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Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics

of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery


Keyu Liu and Xiaofang Wei

Decades of laboratory research and field trials of MEOR for a range of reservoirs
worldwide have shown some encouraging results. With more effective bacteria
and inexpensive nutrients, MEOR has the potential to become an economically
feasible and technically viable mainstream component of the EOR portfolio.
MEOR potentially offers an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective tech-
nology that can reduce or eliminate the need to use harsh chemicals and energy-
intensive EOR methods in recovering the vast amounts of oil that remain trapped
in aging fields. For example, residual oil in depleted oil reservoirs could be
gasified via methanogenic pathway by invoking microbes, an innovative
MEOR option. Integrated research programs and rapidly advancing insights
into the diversity of microbial life and biochemical cycles have the potential to
deliver breakthrough knowledge for understanding the effects of microbes that
thrive in petroleum reservoirs in production time scales. At present, MEOR is yet
able to provide reliable benefits that the petroleum industry requires from EOR
techniques. However, due to the relatively low costs and low environmental
impact of this tertiary recovery method, the potential reward for developing and
implementing MEOR based on new fundamental understandings in micro-
biotechnology and reservoir engineering may be enormous.

K. Liu (*)
China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China
CSIRO Energy, Kensington, WA, Australia
X. Wei
State Key Laboratory of EOR, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development,
PetroChina, Beijing, China

# Springer International Publishing AG 2017 1

S.Y. Lee (ed.), Consequences of Microbial Interactions with Hydrocarbons, Oils, and
Lipids: Production of Fuels and Chemicals, Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid
Microbiology, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31421-1_203-1
2 K. Liu and X. Wei

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 MEOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Reservoir Gasification via Microbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 History of MEOR Field Trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Examples of MEOR Field Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 Oilfield in the USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Oilfields in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Beatrice Oilfield, North Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 Talara Offshore Oilfields, Northwest Peru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.5 Reservoir Gasification Field Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 The Role of MEOR in the EOR Portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.1 Current Trends and Future Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.3 Challenges and Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5 Research Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1 Introduction

Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) involves a suite of techniques that

utilizes microorganisms and their metabolic products to improve the recovery of
crude oil from reservoirs (Jimoh 2012; Fig. 1). The concept of MEOR is among the
oldest of EOR strategies. Recently it has been extended to bio-gasification of
residual oil in depleted reservoirs since the early twenty-first century (McIntosh
et al. 2010). Residual oil in reservoirs can be bio-converted into methane to aid oil
recovery. There are two pathways of bio-gasification in oil reservoirs. One is
producing methane via acetic acid from residual oil (Larter et al. 2005; Gray et al.
2009), while the other is producing methane via CO2 storage in depleted oil
reservoirs using microbes (Fujiwara et al. 2006; Maeda et al. 2009; Wei et al.
2011). However, MEOR is not yet an accepted or routine procedure in the petroleum
industry. One key reason may lie in our inadequate scientific understandings of the
fundamentals and different approaches of MEOR including the processes and
mechanisms, which were discussed in the previous chapter. However, any EOR
strategy will need to be measured against practical experiences of the oil industry,
and a careful evaluation of the risks, costs, and benefits is required.
Unlike conventional EOR methods, the MEOR approach targets more than one
process simultaneously (Table 1), including (1) viscosity reduction and density
modification by solvents, gases, and acids; (2) removal of paraffin wax by solvents
and acids to enhance permeability; (3) removal of trace metal rims from pore throats
by acids, solvents, alcohols, and biosurfactants to increase permeability; (4) oil-water
and oil-rock Interfacial Tension (IFT) reduction by biosurfactants, solvents, and
acids to improve oil flow; and (5) gasification of residual oil via methanogenic
bacteria. This chapter provides a brief history of MEOR field trials, presents results
from selected field applications of MEOR from the literature, and discusses the role
Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery. . . 3

Water Oil production

Selective plugging
injection well well

Oil modification
Matrix modification

Water Oil Interfacial tension reduction

Sand grain

Oil droplet
CaH2n H2 CH4
oil droplet Sand grain
Converting CO2 to Microorganism Biosurfactant

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of microbial enhanced oil recovery processes

of MEOR in the overall EOR portfolio. Special attention is given to the economics,
potential contributions, and challenges of MEOR.

