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An Experimental Study on Assessing logical thinking through Fibonacci Sequence

In partial fulfillment of the course:

Experimental Psychology

Carlos, Charise
Ingalla, Arcjan
Maranan, Guianne
Resuello, Louiegie
Reyes, Patricia
Villaralvo, Danica

Submitted to:
Remedios Basco

The Fibonacci sequence, defined as a sequence of integers where each number is

the sum of the two previous numbers, is a distinct sequence of integers (Patel, 2023). This series
provides individuals with a common, logical, and easy-to-understand method for interacting with
an extremely complex series of numbers. This study focuses on the Fibonacci number sequence
and its usefulness in assessing logical reasoning skills by deriving answers from this number
sequence. The researchers aimed to see how timed problem-solving affected participants' results
when they were asked to solve the Fibonacci sequence.

The purpose of this study was to assess the problem-solving ability of second-year
psychology students at Rizal Technological University Pasig Campus and to investigate their
capacity to build effective sequence-solving techniques. The cognitive abilities of the
participants were evaluated based on their speed of response in answering a set of 25 Fibonacci
sequence tasks. The experimenters were able to assess the cognitive abilities of individuals from
this specific group by utilizing the Fibonacci sequence as a benchmark.

The findings of this study show that all four participants were very competent in
logical reasoning as seen by their constant production of right answers in the Fibonacci Sequence
test. This competency implies a thorough comprehension of the sequence and the development of
efficient problem-solving strategies. The correlation between the length of time and the
effectiveness of problem-solving techniques was also revealed by differences in completion
times across participants. These findings highlight the impact of time limitations on problem-
solving performance by showing that certain individuals used advanced approaches while
resolving this mathematical difficulty. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the importance of
logical thinking abilities and demonstrates that people may develop creative problem-solving
strategies when presented with challenging mathematical ideas like the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence is defined as “the series of numbers in which each number
is the sum of the two preceding ones.” It follows a unique integers sequence (Patel,
2023). It was derived during the thirteenth century. According to studies, Leonardo of
Pisa, better known today as Fibonacci, first introduced the Fibonacci numbers in 1202 in
his book Liber Abaci, the most influential work on mathematics ever written in Europe
(Scott & Marketos, 2014).

As explained by Sinha (2017), the sequence that first appeared in Fibonacci’s book
is in the form of integer {0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233…….} defined by
a1= a2=1 and an+2= an+1+ an, for n=1, 2, 3, wherein he first described a numerical
sequence, describing the growth of a rabbit population where in the sum of the formula
was used for hypothesizing their breeding pattern. The rabbits, one male and one female
were placed in a field by Fibonacci. As he stated, rabbits lived infinitely and a new pair
of male and female was produced every month. It was determined thoroughly that one
hundred forty-four (144) rabbits would reproduce using the Fibonacci sequence (Sinha,

Orhani, S. (2022) mentioned that the Fibonacci sequence can also be observed all
throughout nature. It features the spiral bracts of a pinecone, pineapple, and many other
“perfect” specimens of vegetation, such as branches on trees and plants. Sinha (2017)
examined the number or arrangement of petals on a flower and found out that for many
flowers, the number of petals on a bloom that still has all of its petals intact and hasn’t
lost any is a Fibonacci number. More commonly found are equiangular spirals, which can
be made using the Fibonacci numbers in Nautilus shells, an arm of a spiral galaxy,
cyclone, ocean wave, and some developing ferns (Bortner and Peterson, 2016).

The Fibonacci sequence allows individuals to relate in a common, logical, and

comprehensible manner to a highly developed series of complex numbers. This study
presents the Fibonacci sequence, specifically the logical thinking skills that are measured
by producing a response from a series of numbers.


The experimenters want to determine the effect of solving Fibonacci sequence while
being timed—to the participant's scores. The study is conducted to test the competencies of the
selected sophomore student participants and whether they were able to come up with techniques
to answer it easier and faster.

Apparatus, Materials, Measures, and Instruments

The experimenters provided a calculator for the participants to complete the sequence by
adding, index card for the participants to write their answers, and a timer using a smartphone.

Design and Procedures

This study was conducted to be able to evaluate the logical thinking skills of Rizal
Technological University (Pasig) of BS Psychology sophomore students in PCAS-06-302P. In
order to gather the data, the experimenters utilized a descriptive method using a quantitative
approach. The three participants who have been chosen in this study fulfilled a twenty five item
questionnaire to assess their critical thinking skills without a time limit. The recorded time of
each participant was calculated after the survey data was analyzed. Hence, the objective of this
study is to analyze the behavior patterns in a manner that aims to determine the significant effect
of the Fibonacci sequence on the comprehensive strategy of each participant.


