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The link between racial stereotyping and racism: Racism is the root of many

of humanity´s evils.

1. What nationalities does he mention and what stereotypes does he attribute to


Chinese = Bad drivers, Italians = Mafia, Mexicans = Drug trafficking, Irish = drunks,

Middle Easters = Terrorists.

2. Gurdeep Parhar mentions 3 things that racial stereotyping leads to. What are they?

They lead to misunderstandings, discrimination, and sometimes even violence.

3. What 4 historical events does he attribute to racial stereotyping?

The holocaust, black slavery, the European colonization of the Americas and Oceania, and
the Ruanda genocide.

4. What does he admit to the audience about the story of his school life and the
bullying he received there?

He admits that he was bullied in a locker room for being from a different ethnicity. He also
admits that he was scared and confused every time it happened.

5. Why is racial stereotyping so common and why do we all do it?

We do it because that’s the way our brain works; we follow patterns. If we see someone
who is from a different race, we think they will have different characteristics.

6. What is subconscious bias according to Parhar?

7. Parhar talks about “recognising patterns and then attributing characteristics to this
pattern” Why do we do this according to him? There are 3 reasons

8. What are the 3 things Parhar believes we should do to reduce the negative side of
racial stereotyping?

First, admit to yourself that you see colour and celebrate its differences. Second, find at
least 1 thing in common with someone with a different ethnicity, and last, try to get to
know that person.

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