaning, but is unlikely.
OTAUA : o: the place of;
OTANAMOMO: Correctly,
taua: war-party.
Otanemoamoa. o: the place of;
tane: man; moamoa: spherical OTAUTAHI: o: the place
of; Tautahi: short for a per¬
OTANE : the moon on the sonal name, Te Potiki-tautahi.
27th day, or, The place of man. A name for the River Avon.
OTANENUI : o: the place OTAUTAU: the place of
of; tane: man; nui: big. The Tautau. Literally, o: the place
place of the big man. of; tautau: greenstone ear-
OTANEURU : o: the place pendant with curved lower
of; tane: man; uru: to gather end.
berries. The place where the OTAUTU: ota: raw; utu:
man gathered berries. revenge. Raw revenge. After a
OTANGAROA: o: the battle fought to avenge a
place of; Tan gar oa: god of the wrong, the victors ate the
sea. bodies of the vanquished raw.
OTAWA : o: the place of;
tawa: native tree. The place of
tawa trees.
OTEKAIEKE : o: of;
te: the; kaieke: going around.
OTEKURA : o: the place
of; te: the; kura: red feather.
The place of the red feather.
OTEMATATA: the place
of good quartz or flint.
OTEPOPO: the place of
Te Popo. Literally, the place
of the decay.
OTEPOTI : o: the place of;
te: the; poti: corner, angle.
The place situated at a corner. Toroa: albatross
The name of a village near the
present Exchange, Dunedin. OTIRIA : o: the place of;
OTETI : o: the place of; tiria: to be planted.
te: the; ti: cabbage tree. The OTITAHA: o: the place of>
place of the cabbage-tree. titaha: the axe.
OTEUKU : o: the place of; OTOKIA: the place of
te: the; uku: white clay. Tokia. Literally, o: the place
OTEWA : o: the place of; of; tokia: to be wet.
te: the; wa: open country. OTOKO : o: the place of;
OTIAKE : Properly Otiaki. toko: a stick.
o: the place of; tiaki: to watch OTONGA : o: the place of;
for. The place of watching. tonga: the south.
OTIKI : the place of the OTOROA : the place of
tiki (image) of Marokura. Toroa.
OTIPUA : o: the place of; OTOROHANGA: o: food
tipua: goblin. for a journey; torohanga: to
OTIRA: o: the place of; cause to extend over a distance.
tira: a company of travellers. Food eked out. A chief who
There was an old camping was going to Taupo carried
place on the Otira River where only a small quantity of food
food was prepared for the which he made last out the
journey over the ranges by the journey by means of magic
Hurunui Pass. spells.
OTOTARA: o: the place of; wai: water; roa: long. The
of; totara: tree. place of the long river, the old
OTUHI : o: the place of; name for Howick.
tuhi: smell of decaying fish. OWAKA : o: the place of;
OTUKOROITI : Correctly waka: canoe, or trough.
Okoroiti, the moon on the fifth OWANANGA : the place of
day of the month. A fight that the historical recitals.
took place here began at sun¬ OWE : o: the place of; Wi
rise on the fifth day and ended or We who came to the South
only when the moon rose. Island with Maui.
OTUMAHANA : The place OWEKA : o: the place of;
of warm, still waters. weka: woodhen. The place
OTUMOETAI : the tide where the weka is plentiful.
standing still as if asleep. OWHAKATIHI : o: the
OTUPAKA: otu: dried or place of; whakatihi: to pile up
scorched; paka: girdle. in a heap. The sons of
OTUREHUA : o: the place Tuwharetoa ranged over the
of; tu: to stand; rehua: a star. Kaingaroa Plain in search of
The place where the summer someone to attack, but when
star stands high in the heavens, they met a party of Maoris
i.e. a place where it is very they were defeated, and their
warm. bodies were piled up in a heap
OTUTAHANGA: o: the at the foot of a tree.
place of; tu: to stand; tahanga: OWHANGO : o: the place
naked. The place of standing
OUE : the place of Ue or
Ui who came to the South
Island with Maui. Literally, a
species of flax, or the moon on
the fourth night.
OURUHIA: o: the place
of; uruhia: to be attacked.
OWAHANGA : o: the place
of; wahanga: the entrance.
The mouth of the river.
OWAIRAKA : the place of
Wairaka, or the water of Raka.
OWAIROA : o: the place Waka: canoe
of; whan go: hoarse or nasal the other side, where he found
sound. his wife.
OWHAROA: o: food for PAEKOHU : the place of
a journey; wharoa: lasting a fogs.
long time. It has much the PAENGA : boundary, or the
same meaning as Otorohanga. margin of the kumara planta¬
O WHAT A : o: the place of; tions.
whata: a food store. PAENGAROA : paenga:
boundary; roa: long. Long
OWHIRO : o; the place of;
boundary or margin.
whiro: a moonless night, or the
PAERATA : pae: ridge;
god of darkness.
rata: tree. The ridge of the
rata tree. A large rata stood
of; whitianga: shining; te:
here for many years, most of
the; ra: sun. The place of the
the surrounding trees being
shining sun.
PAERAU : pae: step, or
P ridge; rau: a hundred, or
many. A hundred ridges.
PA : fortified village. The
PAEROA: pae: ridge, or
name usually occurs in places range; roa: long. Long moun¬
named by the Pakeha, such as tain range.
Pa Flat. PAETAWA : pae: bird-
PAEHINAHINA : pae: snare; tawa: native tree. The
headland; hinahina: whitey- tawa tree containing a bird-
wood. Headland clothed with snare.
hinahina, mahoe, or whitey- PAEWHENUA : pae: dock,
wood trees. or long-rooted weed; whenua:
PAEKAKARIKI : pae: country. Noxious weed country.
perch; kakariki: parakeet. The PAHARAKEKE : pa: forti¬
perch of parakeets. There is a fied village; harakeke: flax.
legend that Hau, who was pur¬ Pa near which flax grows.
suing his wife, came to a PAHAU : beard, or the
barrier of rock at the south end withered, drooping lower
of the beach, which gave the leaves of the cabbage tree.
name to the place. He drove PAHAUTANE : Correctly
his taiaha into the cliff, made Pahau-taniwha. pahau: whale¬
a hole through it, walked bone; taniwha: large fish. A
through, and came out the war party was retiring up the
coast after a raid, and found knowing only a few words of
to their dismay that their con¬ Maori, including pai, which
cealed food stores had been means good. When they came
plundered. They camped for to this place he turned to his
the night and the next morn¬ companion, a Maori chief, and
ing found a school of blackfish said, “Pai here.” It is possible
stranded on the beach. In their that the name should be Pahia.
hunger, they ate the flesh raw. PAIRE : a bundle.
Taniwha is used for fish such PAKARAE: pa: fortified
as large sharks, and whales, as village; karae: sea-bird. Sea¬
well as for fabulous monsters. bird village.
PAHAUTEA : pahau : PAKARAKA: pa: fortified
beard; tea: white. White beard. village; karaka: native tree.
PAH I : company of travel¬ Village of the karaka tree.
lers. PAKAWAU : pa: flock, or
PAHIA : slapped, or a prep¬ colony; kawau: shag. Colony
aration of mashed food. of shags.
PAHIATUA : pahi: resting PAKEHA : pa: garden plot;
place; atua: a god. The resting keha: indigenous white turnip.
place of a god. A chief escaped Plot where the turnip grows.
from a fight, and was led by One explanation of the name
his atua on the flight till they Pakeha for a white man is that
came here and rested on the it is one whose skin is white
hill. like that of a turnip. There are
PAHITUA : pahi: company other explanations which are
of travellers; tua: cut down. not so polite.
Party of travellers cut down. PAKIHI : flat land, usually
PAHORO: pa: fortified dried up and poor.
village; horo: to evacuate. The PAKIHIROA : pakihi: flat
pa that was hurriedly evacu¬ country; roa: long or broad.
ated. Large extent of pakihi.
good; a: of; te: the; pukahu: flat land; kura: red. Reddish
abundant. The place of good, coloured flat land.
abundant food. PAKIPAKI: An abbrevia¬
PAIHIA: good here. It is tion of Pakipaki-o-Hinetemoa.
believed to be a word of mixed This high-born young woman
origin. The Rev. Henry came to a stream accompanied
Williams came to New Zealand by her slave girl. After she had
bathed, her maid slapped (paki- PANGURU : to make a
paki) and massaged her body. rumbling sound.
PAKIRA: bald head. Pakira- PANIA : the Pania Reef at
a-Hikawera was a place where Napier is named after a
a chief of this name was wear¬ woman of the sea people who
ing a closely fitting hat of birds’ married a Maori chief.
feathers. Feeling hot, he took PAPA-AROHA : papa:
it off, and another chief ex¬ foundation; aroha: love, or
claimed, “What a beautiful affection. The foundation of
bald head you have!” love. A place which was a
PAKIRI : to grin. centre of meeting for many
PAKOTAI : pako: to make scattered sub-tribes.
a sudden sound; tai: the sea. PAPAHAOA : a variety of
Sudden sound from the sea. kumara.
PAKOWHAI : pa: fortified PAPAHINAU : papa: un¬
village; kowhai: native tree. dulating or nearly flat land;
The pa by the kowhai trees. Or hinau: a native shrub. Flat
pako: to glean; whai: to search where the hinau grows. Also
for. To look for remnants of known as Papahina, and Papa-
the crop after it has been hinu.
harvested. PAPAIOEA : popularly be¬
PAKU : a small quantity. lieved to mean, How beautiful
PAKURANGA: paku: it is! Another explanation is,
small quantity; ranga: com¬ papai: exceedingly good; oea:
pany of persons, or shoal of the beauty that comes on the
fish. A small company, or a water when dead bodies are
small shoal of fish. soaked in it. The Rangitane
PAMAPURIA: the Maori people were said to soak the
pronunciation of Pamphyllia, a bodies of the slain in water be¬
locality named by the Rev. fore storing or eating them.
Joseph Matthews Kaitaia. This place is the site of
PANGAIO : pa: fortified Palmerston North.
village; ngaio: native tree. Pa PAPAITI : papa: flat; iti:
near the ngaio trees. little. Little flat.
PANGATOTARA: panga: PAPAKAIO : papa: flat;
thrown; totara: native tree. kaio (South Island form of
Probably named because a ngaio) : Ngaio flat.
totara los: was left here after a PAPAKI : a cliff against
flood. which the waves beat.
PAPAKURA: papa: flat; towai: native tree. Towai (or
kura: red. Level land of red kamahi) flat.
soil. PAPAWAI: papa: flat land;
PAPAMOA: papa: flat; wai: water. Inundated land.
moa: raised beds. Level land PAPAWEKA: papa: flat;
with raised plots for. cultiva¬ weka: wood-hen. Weka run, or
tion. fowl run. It sometimes appears
PAPANUI: big flat plain, as Tapapaweka.
or a stage in a tree used as a PAPONGA: pa: fortified
seat by a bird-snarer. village; ponga: fern. Pa by the
P ARARAT A : papa: flat fern trees.
land; rata: native tree. Rata PARA: a type of fern, or
flat. possibly swamp.
flat rock; rekareka: pleasant. comes from a pool of black
The name would mean Pleas¬ mud in which flax fibre was
ant flat, but is a bluff in North dyed.
Otago. PARAHAKI : A corruption
PAPARIMU: papa: flat; of Parahaka. The Parawhau
rimu: native tree. Rimu flat. tribe had a large pa on the
PAPAROA : long flat rock, summit. They were invaded
or large expanse of level land. and defeated, and the con¬
Where the name occurs as a querors danced a haka of
headland it means long, flat triumph, or else prior to invit¬
rocky point. ing the Parawhau to surrender.
PAPATAWA: papa: flat; Parahaka is a contraction of
tawa: native tree. Tawa flat. Parawhau and haka.
PAPATEA : Possibly named PARAHAU : windy place.
after the light-coloured papa- PARAKAI: para: fern-root;
rock banks of the stream, or a kai: food, or to eat.
torm for a chief who was not PARAKAKAU: para: fern;
tattooed. kakau: stalk. Fern-stalk.
PAPATOETOE: papa: PARAKAO : dried kumara.
flat; toetoe: pampas grass. PARANUI: para: fern; nui:
Toetoe flat. big, or plenty. Plenty of fern.
PAPATOTARA: papa: PARAPARA: name of a
flat; totara: native tree. Totara Maori. Literally, soft mud
flat. used in dying flax fibre.
PAPATOWAI : papa: flat; PARAPARAUMU: para-
para: scraps, or waste frag¬ renga lily, or the place where
ments; umu: earth oven in the lily grows.
which scraps of food were PAREORA : life-giving, or
found. A hungry taua (war bountiful. The name may
party) captured a village but originally have been Pureora,
found only fragments of food a sacred rite performed for the
in the oven. An earlier name recovery of the sick.
may have been Paraparamau, PARERA : native duck.
meaning First-fruits for you. PARETAI : bank of a river.
be Paraoa, as it is said that it KURA : pari: cliff; a: of;
means whale, because one was whakataka: to cause to change
washed ashore here long ago. direction; kura: red. The red
PARATETAITONGA: lichen - covered cliff which
dregs from the southern seas. causes the river to change
PARAU : slave. direction.
PARAWA : pa: fortified PARIHAKA : low cliff.
village; rawa: property, or PARIKARAKARAKA:
ground. Land on which the echoing cliff.
village was built. PARIKAWA : Abbreviated
PARAWAI : a cloak, or form of Parikawakawa. pari:
sandal. The name comes from cliff; kawakawa: native tree.
Tahiti and was given by Tama- Cliff where the kawakawa
te-kapua to his kumara planta¬ grows.
tion in memory of those at PARIKAWAU : pari: cliff;
Tahiti. kawau: shag. Shag cliff.
PAREKAKARIKI : pare: PARINGA : pa: blow;
plume; kakariki: parakeet. ringa: hand. To strike a blow
Plume of the kakariki. with the hand.
PAREKURA : red orna¬ PARININIHI : pari: cliff;
mental band for the forehead. ninihi: lofty. Lofty cliff. The
PAREMATA : a return White Cliffs were 800 feet in
feast for one previously given. height.
ing, or slippery. cliff; nui: big; o: of; te: the;
PARENGA : properly Pe- ra: sun. The big cliff shining in
rongo, slippery, or stream with the sun.
slippery banks. PARIPARI : precipitous
PARENGARENGA : the country.
PARIROA : pari: cliff; roa:
long, or tall. High cliff.
PARIRURU: pari: cliff;
ruru: sheltered. Cliff which
provides a shelter from the
PARITEA : pari: cliff; tea:
white. White or light-coloured
PARITUTU: pari: cliff;
tutu: erect. Upright cliff.
PARIWHERO : pari: cliff;
whero: red. Red cliff.
PAROA: pa: fortified vil¬
lage : roa: long. Spread out or Pataka: raised storehouse
straggling settlement.
PARORE : gentle, or village; te: the; rangi: sky. The
friendly. Named after Parore fort in the sky.
te Awha who died in 1887 PATETONGA: pa: forti¬
when he was nearly 100; he fied village; tonga: south wind.
he was always friendly to the Village swept by the south
Pakeha. wind.
PARUA : pa: fortified vil¬ PATOKA : the pa in the
lage; rua: pit, or two. Two pas, rocks. The hill above the pa has
or the pit in the pa. great limestone formations.
PARUAUKU : soil of white PATUMAHOE : patu:
clay. weapon, or to strike; mahoe:
PARUPARU: black mud timber of a native tree. In a
used in dying flax fibre. battle at this place a chief was
PATARA : Maori pronunc¬ killed with a mahoe stake.
iation of Butler (or bottle). PATUNGA: pa: fortified
PATEA: Name in full, Patea- village; tunga: circumstance of
nui-a-Turi. The place where being wounded. The place
Turi’s people threw down their where someone was wounded.
great burdens. PATURUAHINE : patu:
PATEAROA : Long fortifi¬ to strike; ruahine: old woman. ,
cation with a clear view (Pa- The place where the old I
watea roa). woman was struck.
PATERANGI : pa: fortified PATUTAHI : pa: fortified I
village; tutahi: lonely. Lonely weapon made from a root.
or isolated village. PIAKO : shrunk, or hollow.
