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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ......................................................................................- 1 -

Introduction ................................................................................................- 3 -
Chapter 1: What is the Deep State? ........................................................- 4 -
Chapter 2: The Deep State Bureaucracy ................................................- 7 -
Can the Bureaucratic Swamp of the Deep State be Drained? ................. - 8 -
How the Deep State Can Bring Down Their E nemies........................... - 9 -
Chapter 3: The Intelligence Community and the Deep State .......... - 12 -
State Within a State............................................................................ - 13 -
Dirty Dealings ..................................................................................... - 15 -
Chapter 4: ................................................................................................. - 20 -
The Deep State Behind the Deep State ................................................ - 20 -
Council on Foreign Relations ............................................................... - 21 -
The Trilateral Commission .................................................................. - 23 -
The Bilderberg Meetings....................................................................... - 24 -
Prevalence ............................................................................................ - 27 -
Chapter 5: Following the Money: Wall Street, the Rothschilds, Soros,
and the Rockefellers................................................................................ - 28 -
The Deep State and Wall Street .......................................................... - 28 -
Deep State Banks Support Globalism and Communism...................... - 30 -
The Deep State Finances E vil Through Foundations ........................... - 31 -
Chapter 6: Secret Societies ..................................................................... - 34 -
The Illuminati ..................................................................................... - 34 -
Skull and Bones: Brotherhood of Death............................................... - 36 -

The Bohemian Grove ........................................................................... - 37 -
Conclusion................................................................................................ - 40 -
References ................................................................................................ - 41 -

The topic of the ―Deep State‖ has been relatively unexplored until recent
years. Now it is becoming a commonplace part of discussions on
television, in break rooms, and even at the dinner table. Once the 2016
presidential race began and when Donald Trump was brought into the
White House, the Deep State was thrust into the forefront of
conversation. Although in the past many citizens may have been only
vaguely familiar with this subject, it is fast becoming one of the most
popular themes in private and public dialogue.
What is the Deep State, anyway? How do we know if it even exists?
What does the Deep State want to accomplish? Should we be
concerned— and what should we do about it? In this book, we‘ll
illuminate the darkest corners of the Deep State to answer these
Essentially, the Deep State is a layer within another layer. It is a hidden
government that influences and exploits the actions and policies of the
exposed government. The Deep State operates selfishly— it is not
concerned with constitutional laws, mandates set by Congress, public
policies set by the president, or even what is best for the nation. This
book provides evidence that the hidden Deep State most certainly does
exist, and that it is actively working to push the United States into global
governance, all in direct opposition to Trump‘s widely publicized
―America First‖ foreign policy.
The Deep State is composed of government bureaucracy and intelligence
officials— but there is also another layer behind the Deep State. The elite
and powerful figures behind the scenes of the Deep State are both inside
and outside of our nation‘s visible government. They include the
globalists in the Council on Foreign Relations. We will investigate the
huge amount of funding from wealthy families like the Rothschilds,
Soros, and the Rockefellers. Lastly, we will uncover information about
secret societies that have become entrenched in the essential framework
of the ―behind the scenes‖ operation of the Deep State.

Chapter 1: What is the Deep State?
The thought of an organization composed of private individuals
controlling the government would have been laughable a few years ago.
Now, more and more people are starting to open their eyes to its
Confronted with one piece of evidence after another that points to a
wide and keenly organized campaign to discredit President Trump,
Americans are increasingly becoming aware that a hidden power exists
behind what is shown by the mainstream media. In truth, Trump has
played a large role in this massive awakening. During his campaign and
presidency, Trump made a point to warn voters about a ―global
government‖ set into motion by a secret ―cabal,‖ about a ―swamp‖ that
needs to be drained, and the ―Deep State,‖ which looks to sabotage his
―America First‖ approach (and, by default, the nation itself).
Evidence shows that this point of view is now becoming more
mainstream. According to a poll from ABC News and the Washington
Post in April 2017, approximately half of US citizens agree that a ―Deep
State‖ is operating behind the scenes of our visible government, with the
aim to exploit and influence policies.
Don‘t forget that these polls are typically skewed to favor the running
establishment. More than likely, the actual results of the polls indicate
over half of Americans agreeing on the existence of a Deep State— even
independents and members of the younger generation.
As defined by the poll, the Deep State is composed of ―military,
intelligence and government officials who try to secretly manipulate
government policy.‖ Although at least half of the population
acknowledges that the Deep State exists— along with confirmation from
several media outlets— many Americans have yet to grasp a full
understanding of what the Deep State entails. Without this
understanding, Americans run the risk of falling prey to false and
detrimental conspiracy theories that gravitate around the Catholic
Church, white male privilege, or even religious groups. If the Deep State
is going to be stopped, we first must learn how to properly expose it.