1.1 MEOR

The literature reports many successful MEOR field trials (Fig. 2), yet there is a high
degree of skepticism in the industry as to the validity of some of the claims in the
literature (Brown 2010). To a large degree, this skepticism is caused by the lack of
detailed accounts of the published case studies. In addition, conditions may vary
greatly from reservoir to reservoir. There have been suggestions of reservoir-specific
customization of MEOR processes, but this has the potential to undermine the
economic viability of MEOR.
Although the outcomes of MEOR are more difficult to predict than those of some
of the conventional EOR methods (e.g., thermal EOR, gas injection, or chemical
EOR using surfactants or polymers), the economic potential of MEOR could be huge
considering that logistical costs of implementation may only approach the costs of
conventional water flooding, especially for microbial stimulations using residual oil
as the carbon source (Bryant and Lockhart 2002; Patel et al. 2015).

1.2 Reservoir Gasification via Microbes

Among all fossil fuel resources, only biogas can be potentially and sustainably
regenerated. The development of a methane-producing system invoking indigenous
microbes in depleted oil fields will benefit both the environment and the petroleum
4 K. Liu and X. Wei

Table 1 Types of microbial processes for oil recovery

Type of activity or
Process Production problem product needed
Production well stimulation to Emulsion and paraffin, Demulsifiers,
improve oil drainage into asphaltene biosurfactants,
wellbores solvents, acids,
Injection well stimulation to Buildup of residual oil, scale Biosurfactants,
improve water injection rates deposits solvents, acids,
Injection well profile Water channeling into flushed Biomass and polymers
modification to improve high permeability zones,
injection efficiency and reduce bypassing lower permeability
high water production due to oil-bearing zones
permeability variations
Increase oil recovery to unlock High surface tension between oil Solvents and
oil bound by water/rock and water, oil-wet rock biosurfactants
Reduce oil viscosity to allow oil Slow flow rates Biopolymers
to flow with less energy input
Improve mobility ratio and Thickened water issue Biopolymers
sweep efficiency to allow more
efficient displacement of oil by
Break up immovable residual oil Microbes are initially stimulated Microbial mobilization
into individual micro-droplets in situ with nutrient to allow and altering the sweep
multiplication and then migrate efficiency
to mobilize residual oil in the
process of searching for food
source under a depleted nutrient
Sweeten produced fluids (reduce Corrosion, iron sulfide scale, Stimulate denitrifying
hydrogen sulfide) safety concerns bacteria population
Modified after Mokhatab and Giangiacomo (2006), Zahnerc et al. (2010), and Patel et al. (2015)

industry. One pathway for biogenic methane generation is via acetate acid in oil
reservoirs with no CO2 involved. Another bio-pathway for methane generation is
through CO2 reduction via some microbes such as Methanobacterium sp. and
Methanosaeta sp., which are able to produce methane from CO2 in oil reservoirs
(Fig. 1). Therefore, CO2 storage in depleted oil reservoirs could be recycled via the
gasification pathway, which will benefit CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) projects.
Normally, the targets of bio-gasification are depleted oil reservoirs, and the initial
investment will eventually be paid back in a few decades due to the lag of the
bioconversion process. Bioconversion of CO2 in subsurface is related to the
CCS-EOR, whose economic effectiveness is complicated but potentially high due
to both the economical biological process and the implementation of a global carbon
trading scheme.
Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery. . . 5

Fig. 2 Worldwide MEOR implementation. Dots sizes are meant to approximate number of field

