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On Obliqucly-crossed Cylindrical Lenses

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1899 Proc. Phys. Soc. London 17 81


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V. On Obliquc{y-crossed C~jlindiicalLenses.
CPLIXDRICAL lenses have not claimed much attention from
writers on geoineti ical optics. Certain of their properties,
which make them invaluable to the ophthalmic surgeon for
the correction of astigmatism, are, however, considered in all
modern treatises on ophthalmics. Airy applied them for this
purpose, but Donders first treated them systematically, in 1862,
in his work Sstigmatis~nzssziiztl cylind&4e Gluser. Reusch
in 1868 published his T l i e o ~ i eder Cylinderlinsen. Java1 has
written much o n the subject from the ophthalmological point
of i’iew, as has Mr. S. M. Burnett. Mr. C. F. Prentice has
also written of them in two works, a ‘ Treatise on Ophthalmic
Lenses ’ and ‘ Dioptric F o r i n u h for comhined Cylindrical
Lenses.’ Stokes t has proposed a cylindrical lens of variable
power by combining at a variable angle two equal cylindrical
lenses of opposite R i p . The problem of the optical properties
of crossed cylindrical lenses was touched upon by Reusch and
by Donders. Kriiss has written upon the aberration of
“ bicylindrical ” lenses, meaning by that term such lenses as

have both surfaces cyliiidrical and of equal curvature, but

with their axes mutually at right-angles. Lastly, Preiitice
has given very elaborate rules for calculating the equivalent
sphero-cylindrical !ens for any coinbinatioll of two lenses
crossed at any angle. The importance of the solution of this
problem arises from a point in modern ophthalmic practice:-
In cases of ordinary astiginatisin in which the refractive
power of the eye is different in different meridians around
the optic axis. One process of examination of this defect
consists in ascertaining the position of the meridian of greatest
refractive power, and in then inensuring that power; and,
this having been done, inensuring the power in a 1neridi:tn at
right, angles t o the former, that is t o say in the meridian of’
ininiinuni refractive power. The difference between these
two powers gives in reality the amount of cylindricity to be
* Read December 8, 1809.
I\lnthematicctl and Physical Paperr, vol. ii. p. 1’72.
82 DR. s. P. T H O N P S O S ON

corrected. Or the. excess of each over the normal spherical

refractive power of the eye might be separately corrected by
the choice of two appropriate cylindrical lenses which are
then superposed at right angles. Sometimes, however,
opht,halmic surgeons, whether through insufficient apprecia-
tion of the geometrical and opt.icol principles involved, or
through some incidental cause, prescribe a lens with two
cylindrical curvatures on the respective faces of the leas, n o t
crossed at right-angles but at some oblique angle. As such
lenses are difficult of ~iianufactiire,and ;is their optical effect
can be precisely reproduced by a suitably calculated and inore
readily ground sphero-cylindrical lens, the optician desires
to have simple rulcs for
calculating the equivalent Fig. 1.
sphero-cylinder. Hence the
present attempt to arrive a t
easier rules for obliquelg-
crossed cylindrical lei1ses.
To establish these rules it is
possible to proceed by :t
simpler method than that of
Seusch, whose investigation
is exclusively based upon the
properties of par:tbolic: lenses.
2. In the case of‘thin cylin-
drical leiises it is custoinary
to call a line drawn through
the lens, in a d i r e d o n pa-
rallel to the axis of the gene-
rating cylinder of which its
curred surface forms R part, I \
‘$theaxis” of that cylindrical 4’ B’
lens. Let there be two thin
cylindrical lenses placed in contact behind one another,
SO that their axes A A’, B B’ make an angle 6 with O I I ~
:,nother. The optical axis of the systoiri passes t h r o ~ ~ g h
their intersection and is norinnl to the plane containing them.
It is required to find the coinbination consisting of one thin
cylindrical lens and one spherical lens which will be the ol’tical
equivalent of the system ; or, the sphero-cylindrical lens that.
is also equivalent. The problem is completely solved when
we shall have ascertained the two components, cylindrianl
and spherical, of the equivalent lens and the angular position
of the cylindrical component.
I n any lens having a t one surface a radius of curvature r,
tJhe curvature which that surface will itnpress upon a plane
wave is (p-l)/r; where p is the refractive index of the
material. I f the leiis is cylindrical, having a curvature in
one meridian only, the impressed curvature will also be
cylindrical; if it be spherical, the impressed curvature of the
wave-front will be correspondingly spherical. First approxi-
mations only are here considered.
Let (fig. 2) A A‘ be the axis of a cylindrical lens, and
Fig. 2.

