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Explain the with detail the movie by the use of the different elements
1. Setting:
2. Character
3. Plot:
4. Conflict:
5. Theme
Part 2
1. The Little Prince Guide Questions
2. Who are the characters in The Little Prince describe each?
3. What does the Rose in The Little Prince symbolize?
4. What is the Fox secret? Explain your answer.
5. Why the little prince tamed the fox?
6. How important is the rite or ritual of taming?
7. What is the meaning of what is essential is invisible to the eye?
8. What is the meaning of it is only with the heart that one can see rightly?
9. What is the main message of the Little Prince? Explain your answer
10. Enumerate the sensory details used in the movie with the corresponding lines taken in the movie.
11. Enumerate the different figurative sentences with the corresponding classification of the figure of
12. Enumerate the Imagery used in the movie with the corresponding lines taken in the movie.

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