PAUA : shell-fish. The name was brought from
PAUATAHANUI : big Hawaiki by the Tainui people.
shell-fish. PIHA : ripple at the bow of
PEHU : variety of kumara, a canoe.
to pound, or to bend. PI HAM A : after Hone
PEKA : named after Peka Pihama. Literally, piha: ripple;
Makarini (Baker McLean). ma: white.
PEKAPEKARAU : peka- PIHANGA : window. The
peka: native bat; ran: many. mountain had an opening in
7’he place where native bats its side like the smoke vent in
were plentiful. a house.
PEKATAHI: peka: branch; PIHAUTEA : pihau: a
tahi: single. The single branch. breakwind; tea: white.
PEKERANGI : the outer PIKARORO : pi: nestling;
palisades of a pa. karoro: sea-gull. Nestling of
PEOWHAIRANGI : the sea-gulls.
Maori’s attempt to pronounce PIKOPIKO: winding.
Bay of Islands. PIKOWAI : piko: curving;
PEPEKE : native butterfly. wai: water. Curving stream.
PERAK I : Probably Pireka PININOA : a refuge, or
(which was the spelling adopted hiding place.
by the French), fern, the root PIOPIO : native thrush.
of which had a pleasant smell PIOPIOTAHI : piopio:
when pounded. thrush; tahi: single. A single
PERIA : Maori form of the thrush. This was the Maori
Biblical Berea. name for Milford Sound. A
PETANE : Maori pronunci¬ legend says that after Maui
ation of Bethany. The accent is was defeated by the goddess of
on the first syllable. The name death, the thrush fled here
is now changed to Bay View sorrowing for its dead com¬
to avoid confusion with Petone. panion. Another legend says it
PETEREHEMA : Maori is the name of a very early
form of Bethlehem. canoe.
PETONE : a corruption of PI PI : shell-fish.
Pito-one. pito: end; one: sandy PIPIKARITA : shell-fish
beach. End of the beach. for evil spirits.
PIAKA : root of a tree, or PIPIRIKI : pipi: shell-fish;
riki: little. Little pipis. An old Westland. Elsewhere it means
chief who was dying asked for The tall rock.
little pipis, and a canoe was POHOKURA : the name of
sent to get them, but by the a chief. Literally, poho: breast;
time they arrived he was dead. kura: red.
PIPIROA: pipi: shell-fish; POHONUI: the big haul.
roa: long, or many. Plenty of POHOWAHINE: poho:
pipis. breast; wahine: woman. A
PIPITEA: pipi: shell-fish; woman’s breast.
tea: white. White shell-fish. POHOWAIKAWA : poho:
PIPIWAI : damp, or breast; waikawa: bitter water.
swampy. POHUEHUE : climbing
PIPIWHARAUROA: the plant, such as convolvulus.
shining cuckoo. POHUENUI : pohue: con¬
PIRIAKA : piri: to cling; volvulus; nui: big, or many.
aka: vine. The clinging forest Plenty of convolvulus.
vines. POHUTU: splashing. The
famous geyser at Whakare-
PIRINOA: a parasitic
PIRIPAI : the Maori form
tree with scarlet blossoms. The
of Philippi.
name usually given by the
PIRIPAUA : piri: clinging;
Pakeha, as in Pohutukawa
paua: shell-fish. The clinging
shell-fish. They are found in
POKA : the name of a pet
plenty in the two places in
lizard lost at this place by
Marlborough with this name.
PIRIPIRI : a bur, com¬ POKAIKOKO: flock of
monly known as biddybid. tuis.
is Pirongia-te-aroaro-o-Kahu, wanderer across the land. It is
meaning the health-restoring a tributary of the Waikato
purification of Kahurere whose River.
husband restored her to health. POKAKA : a tree related to
POHANGINA : the warm¬ the hinau.
ing of the ovens at night. POKAPU: middle, or a
POHATUROA: pohatu: house with the door in the
stone; roa: long. Long stories middle of its side wall.
are found in the river bed in POKENO : turbid; or po:
night; keno: underworld. Night PONUI : po: night; nui:
in the underworld. big. Big night.
POKERE : pulp of the tawa POPOIA : a gathering to¬
berry, or pitfall, or in the dark. gether.
POKOHIWI : name of a POPOTUNOA : Properly
chief. Literally, shoulder. Poupoutunoa, a post set up to
POKOPOKOIERE : native mark the boundaries between
frog. Ngati-Mamoe and Ngai-Tahu.
POKORORO : abbrevia¬ PORANGAHAU: po:
tion for upokororo : native fish night; rangahau: pursuit. The
(grayling). inhabitants of Heretaunga once
POMAHAKA: Correctly had to make a hasty retreat
Pou-mahaka : posts to which from their enemies to this
snares are attached. place.
POMARE : named after Sir PORANGARUA : The cor¬
Maui Pomare. rect form of the name is
PONEKE : Maori form of Pungarehu, ashes left by the
Port Nick, a contraction of fire. Some fugitives were dis¬
Port Nicholson. covered here when the wind
PONGA : tree-fern. stirred up the ashes of their
PONGAKAWA : to devour. fire.
Also ponga: tree-fern; kawa: PORANGIRANGI : to
bitter. annoy at night.
PONGAROA : name of a PORANUI : pora: flat-
game; or, ponga: tree-fern; roofed ; nui: big.
roa: long, or many. Plenty of PORARARI : Correctly,
tree-ferns. Pororari. poro: broken off;
rari: uproar. The end of the
uproar. The waters of the river
would rise swiftly and turbul-
ently, and recede as quickly.
POREWA: elevated plat¬
form or watch-tower.
PORIRUA : The proper
form is probably Parirua.
pari: flowing tide; rua: two.
There are two arms in the
harbour. It may also be named
Poneke: Port Nicholson after the taniwha which was
supposed to inhabit it. eels) for the other. The lake
PORO-O-TARAO : the was then called lean pole.
posterior of Tarao. The chief Much strife followed.
was climbing the range ahead of POUKINO : pou: post;
his companions with his rapaki kino: bad.
(waist-mat) kilted up, and the POUNAMU : greenstone.
sight amused his companions POUNAWEA: pou: post;
who were below him. nawea: to set on fire. Post
POROPORO : a plant with which was set on fire.
a blue flower. POUTINI: a form of green¬
POROTI : a forest bird, or stone. It is the “fish” which
poro: to cut short; ti: cabbage Kupe brought with him from
tree. Hawaiki, and was once the
POTAKA : after Utiku name for the whole of the West
Potaka. Literally, a spinning Coast.
top. POUTO : to cut off.
POTERITERI: dripping POUTU : pou: staff; tu:
wet. Or Poutiritiri, a post on to stand. Staff standing up.
which offerings , are hung, When Tamatea reached this
which is the more likely mean¬ place on the east side of Lake
ing. Taupo, he rested on his staff
POTERIWHI : port of while he surveyed the district.
relief. POWARU : po: night;
POTETE: a small bark waru: eight. Eight nights.
basket. Tamatea and his men dragged
POUAKAI : a fabulous their canoe overland from the
gigantic bird. headwaters of the Whanganui
POUKAWA : pou: post; to Lake Taupo. At this place
kawa: lean. Lean pole. Of the they were unable to obtain
two chiefs who lived by the provisions and had to go for
lake, one was more powerful eight days and nights with¬
than the other. The lesser chief out food.
asked that their fishing bound¬ PUAHA : mouth of a river.
aries be divided, but the great PUATAI : foam of the sea.
chief was insulted. Then the PUHA: a war-song, or a
lesser chief put a pole dividing wild vegetable.
the boundary, giving himself PUHINUI : puhi: plumes;
the best part of the lake, and nui: big. Great plume at the
leaving the tuna kawa (lean bow of a canoe. It is also the
name of a canoe, and the settle¬ hiki: charm to raise anything
ment near Papatoetoe. It is from the water. Hill of the
also an early name for Wark- incantation.
worth, where it means Great PUKEHINA: puke: hill;
promise, i.e. engagement or hina (hinahina): small tree,
betrothal. mahoe, or whiteywood. Hill of
PUHOI : slow water, so the mahoe tree.
called because the tide is very PUKEHINAU: puke: hill;
slow in creeping up the river hinau: native tree. Hill of the
and making it navigable for hinau trees.
canoes. PUKEHIWITAHI : puke:
PUKAH A : spongy or hill; hiwi: peak; tahi: single.
swampy. Hill with a single peak. It was
PUKAKI : head of the named after the captain of the
creek, or where the stream Arai-te-uru canoe, and is now
meets the tidal waters. Lake known as Pukeviti.
Pukaki may have this meaning, PUKEHOU: puke: hill;
but there is a legend that hou (short for houhou) : small
Rakaihaitu (who scooped out flowering tree. Hill of the hou¬
the southern lakes) saw its hou trees. Pukehou in Horo-
bulging outlet and called it pu: whenua is the hill of dedication,
heaped or bunched up, and where a boy was dedicated to
kaki: neck. the recovery of his tribal lands.
PUKAPUKA: shrub with PUKEHUHU : puke: hill;
white leaves. huhu: grub. Hill where the
PUKARAMU : a clump of huhu grubs were to be found.
karamu trees. PUKEHUIA : puke: hill;
PUKATEA : a native tree. huia: extinct bird. Hill of the
PUKEARUHE: puke: hill; huias.
aruhe: fern-root. Hill where PUKEKAKARIKI : puke:
fern-root may be found. hill; kakariki: parakeet. Hill of
PUKEATUA: puke: hill; the parakeets.
atua: god. The hill of the god. PUKEKAHU: puke: hill;
PUKEHAPOPO : puke: kahu: hawk. Hill of the hawks.
hill; hapopo: corpse of an PUKEKAIHAU : puke:
enemy. The hill of the enemy hill; kaihau: a ceremony per¬
corpse. A name which comes formed over successful warriors
from the Society Islands. when they return. Hill where
PUKEHIKI : puke: hill; victory is celebrated.
PUKEKAPIA : puke: hill; hill; matawai: source of waters.
kapia: kauri gum. Kauri gum The hill which is the source of
hill. several streams or rivers. This
PUKEKARORO: puke: name was given in recent years
hill; karoro: seagull. Hill where because the hill in the Tara-
the seagulls gather. It was forti¬ ruas is the source of a number
fied hill which frequently of rivers.
changed hands, and after each PUKEMIRO: puke: hill;
battle the seagulls gathered in miro: native tree. Miro hill.
their thousands. PUKEMOA: puke: hill;
PUKEKO : a swamp bird. moa: giant extinct bird. Moa
PUKEKOHE: puke: hill; hill. So named because it was
kohe (kohekohe): a native a haunt of the moa long ago, as
tree. Hill where the kohekohe is shown by the presence of the
tree grows. bones.
PUKEKOIKOI : puke: PUKENAMU: puke: hill;
hill; koikoi: pointed. Pointed namu: sandfly. Sandfly hill.
hills, or a sharp-ridged hill. PUKENGERENGERE:
puke: hill; ngerengere: leprosy
PUKEKOMA: puke: hill;
or skin disease. Hill where a
koma: light-coloured. A hill
sufferer from leprosy was
that is light in colour.
PUKEKURA: puke: hill;
PUKENUI : puke: hill;
kura: red. Red hill.
nui: big. Big hill.
PUKEKURI : puke: hill;
kuri: dog. Hill of dogs.
hill; okaoko (South Island form
PUKEMAEROERO: puke: of ongaonga) : nettle. Hill
hill; maeroero: wild men. Hill where the nettles grow.
of the wild men. PUKEONE: puke: hill;
PUKEMAIRE: puke: hill; one: sand. Sandy-topped hill.
maire: native tree. Maire hill. PUKEOWARA : puke: hill;
PUKEMAKARIRI : puke: o: of; war a: Ward. Named
hill; makariri: cold. Cold hill. after Sir Joseph Ward.
PUKEMAORI : puke: hill; PUKEPOTO: dark blue
maori: native. Maori hill. earth used as a pigment. It is
PUKEMATA: puke: hill; found in the nearby swamp.
mata: headland. The hill on PUKERANGI : puke: hill;
the headland. rangi: sky. Hill that reaches up
PUKEMATAWAI : puke: into the sky.

PURER AU: puke: hill; PUKETIHI : puke: hill;
rau: many. Many hills. tihi: top. Top of the hill. From
PUKERAUARUHE: puke: this peak the three mountains
hill or mound; rau: many; of National Park are seen on a
aruhe: fern-root. A great heap clear day.
of fern-root. PUKETIRO: puke: hill;
PUKERIMU : puke: hill; tiro: view. Hill with an extens¬
rimu: native tree. Rimu hill. ive view from the summit.
PUKEROA: puke: hill; PUKETITIRO : puke: hill;
roa: long. Long hill. titiro: view. Hill with a com¬
PUKERUA: puke: hill; manding view.
rua: two. Two hills. PUKETOI : puke: hill; toi:
PUKETA : puke: hill; ta: summit. Summit of the hill.
sloping. Sloping hill. It is pos¬ PUKETONA: puke: hill;
sible that the name is a corrup¬ tona: mound.
tion of peketa: dart. PUKETOTARA : puke:
PUKETAI : the hill of Tai. hill; totara: native tree. Totara
Literally, puke: hill; tai: sea. hill.
It may mean Hill across the PUKETUI : puke: hill; tui:
water. Puketai, which is the native bird. Tui hill.
site of Andersons Bay, Dune¬ PUKETUTU: puke: hill;
din, should be Puketahi, The tutu: native tree. Tutu hill.
first hill, i.e. the first of a series There are several places of this
of hills down the Peninsula. name, and in some, as in Weeks
PUKETAPU : puke: hill; Island, tutu is the tree; in
tapu: sacred. Sacred or for¬ others it is a plant.
bidden hill. PUKEURI : named after a
PUKETARATA : puke: woman on the Arai-te-uru
hill; tarata: native tree. Lemon- canoe. Literally puke: hill;
wood tree hill. uri: dark. Dark hill.
PUKETAWAI : puke: hill; PUKEWAHIA: firewood
tawai: native tree. Tawai hill. hill. Literally puke: hill; wahia:
PUKETERAKI : puke: split, or divided. Split hill.
hill; te: the; raki (South PUKEWHERO: puke: hill;
Island for of rangi) : sky. Hill ichero: red. Red hill. Named
reaching up to the sky. The by a party in 1932 because the
proper form of the name is last few hundred feet are a
Puketiraki, tiraki meaning, jumble of bright red rocks.
lifting sharply skywards. PUKOROKIO : a bunch of
koromiko. It is said that here, form of Ponganui, a large tree-
near Riverton, the moa was fern.
killed. Koromiko was the wood PUNGAREHU: ashes.
traditionally used for cooking PUNI : the encampment, or
the moa. The name of the to be blocked up.
stream has now been changed PUNIHO : ambush.
to Moa Greek. PUNIU : fern.
PUKU : named after a PUNIWHAKAU : puni:
woman carried away by the camp; whakau: to arrive. To
maeroero. Literally, belly. reach camp.
PUKURAHI : puku: belly; PUPONGA : hunched up.
rahi: big. Big belly. PUPU : The name for the
PUKUTAHI : named for a largest fresh-water spring in
chief who was killed at Lake the world at Takaka is sadly
Te Anau. Literally, puku: misnamed. Properly it was
belly; tahi: single. known to the Maoris as Waika-
PUNAKAIKI : puna: a remumu, which could be rend¬
spring; kaiki (a mis-spelling of ered Boisterous wind that
kaike or kaika) : to lie in a ruffled the waters. It was short¬
heap. This is the site of the ened by the Pakeha to Mumu
famous pancake rocks, which and possibly corrupted to
lie in heaps, and the “spring” Bubu; but the Bubu diggings
is no doubt the blow-hole. But were some miles away. The
there was a Ngai-Tahu belief name was given to the springs,
that Punakaiki is a word that and it was thought that the
describes the neck and throat original Maori must have been
of a human being, the rock and Pupu.
blow-holes being likened to The Pupu Stream in Marl¬
them. borough is named after a shell¬
PUNAKITERE : swiftly fish.
flowing spring. PUPUKE: The name in
PUNAPITO : puna: spring; full is Pupuke-mo*ana, the over¬
pito: end. End of the spring. flowing lake.
