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Name: Iuiri (Yuri) Amazonas Spouse:

Address: 613-5112 Elbow Dr SW
, Balance: $ 0.00
Phone: H: (587) 435-7409 W: ( ) - ext:

Name: Sancho
Sex: MN Species: Feline
Birthday: 08/30/2017 Breed: American Shorthair
ID A Age: 5 years and 1 month old
Color White/Grey Rabies Tag:
Weight: 5.61kg.
REASON FOR VISIT: _____________________________________________________________________________
Reminders for: Sancho Last Done
Annual Exam - Feline
Senior Wellness Exam

Date By Code Description Qty Amount
History, Physical Exam Findings, Assessment, and Recommendations

Performed: 09/14/2022
Review of record from Shaker Square in Cleveland, OH on Jan 31/19 - FVRCP and Rabies (1 yr) given NSF on the
PE. FVRCP given on Feb 27/19.
Yuri in. They are moving to Brazil in November. He would like something to help calm them for the trip.

Any vomiting - no
Appetite - normal
Diarrhea/normal bowel movement - no
Change in energy level - no
Coughing/breathing change -no
PU/PD - no
Litter box habits - normal
Itch/licking - no
Lump - no
Limp - no
Diet - Friskas wet Whiskas dry.
Ongoing Medications - none
Supplements - no
Travel/hike/camp - indoor only.
Daycare/kennel/groom - no
New medical conditions - no

Patient Physical Examination

Sancho growled with the vaccination, but was very gentle otherwise.
Temperature: 38.5 (normal=38.0 - 39.5 C)
Heart Rate: 170 (normal dog=70 - 120, normal cat=120 - 140)
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Respiration: Sniffing (normal dog=18 - 34, normal cat=16 - 40)
Body Condition:
Your pet's body condition and weight are normal. 5 /9
Ears: Both the ear canal and pinna are normal.
Eyes: Your pet's eye(s) are normal. The eyeball, eyelids and associated structures appear normal. Your pet
appears to have normal vision.
Nose/Throat: Your pet's nose and throat are normal. Air flows freely through nostrils, no discharge is noted and
there are no difficulties with vocalizing or swallowing.
Mouth/Teeth/Gums: Severe gingivitis of the gums. Missing 108 with moderate swelling of the cheek in this area
associated with the severe gingivitis.
Lymph nodes/Thyroid gland: Your pet's external lymph nodes (submandibular, pre-scapular, axillary and
popliteal) all palpate normally.
Musculoskeletal: Your pet's muscles are in good condition. The skeleton is observed to be normal with no
lameness noted.
Nervous System: Your pet's nervous system is normal. There are no observable defects in the nerves, spine
cord or brain function.
GI/Abdominal Palpation: Your pet's abdominal palpation is normal. This means the kidneys, intestines, liver
and other abdominal organs that are palpable are normal (no masses, lumps, fluid, pain).
Heart/Cardiovascular: Your pet's heart is normal. The heart sounds are clear with no murmurs or arrhythmia
heard. The pulses are normal.
Lungs/Trachea: Your pet's lungs sound normal with no fluid, crackles or wheezes. The trachea sounds normal
and palpates normal.
Skin/Haircoat: Your pet's haircoat and skin are normal. The fur is shiny with a soft texture. There are no signs
of parasites or inflammation of the skin.
Urinary/Reproductive: Your pet's urogenital system is normal. The urinary system is functioning normally.
The reproductive organs examined are normal.

Severe dental disease in a young cat may be due to feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, immune
mediated disease.
Otherwise healthy, OK to vaccinate.

Feline viral testing (feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency viruses) and blood work needs to be done
before surgery.

Metacam for pain control is reasonable to consider before surgery. This will be considered.
Stop metacam if there is any vomiting, diarrhea or not eating as it can cause irritation or ulceration of the stomach.
We need to monitor the kidney, liver and complete blood count after one month of use and then every 6 months

Start antibiotics one week before the surgery to help decrease the inflammation associated with infection and improve
the health of the gums. Stop this and call us if there is vomiting, diarrhea or not eating.

The dental process was reviewed. We will call you after the dental x-rays and oral exam are completed (while they
are under anesthesia) and let you know what the concerns are and treatment for the dental disease would be. Would
not do anything unless you told us it was OK to do so.
We reviewed that he may need to have all of his teeth removed.

We will want to biopsy the gums as well to see if there is an underlying immune mediated disease causing the

The anesthesia risk was reviewed and is expected to be low.

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Alprazolam 0.5 mg - Give 1/2 to 2 tablets 1 hour before leaving for the airport. Try the dose at home first. Start at the
low end of the dose and titrate up. This may make them sleepy. Rarely hyperactivity or aggression can occur.

Kent Morley vaccinated and reviewed reactions:

Vaccines may cause tenderness over the site of injection, decreased appetite or energy for 24-48 hours. If you are
seeing more than this or you note swelling of the face which can be seen up to 4 hours after vaccination, please call
us or contact the CARE Centre at 403-520-8387 if we are closed.
Felocell 3 left hind leg ser 538725B exp06/06/23
Defensor 3 SQ over the right hind leg ser 581525 exp12/09/23

Deworm yearly with Profender. Profender may cause heavy drooling if licked off the body. It is not toxic, it just tastes
terrible. If you see any vomiting, diarrhea, not eating or lethargy, please call us or seek emergency care if concerned
and we are closed.

Kent Morley, DVM

For any questions on Sancho's health, please call the clinic.

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