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The way for you own peace:

,,Still searching?'', asked me a camly voice.,,Yeah'', responded I as if there was a reason to

do so, but somehow i didn't care right at the moment .Although I have always got angry
with those ,who wanted to force something on me.
Only pondering about that wasn't necessary at that moment, I wasn't falling into the thought
what i was searching for.
How strange for me to not think about the person behind me, I kinda felt safe, strangely
,,You will find it soon Hei....'',and with that he desapeard.
This moment was accompanied by a loud bang, two big eyes appeared in front of me. The
shock got me and I suddenly jumped up. I was breathing hard when I realized that it was
just my cat. I fundled her a bit, afterwards I put my jacket on and my militray hat. Nothing
changed in my life routine, not even a little bit.
A sweet smell overflooded my nose, fresh Kimchi! I changed quickly into my military
clothes ,running quickly to the kitchen.
My grandma has already finished with the summer kimchi! I kissed her on the cheeks and
run quickly to my morning lessons.
The lesson began with a traditional morning march, like evertime we had to sing a common
japanese song Battōtai. The lyrics were painful and harsh, but somehow I learned to love
them,I guess it was just because of the constantly repeat of these words.
However the next lesson is the weapon class, it was one of the most popular classes.
Although I have never saw the real fun of this brutality. I am just seeing some little kids
playing with weapons, unbelivable!
Suddenly the class rep approached me, ''Don't you like these lessons, should I talk with the
teacher about your lack of concentration?'', he looked on me as if I was a little stray
dog.''No, no I was just thinking about our next exam!'', -so annoying-.'' Then watch your
attitude, Haiwa!'', he respondes as if he was the head teacher ,I can't blame him for this, I
was always the only kid with common sense!
I have never found peace in this world, always war next to war, an infinite loop, without any
sign of peace. This world of harm and tears will never fade, but fight for it , find your own
way for the world's peace.

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