2 History of MEOR Field Trials

Pioneering MEOR field studies were carried out in the USA in the 1930s and 1940s
by Claude ZoBell with the group at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La
Jolla, California (e.g., ZoBell 1946). A thorough review of early case studies is given
in by Premuzic and Woodhead (1993) who outlined details and references for
hundreds of field trials. In the 1960s and 1970s, many Eastern European countries
such as Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland carried out field MEOR trials, which
were based on the injection of mixed anaerobic or facultative anaerobic bacteria
selected on their ability to generate high quantities of gases, acids, solvents, poly-
mers, surfactants, and cell biomass (Lazar et al. 2007; Patel et al. 2015). From the
mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, there were many studies and field applications of
MEOR, and a plethora of independent companies utilized various proprietary
mixes of microbes and nutrients for wellbore injection. MEOR was demonstrated
to work in the majority of reported cases, but it has also been shown to be ineffective
in some other cases. Van Hamme et al. (2003) estimated that more than 400 MEOR
field tests had been conducted in the USA alone, most of which were as single-well
stimulation treatments on low-productivity wells onshore. It is also reported (Zahner
et al. 2010) that MEOR was implemented in a full-field trial in southern California,
USA, in 2010. An average of 6% incremental production has been achieved. Low oil
prices in the late 1990s led to diminishing research in MEOR, especially for large-
scale field studies designed to rigorously test performance. Several extensive trials of
MEOR in Chinese oilfields (e.g., Daqing, Jilin, Xinjiang, Liaohe, Shengli, and
6 K. Liu and X. Wei

Dagang) were reported by Song et al. (2004). For example, application of Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa and its metabolic products in the Daqing oilfield is reported to
have enhanced oil recovery by 11% by Li et al. (2002). Higher oil prices, more
stringent environmental regulations including CO2 emission for oil production, and
advances in biotechnology have now spurred renewed interest in MEOR. The
application of biotechnology in the oil industry has great potential, although it is
still regarded as a “frontier” endeavor (Kotlar et al. 2004).
The application of gasification of residual oil by methanogenic bacteria has been
studied in Canada (Jones et al. 2008) and Japan (Maeda et al. 2009). McIntosh et al.
(2010) also traced the methanogenic bio-pathway from an oil well in the USA, which
was injected with CO2 for EOR in the 1980s and has shown that CO2 was
bio-converted into methane over a 30-year period.

3 Examples of MEOR Field Application

Although hundreds of MEOR field trails have been carried out worldwide, reliable
data are sparse, as most of the applications are for single-well stimulations for
low-productivity wells using unpublished proprietary mixtures of microbes and
nutrients. The examples presented here were chosen to represent a variety of
MEOR processes for addressing various reservoir engineering problems (Table 2).
The full spectrum of MEOR processes are covered, ranging from biodegradation,
viscosity and IFT reduction, and bio-gasification to bio-plugging using a variety of
implementation mechanisms including single-production well stimulation (“huff-
and-puff”), single-well water injection, and multi-well injection and production.

3.1 Oilfield in the USA

3.1.1 Bebee Field, Oklahoma, USA

In a study supported by the US Department of Energy, Youssef et al. (2007) tested
whether two halotolerant bacillus strains (RS-1 and Bacillus subtilis subsp.
Spizizenii strain NRRL B-23049), both of which produce lipopeptide biosurfactants,
can metabolize and produce biosurfactants in the Bebee Field (Pontotoc County,
Oklahoma) in sufficient quantity to stimulate MEOR. They applied huff-puff tests on
five production wells that were produced from the Ordovician, Viola Limestone.
Two wells received inoculums of the Bacillus strains and nutrients comprising
glucose, sodium nitrate, and trace metals. Two wells received only nutrients,
whereas one received only formation water in order to provide a base case control.
The experimental conditions and procedures are thoroughly described in Youssef
et al. (2007), including baselines for the abundance of microbial metabolites prior to
field testing. Particular attention was paid to the 3-hydroxy fatty acid composition of
lipopeptides described in Youssef et al. (2005), who concluded that the average
concentration of lipopeptide biosurfactant in the produced fluids of the inoculated
wells was approximately nine times greater than the minimum concentration
Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery. . . 7