N N’ U line norrnal to that axis. A plane norrnal to the axis

intersecting the lens in N N’ will have as its trace through
the curved surface of the lens a line of the Same curvature
as the lens, viz. -.
Let now an oblique intersecting plane
be drawn through the optic axis of the system (i. e. the line
through 0 norilia1 t o the plaue of the diagram); its intersection
P P’ inaliing an angle 8 0 P E t+ with the line N N’. The

curvature at 0 of‘the trace of this plane, where it cuts the curved

surface along P P’, will be 1 - cos2
+. This follows froni the
circuinstance that P P’ is part of an ellipse whose major and
minor axes are respectively 1’1 cos $I and r. We inay further
consider the intersection Q Q’ of’ another oblique plane at
right-angles to P P’. The curvature at 0 along the line
Q Q‘ will be -1 sin2
+. The sum of these two curvatures will
obviously be equal to the original inaxin~u~n
curvature alollg
NN‘, since the minimum curvature along AA’ is zero.
Hence we may regard the curvatllre along N N’ as contri-
buting t w o coinponents of cylindricity of the respective values
named in the two directions PP’ and QQ’. If light were
admitted through n a r r o ~ 7parallel slits set respectively along
P P’ and Q Q‘, the convergivity of the two beams respectively
impressed by the lens would be (p- 1) cos2 4/91 and (p-1)
sin2 +/?e. If r is expressed in metres, these two convergivities
will be expressed in dioptries according to the practice now
iuternationally adopted by ophthalinists.
It is obvious that the niigle + inay be Fig. 3.
measured either between N N’ and P P’,
or between A A’ and Q Q’. I @
3. Returning to the pobleiii enun-
ciated with reference to fig. 1, we nmy
now find a solution by resolving each of‘
the two cylindrical lenses into coinpo-
lien ts and then recombining these com-
ponents in the inaniier presently to be
Let the line O a (fig. 3) represent the
direction of the axis of one of tlie given
cylindrical lenses, having a power of A
dioptries, and the line 0 b the direction of
the axis of the other given cylindrical lens
of‘power B dioptries. The angle 8 between
0 a and 0 Z, is also given. It is required 0
t o find the respective number of diol’tries
C: and D of the cylindrical and spherical lenses jvhich shall
together constitute a combination whose optical effect is the
equivalent of that o f A and B. It is also required to find the
angular position of the axis of the equivalent cylindrical lens.
I t is clear that we might take any line O c through 0
niaking an angle with O a , and take the cylindrical com-
ponents, along that direction, of the two given cylindrical
lenses A and E. The sum of these components would be
A cos2(P+B cos2 (8-+). Similarly there might be taken, a t
right-angles to 0 e, the two other cylindrical components,
whose slim woulcl be A sin2 #I + B sin2 (S-+). Now there
will be i n every case one particnlar value of + which vi11
make the former sum a maximum and the latter a minimum.
I f we can find this value of 4, the problem is solved.
Differentiating with respect to + the expression above
obtained for the sum of the two components along 00, and
equating to zero, we find that when this sum is a inaxiinuin
the angle #I will be such as to give the relation
- - sin2(8-+).-
B- sin 2+ '
. . . . . (1)

to which inny be given the alternative forin

From this latter # may be reckoned by the aid of trigono-

metrical tables, A, B, and 8 being all given. Angle 9 being
thus found, it can be used to calculate the maxiinum and
ininimum values, namely the two suins previously expressed.
The cylindrical lens representing the niaxiinum sum being
set at angle + with the original direction of A, and the
cylindrical lens representing the minimum sum being set at
go"-+, they will, thus crossed at right-angles to one another,
together act as the optical equivalent of the two obliquely-
crossed cylinders.
These two rectangularly-crossed cylindrical lenses may
again be resolved into the combination of (1) a cylindrical
lens, whose axis is along the axis just found for the maximum
Iens, and of power C dioptries equal to the difference between
the maximuin and minimum cylindrical powers, and (2) a
spherical lens whose power D is that of the minimum. Hence

we shall have
C=Acos2 + + B cos2(8-+)-Asing +-Bsin2 (e-$);
C=Acos2++Bcos2(6-+), . . . . . . .. (3)
D = A sin2+ + B sin2(8-6). . . . . . . . . (4)
4. The solution thus found is capnble of further sim-
Dividing equation (3) by A, we have :

From equation (1)we have

B - 'sin 24
A - sin 2(6-+)'
Substituting this in the preceding gives us :

=cos 2+ + sin2+.cos2(0-+)
sin 2(6-+) '
_C - sin 28
A -sin 2(6-4)'
From this imniediately follows the relation :
A -
----B - C
. . . (5)
sin 2(6'-+) sin 24 sin 20'
This at once suggests that the three magnitudes A, Byand
c can be represented by the three sides of a triangle whose
respectively-subtended angles are 2(8-+), %$,and 28. Or
2(8-+), 2+, and 7r-28. I n short, the two given cylindrical
components A and B may be conipounded to find their cylin-
drical resultant C by means of a parallelogram in w?&lz,
Aozoecer, tlie angle between A and B is ds-awn us double the actual
angle between the axes oj" the two given components.
Hence we obtain the graphic construction of fig. 4. Draw
the lines 0 A, 0 B to represent, in magnitude only, the powers
of the two given cylindrical lenses, and make the angle
A 0 B between them double the given angle 8. For positive
(i. e. convergent) cylindrical lenses these directions inay
be reckoned outwards from the origin, as shown by.the
arrow heads. For negative (i. e. divergent) cylindrical
lenses the directions iriust be reckoned inwards. Compound-
ing OA :incl 0 I3 in the ordinary way, we obtain the resultant

Fig. 4.