This is exactly what this book aims to do— to illuminate the shadowy
corners of the Deep State so that Americans will be able to approach this
organization with a clear understanding. We will look at the various
indiscretions of the intelligence community and the vast machine of
bureaucracy in order to show their disregard for the constitution. On
their own, the facts are more than sufficient to prove that the Deep State
exists. It is comprised of secret societies, public organizations, and the
individuals who provide massive amounts of funding to keep the
machine running.
Skeptics will have a difficult time wrapping their heads around this idea
of the Deep State that covertly pushes policy and organizes events.
However, its existence is easy enough to prove— and many Deep State
members have even acknowledged that it is real. Today, conspirators
within the Deep State have no shame about their actions, bragging about
their secret and highly organized groups.
The fact that conspirators and a hidden government hide behind our
visible one should not come as a surprise. Secret conspiracies and private
ruling classes have always played a part in history. What about Julius
Caesar and the conspiring that led to his assassination? America‘s first
president, George Washington, was worried about the Freemasons and
the Illuminati. Let‘s not forget to mention that the French Revolution
was also a massive conspiracy in its own right.
Conspiracies are recounted throughout the Bible as well. Samuel details
Absalom‘s plot to remove King David from the throne. A conspiracy
against the Apostle Paul can be found in Acts. Ephesians warns against
upcoming struggles ―against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Regardless of your opinion on Trump and the policies that he enacted,
there is plenty of proof that shows he was under an ongoing attack
campaign from the Deep State. Newt Gingrich hinted at this on Fox
News— when asked to explain why Trump was such a compelling
option, Gingrich explained that he is ―an outsider; he‘s not part of the
club; he‘s uncontrollable; he hasn‘t been through the initiation rites; he
didn‘t belong to the secret society.‖

Now we know that the Deep State certainly does exist within the
shadows— it‘s our responsibility to expose the people involved and put
an end to their manipulation.

Chapter 2: The Deep State Bureaucracy
Bureaucrats that have not been elected by the people are constantly
creating rules and regulations, even though this goes directly against the
Hiding within the deepest recesses of the US government, there are
bureaucrats that maintain radically different viewpoints than the everyday
American citizen. This clash of values comes with some worrisome
implications for freedom. Although elections can help remove and
replace politicians, there is little that can be done about long-standing
bureaucrats who are hidden in the shadows. Having held their positions
for years— and in some cases, decades— these individuals have set
regulations and decrees to keep their salaries padded and to ensure that
they hold onto their positions. Once an organization or an individual
threatens the power that they exert over taxpaying citizens, they retaliate
with a vengeance. This is the Deep State— or, at the very least, this is one
key piece of its foundation.
Technically, the role of the president is to be the chief executive officer
of the federal government. This is at least true on paper— but not
necessarily true when considering the involvement of the Deep State.
The president is at the very top of an incredibly vast and strong network
of nearly three million federal employees.
This is just on the civilian side of things— there are also over two million
citizens in the armed services, and over 20 million state and local
government employees. There are hundreds of bureaucrats that are
distributed throughout various departments, organizations, agencies,
firms, and more.
While serving at the US National Security Council as the Director for
Strategic Planning in the Trump administration, Rich Higgins distributed
a memo in which the Deep State is referred to more than once:
―The successful outcome of cultural Marxism is a bureaucratic state
beholden to no one, certainly not the American people. With no rule of
law considerations outside those that further deep state power, the deep
state truly becomes, as Hegel advocated, god bestriding the earth.‖

