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FULL NAME: Kim Linialyn Antonio



1. Identify a small business in your area and draw an accurate organizational


FULL NAME: Kim Linialyn Antonio

2. Collect data on the number of businesses operating in Bulacan

classified as form of ownership

Based on my research in Bulacan they have 1,848 businesses operating classifies as

companies or corporation including:

● Banks Company
● Restaurants
● Resorts
● Water Supplies Stations
● Electricity Supplies Stations
● Trucking Corporations
● Coffee and Milktea Shops
● Private Schools
● Grocery Store
● Gasoline Stations
● Shopping Malls
● Motor Shops
● Car Shops
● and etc.

I don’t have exact numbers of each businesses in Bulacan because based on my research
some of businesses in bulacan is not registered so they don’t have a total numbers of
businesses operating in Bulacan area but according to them the numbers of businesses they
collect is from the data including only list of a registered company and businesses operating in
Bulacan. So for me in Bulacan they have more than 1,848 businesses operating including the
businesses that will not registered,

FULL NAME: Kim Linialyn Antonio


Based on the discussion of Lesson 9 – Organizing Business Enterprise, what part did
you enjoy the most? What are your learnings? Is there anything in the lesson that you could
apply or use in your life?

The lesson teaches me a lot of things about organizational structure. In

Organizational structure they can see their employment positions with varying aims or
responsibilities using this method, which is used. Helping the organization accomplish
its goals is the main purpose of this kind of structure. It unites organization members
while dividing their responsibilities. Secondly, the efficient and seamless functioning of
the organization is enhanced by the structure. Furthermore, I am aware that multiple
people work together to act and manage a firm. The difficulties associated with
delegation were my favorite part of this class. I learned that in business it is important
to know all the things that are important in doing business such as what size business
you are going to do that you think will work in the area where you are going to build it.
After knowing the size of the business to be built, it is important to know how many
people need to be hired to be partners in the business to be built, such as how many

FULL NAME: Kim Linialyn Antonio

managers, assistants, crews and etc. In doing business, it is important to have

enough partners to make a business work because I believe that no matter how good
and talented you are in doing business, you cannot run a business by yourself alone
and without a employees or partners.I think I'll be able to use all of this knowledge
when I open a business of my own. In doing business, it is more important to check
carefully the employees you will bring into your business because they will serve as
the right hand of your business because these are the ones you will be able to help
with the operation. Employees have their own ability where they can show their future
job position through this they will know which position they should be placed in and
here the organizational chart can be entered where the details of where and who are
in the position can be found it is important to place it inside the shop or
establishments so that people know who the people are who are servicing them in
that business.
It goes without saying that all of the mentioned barriers to hiring a coworker will exist
in the correct business. And the only thing to do is to determine whether it merits such
a position. With this information, I will have a reminder so that I am ready to take on
these issues when the time comes for me to run my own company and need to hire
staff. I have to be a good owner and critical at the same time.

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