The participants of this study were 29 psychology sophomore students from PCAS-06-
302P of Rizal Technological University Pasig Campus. They were 4 male and 25 female
participants. The class was divided by five groups consisting 5 and 6 members. Within the group,
The experimenter and the timer was excluded from the activity in which the experimenters
selected 3 participants, 2 female and 1 male from the population because they are the easiest to
recruit for the study. Therefore, the experimenters used the convenience sampling method due to
the availability of the 3 participants. The subjects’ response times were estimated by how long it
took them to solve the 25 item Fibonacci sequence problems. By choosing participants from this
group, the experimenters were able to measure the participants’ cognitive skill through the
Fibonacci sequence.

Table 1 Response Made Per Subject

Table 1.1 Subject No. 1

Numerical Ranking Number To Appear On The Response Made
Sequence Correct Incorrect
1st 0 ●
2nd 2 ●
3rd 2 ●
4th 4 ●
5th 6 ●
6th 10 ●
7th 16 ●
8th 26 ●
9th 42 ●
10th 68 ●
11th 110 ●
12th 178 ●
13th 288 ●
14th 466 ●
15th 754 ●
16th 1220 ●
17th 1974 ●
18th 3194 ●
19th 5168 ●
20th 8362 ●
21st 13530 ●
22nd 21892 ●
23rd 35422 ●
24th 57314 ●
25th 92736 ●

Table 1.2 Subject No. 2

Numerical Ranking Number To Appear On The Response Made
Sequence Correct Incorrect
1st 0 ●
2nd 2 ●
3rd 2 ●
4th 4 ●
5th 6 ●
6th 10 ●
7th 16 ●
8th 26 ●
9th 42 ●
10th 68 ●
11th 110 ●
12th 178 ●
13th 288 ●
14th 466 ●
15th 754 ●
16th 1220 ●
17th 1974 ●
18th 3194 ●
19th 5168 ●
20th 8362 ●
21st 13530 ●
22nd 21892 ●
23rd 35422 ●
24th 57314 ●
25th 92736 ●

Table 1.3 Subject No. 3

Numerical Ranking Number To Appear On The Response Made
Sequence Correct Incorrect
1st 0 ●
2nd 2 ●
3rd 2 ●
4th 4 ●
5th 6 ●
6th 10 ●
7th 16 ●
8th 26 ●
9th 42 ●
10th 68 ●
11th 110 ●
12th 178 ●
13th 288 ●
14th 466 ●
15th 754 ●
16th 1220 ●
17th 1974 ●
18th 3194 ●
19th 5168 ●
20th 8362 ●
21st 13530 ●
22nd 21892 ●
23rd 35422 ●
24th 57314 ●
25th 92736 ●

Table 1.4 Subject No. 4

Numerical Ranking Number To Appear On The Response Made
Sequence Correct Incorrect
1st 0 ●
2nd 2 ●
3rd 2 ●
4th 4 ●
5th 6 ●
6th 10 ●
7th 16 ●
8th 26 ●
9th 42 ●
10th 68 ●
11th 110 ●
12th 178 ●
13th 288 ●
14th 466 ●
15th 754 ●
16th 1220 ●
17th 1974 ●
18th 3194 ●
19th 5168 ●
20th 8362 ●
21st 13530 ●
22nd 21892 ●
23rd 35422 ●
24th 57314 ●
25th 92736 ●
Table 1: Summary and description of the data

Table 1 displays the participants' responses to a comprehensive assessment involving the

solution and accurate completion of a set of 25 Fibonacci sequence items. Subject No. 1
demonstrated proficiency by successfully resolving and answering all 25 sequence items
correctly. Similarly, Subject No. 2 displayed aptitude by accurately solving all 25 sequence
items. Subject No. 3 exhibited competence by correctly completing the entire 25-item sequence.
Lastly, Subject No. 4 showcased a high level of proficiency by successfully completing the 25-
item Fibonacci sequence with precision.

Table 2 Percentage Of Response Made By All Subjects

Subject No. Percentage Of Response

Correct Percentage Incorrect Percentage
1 25 100% 0 0
2 25 100% 0 0
3 25 100% 0 0
4 25 100% 0 0

Table 2: Summary and description of the data

Table 2 provides an extensive analysis of the participants' responses, expressed as a

percentage distribution. Each participant exhibited an impressive level of competence, as
evidenced by their completion of the 25-item Fibonacci sequence. Consequently, the "correct"
column in Table 2 demonstrates a unanimous one hundred percent (100%) achievement,
highlighting the exceptional accuracy displayed by all participants.
Table 3 Completion Time Of The Respondents

Subject No. Completion Time

1 4mins & 5secs
2 3mins & 2secs
3 2mins & 56secs
4 2mins & 54secs

Table 3: Summary and description of the data

Table 3 displays the time taken by each participant to complete the sequence. Subject No. 1
recorded the lengthiest completion time, clocking in at 4 minutes and 5 seconds, making them
the last to finish. Subject No. 2 secured the third position, with a recorded completion time of 3
minutes and 2 seconds. Subject No. 3 ranked second in terms of time, completing the sequence
in 2 minutes and 56 seconds. Lastly, Subject No. 4 emerged as the swiftest, concluding the
sequence in just 2 minutes and 54 seconds, marking them as the first to finish.


