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Retelling the

-The Ahmadiyya or Qadiyani known as religious slur used to refer heresy specifically for Pakistani

-Originated from small town located in Northern India called 'Qadian'.

-Qadian is a birthplace fo the Mirza Ghulan Ahmad.

-Found to be around 1930 in Malaysia

-First propagator was Maulana Husin Iyaz that originated from Singapore back in 1935.

-His office was located in No. 116, Unan Road, Singapura 15.

-He was believed to spread the religion from his office.

-After the Maulana Husin Iyaz, came a new Maulana which is Maulana Mohd. Sadiq bin Barakatullah
at 22th December 1949 as the propagator in Malaysia.

-This newfound religion was opposed hard by the Islamic Ulama.

AGENDA Religion of Qadianis is

opposed to Islam

Recognition as the Mahdi

and Promised Messiah

Claim himself as a prophet

Religion of Qadiyani is opposed to Islam

The Qadianis contend that the prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is not the only issue on which
they fundamentally differ from Muslims.

They also hold that their God, their Islam, their Quran, their fasts. In fact everything of theirs is
different from that of the Muslims.

Ahmadis should or should not start a separate institution for teaching theology.

That Jesus did not die on the cross but rather died in Kashmir and that His second coming was a
metaphor of someone else who will come from God who would reflect the quality of Jesus but born
among the Muslims.

They also teach that no verse in the Quran counters or cancels the other. All the verses in the Quran
carry the same weight and have the same validity.

Ahmadi Muslims categorize Jihad into three: greater, great, and smaller Jihad. They believe that Jihad
was rendered inapplicable in military form by Mirza.
1 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
claimed to be the Mahdi Assumed that Promised Mahdi
followed by solar and and Messiah do not consist
of 2 person but

lunar eclips
one person with 2 name

2 Claimed himself
as mujaddid

Initially, we should believed in the concept
of the Finality of Prophethood.
Thus Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, having opened the door of
prophethood, paved the way for his own prophethood and
then declared that he was a prophet.God had called him a
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
confirmed through pamphlets
on November 5, 1901, that
God had called him a
The letter of Hazrat Masihai-Mauood was written
only three days before his death, that is on May 23,

"Then he says, I am a prophet under a divine

decree. I shall be a sinner if I disclaim it .... And
when God calls me a prophet, how can I deny it ? I
would stick to it to my last breath"
He said that God had given
revelation to him which contains
the words of the apostle, mursal,
and the Prophet.
As far as the claim of the opponents is
concerned that according to the second
Khalifa, the founder of the Ahmadiyya
Jamaat claimed to be a prophet of God in
the year 1901, it is definitely incorrect and
Philosophy or
ideology by the Contradicts with
West that offer islamic.
freedom of For example:
thought from the the teaching of
tradition and Qadiani or Ahmadi
religion domains have different
by using rational teaching with
and emprical Islam
Religious Liberalism
By questioning the
By questiong the
criteria and ethics of
method of
understanding Quran
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed He also intrepreted the Quran
that he also received miracle and according to his thought and his
revelation like other Prophet and understanding towards meaning
got inspired by Allah. in Quran.
From an Islamic standpoint, heresy is a significant issue. Heresy
refers to a matter of religion that affects a man's standing in Islam,
including whether or not he is still a Muslim. It goes without saying
that heresy is easily committed and transmitted within a society.
Thank you
for listening!

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