Table 2 Selected MEOR Field application examples

Country Field Description
Argentina La Ventana, Tupungato-Refugio Viscosity and IFT reduction
Australia Alton Single well stimulation; gas production;
Interfacial tension (IFT) reduction
China Daqing, Dagang, Jilin (Fuyu), Hydrocarbon degradation, in situ
Xinjiang, Liaohe stimulation, de-waxing, degradation,
emulsion, IFT reduction, gas generation,
single-well stimulation (huff-and-puff)
and microbial injection, selective
plugging of highly permeable zones,
viscosity and IFT reduction, microbial
injection, hydrocarbon degradation
India Four fields by ONGC Single-well stimulation, water-cut
Indonesia Ledok (offshore) Single-well stimulation using
Malaysia Bokor (offshore) Single-well stimulation; profile control,
demulsification, and plugging
Peru Talara (offshore) Multi-well injection, bio-cracking
UK Beatrice, North Sea Elimination of H2S
USA Alaska, North Slope N Springfield, Water-cut reduction, single-well
Indiana Oklahoma, Utah, various stimulation, production profile control,
mature fields in Texas, Beverly Hills, water injection, plugging highly
Southern California, Gulf Coast Basin, permeable zones, single-well
Louisiana stimulation, solvent production and
de-waxing, single-well stimulation
(huff-and-puff), viscosity and IFT
reduction, altering the sweep efficiency
of the injected water, methane
bioconversion from CO2
Venezuela Lake Maracaibo Multi-well injection and production,
degradation, and IFT and viscosity

required to mobilize tertiary oil from a low-permeability Berea sandstone core. Some
by-products such as carbon dioxide, acetate, lactate, ethanol, and 2,3-butanediol
were also detected in the inoculated wells. In contrast, only carbon dioxide (CO2)
and ethanol were detected in the nutrient-only control wells, with no elevated
concentrations of lipopeptide biosurfactant.
Yousssef et al. (2007) also presented microbiological and molecular data that
showed recovery of the microorganisms injected into the formation, in the produced
fluids of the inoculated wells. This indicates that exogenous microorganisms can be
metabolically active in the presence of diverse, established populations of microor-
ganisms that inhabited the reservoir before the field trial and thus demonstrates that
biosurfactant-mediated oil recovery with a specific and selected microorganism is
technically feasible. The volume of the soaked reservoir was small, and no signif-
icant increase in oil production was expected nor observed. Youssef et al. (2007)
8 K. Liu and X. Wei

concluded that this process would be economical at oil prices >$65. More definitive
results, from which cost-effectiveness of this approach could be obtained, will
require up-scaling of injections and trials on different reservoir – fluid combinations.

3.1.2 Beverly Hills, Southern California, USA

Zahner et al. (2010) injected nutrients in a mature waterflood well in Southern
California, USA. A 30% oil production increase was observed in the offset pro-
ducers with an overall production increase of about 6% of the total field production.
The mature oilfield was discovered in 1952 and waterflooding commenced in 1967.
By activating some species of microbes, the flow characteristics of the oil were
altered. This resulted in the reservoir system to release additional oil to the active
flow channels. The released oil, water, and microbes can interact to form a transient
micro-emulsion which effectively altered the sweep efficiency of the injected water.
The MEOR project was subsequently expanded to the full field by treating three
water injection wells, each of which was treated for a total of nine times over a
7-month period. Two wells were further treated and the water cut was reduced after
the treatment.

