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Easier said than done

For old time’s sake
Better safe than sorry

Irregular verbs:
Arise P. PP. Examples:
Fall P. PP. Examples:
Mean P. PP. Examples:
Spit P. PP. Examples:

BENE- Benediction: a prayer that asks for God’s blessing, especially a prayer that
concludes a worship service. Benefactor: someone who helps another person or
group, especially by giving money. Beneficiary: Benevolence:
AM- Amicable: Enamored: Amorous: Having or showing strong feelings of attraction
or love. Paramour: a lover, often secret, not allowed by law or custom.
BELL- Antebellum: existing before a war, especially before the American Civil War
(1861-65). Bellicose: Belligerence: aggressiveness, combativeness. Rebellion:
Mollys’ Late Snow

Waking up a little early on a cold winter's day, Molly looked out the window and
saw more snow. She lived in a little house out on a country road at the North edge of
the mountains. Molly loved it here because it was peaceful and the air was so fresh and
clean. She could smell the pine trees and hear the birds and wildlife in the distance.
The mountains were covered with snow this time of the year. Molly was old and
weak, but daily she would take her little walk, down the North side of the road to her
street sign number thirty-two. She had her breakfast and tea, then prepared to take her
morning walk.
Molly put on her long winter coat, sturdy boots and her favorite knit hat on top of
her head, and wrapped a scarf around her neck. As Molly headed out the door, she
took her walking cane and strolled carefully down the road to her street sign number
thirty-two, It was still out of the question to plant a garden just yet. As she pondered the
memories of years past, the thought was very entertaining to her, thinking about what
she would plant this coming year and maintaining her raspberries, and strawberries
from the years before.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the chirping of a bird she had noticed sitting on
top of the thirty-two on the street sign. That was a sign that Spring was coming. A
change in seasons would be nice. The winter has been dragging on so long.
“Hello, little bird,” Molly said. “How are you today? I bet you are hungry and
would like some bread to eat. Come with me, I will feed you.” It was stupid of me to
think that the bird could understand me. Although it seemed like it did. It followed me
back to the house where I fed it some toast, seeds and berries. Later, more birds came,
it must have been a long winter for them, too. I fed them all and they flew away.

Conversation starters:
❏ Can you think of a project or situation that felt like it was dragging on and would
never end? Why did it feel that way?
❏ Have you ever been to the mountains? If so, what did you do? Was there snow?
❏ Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?
❏ If you had a garden what would you plant?
❏ Do you know of someone who is old and weak? Tell me about them.

Writing Homework:
Watch this video: What Hypothermia Does To Your Body And Brain and write a 2 part paper
with a summary and an analysis, research or creative piece, no longer than one
page in length.
❏ At what temperature does the body regulate itself?
❏ What are the signs of hypothermia?
❏ How can you prevent hypothermia?
❏ How can you treat hypothermia?

© 2021 Zion Languages

Story by: Deloris Camerer
Artistic work by: Annemarie Zepeda Klop
Vocal recordings of the story by: Sarah Camerer
Vocal recordings of words by:

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