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Firstly, I would like to thank you for this interesting post which is about very important topic.

I must
say that after I read your article I understood that I should share my opinion and experiences too.

You see, I never used to spend a lot of time on social media and I even did not miss it. Therefore my
friends and classmates started to make fun from me and after that I started to use Instagram. In my
opinion social media are not even problem, the problem is time we spend by using them. Personally,
I think, that the biggest problem was COVID – 19 and quarantine. For example I started to use them
as the way how to eliminate stress and loneliness, however it changed my life forever and it was not
just in mine case. A lot of studies showed that during years 2019 and 2020 mental problems among
adolescents have increased. On the other hand, there are people that absolutely do not have
problems with this. It depends from a lot of factors like: age, sensitivity, society, mindset, and more.

At the end I just want to say few thinks. Firstly, do not believe everything what you see online.
Secondly, spend more time in a real world, with your friends or family. And thirdly, find other
hobbies than scrolling social media.

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