3.2 Oilfields in China

3.2.1 Dagang Oilfield, China

MEOR has been applied in the Dagang Oilfield for over 20 years (Feng et al. 2006).
Field trials were conducted in four reservoir intervals in two blocks with 24 injection
wells and 55 production wells. Both in situ stimulation of indigenous microbial
species and injection of exogenous microbial were employed. Feng et al. (2006)
reported that the in situ stimulation of indigenous microbes at 60  C appeared to be
more effective than injection of exogenous cultured microbes extracted from the
formation fluids. A cumulative incremental oil production of 31,000 tons and
28,000 tons were achieved, respectively, during the two microbial treatments. The
in situ stimulation had reduced average water cut by 55%. The major MEOR
processes involved were biosurfactant production, emulsion, and gas generation.
Nazina et al. (2007) studied the physicochemical conditions and microbiological
characteristics of formation waters of the Kongdian reservoir of the Dagang Oilfield.
Aerobic bacteria were detected mainly near the bottom of the injection wells, and
these aerobic thermophilic bacteria were capable of oxidizing oil, with the formation
of biomass and oxygenates such as volatile carboxylic acids and biosurfactants.
They found that the reservoir is inhabited by microorganisms having great biotech-
nological potential.

3.2.2 Jilin Oilfield, China

In collaboration with the Jilin Oilfield Company, the Technology Research Center
(TRC) of Japan conducted a field trial in the Fuyu Oilfield (Nagase et al. 2002). The
reservoir has been produced through waterflooding for more than 20 years with
water cut reaching 80–90% before the MEOR trial. The microbial strain, TRC-322,
Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery. . . 9

Enterobacter, together with other microbes that produce CO2, acid, and soluble
polymers, was initially applied to the production wells. Microbes and nutrients were
continuously injected after the huff-and-puff operation. Approximately 60% of the
wells showed a reduction in water cut, but the effectiveness was limited. A different
Enterobacter, CJF-002, which produces insoluble polymers, was injected into the
oilfield using a huff-and-puff procedure at production wells and a microbial treat-
ment at injection wells. Water cuts in the production wells were dramatically reduced
shortly after microbial treatment at the injection wells. Oil production in the test area
increased by more than 100% during the 7-month field trial, and the effect of
plugging high permeable zones with bio-polymer lasted for over half a year. During
these treatments, in situ growth of the microbes and metabolic activities were
monitored and evaluated to identify and understand mechanisms of the microbial
process. The study concluded that microbe screening and adjusting to particular
environments based on laboratory investigations are keys to the successful field
applications of MEOR.

3.2.3 Daqing Oilfield, China

The Daqing Oilfield in the Songliao Basin is the biggest oilfield in China and has
produced oil since 1960. However, rapidly decreasing production rates have
spawned many EOR field trials including MEOR. Nazina et al. (2003) claimed
that the oilfield is inhabited by aerobic saprotrophic (including hydrocarbon oxidiz-
ing) bacteria that are able to produce oil-releasing metabolites (e.g., surfactants and
exopolysaccharides) during growth on a wide range of substrates including hydro-
carbons, lower alcohols, volatile fatty acids, and sugars. Zhang et al. (1999) reported
incremental MEOR in 17 of the 25 treated wells, with a cumulative incremental
production of over 3,000 tons. It was also suggested that an increasing number of
live microbes in the produced waters show the potential to change the course of
MEOR. However, there are some concerns about microbial viability after injection
in the field. The concentration of live microbes before and after MEOR for five
treatments on four wells using five-tube dilution for the Most Probable Number
(MPN) method was studied, indicating a 1,000-fold increase in the abundance of
microbes compared with the background concentration during MEOR stimulations.
Zhang et al. (1999) reported that the main MEOR process occurring in the Daqing
Oilfields is degradation of long-chain alkanes and reduction of viscosity.

3.3 Beatrice Oilfield, North Sea

The Beatrice Oilfield is located in the UK sector of the North Sea. The Titan Process
(previously termed “BOS” for “Biological Oil Stimulation”) was applied to the field
in early 1992. In total, 11 cycles of treatment were preformed over a 3.5-year period.
The field was on a well-established decline rate and was scheduled for abandonment
in 1996. The field continues to produce to 2008. Some overlapping changes in
production were implemented, which have complicated evaluation of MEOR such
that quantifying its success is difficult; in addition, information on details on MEOR
10 K. Liu and X. Wei

other than microbiology is scarce. The Titan website (

northsea-results.html) has considered the trial to be successful, with a 10% increase
in oil production coupled with elimination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for two wells
treated using single-well stimulation procedures.