PUNARUKU : puna: PURAKANUI : Correctly
spring; ruku: to sink or dive. Purakaunui. pu: heap; rakau:
To sink into a spring. The timber; nui: big. Big heap of
name has been brought from firewood. The inhabitants of
Hawaiki. Goat Island were slaughtered
PUNGANUI: a corrupt in tribal warfare and their
puriris grew so plentifully.
PURU : full, or a plug.
a shortened form of Te Puta-
ngaotehau, the place where the
wind comes from.
PUTAREPO : the place at
the end of the swamp where it
could be crossed.
place of the severed ear. It was
a figurative expression for an
Puraka: crayfish basket
isolated patch of bush, the site
bodies put in a great pile like of Riccarton.
a heap of firewood. PUTARURU : Correctly
PURAMAHOI : pura: to Putaaruru; puta: hole, or to
twinkle or shine; mahoi: stead¬ appear; a: after the manner of;
ily. To shine steadily. ruru: owl, or morepork. The
PURANGI : a bag net for nest or hole of a morepork,
catching lampreys. Such nets which is often found in a
were totally enclosed except for hollow tree.
a narrow opening, and this PUTIKI : In full, Putiki-
place was a clearing in the bush whara - nui - a - Tamatea - pokai -
with a similar appearance. whenua, the place where
PURAU : a spear or fork. It
may have had some connection
with a traditional mussel
PUREHUA : a moth.
PUREKIREKI : tufts of
grass, or a heap of fragments.
PUREORA : a sacred rite
performed for the recovery of
the sick.
PURERUA : pure: to set
free from tapu; rua: two.
PUREWA : to float.
PURIRI : native tree. The
place was named because the Putorino: flute
Tamatea the navigator tied his kaunui: rakau: tree; nui: big.
topknot with flax. Tamatea of Big tree.
the Takitimu canoe went RAKAU : tree, or timber.
ashore at Whanganui and had RAKAUHAUKA: rakau:
his hair dressed. The slave pro¬ wood, or tree; hauka (South
cured flax, but it was rotten Island form of haunga) : to
and broke. Tamatea said it was smell.
not like the wharanui (a kind RAKAUHAUNGA: See
of flax) obtained on the East Rakauhauka.
Coast. The place was named RAKAUNUI: rakau: tree;
after the incident. nui: big, or many. Big tree, or
PUTORINO : flute. many trees.
PUWERA : warm. RAKAUROA : rakau: tree;
roa: long. Tall tree.
RAKAUTAO : rakau:
timber; tao: spear. Wood for
making spears.
RAKIURA : raki (South
RAETIHI : rcCe: headland;
Island form of rangi) : sky;
tihi: summit. Prominent sum¬
ura: glowing. Glowing sky.
The Maori name for Stewart
RAHIRI: to welcome.
Island. There is another tale
RAHOTU: ra: sun; hotu: that a young chief wished to
to long for. To long for the sun. marry but arrived just too late,
RAHUI : boundary post. In for the young woman was al¬
full, Pou-rahui. It also means ready wedded. The name in
a sanctuary. full is Te Ura o Te Raki-tamau,
RAI : ribbed, or furrowed. the blushing of Te Raki-tamau.
It probably should be rae: RAMAIKU : Maori form of
headland. Damascus.
RAKAIA: adorned. It is RAMARAMA: a native
probably the South Island form tree.
of rangaia: to arrange in ranks, RAN AN A : Maori form of
and refers to the need for London.
strong men to stand in ranks to RANGANUI : ranga: par¬
break the force of the current ade; nui: big. A long line of
for the weaker ones when warriors.
attempting to ford the river. RANGATAUA : a grass¬
RAKANUI : Properly Ra- hopper; or ranga: line of war-
riors; taua: war party. Warriors RANGIPUTA: rangi: sky;
' drawn up in ranks. puta: to pass through. To cross
RANGATIRA: chief. the sky.
RANGAUNU : ranga: shoal RANGIRIRI : rangi: sky;
of fish; unu: to pull out. Good riri: angry. The angry sky.
fishing. RANGITAIKI : rangi:
RANGIAHUA : great; or to chief; tai: tide; ki: full. A great
approach the sky. river like a full tide.
RANGIAOWHIA: rangi: RANGITATA : rangi: sky,
sky; aowhia: clouded. Clouded or day; tata: lowering clouds.
sky. A day of lowering clouds.
RANGIATEA : Short for RANGITIKEI : rangi: sky,
Rangiatea-te-tuahu-o-Io-mata- or day; tikei: to stretch the
fkanakana : the shrine of Io of legs. The day of striding out. It
i the far-seeing eyes. A sacred may also refer to a ford which
r:name which came from was crossed by walking on tip¬
Hawaiki. toes.
RANGIHAEATA : the first RANGITOTO : rangi: sky,
rays of morning fight. or day; toto: blood. A common
RANGIAWHIA : See name in New Zealand, usually
Rangiaowhia. imported from Hawaiki. Rangi-
RANGIHOUA : named toto Island, Auckland, is in
after a chief of long ago. full, Nga Rangi-i-totongia-a-
RANGIKURA : rangi: sky; Tama-te-kapua, the days of
kura: red. Red sky. The origi¬ the bleeding of Tama-te-kapua.
nal name was Whenuakura,
red land.
RANGIORA: good weather
after a bad spell, or an invalid
getting better, or day of peace.
In the North Island it refers to
a shrub.
RANGIOTU : the day of
the god of war.
RANGIPO : rangi: sky; po:
night. The place where the sky
is dark, a reference to the time
when Ngatoro-i-rangi called
down fire on his enemies. Arawa Canoe
G 97
The famous chief of the Arawa
canoe was badly wounded
day; tukia: to be attacked. The
day of the attack.
RANGIURU : rangi: sky;
uru: west. The western sky.
sky; wahia: to split. Break
through which the sky can be
seen, or a glimpse of heaven.
A party of travellers came
either to a clearing, or to a
Rapaki: kilt
moment when there was a rift
in the clouds. a chief in mourning and thus
RANUI : ra: sun; nui: gave the name of the Ngati-
many. Plenty of sunshine. A Raukawa tribe. Raukawa was
modern name. the Maori name for Cook
RAORIKIA : Maori form Strait.
of Laodicea. RAUKUMARA : rau: leaf;
RAPAHOE : paddle blade. kumara: sweet potato. Kumara
RAPAKI : kilt. When the leaves.
chief Te Rangiwhakaputa RAUMATI : summer.
took possession, he put down RAUPO : native reed.
his kilt to mark his ownership. RAURIMU : rau: many, or
RAPAURA: running waters. leaf; rimu: red pine. Many
RAROA: ra: day; to a: rimus or Rimu leaf.
long. Named by Ihenga because RAWENE : ra: day; wene:
he spent so many hours padd¬ many. Many days.
ling his canoe. RAWHITI : the place of
RATA : a native tree. the sunrise.
RAT ANA : named after the RAWHITIROA : ra: sun;
Maori prophet. whiti: to shine; roa: long.
RATANUI : rata: native Long sunshine. It may also
tree; nui: many. Plenty of rata mean In the direct line of the
trees. sun, as the settlement ran from
RAUKAWA : leaves of the east to west.
kawakawa. They were worn by REHIA : pleasure.
RIMUNUI : rimu: native
tree; nui: big, or many. Many
RIMURAPA : rimu: sea¬
weed; rapa: to look for. The
Maori name for Sinclair Head.
RIMUTAKA : Correctly
Remutaka, to sit down to rest.
An incident in the pursuit of
his wife by Hau.
RIPA: Correct name is
Ripapa. ri: flax rope; papa:
flat rock. A canoe was tied by
a flax rope to a rock on the
Raupo: New Zealand, reed island.
RIPONUI: ripo: whirlpool;
REHUTAI : sea-spray. nui: big. Big whirlpool.
REIKORANGI : the gate RIWAKA : Correctly Ri-
of heaven, or the breast of uwaka. riu: inside, or bulge;
heaven. A slave of this name waka: canoe. The inside or
was buried here. bulge of a canoe.
REINGA : the underworld. ROHEPOTAE : rohe: rim;
REMU ER A : Correctly potae: hat. Rim of the hat, the
Remuwera, the burnt edge of a term applied to the boundary
flax garment. of the King Country after the
REPO : swamp. Maori Wars. The Kingite
REPOROA : repo: swamp; Maoris said that it was as if
roa: long. Long swamp. the hat had been taken away,
RERE : waterfall. leaving them only the rim.
RETARUKE: Correctly ROMAHAPA : roma:
reretaruke. rere: waterfall; stream, or channel; ha pa:
taruke: trap for crayfish. crooked. Crooked channel.
REWA : to begin, or to RONA : to bind, or swirling.
meet. RONGOKOKAKO: rongo:
REWANUI : rewa: mast; to listen; kokako: native crow.
nui: big. Big mast. Listening to the kokako. It may
REWAREWA : native tree. be named after the father of
RIKIRIKI : scattered. Tamatea.
RIMU : red pine. RONGOTAI : rongo:
sound; tai: sea. The sound of ROTOKOHU : roto: lake;
the sea. A modern name. kohu: fog or mist. Misty lake.
RONGOTEA : probably ROTOMA : roto: lake; ma:
named after a chief. clear. Lake of clear waters.
ROTO : lake. ROTOMAHANA: roto:
ROTOAIRA : roto: lake; a: lake; mahana: warm. Warm
of; Ira: a person. The lake of lake.
ROTOAKIWA : roto: lake; lake; makariri: cold. Cold lake.
a: of; Kiwa: a person. The ROTOMANU : roto: lake;
lake of Kiwa. manu: bird. Lake of birds.
ROTOATARA : roto: lake; ROTONGARO: roto: lake;
a: of; Tara: a chief. The lake ngaro: lost, or hidden. Hidden
of Tara who killed the tani- lake.
wha that inhabited it. The lake ROTOROA: roto: lake;
is now dried up. roa: long. Long lake.
ROTOATUA: roto: lake; ROTORUA: roto: lake;
atua: god. The lake of the god. rua: two. The second lake. The
ROTOEHU: roto: lake; full name was Rotorua-nui-a-
ehu: turbid. Turbid lake. Kahu. It was the second big
ROTOITI : roto: lake; iti: lake to be discovered by Ihenga
little; Little lake. The name of who named it after his father-
the northern Rotoiti in full was in-law Kahu-mata-momoe.
Te Roto-iti-kite-a-Ihenga, the ROTOTLINA : roto: lake;
little lake seen or discovered by tuna: eel. Eel lake.
Ihenga. ROTOWARO : roto: lake;
ROTOKAHA: roto: lake; waro: live coals. A fire glowing
kaha: boundary. The boundary by the lake-side.
lake. ROTOWHERO: roto:
ROTOKAKAHI : roto: lake; whero: red. Red lake, so
lake; kakahi: freshwater shell¬ called because of the oxide of
fish. The shell-fish were killed iron deposits.
by the Tarawera eruption. The ROTOWHIO: roto: lake;
Green Lake. whio: blue duck. Lake or pool
ROTOKAWA: roto: lake; of the blue duck.
kawa: bitter. Lake of bitter ROTU : a sleep-making
waters. spell.
ROTOKAWAU : roto: RUAHINE : a wise woman,
lake; kawau: shag. Shag lake. or an old woman.
RUAKAKA : nesting place RUATANIWHA: rua: two;
of the parakeets. taniwha: water monster. Two
RUAKITURI : ruaki: to great taniwhas once lived in
vomit; turi: knee, or post. the lake. They fought over a
RUAKURA: rua: pit; kura: boy who fell in, and their
red. Pit in the red earth. struggles formed the Tukituki
RUAKURI : rua: pit; kuri: and Waipawa Rivers which
dog. Cave of the dogs. Wild drained the lake.
dogs were found living by the Other places with this name
mouth of the cave. mean Taniwha pit or cave.
RUAMAHANGA: rua: RUATAPU: rua: pit; tapu:
two; mahanga: fork. Twin sacred. Sacred cave.
forks. Hau discovered a drink¬ RUATOKI : rua: pit, or
ing trough and a bird snare in two; toki: adze. Two adzes, or
the twin forks of a tree. adze in the cave.
RUATORIA: Correctly
RUAMOKO : rua: pit or
Ruaatoria, kumara pit belong¬
hole; moko: lizard. Home of
ing to Toria.
the lizard.
RU AW AH IA : rua: pit;
RUAPEHU: rua: hole;
wahia: split. Gulch cleft by
pehu: to explode, or make ?
volcanic action.
loud noise. Ruapehu has two
RUAWAI : rua: pit, or two;
vents or blow-holes from which
wai: water. Water in a cave, or
steam is expelled.
two streams.
RUAWARO : rua: cave;
hole; pekapeka: native bat.
waro: live coals. Embers in a
The bat’s nest. Thousands of
bats lived in the hollows of
RUKUHI : the act of div¬
RUA PUKE: rua: two; RUNANGA : an assembly.
puke: hill. Two hills. RUNARUNA : a plant, or a
RUAROA: rua: pit; roa: game.
long. Long pit. RURU : owl or morepork.
RUATAHUNA: rua: two;
or pit; tahuna: sandbank. Two T
RUATANGATA: rua: pit; TAEMARO : tae: to dye;
tangata: man. Gave in which maro: apron. Dyed apron.
people lived. TAHAIA : taha: to pass,
on one side; ia: current. Pass¬ tide on the eleventh night of
ing along the slack water of the the moon.
stream. TAIHAPE Originally Otai-
TAHAKOPA: taha: side; hape: the place of Taihape.
kopa: curved. Curved side. Literally tai: angle; hape:
TAHATIKA: coastline, or crooked.
at the edge of the river. TAIHARURU: tai: sea;
TAHAWAI: taha: side; haruru: resounding. Thunder¬
wai: sea. Seaside. ing sea.
TAHEKE : waterfall. TAIHOA : by and by.
TAHEKEAUA: taheke: TAIKIRAU: taiki: snag;
waterfall; aua: herring. A place ran: many. Many snags.
for catching herrings by the TAIKO : The name of a
waterfall. Maori, sometimes spelt Tycho.
TAHEKEROA: long river Literally rib or basket. See
rapid or cataract. Tycho.
TAHORA: a clearing, or an TAIKOREA: tai: sea;
expanse of open country. korea: small canoe. Small canoe
TAHORAITI : little clear- on the sea.
ing. TAINUI : one of the canoes
TAHORAMAUREA: un¬ of the migration. Literally tai:
cultivated, or covered with sea; nui: big. Great sea.
tussocks. TAIOMA : white soil.
TAHUNA: sandbank or TAIPO : goblin, or devil.
shoal. The river was given this name
TAHUNANUI : tahuna: because when it was in flood it
sandbank; nui: many. deserved the name. It is no
TAHURANGI : the first doubt of modern origin.
Maori to ascend Mount TAIPOITI : little Taipo.
Egmont. Literally tahu: ridge¬ TAIPUHA: a very high
pole; rangi: sky. tide.
TAIAMAI: An old name for TAIRUA : tai: tide; rua:
the Bay of Islands. In full it is two. Two tides, one from the
Ka kata nga puriri o Taiamai, north and the other from the
the puriri trees of Taiamai are south.
laughing. TAITA: driftwood in the
TAIAROA: named after the bed of the river.
chief Taiaroa. TAITAMAHINE : tai: sea;
TAIERI: Properly Taiari: tamahine: girls. The sea of
girls—the peaceful east coast drank at the spring were
waters, compared with Taita- who were claiming
matane, the rough west coast, possession of the land.
which was called the sea of TAKAIRITAWA: to jerk
men, where warriors, not girls, out of the water. Thousands of
were needed to man the canoes. ducks were caught in this way.
TAITAMATANE: See TAKIROA : taki: sound;
Taitamahine. roa: long. Echo. The name of
TAI-TAPU : an obsolete the rock shelter at Waitaki
word for boundary. Literally where there are Maori paint¬
tai: tide; tapu: sacred. ings. There is very clear echo.
TAITIMU : tai: tide; timu: TAKITIMU : a famous
ebb. Ebb tide. canoe of the migration com¬
TAKAHANGA : track or manded by Tamatea. It was
footpath. petrified in the form of the
TAKAHE : native bird, the Takitumu or Takitimo Moun¬
notornis. tains.