I. Brief Summary of the Results

A study was conducted to assess logical thinking abilities by utilizing the Fibonacci
Sequence as a measuring tool. The research comprised four participants/subjects who were
tasked with solving the Fibonacci sequence up to its 25th place. Each subject was allowed to use
a calculator for assistance. The results indicated that Subject 1 completed the task in 4 minutes
and 5 seconds, Subject 2 in 3 minutes and 2 seconds, Subject 3 in 2 minutes and 56 seconds, and
Subject 4 in 2 minutes and 54 seconds. Remarkably, all participants provided correct answers.
This study suggests that the participants' logical thinking skills were effectively measured
through their swift and accurate completion of the Fibonacci Sequence, even when aided by

II. Subject's Competence in Solving the Fibonacci Sequence

Based on the findings that all four subjects produced correct answers in the Fibonacci
Sequence task indicates a high level of competency in logical thinking. This competency
suggests that they not only understood the sequence but also developed effective techniques for
solving it efficiently. Subject 4, in particular, stands out as they completed the task in the shortest
time among all participants. Their remarkable performance suggests that they might have
employed advanced problem-solving strategies or had a deep understanding of the Fibonacci
It's worth noting that such competence doesn't solely rely on rote memorization but rather
on a genuine grasp of the underlying mathematical principles. Participants likely used a
combination of mathematical reasoning and calculator skills to navigate the sequence accurately.
Overall, this study highlights the importance of logical thinking skills and hints at the potential
development of innovative problem-solving techniques among individuals when faced with
mathematical challenges like the Fibonacci Sequence.

III. Influence of time

The varying completion times among the participants indeed suggest that time played a
significant role in this study, influencing their problem-solving approaches. The time factor
introduced a sense of pressure, potentially impacting how each participant tackled the Fibonacci
Sequence. Those who concluded the task more swiftly likely employed highly effective
techniques. Their ability to find a solution quickly under time constraints indicates a mastery of
both the sequence and efficient problem-solving strategies.
Conversely, participants who took longer to complete the task may have struggled with
less effective techniques or faced greater difficulty in managing the time pressure. Their
prolonged durations could suggest that their problem-solving methods were less streamlined or
that they encountered challenges along the way. In essence, the differing completion times shed
light on the correlation between time pressure and the effectiveness of problem-solving
techniques, illustrating that some participants navigated this mathematical challenge with more
finesse than others.

IV. Subject's Strategies and Implications

Subject 1, 2, and 3 opted for a straightforward approach by utilizing a calculator to

compute the Fibonacci Sequence. They relied on the calculator to add each term to the previous
one, which is a common and reliable method for solving this mathematical sequence. This
approach, while effective, may have led to slightly longer completion times as it involved
manual data entry. Subject 4, on the other hand, demonstrated a unique and more efficient
technique. They employed a pattern-based strategy to expedite their calculations. Instead of
tediously adding each consecutive pair of Fibonacci terms with a calculator, Participant 4
recognized that after adding the 1st and 2nd terms (0 + 2 = 2), the sum could be directly added to
the 2nd term to yield the next term (2 + 2 = 4). This pattern continued (4 + 2 = 6, 6 + 4 = 10, and
so forth) until the 25th term was reached. This innovative approach significantly reduced the
number of calculations required and allowed Subject 4 to complete the task more rapidly.
In essence, while Subject 1-3 followed a more conventional calculator-based method,
Subject 4's technique demonstrated a deeper understanding of the Fibonacci Sequence's inherent
structure. By recognizing and applying this pattern, Subject 4 showcased a more efficient and
time-saving approach to solving the sequence, ultimately achieving the quickest completion time
among all the subjects.

In conclusion, this study suggests that the Fibonacci sequence can be a valuable tool to
effectively measure the logical thinking skills of an individual. This method may have taken a
little longer to complete as it required manual data entry. However, by following the pattern and
relationship with the sequence, an individual can develop effective techniques through a deeper
understanding of Fibonacci’s sequence structure, employing mathematical principles and
reasoning, and innovative approaches to problem-solving. Overall, this emphasizes the
significance of logical thinking skills and proposes that individuals may develop new approaches
to problem-solving when faced with complex mathematical concepts like the Fibonacci
sequence. Future studies could look at how time can pressure and affect individuals in solving
and manifesting logical thinking through the use of Fibonacci sequence.


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Patel, Sneha. (2023). The Fibonacci Sequence and Numbers. INTERANTIONAL JOURNAL OF
Herz, Annette. (1981). The Fibonacci numbers. 13(2), 45–47.

Scott, Tony & Marketos, Pan. (2014). On the Origin of the Fibonacci sequence. 1-46.

Sinha, Sudipta. (2019). The Fibonacci Numbers and Its Amazing Applications. 6. 7-14.

Orhani, Senad. (2022). Fibonacci Numbers as a Natural Phenomenon. 1. 7-13.

Peterson, A. C. (n.d.). The history and applications of Fibonacci numbers.

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