3.4 Talara Offshore Oilfields, Northwest Peru

Maure et al. (2005) reported an MEOR field application on seven producing wells in
the Providencia and Lobitos fields of Block Z-2 in the Talara Basin, Northwest Peru.
The oils are predominantly paraffinic and therefore were targeted as promising
candidates for biotreatment. This MEOR application demonstrates that biocracking
can lead to systematically altered n-alkane profiles of the oils. Maure et al. (2005)
presented information on applying enzyme biochemistry to accelerate redox reac-
tions involving linear hydrocarbons, without providing biochemical detail. They
claimed that by alternating aerobic/facultative hemicycles with strictly anaerobic
cycles, the time-coordinated action of selected groups of microorganisms in oxidant
and reductive environments results in substantial changes in oil composition. They
also emphasized the importance of evaluating propensities of oils to act as carbon
sources for nourishing microbial communities. It was further reported by Segovia
et al. (2009) that MEOR was applied in the coast and the southern areas (Block-X) of
the Talara Basin, Northwest Peru. An increment of 30% in oil production was
achieved in two wells selected for the MEOR pilot project in a marginal oilfield.
The investigation showed that the MEOR implementation was intimately linked to
the paraffin content in the oil and its bio-treatability. An integral analytical method-
ology to precise ranking of the MEOR portfolio has been provided with the
application of MEOR, which will extend the life of mature fields in in the Peruvian
northwest area.

3.5 Reservoir Gasification Field Application

Currently, researches on bio-gasification have been focused on depleted oil reser-

voirs, oil shale, and coal mines. Although field applications were few, McIntosh et al.
(2010) described the storage of CO2 in a depleted oil reservoir in north-central
Louisiana, USA, which had been used for CO2-EOR in the 1980s, and the biocon-
version of CO2 into methane after almost 30 years. The natural gas and oil produced
from the Paleocene to Eocene Wilcox Group coal beds and adjacent sandstones were
investigated. It has been shown that microbial methane was generated in situ with the
Late Pleistocene or younger aquifer waters. Depletion of the n-alkanes in the
saturated hydrocarbons in the study area provides strong evidence for microbial
degradation of the oils. Furthermore, the geological background also demonstrated
that the oil may have migrated vertically into the shallow low-rank coals from the
underlying Cretaceous source rocks via fracture systems. The methane accumula-
tions in the Wilcox coal beds and sandstones are predominantly of microbial in
Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery. . . 11

origin and were generated via CO2 reduction. The production history of the Wilcox
Group sandstone reservoirs, which were subjected to CO2 flooding in the 1980s for
enhanced oil recovery, leads to an intriguing hypothesis that CO2 sequestration may
actually enhance methanogenesis in organic-rich formations.