TAKAHIWAI : taka hi: to TAKITUI : taki: to follow;
tramp; wai: water. To trample tui: native bird. To follow the
into the water. tui.
TAKAHUE: taka: heap; T A KIW A-W AIA RIKI :
hue: gourd. Heap of gourds. takiwa: district; waiariki: hot
TAKAKA: bracken. A springs. A general name for the
name which comes from the thermal district.
Society Islands. TAKUTAI : taku: coast;
TAKANINI : named after tai: sea. Sea-coast.
the friendly chief Ihaka TAMA-AHUA: the peak on
Takaanini. Literally, taka: Mount Egmont is named after
heap; nini: to glow. the first Maori to ascend it.
TAKAPAU : flax sleeping TAMAHERE: tama: son;
mat. A pa in the far north was here: tie up.
given this name because the TAMAKI : battle. The
people of Tainui put down a isthmus was tamaki-whenua, a
mat and went to sleep, i.e. they contested land. It was known
resided there for some time. as Tamaki-makau-rau, Tama-
TAKAPU : gannet. ki of a hundred lovers.
TAKAPUNA : taka: as¬ TAMARAU : tama: son;
sembly; puna: spring. The rau: many. Many sons.
gathering of people which TANEATUA : the tohunga
(priest) of the Mataatua canoe.
Literally, Tane the god.
after an old chief. Literally,
tane: man; au: whirlpool; roa:
long. The man of the long
rapid or whirlpool.
TANEKAHA: tane: man;
kaha: strong. Strong man.
TANGIIHI : correctly
Tangaehe: the noise of the
rustling or murmuring tide.
There are beds of shells on the
foreshore and the waves ripple
over them.
TANGAHOE: named by Tangiwai: a kind of
Turi after his paddle. greenstone
TANGARAKAU: fallen pet. Eel weirs were built on the
trees, referring to a great Wairoa River, and as the
quantity of trees carried down Maoris paddled their canoes up
by the river when in flood. to them the force of the water
TANGIARO: In full Tangi- was audible and was likened to
aro-o-Kahu. tangi: to weep; the sound of a conch shell being
aro: desire for; o: of; Kahu: blown.
Kahu-mata-momoe. After the TANGIWAI : tangi: to
death of his father, Kahu-mata- weep or lament; wai: water.
momoe turned his face to Weeping waters. Noted for its
Moehau where his father was sudden floods which many
buried, and chanted a lament years ago were responsible for
of yearning and sorrow. the death of a chief, as they
TANGIMOANA: tangi: were for the terrible railway
lament; moana: ocean. The disaster in 1953. Fiordland
lament of the ocean. greenstone is called tangiwai
TANGITERE: tangi: to because of the flecks in it that
cry or lament; tere: swiftly, or resemble tears.
to float. TANGOIO : tango: to take
TANGITERORIA: tangi: hold of; io: a strand of rope or
to cry; te: the; roria: conch lock of hair. To hold a strand
shell. The sound of the trum- of rope.
TANGOWAHINE: tango: TAPUAENUKU : the foot¬
to seize; wahine: woman. To steps of the rainbow god. In
abduct a woman. full, Tapuae-Uenuku.
TANIWHA : monster. TAPUHI : to nurse.
TAONUI : tao: spear; nui: TAPUI : friend, or close
big. Great spear. companion.
TAOROA : tao: spear; roa: TAPUWAE : footsteps, the
long. Long spear. place in Taranaki being named
TAPANUI : Possibly a con¬ by Turi. Tapuwae, the site of
traction of Te-tapuwae - o - the Wairoa P.O., was named
Uenuku : the footprints of the by Sir James Carroll after a
rainbow god. Or literally, the chief.
great edge, referring to the TAPUWAEHARURU : See
edge of the forest. A third Tapuaeharuru.
theory is that the name was TAPUWAEROA: tapuwae:
originally Te Papanui, the footsteps; roa: long. Long foot¬
great flat area of country. steps. They were made by the
TAPAWERA : tapa: edge; giant Rongokako, who left his
wera: hot, or burnt. The burnt footprints at Kidnappers,
fringe (of the forest). Mahia, and East Gape.
TAPU : sacred. Usually TARAKAI : tara: seabird;
given for a particular reason, kai: to live. A place where sea¬
as at Coromandel, where the birds nested.
great battle resulted in many TARAKOHE : tara: thorn;
dead being buried and making kohe: native plant.
the place sacred; or as at TARAMAKAU: Possibly
Riwaka, where a tohunga Teremakau; tere: to flow; ma-
placed a hair of his head near kau: curve. Another interpreta¬
the doorway of his house to tion is that it means tere: swift;
keep intruders away. makau: spouse, referring to a
TAPUAEHARURU : tapu- man who was in search of his
ae: footsteps; haruru: sounding. absconding wife who turned to
The noise of footsteps, or re¬ stone.
sounding footsteps. At Taupo TARAMEA : spear grass.
the name was given because of TARANAKI : There have
the caverns which caused foot¬ been many theories about this
steps to resound. Ihenga gave name. Tara: peak, presents no
the name in Northland because problems; naki may be ngaki,
of his own footsteps. clear of vegetation. Probably
Taranaki was the tribal name TARUKENGA: place of
given to Mount Egmont. A slaughter.
very old name was Pukehau- TATAIKOKO: tatai: to
papa, ice mountain, and when adorn; koko: pendant. The
referring to its graceful shape it chief Pawa adorned himself at
was called Puke-o-naki. this place.
TARARUA: tara: peak; TATARA-A-KINA: tatara:
rua: two. Two peaks. The spine; a: of; kina: sea-urchin.
double peaks of the Tararua The spines of the sea-urchin.
Range are Pukeamoamo and An old chief of Taupo com¬
Pukeahurangi opposite Otaki, pared this mountainous country
both named by Rangi-kaikore to the sea-urchins of Heretau-
(Rangi the foodless), because nga.
he broke two tara or bird TATARAMOA: tatara:
spears while on the range. distant; moa: extinct bird.
TARATA : a native tree. Distant moa.
TARATAHI: tara: peak; TATARA: a species of
tahi: single. Single peak—in shark.
this case Mount Holdsworth. TATU : to be content, or to
TARAWERA: tara: bird- touch bottom.
spear; wera: burnt. Hikawera TATUANUI: tatua: girdle;
of Hawke’s Bay had a success¬ nui: big. Large girdle.
ful season killing birds, and left T A U E R U : hanging in
his spears in a hut. When he clusters.
returned the next season he TAUHARA: isolated, alone.
found that the hut and his The mountain stands alone
spears had been burnt. in the plain.
TAREWA : The full name is rectly Tauwharenikau, the
Tarewa-pounamu; tarewa: to overhanging nikau palms.
suspend; pounamu: green¬ When Hau was travelling in
stone. A greenstone ornament the Wairarapa he discovered a
was hung on a tree as a sacred whare the walls and roof of
offering. which were thatched with
TARIKI: possibly Tarika, nikau leaves.
to toss about. TAUHOA : to befriend.
TARINGAMOTU : ta- TAUKITUA: the further
ringa: ear; motu (or mutu) : ridge.
cut off. Mutilated ear. TAUMARERE : to fall, or
a cord passed over the ridge¬ were fairly tame. It prevented
pole of a house. Possibly Tau- them from flying away.
mariri, tranquil season. TAUPIRI : tau: ridge of
TAUMARUNUI: taumaru: hill; pin: to keep close to. It
screen; nui: big. Huge screen. has been rendered, To clasp
When the chief Pehi Taroa was round the waist.
dying he asked that a screen be TAUPO : Short for Taupo-
erected to shade him from the nui-a-Tia; taupo: shoulder-
sun. He died before the work cloak; nui: big; a: of; Tia: the
was completed with the words discoverer of the lake. The
taumaru nui on his lips. great cloak of Tia. Tia slept by
TAUMATA : brow of a hill. the lake, and it has been con¬
This is a component of many jectured that Taupo is a refer¬
place names. ence to his long sleep at night
TAUMATAW HAKATA- at that place.
M ATE APOK AIWHENU- anchorage, or a resting place
AKITANATAHU: the brow for canoes.
of the hill where Tamatea TAURANGAKAWAU :
who sailed all round the land tauranga: sheltered place; ka-
played his nose flute to his lady wau: shag. A resting place for
love. There are several forms shags.
of this firmly established Maori TAURANGA-KOHU: tau¬
name, reputed to be the longest ranga: resting place; kohu:
in the country. Another form, mists. A place where the mists
broken into its component linger.
parts, isTeTaumata-okiokinga-
a-T amatea-pokai-whenua.
TAUOMA : Short for Tau-
omaoma, to race, or strive in
TAUPAKI : a loin-mat; or
a season of fine weather.
rectly Tauparekaka; taupare:
to blindfold; kaka: parrot. To
blindfold a parrot. This was
done to decoy kakas, which Tauranga: canoe anchorage
tauranga: landing place; kiekie flowers; nui: many.
mango: shark. Where the Plenty of kiekie flowers.
sharks were landed. The old TAWHITI : trap. This was
name for Shelly Beach. a place where Pawa of the Bay
TAURAROA : taura: rope; of Plenty set a trap to catch
roa: long. Long rope. Rongokako, the giant of Kahu-
TAURARUA : taura: rope; ranaki.
rua: two. Two ropes. The Tawhiti is a component of
Maori name for Judges Bay. many place names, meaning
TAUREWA: having no Tahiti, and has been brought
settled home. from the homeland of the
TAURIKO : A Pakeha- Maori people.
given name. Originally Tauri- TAWHITINUI : a forest in
co, standing for Tauranga Tahiti.
Rimu Company. It was thought TAWHIUAU : swirling
to be a misspelt Maori name mists.
and changed to Tauriko. T A WIRIK OHUKOHU:
TAURIKURA : tauri: whirling mists. The mountain
feather ornament; kura: red. holds the clouds when the rest
Ornament of red feathers. of the Tararua Range is clear.
TAUTANE : tau: ridge of a TE AHI-A-MANONO : the
hill; tane: man. Man on the flames of Manono. The site of
ridge. part of Lower Hutt, and a
TAUTORO : to stretch for¬ name of great antiquity, as it
ward. was a description of the burn¬
TAUTUKU : to stoop, or to ing of a great house on
be at a loss. Manono.
ridge of a hill; wharanui: a TAMA-KI-TE-RANGI : the
species of flax. Flax bushes on full name of Kaikoura, q.v.
the ridge. TE AHI-MANAWA-A-TE-
TAUWHARE: to overhang, KOHIPIPI : The full name of
or a shelter. the Ahimanawa Range, q.v.
TAWA : a native tree. TE AHI - PUPU - A -
TAWANUI : tawa: tree; IHENGA : te: the; ahi: fire;
nui: many. Plenty of tawa pupu: mussel; a: of; Ihenga:
•trees. the explorer. The fire at which
TAWHAI : a native tree. mussels were cooked by Ihenga.
TE AHUAHU: te: the; arms; water current in a cave.
ahuahu: mounds on which It seems most likely that it was
kumaras were grown. named after Te Anau, the
TE AKAU : te: the; akau: daughter of Hekeia.
rocky coast. The name was TE ANGA : te: the; anga:
given by the tohunga (priest) cockleshell, or fruit stone.
of the Tainui canoe because it TE ARA-A-HONGI:
was too rough to land here. Hongi’s Track, q.v.
TE AKO-O - TE-TUI - A- TE ARAI : te: the; arai:
TAMAOHO : the teaching of screen.
Tamaoho’s tui bird. It was by TE ARAROA : te: the; ara:
a waterfall on the Whangama-
path; roa: long. The long path.
rino Stream. Tuis were taught The name was given by the
to speak, usually by a waterfall
Maoris first to the residence of
where there was no other
a missionary who had a long
sound to disturb the sound of
path to the front of his house.
the teacher’s voice.
TE ARAWHATA : the lad¬
TE AN AH A WE A: te: the;
der or bridge. A ravine which
ana: cave; Hawea: the Hawea
gave access to the Panekiri
tribe. Smoke was seen coming
Bluff, Waikaremoana.
from this cave in Bligh Sound
TE ARO : te: the; aro: face,
in 1842, but the inhabitants of
or front.
the “lost tribe” fled. Subse¬
quently this name was applied TE AROHA: te: the;
to the sound. aroha: love or affection. Kahu-
TE ANAHINATORE : te: mata-momoe sat on the summit
the; ana: cave; hinatore: phos¬ of this mountain of love, and
phorescent. This is the famous his heart was filled with affec¬
recently rediscovered glow¬ tion for the land and people of
worm cave of Te Anau, named Te Paeroa-o-Toi, the long
Te Ana-au. range of Toi.
TE ANAU : A much dis¬ TE ATATU : te: the; atatu:
puted name. The following are dawn.
some of the explanations given: TE AU : the cloud or fog,
to move to and fro as reeds in the site of the Town Belt in
a lake; named after a Waitaha Dunedin.
chieftainess; the rain on the TE AUMITI : te: the; au:
water; the uneven surface; the current; miti: swallowed up.
long view; the lake of many The Maori name for French
Pass which in legend was of Mount Tongariro bears his
formed by a cormorant. name.
the; au: current; nui: great; hinau: native tree.
o: of; tonga: south. The Mana- TE HOE : Short for Hoe-o-
watu Gorge through which the Tanui, q.v.
south winds blow. TE HOIERE : named after
TE AUTE : te: the; ante: a canoe, it is the Maori name
paper mulberry tree. The name for Pelorus Sound.
commemorates an unsuccessful TE HOPE : te: the; hope:
attempt to grow this tropical waist. This river crossing was
tree, which is so important to waist-deep.
the Polynesians. TE HORO : te: the; horo:
TE AWA: te: the; awa: landslide. A descriptive name.
river, or channel. TE HURIA : te: the; huria:
TE AWAITI : te: the; awa: Maori form of Judea.
river, or channel; iti: little. The TE IKA-A-MAUI : te: the;
little channel. ika: fish; a: of; Maui: the dis¬
TE AWAMUTU: te: the; coverer of New Zealand. The
awa: river; mutu: cut short, or North Island was his fish which
ended. The river above this he pulled up from the depths
point was blocked by snags and of the ocean.
unsuitable for canoes. TE IKA-A-PAREHIKA :
TE HANA : te: the; hana: the fish of Parehika. The Maori
glow. name of Lawyers Head, Dune¬
TE HAPARA: te: the; din, which legend says was a
hapara: spade. fish which Parehika pulled
TE HAROTO: te: the; from the sea.
haroto: pool. TE IKA-A-POUTINI: the
TE HEUHEU: te: the; fish of Poutini. An ancient
heuheu: brushwood. The body name for the West Coast.
of a famous chief was buried Traditionally greenstone was
near Lake Taupo, and it was the fish of Poutini.
difficult to find at a later date TE IKA-A-WHATAROA :
because of the brushwood that te: the; ika: fish; whata: store¬
had grown over it. The high house; roa: long. The long fish
chief Tukino had a son who storehouse.
was named Te Heuheu from TE KAHA : te: the; kaha:
this event, and the highest peak rope, or boundary line.
i io
TE KAIRANGA : the place TE KAUWHATA : te: the;
where much food is gathered. kau: empty; what a: storehouse.
Forest, river, and lagoon TE KAWA : te: the; kawa:
teemed with birds and fish, and shrub.
the land was suitable for culti¬ TE KAWAKAWA : te: the;
vation. The Maori name for kaw akaw a: shrub. The
Linton Military Camp. daughters of Kupe made a
TE KAKAHO: te: the; wreath of the leaves of kawa-
kakaho: toetoe or plume-grass. kawa, and this place later be¬
TE KAKAPO : te: the; came Cape Palliser. Several
kakapo: ground parrot. Kahu’s places with this name were
dog caught a kakapo here. remembered as place names
TE KAMINARU: Correctly from Hawaiki.
Te Ika-a-Maru, the fish of TE KIRI: te: the; kiri
Maru. (short for kirikiri) : gravel.