These references continue throughout the rest of the memo, and even
include Republican leaders as willing participants in the Deep State‘s
According to Higgins, the Deep State is composed of a strange
conglomerate of alliances. This includes the hard left, globalists,
bureaucrats, Islamist organizations, mega-corporations, and more.
Together, the Deep State aims to destroy America, in what Higgins calls
―a political warfare effort.‖
Once this memo was brought to their attention, the Deep State removed
Higgins from his role. The Deep State is alive and well, operating directly
out of Washington, D.C., and seeking to cause destruction with no
accountability. Federal officials are tucked into the deepest recesses of
this shadow government, making it impossible to hold them accountable.
This is exactly what the awakened press outlets are referring to when
they mention ―the Deep State.‖
While many still believe that the Deep State is non-existent, those that
love and cherish the Constitution, as true patriots, know that the mere
mention of the Deep State should send off alarm bells. There are a few
reasons why the Deep State is such a powerful threat: first, evidence
shows that this shadow government seeks to dismantle the core values
that America was built on. These include traditional morality, limited
government, inalienable rights given by God, and more. The actions of
the Deep State have consistently worked against these core values— the
most obvious ones being limiting personal freedoms, widening the
power of the government, and drastically increasing governmental
spending to put our country further into debt.

Can the Bureaucratic Swam p of the Deep State be

Whether President Trump has been unable or unwilling to ―drain the
swamp‖ is unclear— but the fact remains that it still exists. There are
many political figures appointed by Obama that are still in their posts, a
fact that extends beyond the hidden bureaucracy.

When questioned about the number of appointments to be made,
Trump mentioned that these vacancies might not even be filled, in order
to reduce the government size. According to Trump, many of these
positions are largely unnecessary— and he‘s right. Many jobs and
agencies that they are associated with are not necessary. Unfortunately,
by refusing to fill those empty positions while the bureaucratic
framework beneath them stays intact, the remnants of Obama‘s
administration hold onto their power and have undermined the goals of
Trump‘s administration in the process. It is possible that Deep State
members have given President Trump poor advice.
Some of the leading figures within the Deep State— like Henry Kissinger,
an advocate for a global ―New World Order‖ and population control—
have been brought into Trump‘s circle.
President Trump has even called him a friend, and someone that he has
―great, great respect for.‖ In addition, his cabinet does have some links
to the globalist movement, the annual Bilderberg meeting, and the
Council on Foreign Relations (this organization is another piece of the
Deep State‘s network).
Both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden know that it is crucial for Deep State
bureaucrats to stay in their roles, which allows them to disassemble
Trump‘s ―America First‖ initiatives. Biden and Hillary have both been
quoted as pleading for these federal employees not to go, asking them to
help maintain ―competence and normalcy‖ while they ―stick it out.‖
According to data from the Government Accountability Office, there
have been approximately 80 appointees by Obama that have found their
way into civil service jobs at the highest level where they cannot be fired.

How the Deep State Can Bring Down Their Enemies

In yet another turn of events, bureaucrats and organizations within the
Deep State have an arsenal of tools that they can use to bring their
enemies down. For example, recent estimates say that there are nearly
half a million federal regulations that contain criminal penalties— but the
exact number is unavailable.

The Congressional Research Service was asked to provide lawmakers
with an exact calculation of how many statues and regulations were
associated with criminal penalties, and they could not provide an answer.
In fact, they said that they did not have the resources or the manpower
to compile those numbers. Although Congress holds legislative power,
much of this has been overtaken by the Deep State, its administration,
and a never-ending string of regulations.
Despite the Constitution delegating all legislative powers to Congress,
the reality is that, most legislative powers (and even many judicial
powers), have today been usurped by the administrative arm of the
―Deep State‖ and its never-ending deluge of regulations and decrees.
One of the most important takeaways from this is the stark reality that,
each day, nearly every American may commit more than one federal
crime without even knowing it. Anyone who becomes a threat to the
Deep State could, in all theory, become a target for violating a federal
rule that they had no idea even existed. In fact, some experts suggest that
every single American over the age of 18 could potentially be charged
with some sort of federal crime.
This is the type of thing that made ―fishing expeditions‖ by Special
Counsel Robert Mueller against Trump potentially dangerous. With the
use of a wide range of intelligence methods— not surprisingly,
intelligence is part of the very foundation of the Deep State— it‘s safe to
assume that no one is safe.
Two examples of the Deep State using this method come to mind: first,
with Mike Flynn, the first national security advisor in the Trump
administration, and second with Dinesh D‘Souza, whose writings
exposed Obama and his administration.
Both men were targeted for minor infractions— compared to the crimes
the rest of DC has committed, what they did was the equivalent of
getting a ticket for an expired parking meter.
The term ―Deep State‖ will mean different things from one person to
the next and it really depends on who you talk to. Many consider the
Deep State as one layer, with a second, darker Deep State behind it.