4 The Role of MEOR in the EOR Portfolio

4.1 Current Trends and Future Projection

At present, MEOR only forms a minute component of the overall EOR portfolio
(Thomas 2008) which also includes (1) thermal processes, (2) gas injection (both
miscible and immiscible), (3) chemical flooding such as polymer, surfactant, alka-
line, or a combination (e.g., alkaline-surfactant-polymer/ASP, emulsion, and micel-
lar treatment), and (4) foam flooding (Fig. 3). As an emerging alternative method,
MEOR is currently largely confined to laboratory investigations and small-scale field
applications, although single-well stimulations and borehole cleanups have been
carried out widely in the petroleum industry, in particular for onshore US and
Chinese wells. Khire and Khan (1994a, b) reported that MEOR has been applied
to over 400 wells in the USA. Over 1,000 wells in a dozen oilfields in China
(Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources; were also treated.
Most major oil companies, including Shell, BP, Chevron, PetroChina,
PETROBRAS, and PETRONAS are currently including MEOR as an option in
their overall EOR portfolio. Much of the nearly 2,000 billion barrels of conventional
oil and about 5,000 billion barrels of heavy oil that have remained in reservoirs
worldwide after conventional recovery may be recovered by EOR, including MEOR
(Thomas 2008). The estimated worldwide EOR production in 2007 was about 2.5
million barrels per day (Thomas 2008), of which MEOR accounted for a negligible
amount. However, a recent study by the Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources
( indicates that about 50 billion barrels of oil in onshore Chinese
oilfields may be suitable for MEOR. A portion of captured CO2 will be stored in
depleted oil reservoir or be used for CO2-flooding. Therefore, the potential of
methane production from bio-gasification will definitely be attractive when consid-
ering the CCS project blue plan. Currently the most EOR is carried out in the USA,
Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, Indonesia, and China (Fig. 4), and these countries
account for at least 99% of the world’s EOR production. Among the EOR portfolio,
thermal EOR accounts for the highest percentage (Fig. 5), followed by gas injection
and chemical flooding, which is primarily used in some Chinese oil fields amounting
for 200,000 barrels per day in 2006 (Thomas 2008).

4.2 Economics

While EOR allows the production of residual oil in place that otherwise could not be
recovered and can help maintain production rates in mature fields, the main issues of
12 K. Liu and X. Wei

Fig. 3 Types of non-thermal EOR methods currently used by the petroleum industry

Fig. 4 Estimated worldwide Other

EOR production barrels per 17,800
day in 2006 with a total EOR 1%
production of 2.5 MMBL/D
(Modified from Thomas 2008)

China USA
166,900 649,300
(7%) (30%)
Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery. . . 13

Fig. 5 US EOR application by type (Modified after Thomas 2008)

conventional methods are cost-effectiveness and environment impact. EOR (tertiary

recovery) is much more costly than primary and secondary recovery. In the 1990s,
when the oil price was about US$ 20 per barrel (Fig. 6), the cost for various EOR
processes varied from $10 per barrel to over $50 per barrel (Fig. 7; Lake et al. 1992).
Among the EOR methods, surfactant flooding is by far the most expensive ($20–$52
per incremental barrel in 1990), although it is the most effective, attaining recoveries
of up to 75% of original oil in place (OOIP; Fig. 7). Although CO2 injection can also
be expensive, which depends on the CO2 availability and locations of injection, the
potential of methane producing via bioconversion will probably cover part of the
investment. Thermal EOR can be costly and extremely energy intensive; it requires
costly surface facilities, and incremental production increases costed $10–25 per
barrel in 1990 (Fig. 7). Polymer flooding is one of the most cost-effective options
among conventional EOR methods. Apart from the high cost of conventional EOR
methods, environmental impact should also be considered in economic terms. For
example, chemical flooding such as ASP can cause extensive scaling on drill pipes
and damages to the production facility, which are often irreversible (Cao et al. 2007).
Chemical flooding may also contaminate formation waters as well as surface envi-
ronments. Thermal EOR is extremely energy intensive and can lead to considerable
greenhouse gas emissions, which may have significant economic ramifications,
especially in countries engaging in carbon trading schemes. MEOR may offer a
viable EOR alternative both in terms of costs and environmental considerations.
Giangiacomo (1997) evaluated the economics of conventional chemical and micro-
bial treatments for paraffin based on an oil price of US$ 15/bbl. He showed that the
ratio of the benefit to cost was approximately 1.03 for chemical flooding, but 1.48 for
14 K. Liu and X. Wei


US Dollars per Barrel







Fig. 6 World crude oil price from 1986 to 2016 (Source from US Department of Energy)


Incremental oil cost ($/BBL)



CO2 injection
Waterflood Meor
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Total recovery (% OOIP)

Fig. 7 Comparison of the cost of MEOR with other EOR techniques (Modified from Lake et al.