TE KAO : te: the; kao: TE KITEROA: te: the;
dried kumara. kite: to see; roa: long. The
TEKAPO: Correctly Ta- long view.
kapo; taka: a floor mat; po: TE KOHAKA POUAKAI:
night. An exploring party was te: the; kohaka (South Island
surprised and frightened at form of kohanga) : nest; pou-
night; they hastily rolled up akai: fabulous gigantic bird.
their sleeping mats and took TE KOHANGA: te: the;
their departure. kohanga: nest.
TE KARAKA : te: the; TE KOPI : te: the; kopi:
karaka: native tree. meeting of streams.
PATU : te: the; kauhanga: kopuru: heavy clouds.
swimming; a: of; Hatupatu: TE KOROA: te: the;
the young man. of Rotorua who koroa: finger.
dived into the lake and swam TE KOURA: te: the; ho¬
underwater to Mokoia Island. ur a: crayfish.
TE KAUKAROA: In full TE KOWHAI : te: the;
Te Kaukaharoa; te: the; kau- kowhai: flowering tree.
kaha: to swim strongly; roa: TE KUITI : A contraction
long. The long, strong swim¬ of Te Kuititanga, the narrow¬
ming of Hikaroa, who swam ing in. A reference to the con¬
across Lake Te Anau at its fiscation of Maori property
widest part. after the Waikato War, and
also to the constriction of the named Young Nick’s Head by
valley of the Mangaokewa at Captain Cook.
this point. TE MAHIA: te: the;
TE KUMAR A: te: the; mahia: indistinct sound.
kumara: sweet potato. The site TE MAIKA: te: the;
of old kumara plantations. maika: basket of cooked food.
TE KUMI: te: the; kumi: TE MAIRE: te: the; maire:
fabulous creature or monster. native tree.
MAINUKU: te: the; kupenga: mania: plain.
fishing net; a: of; Taramai- TE MAPARa : te: the;
nuku: a chief. Taramainuku mapara: resin, or comb.
cast his net across the Hauraki TE MATA: te: the; mata:
Gulf from Cape Colville to headland (and many other
Whangarei Heads. The Watch¬ meanings).
man was the centre post of the TE MATAI: te: the; matai:
net, and the Hen and Chicken native tree.
Islands the corks. TE MATAU-A-MAUI: the
TE KUPENGA-O-KUPE : fishhook of Maui, with which
te: the; kupenga: fishing net; the fish of the North Island was
o: of; Kupe: the great explorer. hooked. The fishhook is the
TE KURAE-O-TURA: the great curve of Hawke Bay.
headland of Tura, the Maori TE MAUNGA: te: the;
name for the Devonport fore¬ maunga: mountain.
shore. TE MAUNGAROA: te:
TE KURAETANGA-O-TE- the; maunga: mountain; roa:
IHU-O-HEI: te: the; kurae- long.
tanga: outward curve; o: of; TE MAWHAI : te: the;
te: the; ihu: nose; o: of; mawhai: parasitic plant.
Hei: an explorer. The outward TE MIRA: te: the; mira:
curve of Hei’s nose, named by Maori form of mill. A flour
Hei as the Arawa canoe passed mill once stood here.
north to Hauraki. The island is TE MIRO : te: the; miro:
sometimes known as The native tree.
Chiefs Nose. TE MOTU-TAPU-A-TIN-
TE KURI-A-PAWA: te: IRAU : te: the; motu: island;
the; kuri: dog; a: of; Pawa: a tapu: sacred; a: of; Tinirau:
famous Maori chief. Later re¬ a legendary chief. The sacred
island of Tinirau. An ancient TE PAPA: te: the; papa:
name for Mokoia Island. flat land. A descriptive name.
TEMUKA: Properly Te- TE PAPAPA : te: the; pa-
umu-kaha; te: the; umu: oven; papa: calabash. At one time
kaha: strong. The fierce oven. known locally as Pumpkin
Another meaning given to the Flat, which could be said to be
name is Strong current, umu a rough translation of the
here meaning current. name.
TE NAMU : te: the; namu: TE PAPATAPU : te: the;
sandfly. Such names were us¬ papa: flat; tapu: sacred. The
ually given because of the sacred flat.
presence of sandflies. TE PARI : te: the; pari:
TE NGAE : te: the; ngae: precipice, a descriptive name
swamp. for Sheerdown Mountain, Mil¬
TENGAWAI : Probably a ford Sound.
corruption of Te Anawai; te: TEPENE: Maori form of
the; ana: cave; wax: water. the name of a missionary,
The water cavern. Stephenson.
TE NGAWHA: te: the; TE PIRITA: te: the; pirita:
ngawha: sulphurous springs. A supplejack.
descriptive name. TE POHUE : te: the; po-
TE NGUTU-O-TE- hue: climbing plant such as
MANU : te: the; ngutu: beak; convolvulus, clematis, etc.
o: of; te: the; manu: bird. The TE POI : te: the; poi: ball.
beak of the bird. TE POKOHIWI : te: the;
te: the; niho: tooth; o: of;
te: the; kiore: rats. Rats’ teeth.
From an expression of Ihenga’s
wife when he brought home a
bundle of rats and she saw their
TE PAHU : te: the; pahu:
gong (a stone or piece of wood
which was struck to summon
the people).
TE PAKI : te: the; paki:
fine weather, and other mean¬
ings. Poi: flax ball
H i*
pokohiwi: shoulder. The Maori Taikehu: a member of the crew
name for Boulder Bank. of Tainui who swam from this
TE PUAPUA - O - HINE - sandspit to the shore at Devon-
NUI-TE-PO : the entrance to port. A fishing bank is also
the goddess of death. The similarly named.
fumerole which is now known TE RAUAMOA : Probably
as the Brain Pot at Whakare- Te Rauhamoa. te: the; rauha-
warewa. moa: extinct bird.
TE PUIA: geyser or hot TE RAW A : te: the; raw a:
spring. property, or the cause of a
TE PUKA-A-MAUI : te: quarrel.
the; puka (South Island form TERAWHITI : Properly
of p'unga) : anchor stone; a: Tarawhiti: near to the sunrise,
of; Maui: the explorer. The or disturbed crossing.
Maori name for Stewart Island. TE REINGA : the leaping
TE PUKE: te: the; puke: place of spirits. Wairua (souls)
hill. lowered themselves from a
TE PUNA: te: the; puna: branch of a pohutukawa at Te
spring. Reinga into the underworld
TE PUNA-A-TUHOE : the below the kelp.
springs of Tuhoe, the Maori TE RERE : te: the; rere:
name for Fairy Springs. leap. Rere, rerenga, and rereka,
TE PUNINGA: te: the; all with the same meaning, are
puninga: camping place.
TE PUROTU: handsome.
One old chief said to another,
“Te purotu o te wahine!”
(What a beautiful wife you
have!) and from this circum¬
stance the place received its
TE RA: te: the; ra: sun.
The Maori name for Daggs
Sound, which opens up well to
the sun.
TERAPATIKI : tera: that;
patiki: flounder (fish).
TE RANGA-O-TAIKEHU: Te Reinga: departing place
te: the; ranga: sandspit; o: of; of spirits
components of many place WAKA-A-MAUI : the thwart
names, often recording some of Maui’s canoe at Kaikoura.
famous leap such as that of TE TAUMATA : See under
Hihi who leaped hundreds of Taumata.
feet to escape his enemies. His TE TAWA : te: the; tawa:
fall was broken by trees, and native tree. At Te Tawa,
the place named Te Rere-a- Rotorua, Ihenga pushed his
Hihi. canoe with a piece of tawa
TE RERENGAWAIRUA : wood. It stuck in the ground
te: the; rerenga: leaping; and he left it there, naming
wairua: soul. The leaping place the place after it.
of souls. See also Te Reinga. TE TEKO : te: the; teko:
TE REREWA: te: the; rock.
rerewa: Maori form of devil. TE TI : te: the; ti: cabbage
A name given to a supposedly tree.
wicked man by missionary TE TIPUA : te: the; tipua:
Maoris. goblin.
TE RORE : te: the; rore: TE TO : te: the; to: haul¬
snare. ing up place. The Maori name
TE ROTO : te: the; roto: for Freeman’s Bay, Auckland.
lake. A component of many TE TOU-O-TE-MA-
names. TENGA : the sitting place of
TE ROU: te: the; rou: Marsden. A place where the
fowler. The name given be¬ Rev. Samuel Marsden sat to
cause the postmaster was called talk to the Maoris.
Fowler. TE TUA: te: the; tua:
TE RUA : te: the; rua: pit. other side, or days gone by.
A component of several names. TE TUAHU-A-TUA-
TE RUAHINE: te: the; MEKE - TE - AHI - TAPOA -1-
ruahine: old, or wise woman. TAON A - AI - TE - M ANA WA-
TE TAO-O-KUPE : the O-TAIAPUA: the sacred place
spear of Kupe. The Maori of Tuameke, the fire of witch¬
name for Jackson’s Head craft incantation in which the
where Kupe attempted to cast heart of Taiapua was cooked.
a spear across Cook Strait. Between the Green and Blue
TE TATUA : te: the; tatua: Lakes, Rotorua.
girdle. Maori name for Three TE UKU : te: the; uku:
Kings, Auckland. white clay.
TE TAUMANU-O-TE- TE UMU : te: the; umu:
oven. A component of many name is Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi,
place names. the great canyon of Toi.
waewae: leg, foot, or footprint. the; whaka (South Island form
TEWAHI : te: the; wahi: of whanga) : harbour; raupo:
place. A component of several reed. Harbour of the raupo
names. reed, the Maori name for
TE WAI: te: the; wai: Lyttelton Harbour.
water, or stream. A common TE WHANGANUI-A-
component of place names, TARA: te: the; whanganui:
usually followed by a personal great harbour; a: of; Tara:
name, or name of a plant or ancestor of the Ngai-Tara. The
tree. great harbour of Tara, now
TE WAI POUNAMU : an Wellington Harbour or Port
old name for the South Island, Nicholson. However, it seems
The water of greenstone. It more likely that the meaning
should really be Te Wahi was The great waiting of Tara,
pounamu, the place of green¬ who waited to take revenge on
stone. enemies who had killed and
TE WAITERE; te: the; eaten his dog.
wai: water; tere: swiftly flow¬ TE WHATA: te: the;
ing. The place was named in what a: food storehouse. Ihenga
19°5> partly because of its raised a foodstore there.
meaning and partly in memory
of the Rev. John Whiteley, as
it is the Maori pronunciation
of his name.
canoe of Maui, from which he
fished up the North Island. An
old name for the South Island.
TE WEKA : te: the; weka:
wood hen.
TE WERA : te: the; wera:
heat, or burning.
TE WET A : te: the; wet a:
large native insect.
TE WHAITI: te: the;
whaiti: narrow gorge. The full Tiki: grotesque carved figure
TE WHETU : te: the; the word dinner; kore: none.
whetu: star. No dinner. Maori workmen on
TIHAKA : a kind of basket. the road forgot to take their
TIKINUI : tiki: carved dinners with them. The hill
figure in wood or greenstone; (properly Otari) may have
nui: big. Large tiki. been named after the road.
TIKITAPU : tiki: image; TINIROTO : tini: many;
tapu: sacred. A young woman roto: lakes. Many lakes. A
lost a greenstone tiki while she modern descriptive name.
was bathing in the lake. The TINOPAI : tino: very; pai:
Maori name for the Blue Lake. good.
TIKITERE : a contraction TINUI : ti: cabbage tree;
of Taku tiki i tere nei, My nui: many. Many cabbage
youngest daughter has floated trees, a descriptive name.
away. The young woman TIORI-PATEA : tiori: to
jumped into a boiling pool. hold up to view; pate a: clear.
Tiki is an endearing contrac¬ The Maori name for the Haast
tion of potiki, last-born. Pass. A leader of a group of
TIKITIKI : girdle, or knot travellers called out that the
of hair. path was clear.
TIKOKINO : tiko: evacua¬ TIPAPA : ti: cabbage tree;
tion * kino: bad. papa: flat. Cabbage tree flat.
TIKORANGI: tiko: to
protrude; rangi: sky. The true
Maori name which means Sky-
latrine in the bracken fern.
TIMARU: ti: cabbage tree;
maru: shelter. The true name is
probably Te Maru, the place of
TIMATANGA : the begin¬
ning, or starting point.
TINAARUHE: tina: fixed;
aruhe: fern-root. To be pre¬
vented from eating fern-root.
TINAKORI : Correctly
Tinakore : tina: Maori form of Ti: cabbage tree
TIRAORA: tira: a com¬ moana: ocean. Sea view.
pany of travellers; ora: satis¬ TIRONUI : tiro: view; nui:
fied. The original name of the great. Great view.
bay was Tira, but ora was TIROPAHI : tiro: view;
added to distinguish it from pahi: a large sea-going canoe
Tirau. with sails. View of a large
TIRATU : mast of a canoe. canoe.
TIRAU : ti: cabbage tree; TIROROA: tiro: view;
rau: many. Many cabbage roa: long. Extensive view.
trees. TIT AH I : ti: cabbage tree;
TIRAUMEA : many wav¬ tahi: single. A single cabbage
ing cabbage trees. tree.
TIRITIRI : In full, Tiri- TITI : mutton bird.
tiri-matangi; tiritiri: a twig TITIRANGI : titi: long
which indicates the position of streaks of cloud; rangi: sky.
a kumara tuber; matangi: the Long streaks of cloud in the
warm north-east breeze. sky. Or titirangi: a species of
TIROHANGA : view. veronica.
TIROHIA : look, or behold. TITIR O A : very long
TIR OITI : circumscribed streaks of cloud.
view. TITITEA : titi: peak; tea:
TIROMOANA: tiro: view; white. Steep peak of glistening
white. The Maori name for
Mount Aspiring.
TITOKI : a native tree.
TITRI : A corruption of the
Pakeha name tea-tree (for
TOA : male, brave, or war¬
TOATOA : a native tree.
TOETOES : named after a
Maori, Totoe.
TOKA : rock.
TOKAANU : toka: stone;
anu: cold. A cold stone.
rock; karoro: sea-gull. Sea-gull
Toa: warrior rock.
TOKANUI : toka: rock; mainland and asked what the
nui: many. Plenty of rocks. place was called. The Maoris
TOKARAHI : toka: rock; may have thought he was ask¬
rahi: many. Many rocks, be¬ ing the name of the wind, and
cause of the many blocks of replied Tarakaka, south-west
limestone. wind. The original name of
TOKAROA : toka: rock; Tolaga Bay was Uawa.
roa: long. Long rock. TOMOANA: named after a
TOKATOKA : rocks upon chief. Literally, to: to drag;
rocks. A descriptive name for moana: ocean.
the lava crag above Wairoa. TONGAPORUTU: tonga:
TOKERAU : Properly south wind; po: night; rutu:
Tokarau; toka: rocks; rau: to drive into. Driving into a
hundred, or many. A hundred southerly at night. Whatonga’s
rocks. The Maori name for the canoe Kurahaupo was running
Bay of Islands. down the west coast when it
TOKIRIMA: toki: adze; struck a southerly here at
rima: five. Five adzes. nightfall.
TOKO : pole, or to propel. TONGARIRO : tonga:
TOKOITI : toko: pole; iti: south wind; riro: carried away.
small. Little poles. Or possibly When Ngatoro-i-rangi was on
Tokaiti, little rocks. the summit and in danger of
TOKOMARU: the canoe perishing with cold, he called
which brought Manaia to New to his sisters in Hawaiki for
Zealand. Literally, toko: staff; fire. His words were carried on
maru: shade or shelter. the wings of the south wind.
TOKOROA: toko: pole; This name was originally ap¬
roa: long. Long pole. plied to the three peaks,
TOKOTEA : Correctly Tongariro, Ngauruhoe, and
Tokatea; toka: stone; tea: Ruapehu.
white. White rock. Kahu-mata- TOPUNI : close together, or
momoe placed a white rock on a black dogskin cloak.
a hill in memory of his father TORE A : oyster-catcher.
Tama-te-kapua. TORERE : named after a
TOLAGA : An obvious cor¬ woman who swam ashore from
ruption of a Maori name. One the Tainui canoe. Literally, to
conjecture is that when Captain hurry, or fall headlong.