0 C which represents in magnitude (and in sign) the resultant,
cylindrical part of the desired equivalent combination; but
the angle A 0 C will be dozcble of the angle that the axis of
the resultant cylindrical lens will make with the usis of A.
It will then be evident that the value of C is at once
calculable directly from A, €3, and B by the equation
C2=A2+B2+BA4Bcos28. , , .. , (6)
Having obtained Cythe angle 4 c m be most easily calcu-
luted by the relation
sin 2 + = - sin 28.
c‘ . .. . .

I t only remains t o find the corresponding expression for

the power D of the spherical part of the equivalent, coin-
Dividing equation (4) by A we have
xsin2 (a-+).
D = sin2++ B
-1 { sin 2 (a-+)
+sin 241-sin 20
sin 2(#-+) 1
E f C',

- _ 1 A+B--Cr
-2 A '
D=-- A + B - C
. . . . , . . . . . . (8)
This last result might also have been obtained by remem-
bering that the maximum power being c1 + D and the ininiinuin
power being D (at right angles), the sum of' these, namely
C 2D,will be equal to A + B, whatever the angle between
the latter.
An example of the use of the three working f o r m u h (G),
(7), and (8) will suffice.
To find the equivalent sphero-cylindrical combination for
the following obliquely-crossed cylindrical lenses :-
+ 3 * 5 cyl. ax. 20' C + 2.5 cyl. ax. 35'.
Here A = 3.5 dioptries,
B = 2.5 dioptries,
8 = 15O,
cos28 = 0.866,
sin28 = 0.5.
By equation (6)
C2= 12.25 + 6.25 + (17.5 x 0.866)
= 33-65)
whence C = + 5.8 dioptries, approximately.
By equation (8)
3.5 + 2.5 -5.8
D = + 0.1 dioptries (spherical j ,
By equation (7)
sin 24 = -- x 0.5
= 0.215,
4 = *sin-1(0*235)
= 6" 13', approximatelg, beyond the position
of A.
Hence the equivalent combination would be
+ 0.1 sph. + 5.8 cyl. ax. 26' 13'.
5. The circumstance that the cylindrical part of the
resultant of two crossed cylindrical lenses varies from maxi-
mum to minimum when the angle Between the axes of the
two lenses is varied froin 0' to go', suggests a solution to the
practical problem how to innke a cylindrical lens of variable
cylinclrici ty. If two equal positive cylindrical lenses are used,
the valne of the cylindrical part of their resultant varies
froin their sum, when the angle 8=0", to zero when the
angle 8= 90°. Brit while the cylindrical part thus diminishes,
in proportion to the square of the cosine of the angle between
them, the spherical part of the resultant increases in the
proportion of the square of the sine of the same angle. Onc
never obtains a simple cylindrical lens, except in the case of
the coincidence of the axes. Siniilarly if two equal negative
cylindrical lenses are used, the resultant consists of a negative
cylindrical part and a negative spherical part, the one
decreasing, the other increasing when the angle 0 is increased
from 0' to 90'.
Ophthalmists are acquainted with a combination (known
as Stokes's leas) consisting of two cylindrical lenses of equal
but opposite powers (one a convex, the other an equal con.
cave), arranged to be rotated to various angles of obliquity
across one another. When thoir axes are i n coincidence,
or 8=Oo, they neutralize one another completely. When

crossed at right-angles their resultant cylindricity is a

maximum but is mixed in sign. suppose their respectiie
powers were 2 dioptries and -2 dioptries j they will when
crossed not act as either a +4 dioptrie cylinder, or as n
-4 dioptrie cylinder, but can be macle to act as such by
adding at choice either a + 2 dioptrie spherical lens or a - 2
dioptrie spherical lens, to neutralize the refractive effects in
one or other of the meridians. When crossed at iiiterinediate
angles the spherical leiis required to neutralize, and so yroduce
the effect of a simple cylinder, would be of some intermediate
power. This is a slight inconvenience ; but a more serious
one exists in the circuinstance that in rotating one about the
other the axis of the resultant cylindrical effect takes a vnrying
obliquity. This objection is not removed by rotating the two
lenses in opposite directions simultaneously.
A more convenient combination to give varying degrees of
cylindricity is the followirig :-Let two lenses be ground,
each being a mixed equi-cylinder consisting of a concave and
convex ground a t right-angles to one mother 011 the opposite
faces of the glass. Two such mixed cylinders, if rotated with
equal motion in opposite directions, will give a varying
cylindricity of fixed direction in space. With the axes of'
+ cylindricity coincident they give the niaximuni ; but when
each is rotated to 43O, one to the right, the ot,her to the left,
their resultant is zero, I n intermediate positions the value
of the resultant varies according to the square of' the cosine
of double the angle through which either has been iiioved
( L e . to the square of the cosine of the angle between their
axes), but i t remains fixed in direction. When each is rotated
beyond 45" they begin again to act as a uyliiidrical lens, but
with the resultant axis of cyliiidricity negative in the fixed
direction in which formerly i t was positive. An instrument
thus constructed* may be graduated so as to be direct-
* This instrument is called an Astigmometer,

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