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East Asians VS Double Pandemic


Alongside the Coronavirus, another virus had emerged. However, this virus doesn’t have as much

recognition. You’re probably wondering what is this other virus? (1). Well, it's racism (2). It quickly

spreads due to carelessness and ignorance and has yet to get its own vaccine. Racism has grown over the

pandemic like an incurable virus (3), specifically damaging individuals like me. The individuals who

have tried so hard to wash away their culture. Individuals that have grown up hating their “stinky”

food, their loud relatives, holidays and cultural clothing. Individuals who were killed for the sole

reason of looking like me (4). Since the start of the pandemic, I have constantly been in fear (11) of

experiencing violent acts of racism. I feel like a mouse being constantly chased by a cat (5).

East Asian cultures are getting seen in a new ray of light! The globalization and hype (12) of Asian-based

films and pop music make me so proud of my culture (11). I’m sure you have seen many trends surface

from Asian cultures on social media. It’s definitely an upgrade from being called a “Bat-Eater” or

“Chinese Virus”. Thanks to these trends (2), it has also revived the fetishization and hypersexualization

of East Asians. So often, I truly enjoy the moments (2) when I am told I’m someone’s preference of

race (6), or when my peers use Asian Fishing Instagram filters or even when someone randomly pets my

hair. The traits I have been born with are so exotic, I feel like a dolphin in Marine Land (5). Often I

think to myself, am I really that “exotic” to society?(1)

Don’t get me started on the ridiculous Caucasians who try so hard to look like me. They really wish to

emphasize the “Asian” in Caucasian. From pulling and slanting their eyes for the “fox eye trend”, dyeing

their hair black, and shaving off their jawline. While trying their hardest to mock my race, I wish to

obtain their caucasian traits (8). A perfect example of this would be the outstanding and
one-of-a-kind Oli London (2&7). Infamous for Asian fishing and obsessing over Koreans. Ironic, isn’t

it? (1&2)

What really makes my blood boil (9) is society’s ignorance towards issues surrounding East Asians.

While the rest of society is enjoying many aspects of our cultures, society lacks the ability to actually

appreciate it. Essentially, everyone views East Asians solely as a form of entertainment. It is as if my

race is a toy to society (9). If I were to earn one dollar per racist encounter during the span of this

pandemic, I would easily become the richest person in the universe.(10)

But let’s look at the bright side, as time passes during these many hardships, the world is finally waking

up. Society is starting to educate themselves to understand and appreciate my community. There is a

better future for us and I hope it comes at the speed of light (9). I’m tired of living in constant fear.
Literary Devices Used:

1. Rhetorical Question: A rhetorical question is first used to introduce the topic and help set the
tone of my writing. In addition, it was used to emphasize the tone in my points throughout my
2. Sarcasm: I had used sarcasm to further express my anger and frustration in regards to
experiencing racism and xenophobia throughout this pandemic.
3. Simile: With a simile, I conveyed the resemblance of harm the corona virus and racism’s effects
on East Asians.
4. Repetition: I had used repetition to emphasize the word “individuals” to convey that there are
countless others that are East Asians who experience racism.
5. Anthropomorphism: Firstly I had used anthropomorphism to underline my emotions of fear in
regards to the rise of anti-asian crimes. I had additionally used this anthropomorphism to compare
my sense of entrapment with the mistreatment of dolphins held captive at Marineland.
6. Euphemism: Instead of explaining one’s desire to have sex with specifically East Asians, I have
used euphemism to rephrase and soften my topic.
7. Alliteration: I have used alliteration in my topic of social media’s influence to emphasize my
sarcastic opinion about the infamous influencer, Oli London.
8. Juxtaposition: I have used a juxtaposition for the idea of individuals mocking my race to my
desires of mimicking the caucasion race to create an ironic contrast about society’s impact on East
9. Metaphor: I have used metaphors in my writing to highlight the tone and mood about my topic
of anti-asian views from society.
10. Hyperbole: With a hyperbole, I had over exaggerated the idea of facing countless racist acts to
emphasize the oppression I face as an East Asian.
11. Mood: I expressed my feelings of fear to showcase the negative impacts of the pandemic. As well
as the feeling of pride to convey my topic’s positive outlook.
12. Colloquialism: I have used informal words to help the reader better understand and relate to my

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