Cook recorded the name he TOTARA : a native tree.
pointed north-west to the Totara in North Otago was so
named because it was the only Island, named by Toi. It is an
one of its kind in that district. extinct volcano and there are
At one time this place was large deposits of obsidian.
called Totaratahi, a single TUI : native bird.
totara. TUKITUKI: to demolish,
TOTARANUI : totara: or batter. See under Ruata-
tree; nui: many. Many totaras. huna.
TOWAI : a native tree. TUMAHU : tu: wounded;
TUAHIWI: tua: on the mahu: healed. Healed of a
other side; hiwi: ridge. On die wound.
other side of the ridge. TUMAI : tu: to stand; mat:
this way, or towards the person
TUAI : dark.
TUAKAU: tu: to stand;
TUMOANA: tu: to stand;
akau: shore or coast. To stand
moana: ocean, or lake. Stand¬
by the shore of the river. There
ing in the lake.
was a commanding view down
TUNA : eel.
the Waikato for some miles
TUNANUI: tuna: eel; nui:
from this place.
many. Plenty of eels.
TU AM ARINA : Correctly
TUPAROA: tupa: shellfish;
Tuamarino; tua: beyond;
roa: long. Long shellfish.
marino: calm. Clear view from
TURAKINA: to be felled
the plains to the hills.
or thrown down. Hau, when
TUAPEKA: tua: beyond; pursuing his wife, named the
peka: branch of a river. On the
stroam because a tree was lying
further side of the stream. across it.
TUATAPERE: a sacred TURANGA: standing. It
ceremony before a time for was a stopping place of Toi’s
amusement. There has been a canoe, and was the site of the
suggestion that the name modern Gisborne. It was also
should be Tuatapera, pout of known as Turanga-nui-a-Kiwa.
the lips, because of water being Turanga-a-Kupe was the stop¬
bitter. ping place of Kupe, and is now
TUATARA : native reptile. Seatoun in Wellington.
a famous Maori chief of Otago, rectly Turanga-a-rere.
known as Bloody Jack. turanga: standing; a: of; rere:
TUHUA: obsidian. Also to fly or wave. It was a place
the Maori name for Mayor where a taua (war party) stood
with feathers waving in their U
TURANGI : named after a UAWA: ua: rain; wa:
chief. Literally, tu: to stand; season. Rainy season. The
rangi: sky. To stand in the sky. original name for Tolaga Bay,
TUREHU : fairies. q.v.
TURIROA : turi: post; roa: UIA : to be disentangled.
long. Long post. UMERE : to keep in time by
TURUA: beautiful, refer¬ chanting.
ring to the reflections in the UMUKURI : umu: oven;
river. kuri: dog. Dog cooked in the
TURUTURU-MOKAI: oven. What was cooked in the
turuturu: to set a post in the oven was really Kurimanga, a
ground; mokai: slave. A slave tohunga (priest).
was captured on the spot where UMUTAOROA: umu:
the post was set in. oven; tao: to cook; roa: long.
TUTAEKURI : tutae: The ovens that took a long
dung; kuri: dog. time to cook. An incident in
TUTAENUI : tutae: dung; Maori history. The site of
nui: big. The Maori name for present day Dannevirke.
Marton. UMUTOI : umu: oven; toi:
TUTAMOE : tu: to rise up; to be moist.
tamoe: flat top. Mountain ris¬ UMUWHEKE: umu: oven;
ing up with a flat top. wheke: octopus. Octopus
TUTIRA : row, or file. cooked in an oven.
TUTOKO : named after a UPOKO-NGARO: upoko:
chief. Literally, tu: to stand; head; ngaro: hidden. Hidden
toko: post. To stand up like a head. Ira-nga-rangi was des¬
post. olate when her brothers were
TUTUKAKA : tutu: a tree killed and she died of grief.
in which snares are set; kaka: Lest she should be mutilated
parrot. The kaka perch. by enemies, her people cut off
TUTURAU: tutu: native her head and hid it in a cave
tree; rau: many. Many tutu by this stream.
trees. UPOKO-POITO: upoko:
TUTUTAWA : tutu: to head; poito: float. Heads like
steep, in water; tawa: a native floats on a fishing net. Some
tree. The place where tawa Maoris were drowned here,
berries are steeped in water. and their heads bobbed up and
down like floats on the water.
This was near the foreshore at
UPOKORORO: a fresh¬
water fish.
URENUI : Manaia named
the river after his son Tu-ure-
nui. Literally, ure: figurative
expression for courage; nui:
big. Great courage.
UREWERA : The name was
given almost sarcastically be¬
cause a chief received a severe
burn when he rolled into a fire
during sleep. Waharoa: entrance to pa
grove; pukapuka: shrub. A Kuri: name of a chief. Kuri’s
grove of pukapukas. clearing.
URUTI : uru: grove; ti: WAHAROA: waha: mouth;
cabbage tree. A grove of cab¬ roa: long, i.e. the gateway to a
bage trees. palisaded village. Named after
URUWHENUA: uru: west; the great chief Te Waharoa.
whenua: land. West country. WAIANAKARUA: wai:
UTIKU : a Biblical name, water; ana: cave; rua: two.
Eutychus, in its Maori form. Water from two caves, or the
The name was chosen by the meeting of waters. Or else the
chief Potaka when he came creek of Nakarua.
under missionary influence. WAIANIWA: Probably a
contraction of Waianiwaniwa.
W wai: water; aniwaniwa: rain¬
bow. Deep water, or water in
WAENGA : in the middle. which the rainbow is reflected.
WAERENGA : a clearing. WAIANIWANIWA : wai:
WAERENGA-A-HIKA: water; aniwaniwa: rainbow, or
waerenga: a clearing; a: of; deep. Deep water, or water
Hika: name of a chief. where rainbows appear in the
Waerenga’s clearing. spray.
WAERENGA - O - KURI : WAIAPU: wai: water; apu:
waerenga: a clearing; o: of; to swallow. Swallowing waters.
The river is dangerous to cross gether. In legend they were
in time of flood. The render¬ lovers who drifted apart, and
ing may be waiapu: a special weep for each other.
kind of stone found only in this WAIAWA: wai: water;
district, used for polishing aw a: valley. River in the
adzes. valley.
WAIAREKA : wai: water; WAIHAHA: wai: water;
reka: sweet. Sweet or pleasant haha: noisy. Noisy water.
water. WAIHAO : wai: water;
WAIARI : wai: water; ari: hao: a small eel. Eel river. The
clear. Clear water. name is common. The South
WAIARIKI : hot springs, Canterbury river was named
or curative waters. They are and discovered by a chief
the ariki: chiefs or patriarchs whose wife found these eels
of all water. particularly acceptable.
WAIARUHE : wai: water; WAI HA PA : wai: water;
aruhe: edible femroot. Stream hapa: crooked. Crooked
where the fernroot can be ob¬ stream.
tained. WAIHARAKEKE: wai:
WAIATARUA : waiata: water; harakeke: flax. Water
song; rua: two. Two songs. Or where the flax grows. At Blen¬
wai: water; atarua: two heim the Maori name has been
images. Double-imaged water. changed to the English equiv¬
The Maori name for Lake St. alent Flaxbourne.
John, Auckland, now drained. WAIHARARA : waiha:
WAIAU : wai: water; an: variety of kumara; rara: there.
current. River of swirling WAIHARURU : wai:
currents. water; haruru: resounding.
WAIAUA: wai: water; aua: Rumbling or resounding water,
native fish. Kahu-mata-momoe descriptive of the sulphur area
and Huarere saw the fish in the at Whakarewarewa.
river and conferred the name. WAIHAU : wai: water;
WAIAUTOA : See Waiau- hau: wind. Windy water.
uha. WAIHEKE: wai: water;
WAIAUUHA : wai: water; heke: to ebb or drip. Ebbing
au: current; uha: female. The water.
female Waiau. The male river WAIHEMO : wai: water;
was Waiautoa (Clarence River). hemo: to disappear. Disappear¬
Their sources are close to¬ ing water, referring to the
the river when the tide has hua: fish roe. So named by a
gone out. Maori because his dog ate a
WAIHI: wai: water; hi: porcupine fish there, but left
gushing forth. Water gushing the roe.
out. An old Hawaiki name. WAI-ITI : wai: water; iti:
WAIHIHI: gushing water, little. Little river. A descriptive
a name which comes from name.
Hawaiki. WAIKAIA : Properly
WAIHINAU : wai: water; Waikea or Waikeha. wai:
hinau: native tree. Ilinau trees water; keha: burr. The stream
by the water. where the keha grew. It was
WAIHIRERE : wai: water; named by Rakaihautu because
hirere: to rush. Rushing waters. the native burr infested the
WAIHO : Correctly Waiau, place.
q.v. WAIKAKA : Short for
WAIHOAKA : wai: water; Waikakahi. wai: water; kaka-
hoaka (South Island form of hi: shellfish. Water where the
hoanga) : sandstone. Sand¬ shellfish may be found.
stone stream. WAIKAKAHO : wai:
WAIHOLA : wai: water; water; kakaho: plumes of the
hola (a rendering of hora) : toetoe. Toetoe plume water.
spread out. Spreading waters. WAIKANA : Short for
It is a wide shallow lake. Waikanakana. wai: water;
WAIHOPAI: It should kanakana: lamprey. Lamprey
probably be Waiopai, The river.
water of Pai. WAIKANAE : wai: water;
WAIHOPO: wai: water; kanae: mullet. Hau, who was
hopo: to be apprehensive. River searching for his wife, looked
that one fears to cross. about out of the comer of his
WAIHORA : wai: water; eye . . . ka ngahae nga pi, and
hora: spread out. Wide ex¬ likened his eyes to the glisten¬
panse of water. (Lake Elles¬ ing of the mullet.
mere). WAIKARAKA: wai: water;
WAIHOU : wai: water; karaka: native tree. Karaka
hou: cold, or new. New or cold river.
river. Probably New river, in WAIKARE: wai: water;
the sense that it has cut a new kare: to ripple. Rippling water.
channel. WAIKAREITI : wai:
WAIHUA: wai: water; water; kare: to ripple; iti:
little. See Waikaremoana. WAIKERIKERI : wai:
WAIKAREMOANA : wax: water; kerikeri: rushing along
water; kare: to ripple; moana: violently. The Maori name for
lake. Popularly rendered The the Selwyn River.
sea of rippling waters, but it WAIKEWAI : Properly
would be better as The sea of Waikekewai; wai: water; keke-
dashing waters, because the wai: small dragonfly. Dragonfly
waves were agitated by the stream.
taniwha who formed the Wai- WAIKIEKIE : wai: water;
kare-taheke, the raging torrent kiekie: climbing plant. Kiekie
that runs out of the lake. water.
water; karetu: sweet-scented water; kimihia: sought for;
grass. Karetu river. The sought for water, the
WAIKARI: ditch or trench. Maori name for Hinemoa’s
Of Waikari in Hawke’s Bay Bath on Mokoia Island, to
Paoa’s dog Whakao dug (kari which Hinemoa swam from the
meaning to dig) until he found mainland and in which she
water. bathed on her arrival.
WAIKATO : wai: water; WAIKINO : wai: water;
kato: to flow. Full flowing kino: bad. Unpleasant water.
river. WAIKITE : wai: water;
WAIKAUKAU : wai: kite: to see. This was a once-
water; kaukau: to bathe. Bath¬ famous geyser at Whakare-
ing place. warewa which could be seen
WAIKAURA : wai: water; clearly from Rotorua.
kaura (a form of koura) : cray¬ WAIKIWI : wax: water;
fish. Crayfish were plentiful in kiwi: flightless bird. Kiwi
this stream. stream.
WAIKAWA : wai: water; WAIKOAU : wai: water;
kawa: bitter. Bitter water. koau: shag. Shag river.
WAIKAWAU : wai: water; WAIKOHU : mist or fog.
kawau: shag. Shag river. WAIKOIKOI : wai: water;
WAIKERERU: wai: water; koikoi: cool. Cool water.
kereru: wood-pigeon. Kereru WAIKOKOPU : wai'
water. water; kokopu: freshwater fish.
WAIKERIA : wai: water; Kokopu stream.
keria: dug out. A gouged out WAIKOKOWAI : wai:
watercourse. water; kokowai: red ochre.
Water where red ochre is kowhai: flowering tree. Many
found. kowhais grew here.
WAIKOMITI : wai: water; WAIKUMETE: wai:
komiti: mingled. Mingled water; kumete: wooden bowl.
waters. The Maori name for Kumete creek.
Glen Eden. WAIKUTA: wai: water;
WAIKOPUA : wai: water; kuta: a rush. Stream of rushes.
kopua: deep, Deep water. The name was given by Ihenga
WAIKOROHIHI : bubb¬ because of the profuse growth
ling or hissing water, a pool at of rushes.
Whakarewarewa. WAIMA : wai: water; ma:
WAIKOTUTURI : wai: white. White river. There was
water; kotuturi: kneeling. The a great deal of white limestone
water of kneeling. Some de¬ in its bed.
feated warriors were forced to WAIMAERO : wai: water;
kneel beside the stream with maero: wild man of the forest.
their hands tied behind their The name is also said to mean
backs. deep water channel, or hard
WAIKOUAITI : wai: water.
water; koua (kua): to become; WAIMAHAKA : wai:
iti: small. The water that de¬ water; mahaka (South Island
creased. The usual explanation form of mahanga) : twin. Twin
of this name is that the river waters.
changed its course, the flow WAIMAHORA : wai:
thus decreasing at this point. water; mahora: to spread out.
WAIKOURA : wai: water; Spreading waters.
koura: crayfish. Crayfish stream. WAIMAHURU : wai:
WAIKOWHAI : wai: water; water; mahuru: placid. Placid
waters. The name was given by
Paoa because of the appear¬
ance of the stream.
WAIMAI : Probably the
original name was Waimatai;
wai: water; matai: black pine.
Black pine river.
water; makariri: cold. Cold
Kumete: wooden bowl WAIMAMAKU: wai:
water: mamaku: tree-fern. hundred years ago, and it is
Mamaku stream. said that bullets may be found
WAIMANA : wai: water; in the bed of the stream.
mana: shrimp. Stream in which WAIMATAITAI : wai:
shrimps are caught. water; mataitai: salty. Brackish
WAIMANARARA: wai: water. A descriptive name of a
water; manarara: noisy. Turb¬ lagoon.
ulent river. WAI MATE : wai: water;
WAIMANGAROA: wai: mate: stagnant. The orignal
water; manga: branch; roa: name in the South Island was
long. Long branch of a river. Waimatemate, with the same
WAIMANGEO : wai: meaning. Until floods came,
water; man geo: pungent, min¬ the creeks became blocked up
eralised water. The Maori and there were many stagnant
name for Alum Creek. pools.
WAIMANGU : wai: water; WAIMATENUI : wai:
mangu: black. Black water. water; mate: stagnant; nui:
The name of the famous big. Great expanse of stagnant
extinct geyser which threw up water.
a huge volume of muddy water WAIMATUKU : wai:
high into the air. water; matuku: bittern. Bittern
WAIMANU : wai: water; stream.
manu: bird. Stream frequented WAIMAUKU : wai: water;
by birds. mauku: small fern. A river
WAIMARAMA : wai: which when flooded drowned
water; marama: moonlight. the cabbage trees, so that their
Moonlit water. It also means tops appeared above the water
clear water. like small ferns.
WAIMARIE : wai: water; W AIM AUNG A : wai:
marie: quiet. Quiet waters. water; maunga: mountain.
WAIMARINO : wai: Mountain stream.
water; marino: calm, or still. WAIMEA : Several mean¬
Still waters. ings have been given to the
WAIMARU : wai: water; name; wai: water; mea: un¬
maru: sheltered. Calm water. important, forgotten. The
WAIMATA : wai: water; stream with the forgotten
mata: bullet. Stream where name. Mea may be a contrac¬
bullets are found. A running tion of me ha: tasteless. The
fight took place there nearly a use of the name is widespread,
and could mean insipid, taste¬ namu: sandfly. Stream infested
less, unimportant, lonely, un¬ with sandflies.
palatable, etc. WAINGARO : wai: water;
WAIMEHA: See Waimea. ngaro: lost. Hidden waters.