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This second Deep State includes the Trilateral Commission, the Council
on Foreign Relations, secret societies, and more. It is also important to
consider the intelligence network employed by the Deep State. However,
no matter how you look at it, the widespread network of Deep State
operatives nestled within the government is perhaps the most common
element of what the general population considers to be the Deep State.
Of course, this network is only one of many, and its members are far
from being the heads of the operations. But this network of bureaucrats
is significantly strong, powerful, and creative when it comes to protecting
their interests. Disarming this administrative branch of the Deep State
will be crucial to maintaining constitutional liberties.
The first steps to doing this include appointing constitutionalists, putting
an end to all unconstitutional organizations, and continuing to undo the
regulatory damage wreaked by the Obama administration. We need the
Constitution to get America out of this mess.

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Chapter 3: The Intelligence Community and
the Deep State
American intelligence agencies have little to no oversight from Congress
or the government, and yet their actions can have a significant impact on
our individual freedoms, national laws, and global policies.
In the first few months of his term, President Trump received repeated
threats as he faced off against the intelligence community. Both the
intelligence and security branches of the Deep State are tools of the
bureaucracy that are employed at every turn.
Ever since Trump‘s election to the presidency, many pieces of the so-
called ―intelligence community‖ have been coming together in ways that
most of the general public could have never imagined. Secretive
government agencies, lawmakers, and bureaucrats have all acknowledged
that Trump has been under surveillance and various forms of attack. Part
of this comes from repeated intelligence leaks, including the (discredited)
Trump dossier. Using a multitude of distasteful strategies under the guise
of security has been a part of their game plan for many years.
It is clear that there is an overwhelming network of spy agencies that
continue to perform dirty jobs for the second layer of the Deep State.
There are many key players inside the Deep State intelligence community
that hold memberships within semi-secret and secret organizations.
There are bosses within the CIA and the NSA who are regularly in
attendance at Bilderberg meetings. Nearly every single one has been a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and could be part of the
Trilateral Commission. There is evidence to suggest that they have been
a part of Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove, both of which we will
discuss further in the following chapters.
There are endless examples, including David Petraeus, the now-disgraced
general who was once the head of the CIA. Not only is he a regular
attendee at Bilderberg, but he is also part of the Council on Foreign
Relations, a globalist organization that looks to replace national
governments with a worldwide government.

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After his service, he started working for KKR, a Wall Street investment
firm, spending his time advocating for America to have a similar model
to the European Union. Many Deep State operatives within intelligence
and security have had similar career paths. Former head of the NSA,
Keith Alexander, went to Bilderberg and then founded his own private
cybersecurity company. Michael Hayden, who has run both the NSA and
the CIA, is also part of the Deep State, attending Bilderberg meetings
and the Council on Foreign Relations.

State Within a State

For generations, presidents and their closest confidantes have been close
to the second layer of the Deep State— the Deep State within the Deep
State. We will discuss this at length in the next chapter. As a result, the
White House and the various branches of the intelligence community
tend to be on the same page. However, with Trump in office the past
four years, this synergy has been erased completely.
For example, it is common knowledge that Trump‘s team was being
spied on by intelligence. Further, Michael Flynn authorized the recording
of his own phone conversations, which is how he was caught for making
a false statement to the FBI— nothing illegal was said, resulting in Flynn
receiving a minor charge.
Within the first year of Trump‘s presidency, leaks from Deep State
bureaucrats were being released left and right. The average came to
about one per day, with each leak designed to delegitimize Trump and
tear down his administration.
Trump, understandably frustrated, accused the intelligence community at
large of attempting to sabotage him, stating that the culprits would be
found. The Deep State responded in the voice of John Schindler, a
former NSA analyst: ―Now we go nuclear...[Intelligence community] war
going to new levels. Just got an [e-mail from] senior [intelligence
community] friend, it began: ‗He [Trump] will die in jail.‘‖