microbial treatment for every EOR dollar. The adoption of indigenous microbial
flooding is likely to be the most economically viable MEOR method, because it does
not require facilities for culturing microbes. However, identification of extant micro-
bial biomes and selection of appropriate nutrients and injection techniques to
stimulate microbes are critical for these techniques.
In the selected field application examples mentioned above and listed in Table 2,
increases for recovery in most cases were reported to be from 6% to 8% (Dagang
Oil Recovery: Experiences and Economics of Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery. . . 15

Field, China; Feng et al. 2006) to 66% (La Ventana Field, Argentina, Maure et al.
2001) and in some cases over 100% (e.g., Fuyu Field, China; Nagases et al. 2002). In
addition to the increased oil production, decreased water production, increased gas to
oil ratios, and improved injectivity are applied for some cases. In some onshore US
oil fields, a single-well stimulation treatment could double the production rate for
most wells, and this could be sustained for 2–6 months without additional treatments
(Khire and Khan 1994a, b). For a recent application in Peru, the MEOR cost per
barrel ranged from $1.30 to $7.92 (Maure et al. 2005). The investment/return ratio
has been up to 1:9 at an oil price of US$40 per bbl for field trials in the Daqing,
Dagang, and Shengli oilfields (Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources, http:// The economic return ratio from reservoir bio-gasification is pri-
marily controlled by the methane conversion rate. Methane generation from in situ
bioconversion will be a new emerging MEOR-related technique to extend the life of
depleted oil reservoirs by optimizing the CO2 injection cost, methane recovery, and
CO2 tax credit. Therefore, a favorable CO2 emission policy and/or an emission
trading scheme will be a prerequisite for a viable in situ bio-gasification. With the
post-2007 high oil prices (Fig. 6), the potential return on investment from MEOR
during the high oil price period is much more attractive. Although the oil price fell
subsequently since 2014, it appears that the oil price started to increase again at the
end of 2016 with a price around $50 per barrel. Microbial activity can also be used
for treating oil spills in onshore and marine environments around drilling rigs and
has been routinely used in borehole cleaning and bioremediation. Some microbes are
able to repair reservoir formations damaged by conventional EOR (e.g., polymer
injection) processes (Feng et al. 2006).

4.3 Challenges and Potential

Despite numerous MEOR tests, considerable uncertainty remains, in particular

regarding process performance. The major risk of MEOR at present is its reliability
and reproducibility. While most reported cases indicate improvement in oil recovery,
there are some cases where MEOR was reported to be ineffective. The biggest
challenge in MEOR field application is in increasing its robustness with predictable
outcomes. Unlike other EOR methods, MEOR may be limited by environment-
specific factors of the reservoirs such as the reservoir type, reservoir temperature,
formation water salinity, and prevailing indigenous microbial communities. The
most serious challenge, however, is in ascertaining if the formation of microbial
metabolite and biomass is sufficient to cause EOR effects in reasonable time frames.
Although, at present, MEOR is still perceived by the majority of oil producers as a
low cost but unreliable EOR strategy, it has huge potential in offering an environ-
mentally low-impact, cost-effective, and energy-efficient approach in the future.
16 K. Liu and X. Wei

5 Research Needs

To enable a technically robust MEOR application with predictable outcomes, the

areas that require further investigation are the following:

• Identification and development of microbial strains that can thrive in the hostile
environments of petroleum reservoirs (e.g., at elevated temperatures or high
salinities or both)
• Determining the rates of biochemical processes to ensure sufficient production of
microbial biomass and metabolites
• Establishment of common baselines prior to successful MEOR strategies
• Development of rapid and innovative microbial screening methods, including
sequencing and gene mapping techniques, leading to a gene collection database,
and development of more advanced and robust MEOR simulation and prediction
models by combining laboratory experiments, field trials, and numerical models
• Accelerating the methane bioconversion in depleted oil reservoirs and call for
backup of tax credit for CO2 capture storage

MEOR will therefore provide a rich field for fundamental and applied research for
many years to come.

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