WAIMIHA : Probably an¬ WAINGAWA: Correctly
other form of Waimea, q.v. It Wai-a-wanga, water of hesita¬
may mean Water that is pretty tion. Hau hesitated to cross this
to look at. river when in pursuit of his
WAIMIHI: wai: water; wife.
mihi: to sigh, or regret. WAINGONGORO: wai:
WAIMIRO: wai: water; water; ngongoro: gurgling. It
miro: native tree. Miro creek. also means snoring, and this is
WAIMOARI : wai: water; the place where Turi snored.
moari: giant swing. The river WAINIHINIHI : wai:
beside which a moari was water; nihinihi: to glide past.
erected. The place where the waters
WAIMORI : wai: water; glide past.
mori: without tributaries. WAINUI : wai: water; nui:
WAIMOTU : wai: water; big. Big river.
motu: island. Island stream, WAINUIOMATA: wai:
or stream with an island in it. water; nui: big; o: of; Mata:
WAINAMU: wai: water; name of a person. Big stream
belonging to Mata.
WAIOEKA : Probably
Waioweka; wai: water; o: of;
weka: woodhen. Weka river.
syllables are capable of so many
meaningless translations that
speculation is idle. It is the
place where an ancestor of the
Ngati-Porou tribe was hung up
in a puriri tree, the incident
being remembered by the giv¬
ing of the famous name
WAINONO: wai: water;
nono: oozing. Oozing water.
WAIOMU : wai: water; o:
of; Mu: personal name. The WAIPAHI : wai: water;
water of Mu. pahi: flowing. Flowing water.
WAIONE: wai: water; one: Actually The water of Pahi.
beach. Stream on the beach. WAIPANGO : wai: water;
WAIONGONA : wai: pan go: black. Black water.
water; o: of; Ngona: personal WAI PAO : wai: water;
name. Water of Ngona. pao: to strike. The place was
WAIOPANI : wai: water; named after Waipao who was
o: of; pani: orphan. Orphan killed by Tuwhakairiora-
water or lake. WAIAPAOA : wai: water;
WAIORAATANE; wai: paoa: smoky. Smoky water. In
water; ora: living; a: of; Tane: actual fact it should be called
the god of nature. A very Waiopaoa, the river of Paoa, a
famous name in mythology. famous chief whose people had
WAIORONGOMAI : wai: made a canoe in the forest. He
water; o: of; Rongomai: per¬ created the river in order that
sonal name. The water of the canoe could be launched.
Rongomai. WAIPAPA : wai: water;
WAIOTAPU : Sacred papa: flat, or flat rock. Stream
waters. across the plain, or stream of
WAIOTEMARAMA : wai: the flat rock.
water; o: of; te: the; marama: WAIPAPAKAURI : wai:
moon. The waters of the moon. water; papa: flat land; kauri:
WAIOTIRA: wai: water; native tree. Swampy ground
o: of; tira: sticks set up for where the kauri grows.
purposes of divination. Water WAIPARA : wai: water;
of incantation. para: mud. River with a thick
WAIOTU : wai: water; o: muddy sediment.
of; Tu: the god of war. A pool WAI PAT A : wai: water;
or stream where ceremonies pata: dripping. Dripping water.
were rendered to Tu. WAIPATIKI : wai: water;
WAIOURU : wai: water; patiki: flounder. Water where
o: of; uru: west. River of the the flounders may be found.
west. The stream is the most WAIPATUKAHU : wai:
westerly branch of the Hautu- water; patu: to beat; kahu:
pu River. cloak. Water in which garments
WAIPA : wai: water; pa: were beaten.
fortified village. River by the WAIPAWA: wai: water;
pa. pawa: bird-snare. Waipawa in
Hawke’s Bay is named after water; pukurau: a large white
Pawa or Paoa, but has also mushroom. Stream where the
been rendered Waipawamate, mushrooms grow. This is the
water smelling strongly, or correct meaning, but it has
dead water. been conjectured that the name
WAIPIATA : wai: water; should have been Waipukerau;
piata: glistening. Glistening waipuke: flood; rau: many.
water. Many floods.
WAIPIPI : wai: water; WAIRAKEI : wai: water;
pi pi: shellfish. Where the pipis rakei: adorning. The place
are found. where the pools were used as
WAIPIRO : wai: water; mirrors.
piro: stinking. Evil-smelling WAIRAKI : wai: water;
water. raki: dry. Dried up waters. It
WAIPORI : Correctly is the bed of an old lake.
Waipouri; wai: water; pouri: WAIRANGI : foolish, or
dark. Dark river. excited.
WAIRARAPA : wai: water;
WAIPOUA : wai: water;
rarapa: glistening. Glistening
poua: shellfish. The original
waters. When Hau saw the
name was probably Waipoa,
beautiful lake and valley his
poa being a shellfish found at
eyes glistened with delight.
the mouth of the river. Another
The glistening is not only of
conjecture is that the name is
the water but of his eyes.
wai: water; po: night; ua:
WAIRAU : wai: water;
rain; water that comes from
rau: many. The plain of a
the rain at night.
hundred rivers. Simple names
like this often have many
water; pounamu: greenstone.
meanings, and some that have
Greenstone river.
been given for Wairau are,
WAIPOURI : wai: water; The rift in the clouds, Waters
pouri: dark. Dark stream. of many streams, and Dis¬
WAIPU : wai: water; pu: coloured waters.
red. Reddish water. A fairly WAIREKA : wai: water;
persistent belief is that pu reka: sweet. Pleasant waters.
refers to the sound of gunfire. WAIREPO: wai: water;
WAIPUKU : wai: water; repo: swamp. Swampy water,
puku: to swell. Swelling water. or Water running through a
WAIPUKURAU : wai: swamp.
WAIRERE : waterfall. Stream which flows from the
WAIREWA : wai: water; mountains.
rewa: to lift up. Water lifted WAITAHA : wai: water;
up. It is the Maori name for taha: to pass on one side. Back¬
Lake Forsyth, the last lake water. Some South Island
which Rakaihautu scooped names come from the early
out. As the sign that his labours Waitaha tribe. Also a name
were over, he thrust his ko for the Canterbury Plains, an
(digging stick) into the summit abbreviation of Nga Pakihi-
of a hill close by, and this was whakateketeka-a-Waitaha, q.v.
the “lifting up”. WAITAHANUI: wai:
WAIRIMA : wai: water; water; tahanui: a variety of
rim a: five. cabbage tree. Stream where
WAIRIO : wai: water; n’o.- the cabbage trees grow. Or Big
dried up. Dried up waters. An¬ backwater.
other conjecture is that the WAITAHORA: wai: water;
name should be Waireo; wai: tahora: spread out, or a small
water; reo: voice. Voice of the duck. Duck stream, or Spread¬
waters. ing waters.
WAIROA: wai: water; roa: WAITAHUNA : wai:
long. Usually Long river, but water; tahuna: sandbank.
in some places it means High Usually translated Stream of
waterfall, and in one case Tall many sandbanks. Actually it
geyser. was named after a Ngai-Tahu
WAIRONGOA : wai: chief.
water; rongoa: medicine. WAITAI : wai: water; tai:
Water with curative properties. tide. Tidal or brackish water.
WAIRONGOMAI : Prob¬ WAITAKARO: wai: water;
ably the correct form is takaro: to play or wrestle.
Waiorongomai, the water of Stream running through a
Rongomai. games area.
WAIRUA : soul or spirit. WAITAKARURU : wai:
Or wai: water; rua: two. Two water; takaruru: stagnant.
streams. Stagnant water. One amusing
WAIRUNA : wai: water; meaning has been given : wai:
runa: dock plant. Stream water; taka: to fall; ruru: owl.
where the dock grows. Water that the morepork fell
WAIRUNGA : wai: water; into.
runga: above, or from above. WAITAKERE: wai: water;
takere: deep. Deep pools. An¬ stream [tara: peak), and an¬
other meaning is Cascading other that a young man
waters. It is thought that the searched for his father by suc¬
Auckland Waitakere may pos¬ cessive throwings of his dart;
sibly be a corruption of Wai- whai: to follow; tara: dart.
tekauri, stream where the Waitara on the Mohaka
kauri grows; but it is almost River is so named because he
certain that it was named after took with him the bones of his
a chief who was murdered at slave to scrape and shape into
the mouth of the stream. spears (tara).
The South Island Wai¬ WAITARERE: wai: water;
takere (the Nile River) was tar ere: to flow copiously. Run¬
originally Ngawaitakerei, The ning streams.
waters of Takerei. WAIT ARIA: wai: water;
WAITAKI : wai: water; taria: to wait for. Water that
taki: (South Island form of has been waited for.
tangi) : sounding. Rumbling WAITATA: wai: water;
waters, coming from the sound tat a: close. Nearby water.
of the river over the shingle WAITATI: the proper
beds. There is a legend that name is Waitete : wai: water;
the river was formed by the tete: blue duck. Water fre¬
tears of two brothers whose quented by blue ducks.
sister was drowned at the WAITEMATA: wai: water;
mouth of the river, and turned te: the; mat a (short for mata-
into a rock. The brothers were tuhua): obsidian. Water as
transformed into two hills near smooth as the surface of
Ohou, and their tears form the obsidian. The accent should
river of weeping. really be placed on the final
WAITANGI: wai: water; syllable. It may be a coincid¬
tangi: weeping, or sounding. ence that the name of the
Noisy or weeping waters. upper reaches of the harbour
WAITAPU: wai: water; was Waitimata, timata, to be¬
tapu: sacred. Sacred water. gin, being a rock which was a
WAITARA: wai: water; tribal boundary.
tara (short for taranga) : wide WAITEMATAMATA :
steps. River crossed with big wai: water; te: the; Mata-
steps. Turi forded it with great mata: a taniwha who lived in
strides. Another explanation is the creek.
that it simplv means Mountain WAITEPEKA : wai: water;
te: the; peka: branch. Tribut¬
ary of the river.
WAITETE: wai: water;
tete: dripping. Water dripping
from the ground.
WAITETI: wai: water; te:
the; ti: cabbage tree. Cabbage
tree stream.
WAITETUNA: wai: water;
te: the; tuna: eel. Creek where
the eels are caught.
WAITOA: wai: water; to a:
rough. Rough water.
WAITOETOE: wai: water;
toetoe: plume grass. Toetoe
stream. Totara: New Zealand tree
WAITOHI : There are
three possible explanations for where the totara trees were
the original name for Picton. plentiful.
It may be a stream where the WAITOTO: wai: water;
waitohi baptismal rite was per¬ toto: blood. Probably the
formed. It may be, in full, Te scene of a battle.
Wera-o-Waitohi, the burning WAITUJ : wai: water; tui:
of Waitohi. Waitohi, the sister native bird. Tui bay or river.
of Te Rauparaha, is reputed to WAITUNA: wai: water;
have been burnt to death in a tuna: eel. Eel stream. It is
scrub fire; or it is the clearing possible that Waituna West
burnt by Waitohi to make a received its Maori name be¬
plantation. cause of an orator who lived
WAITOHU : wai: water; there. Some eels remain small
tohu: to point out. Water that and immature, and the Maori
showed the way to two fugit¬ ideal of oratory was a flow of
ives who escaped to the hills. words of even length.
WAITOMO: wai: water; WAIUKU : wai: water;
tomo: shaft. Water entering uku: white clay. A high-born
the cave by means of long girl came here to choose a
shafts. husband. The first chief pre¬
WAITOTARA: wai: water; sented was good-looking, but
totara: native tree. River did not impress the girl. His
brother who was in the kumara
plantation was hurriedly sum¬
moned, and scrubbed with
white clay from the stream to
make him presentable. The
uku was known as Maori soap.
The story has a happy ending,
and the event is commemor¬
ated in the name Waiuku.
WAIUTA : wai: water, uta:
inland. Inland water. Or to
load a canoe on the river.
WAIWERA : wai: water;
wera: hot. Hot water. The Whio: blue duck
Auckland Waiwera is the site
of hot springs. The Southern Tahiti, transferred to Nelson.
Waiwera is named after Wai- Literally waka: canoe; puaka:
whero, a chief. dry twigs. The early settlers
WAIWHERO : wai: water; called it Hoke-poke.
whero: red. Red water. WAKARARA : waka:
WAIWHETU : wai: water; canoe; rara: to be thrown
whetu: star. Star-reflecting broadside on. A canoe thrown
water. on its beam ends.
WAIWHIO: wai: water; WAKARI: Properly Whaka-
whio: blue mountain duck, or ari, to show, or expose to view.
whisding duck. Stream of the WAKATAHURI : waka:
mountain duck. canoe; tahuri: overturned. The
WAKAMARINO: waka overturned canoe.
(South Island form of whanga): WAKATIPU : Short for
harbour; marino: peaceful. A Wakatipuwaimaori. Wakatipu
peaceful bay. is said to be Wakatipua, waka:
WAKANUI : waka: canoe; trough; tipua: goblin or mon¬
nui: big. Large canoe. ster. The lake was the trough
WAKAPATU: Correctly in which the tipua rests, his
Whakapatu, to strike, or to breathing causing the rise and
kill. fall of the lake waters. On the
WAKAPUAKA : Correcdy other hand the original form
Whakapuaka, the name of may be Whakatipu, which
Kupe’s fishing ground in means to create or cause to
grow, so named because the WEKA : woodhen.
remnants of defeated tribes re¬ WEKAKURA: weka: wood-
tired here to rear their families hen; kura: red. Reddish col¬
and build up their strength. oured weka.
Wakatipu-waimaori means WERAROA: wera: burnt;
Fresh water Wakatipu, and roa: long. Long bum, in prep¬
Lake McKerrow is Wakatipu- aration for a clearing.
waitai, Saltwater Wakatipu. WHAINGAROA : whai:
WAKATU : waka: canoe; stingray; nga: the; roa: long.
tu: to pile up. The place where The Maori name for Raglan
broken canoes were dumped. Harbour.
It is the old name for Nelson. WHAKAANGIANGI : to
WAN AKA : Possibly it make thin.
should be Wananga: sacred WHAKAARI : to make vis¬
knowledge. Another explana¬ ible. The Maori name for
tion is that it is Oanaka (which White Island as well as other
has much the same sound), o: places.
the place of; Anaka: name WHAKAHORO : to scatter,
of a person. or to take to pieces.
WANGAEHU : See Wha- WHAKAIRI : to hang up.
ngaehu. WHAKAKI : to fill. This
WANGANUI: See Wha- referred to the lagoon which
nganui. the Maoris liked to see at a
WANGAPEKA : wanga high level for fishing and eel-
(properly whanga) : harbour ing.
or valley; peka: edible fern- WHAKAKITENGA : a
root. Valley of the fern-root. place where an extensive view
WAOTU : In full, He Wao- can be obtained.
tutahi-nga-rakau, the place of WHAKAMAHI : made to
high trees standing by them¬ work. The men were forced to
selves. work in the cultivations and
WAREA : to be absorbed, or were fed with human flesh. On
to be made unconscious. Pos¬ their return they said, “We
sibly named after the wife of were made to work and the
Manaia. food was human flesh.”
Wharepa, fortified house. illuminate, or to explain.
WARO : a deep pit, or a WHAKAMARINO : to
recess in the rocks. make peaceful.
WHAKAPARA : to make a There are several variations of
clearing in the forest. the story.
whakapou: to establish firmly; ground. A recent name applied
ngakau: heart. The hills of to the sacred places where gold
heart’s desire. Tanewhakarara prospectors in the Coromandel
went to hunt in these hills and Peninsula were not permitted
did not return. His sisters to dig.
named the range because of the WHAKATITI: a leaf used
longing their brother had for to let the spirit of a dying man
them, and before they returned escape.
to Hawaiki they made hot WHAKATU : to stand up,
springs at Tikitere so that or to make a speech.
their brother could bathe there WHAKATUTU: to place
if he returned. an object so that water falls on
to it, to hold open a basket, or
WHAKAREWA: to cause
to fasten a net to a hoop.
something to float.
WHANANAKI: whana: to
rush; naki: steadily. A steady
The full name is Te Whaka-
rush (of water).
rewarewatanga - o - te - Ope - a -
WHANA WHANA : to bend
Wahiao, the uprising of the
backwards and forwards.
war party at Wahiao. A war
WHANGAEHU: whanga:
party assembled at the geyser
area and performed a war
dance before going into action.