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Issuing a threat to the president, without a second thought or worry
about repercussions, demonstrates clear power that most Americans will
never realize. However, in Washington, DC, this type of power is
common, even referenced by top lawmakers. For example, Senator
Chuck Schumer (D-NY ) told Rachel Maddow that the intelligence
community has ―six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.‖
Most of the criticism of the Deep State and their expansive network of
intelligence operatives has come from Republicans and conservatives—
though a few Democrats have also entered into the mix. For example,
while speaking with Sean Hannity of Fox News, former Congressman
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) expressed concern over the constant leaks,
saying: ―So we have to be asking, what is the motive of these people?
Who‘s putting these leaks out? Why doesn‘t somebody come forward
and make a charge and put their name and reputation behind it, instead
of attacking through the media and not substantiating their position?‖
Not even Congress can hide from the Deep State intelligence. Dianne
Feinstein, a Democrat from California and the Senate Select Intelligence
Committee Chairman, accused the CIA of spying on staffers, as well as
deleting computer files. Spying on those who make the laws also means
looking for ways to blackmail them— not to mention potentially violating
what Feinstein calls ―the constitutional framework.‖
The bureaucracy within the intelligence community— the CIA, the NSA,
the DIA, and more— also includes organizations at the cabinet level, like
Homeland Security, Energy, State, Treasury, and Justice. All US Armed
Services maintain their own agency for intelligence, as well. Recent
estimations say that there are likely more than 1,250 intelligence-related
government organizations and nearly 2,000 companies spread across
thousands of locations in the country. Add to this nearly a million
bureaucrats, military personnel, and ―independent contractors‖ that all
receive top-secret clearance.
Of course, some of these are key to maintaining our national security,
and are filled with employees that are doing their true patriotic duty.
However, there are dark shadows within the wider intelligence
community, which can pose a significant threat to individual liberties.

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Some believe that the intelligence community is the Deep State in its
entirety. In fact, Mike Lofgren, a congressional staffer who was given
top-secret clearance for nearly thirty years, was the first person to
actually apply the term ―Deep State‖ to the United States. During his
time as a staffer, he specialized in national security.
In his book, The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise
of a Shadow Government, he says: ―The Deep State does not consist of
the entire government. It is a hybrid of national security and law
enforcement agencies.‖

Dirty Dealings
The intelligence community is meant to apply their spying powers
towards protecting American citizens and their freedoms from external
Once American citizens themselves become a target, this is a violation of
the Fourth Amendment, which stipulates the right of people ―to be
secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable
searches and seizures.‖
If the intelligence agencies are watching us for our own good, who is
keeping tabs on the intelligence agencies? They operate largely in secrecy,
without having to notify Congress of their actions.
This has resulted in infractions that well exceed spying illegally, and go as
far as assassinations, torture, and toppling foreign governments without
due process, as indicated in the examples below.
Can actions like these truly protect the security and liberty of the
American people— or could they result in the exact opposite?
Here are some examples of the Deep State and their intelligence