WHAKARONGO: to listen,
or to inform.
WHAKATAKI : to go in
search of, or to begin a speech.
WHAKATANE: to play
the man. Wairaka, the daughter
of the chief Toroa, jumped
ashore from the Mataatua
canoe when it was in diffi¬
culties, and took a line ashore.
Her famous saying on this
occasion was, “Me whakatane
au i au” (I shall act like a man). Whakatu: to make a speech
harbour; ehu: turbid. Ehu also WHANGAPARAOA:
means to bail out, and it is said whanga: harbour; paraoa:
that when Hau crossed this whale. Whale harbour. This is
river, he had to bail out his the place where canoes of the
canoe; or else that he splashed great migration landed. A
the water with the flat of his whale was stranded on the
taiaha. beach and became an object of
WHANGAKOKO: dispute between the men of the
whanga: harbour; koko: a Tainui and Arawa canoes.
name for the tui. Tui harbour. WHANGAPE : It is said
WHANG AM AT A: whanga: that the name means Waiting
harbour; mat a: obsidian. Ob¬ for the inside of the paua. The
sidian is washed ashore here name comes from the Society
from Mayor Island. Islands.
WHANG AMO A : whanga: WHANGAPIPIRO : evil¬
harbour; moa: extinct giant smelling place. This was the
bird. Moa haven. hot spring in which the bird-
WHANGAMOMONA : ogress who chased Hatupatu
whanga: valley; momona: fat. was killed.
Fertile valley. There is also a WHANGAPOUA: whanga:
story that a man named Hoti harbour; poua: shellfish. Harb¬
waylaid travellers and killed our of shellfish.
and ate the plump ones.
WHANGANUI : whanga:
harbour; nui: big. Great harb¬
our. The pronunciation of
Maoris of this district is rather
different from those in other
parts, especially because they
substitute w for wh. For this
reason the form Wanganui has
become the accepted spelling.
the great bay of Hei. The
Maori name for Mercury
harbour; para: sediment.
Muddy harbour. Paraoa: whale
WHANGARA : whanga: house; atea: space, or out of
harbour; ra: sun. Sunny bay. the way. A large house to ac¬
The name was brought from commodate everyone. Such a
Rarotonga. house stood here for the enter¬
WHANGARAE: whanga: tainment of guests long ago.
harbour; rae: headland. The WHAREHINE : whare:
bay of many capes, the Maori house; hine: young woman.
name for Croixelles Harbour. The house of girls.
WHANGARATA : whanga: WHAREHUNGA : whare:
harbour; rata: native tree. Bay house; hunga: company of
of rata trees. people. A large house in which
WHANGAREI : whanga: to accommodate people.
harbour; rei: cherished posses¬ WHAREHUIA : whare:
sion. It probably means The house; huia: extinct bird.
waiting of Rei. A young Home of the huia.
woman Reipae from Waikato WHAREKOPAE: house
waited here for her lover, but with a door at the side (an un¬
grew tired and married an¬ usual place for the door).
other young man. Her sister WHAREKURI : Properly
Reitu married the rejected Te Warokuri, the chasm of the
lover. dog.
WHANGAROA: whanga: WHAREMA: whare: house.
harbour; roa: long. ma: free from tapu. Common
WHANGARURU: whanga: house.
harbour; ruru: sheltered. Shel¬ WHAREMAUKU: whare:
tered harbour. house; mauku: fern. House
WHANGATEAU: whanga: built of fern-trees.
harbour; te: the; au: current. WHAREORINO : whare:
The harbour with the strong house; o: of; rino: iron. Cor¬
current. rugated iron house.
whanga: harbour; toetoe: house; paina: to warm oneself.
plume grass. Toetoe bay. It has been suggested that as it
WHARENUI : a variety of is in a region of pine planta¬
flax. tions, paina stands for pine.
WHARE : house. The name The house in the pines.
is usually given by the Pakeba, WHAREPAPA: whare:
as in Whare Flat. house; papa: flat land. House
WHAREATEA : whare: on the flat.
WHAREPOA : whare: store house; tutu: shrub. Store
house; poa: sacred food. House house near the tutu bushes.
of sacred food. WHATAWHATA: elevated
WHAREPONGA : whare: food store.
house; ponga; tree-fern. Tree- WHATITIRI : thunder.
fern house. Ihenga chanted a karakia on
WHARERAKAU : whare: the hill, and the thunder
house; rakau: timber, or tree. roared as the chant ended.
House of timber, or house WHATORO: to stretch out,
among the trees. or to thrust forward.
WHARERATA : whare: WHAU : a native tree. The
house; rata: native tree. House Maori name for Avondale.
among the ratas. WHAWHAPO : whawha:
WHAREROA : whare: to feel about; po: night. A
house; roa: long. Long house. young chief crawled into a
camp and felt about with his
WHARETOA : whare:
hands at night.
house; toa: warriors. House of
WHAWHARUA: whawha:
to feel about; rua: pit. To feel
about in the store pit.
house; totara: native tree. The
WHEKENUI : wheke:
house made of totara bark.
octopus; nui: big. Te Wheke-
muturangi is the name of the
house; tukura: a species of
huge octopus that *Kupe
fern-tree. Fern-tree house.
chased across Cook Strait and
WHATAARAMA : whata: finally killed in Whekenui Bay.
food store; a: of; Rama: name WHENUAHOU: whenua:
of a man. The food store of land; hou: new. New country.
Rama, the Maori name for the WHENUAKITE : The full
Torlesse Range as well as a name, compressed by the
peak in the Southern Alps. Pakeha to Fenukit, is Te
WHATAMONGO : Cor¬ Whenua-i-kite-te-manu-aute-o-
rectly Whatamango; whata: Tama-pahore, the land dis¬
food store; mango: shark. Store covered by the paper-mulberry
house for shark flesh. kite of Tama-pahore. This man
WHATAROA : whata: flew a kite at Remuera. The
store house; roa: long. Long string broke. The kite was fol¬
store house. lowed until it came to earth at
WHATATUTU: whata: this place.
WHENUAKURA: whenua: WHITIANGA: the crossing,
land; kura: red. The name was or the ford.
brought from Hawaiki by Turi WINGATUI: Possibly the
of the Aotea canoe, and given correct name is Whiringatua,
in memory of the red feathers the place of the plaiting of
of a tropic bird. straps. There is a story that
WHENUANUI : whenua: comes from the founding of
country; nui: big. Plenty of Otago. It is said that one of the
land. settlers shot at and winged a
WHENUAPAI : whenua: tui.
country; pai: good. Good land. WIRI : Named after
WHETUKURA: whetu: Takaanini Wirihana, a Maori
star; kura: red. Red star. chief. Wirihana is Maori for
WHIRINAKI: to lean, or Wilson. Literally, To shiver, or
the buttress of a house. tremble.



The following European names are mentioned in the text. The

Maori names which follow may be the original names, or may
contain a reference to the European place name in the text.
Some suburbs having Maori names are also listed under the

Alum Creek : Waimangeo Auckland : Titirangi

Anderson’s Bay: Puketai Waiatarua
Arrow River : Haehaenui Waikomiti
Kimiakau Waitakere
Ashburton River : Hakatere Waitemata
Aspiring, Mount: Tititea Whau
Athens : Atene Avon, River : Orotore
Auckland : Akarana Otakaro
Kahu Otautahi
Kohimarama Avondale : Whau
Mangere Balclutha : Iwikatea
Manukau Bay of Islands : Kahuwera
Manurewa Kerikeri
Maungakiekie Kororareka
Mokoia Motu-arohia
Oka Moturoa
Onehunga Paihia
Otahuhu Peowhairangi
Owairaka Taiamai
Papakura Tokerau
Papatoetoe Bay View : Petane
Pupuke Ben Ohou : Aroaro-kaihe
Rangitoto Berea : Peria
Remuera Bethany : Petane
Takapuna Bethlehem : Peterehema
Tamaki Bishop’s Peninsula: Huri-o-te-wai
Tauranga-mango Blenheim : Waiharakeke
Taurarua Bligh Sound : Te Anahawea
Te Kurae-o-tura Blue Lake : Tikitapu
Te Papapa Bluff : Motupiu
Te Ranga-o-Taikehu Boulder Bank : Te Pokohiwi
Te Tatua Bowen Falls : Hine-te-awa
Te To Breaksea Sound : Huihui-koura
Brewster, Mount : Haumaitikitiki Devonport : Te Kurae-o-Tura
Brothers, The: Nga Whatu Te Ranga-o-Taikehu
Brunner, Lake : Kotuku Dog Island: Motupiu
Moana-kotuku Doubtful Sound : Kahui-kakapo
Buller River : Kawatiri Dunedin : Kaikorai
Burnett Range : Kamauturua Opoho
Cambridge : Maungatautari Puketai
Camel, Mount : Maungataniwha Te Au
Canaan : Kenana Te Ika-a-Paraheke
Canterbury Plains : Nga or Ka- Wakari
pakihi-whakatekateka-a-Waitaha Dusky Sound : Manutiti
Cargill, Mount : Kapuka-tau- Motukiekie
Cass Bay : Motukauatiiti East Cape : Tapuwaeroa
Cass River : Horokoau Edwardson Arm : Moanawhenua-
Castlecliff : Kai-hau-o-Kupe pouri
Castle Rock : Motutere Egmont, Mount : Minarapa
Christchurch : Aranui Tahurangi
Kaiapoi Tama-ahua
Opawa Taranaki
Orotore Ellesmere, Lake : Kaikanohi
Otakaro Kaitorete
Otautahi Ko-te-kete-ika
Papanui a-Tutekawa
Putaringamotu Waihora
Clarence River :-Waiautoa
Clutha River : Kahuika Eutychus : Utiku
Matau Fairy Springs : Te Puna-a-Tuhoe
Colville, Cape : Moehau Farewell Spit: Onetahua
Te Kupenga-a- Featherston : Kaiwaiwai
Taramainuku Feilding: Aorangi
Cook, Mount : Aorangi Five Rivers : Aparima
Kirikiri-katata Flaxbourne : Waiharakeke
Cook Strait : Arahura Forsyth, Lake : Ko-te-kete-ika-a-
Arapaoa Tutekawa
Nga Whatu Wairewa
Raukawa Foveaux Strait : Ara-a-Kiwa
Te Tao-o-Kupe Freeman’s Bay: Te To
Corinth : Koriniti French Pass : Te Aumiti
Coromandel : Motutere
Tapu Galatea: Karatia
Whakatete Galilee : Kariri
Corsair Bay : Motukauatiiti Gisborne : Mangapapa
Croixelles Harbour : Whangarae Turanga
Crown Range : Haumaitikitiki Waerenga-a-hika
Curious Cove : Kahikatea Glen Eden : Waikomiti
Cyrene : Hairini Goat Island : Purakanui
Golgotha : Korokata
Daggs Sound : Te Ra Grassmere, Lake : Kaipara-te-hau
Damascus : Ramaiku Great Barrier Island: Aotea
Dampier, Mount : Aorangi Aotearoa
Dannevirke : Umutaoroa Great Mercury Island: Ahuahu
D’Archiac : Kahui-kau-peka Green Lake : Roto-kakahi

Greymouth : Mawhera : Piopiotahi
Milford Sound
Grey River : Mawhera Te Pari
Moutapu Moonlight Gully : Ko-kohaka-
Greytown : Houhou-pounarrm ruruwhenua
Grove Arm : Iwirua
Napier: Ahuriri
Haast Pass : Tiori-patea Hukarere
Hall’s Arm : Kahui-kakapo Keteketerau
Hamilton : Kirikiriroa Marewa
Hastings : Heretaunga Pania
Hawke Bay : Te Matau-a-Maui Upoko-poito
Hen and Chicken Island: Te Nelson : Horoirangi
Kupenga-a-Taramainuku Koputiraha
Holdsworth, Mount: Taratahi Maitai
Howick : Owairoa T ahunanui
Hutt Valley : Epuni W akapuaka
Heretaunga Wakatu
Moera New Plymouth : Ngamotu
Naenae Paritutu
Petone Nile River : Waitakere
Pomare Normanby : Ketemarae
Taita North Cape : Muriwhenua
Te Ahi-a-manono North Island: Eaheinomauwe
Waiwhetu Nukuro
Te Ika-a-Maui
Invercargill: Waikiwi
One Tree Hill: Maungakiekie
Jackson's Head : Kupenga-a-Kupe
Pacific Ocean : Moana-nui-a-Kiwa
Te Tao-o-Kupe
Palliser, Cape : Te Kawkawa
Jerusalem : Hiruharama
Palmerston North : Awapuni
Judea : Te Huria
Judge’s Bay: Taurarua
Panmure : Mokoia
Kidnappers, Cape: Tapuwaeroa
Passage Island: Motu-tawaki
King Country : Rohepotae
Pelorus Sound : Te Hoiere
Pepin Island: Huri-o-te-wai
Laodicea : Raorikia
Phil.ppi : Piripai
Lawyer’s Head : Te Ika-a-Parehika
Picton : Waitohi
Levin : Horowhenua
Port Chalmers : Koputai
Linton : Te Kairanga
Port Levy : Koukou-rarata
Little Barrier Island: Hauturu
Port Nicholson : Poneke
London: Ranana
Te Whanganui-
Lyall Bay : Maranui
Lyttelton : Okete-upoko
Prospect, Mount : Haumaitikitiki
Te Whakaraupo Providence, Cape : Kourariki
Pumpkin Flat: Te Papapa
McKenzie Country : Aorangi
McLaren’s Peak: Matapehi-o-te- Quail Island: Otamahua
rangi Queen Charlotte Sound:
Macedonia : Makeronia Arapaoa
Marton : Tutaenui Motuora
Mayor Island: Tuhua
Mercury Harbour: Whanganui-o- Rainbow Mountain : Maungakara-
Hei mea
Riccarton : Putaringamotu Tom Bowling Bay : Kapo-wairua
Riverton : Pukorokio Torlesse, Mount: Whataarama
Russell : Kororareka Victoria, Mount: Hataitai
Maiki Warkworth: Mahurangi
St. John, Lake : Waiatarua
Samaria : Hamaria Watchman, The : Te Kupenga-a:
Scinde Island: Hukarere Taramainuki
Seatoun: Turanga Weeks Island : Puketutu
Sefton, Mount : Aroaro-kaihe Wellington : Hataitai
Selwyn River : Waikerkeri Karori
Shag Point : Arai-te-uru Makar a
Sheerdown, Mount : Te Pari Maranui
Shelly Beach : Oka Matairangi
T auranga-mango Muritai
Ship Cove : Meretoto Ngaio
Silberhorn, Mount : Aorangi Ngauranga
Sinclair Head : Rimurapa Ohariu
Smyrna : Hamurana Ohiro
Somes Island: Matiu Otari
Southern Alps : Ka-puke-maeroero Rongotai
South Island: Arahura Te Aro
Arapaoa Te Kaminaru
Kaikoura Tinakori
Mahunui Turanga
Ta Wai Pounamu Wellington Harbour:
Te Waka-a-Maui Hataitai
Spey River : Kahui-kakapo Matiu
Stevens Island: Huihui-koura Poneke
Stewart Island : Rakiura Te Whanganui-a-Ta
Te Puka-a-Maui West Coast : Poutini
Stop Island: Motukiekie Te Ika-a-Maui
Sumner, Lake : Hakakura Whale Island: Moturata
White Island: Whakaari
Tasman, Mount : Horokoau Wilton : Otari
Teichelmann, Mount: Aorangi Young Nick’s Head: Te Kuri-
Three Kings : Te Tatua Pawa
Three Kings Island: Manawa-
tahi Zion : Hiona

The detailed scholarship of the late
A.W. Reed has created a fascinating
and invaluable reference guide. A copy
of A Dictionary of Maori Place Names is
essential for everybody interested in
the world around them.
: . - (- - t . ; . ;-V. \ ~ ‘ i f r ^ ^ «' /'V-J '

Many Maori place names date back

to the very earliest days of habitation in |
this country. Some, in fact, originated j
in the Hawaiki homeland and were I
adapted to the new land. Whatever
their origin, most reflect the Maori’s
closeness to the forces of nature;
Maori place names usually incorporate
common words for the everyday things
in life.

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