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• Jihadists— To fight communism, Osama bin Laden and other
jihadists throughout Afghanistan were trained, funded, and armed
by the US intelligence agencies. Later on, these jihadists would
become enemies. Since then, this practice has continued, with
agencies continuing to support jihadists and al-Qaeda. According
to a 2012 memo from the DIA, the Deep State was well aware
that al-Qaeda was leading the Syrian rebellion— and they issued
their support for the rebellion regardless.
The same document provides a plan to push fundamentalist Islamism
throughout Eastern Syria, ultimately creating an Islamic State and
revealing one of the Deep State‘s foreign policies.
• Murder and assassination— Thanks to George W. Bush and his
administration, we know that the deliberate assassination of
figures deemed to be ―militants‖ or ―terrorists‖ can be justified by
Islamic terrorism. Because these figures have never been charged
for their crimes or convicted in court, this is technically murder.
Murder and assassination have become so commonplace throughout the
intelligence community that it often comes up in casual conversation—
even jokes. A 2014 video showed a former head of the CIA and NSA
joking about how they murder without charges, convictions, or
declarations of war. At the 2014 Foreign Affairs Symposium at John
Hopkins University, former CIA and NSA head Michael Hayden said,
―We kill people based on metadata.‖ Today, we all know that the CIA
killed thousands of people by using drones and missiles around the
world. According to the Obama administration, it is estimated that
between 2009-2015, approximately 2,400 people died from drone strikes.
• Torture and kidnapping — These are both illegal activities, and
the Deep State intelligence community should be no exception.
The CIA, the DIA, and assorted other intelligence agencies have
all confirmed torture methods like beatings and waterboarding,
most notably in Iraq, and a network of CIA secret prisons. As for
kidnapping, they are certainly no strangers to this either. In 2003,
Egyptian dissident Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr was kidnapped,
shoved into a van, and taken to Egypt for interrogation and
torture. Twenty-three CIA agents were convicted (in absentia), six
years later, by an Italian court.
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• Overthrowing governments — Overthrowing governments has
been a long-standing part of the CIA‘s history, particularly when
taking action before Congress declares war. The CIA has been
instrumental in overthrowing governments in places like the
Congo, Iran, and the Dominican Republic— all instances where
the involvement of the CIA was globally visible. The total
estimated number of governments that have been overthrown
through CIA intervention is seven— but this does not include
Deep State operations or government instances of assassination,
military involvement, or secretive funding of insurgencies.
• False flags — There have been cases where the Deep State uses
what is called a ―false flag‖ to pursue their objectives. For
example, in the 1960s, there is evidence of a proposed scheme to
have US agencies carry out a terrorist attack and pin it on Castro
and his administration. According to the US Defense Department
on Operation Northwoods, these proposed ―terrorist attacks‖
included a bombing, shooting an airliner, and sinking a boat of
refugees. Ultimately, this plan was denied by then-President
Kennedy, though it is interesting to note that the plan existed in
the first place. After all, the American government and the second
layer of the Deep State (the Deep State behind the Deep State)
were responsible for Castro‘s rise to power.
• Mind control — In a supposed attempt to even the playing field
with communist warfare advances, the CIA has experimented
with mind control and brainwashing. LSD and similar chemicals
were used by federal officials in Project MKUltra, along with
sexual abuse, torture, and hypnosis. Some experiments were
performed on those who were unable to consent— like mental
institution patients and children.

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• Drug trafficking — Drug trafficking is perhaps the most visible
secret that the CIA pretends to keep. Multiple employees, drug
lords, and high-ranking officials have said outright that the CIA
and other intelligence agencies are actually the masterminds
behind the global narcotics business. In fact, the former chief of
the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Robert Bonner,
once told CBS that they found the CIA cooperating with
Venezuela in importing cocaine into the US. There have also been
instances of Mexican officials and figures in the cartel stating that
the US has been complicit in drugs coming across the border, at
least to a small degree.
• Working with criminals — Both the national security and
intelligence branches of the Deep State have long and
troublesome histories working with criminals and supporting their
actions. This makes it challenging to find where one starts and the
other begins— a common issue with many of the Deep State
networks. One example is ―Operation Fast and Furious,‖ in
which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(ATF) allowed illegally purchased guns to be distributed
throughout the cartel (a practice called ―gunwalking‖). The
reasoning behind this was to allow the ATF to close in on a
target— but the supposed target was actually already part of the
FBI‘s payroll. It may be that this Deep State operation was largely
created to break apart the Second Amendment, used as a
demonstration of gun violence and illegal weapons flowing from
the United States into Mexico (although they intentionally
encouraged this).
• Media manipulation — American citizens have all been victims of
propaganda and media manipulation. For example, in the 1950s,
Operation Mockingbird (ran by the CIA) was employed
specifically to recruit members of the media to the Deep State
network. Here, the goal was to use their media connections to
spread pro-Deep State propaganda throughout the nation‘s news
outlets. Documents from Operation Mockingbird include names
like Henry Luce, the founder of Time and Life, William F.
Buckley, founder of National Review, and Joseph Harsch of
Christian Science Monitor.

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• Mass surveillance — Time and time again, whistleblowers have
pointed out illegal spying on American citizens by the Deep State
intelligence community. One of these key whistleblowers is
William Binney, who spent three decades as a senior NSA official
before discovering illegal surveillance and resigning his post. He
estimates that the NSA has either collected or stored almost 80
percent of all phone calls throughout the United States, and
nearly all emails. In an interview with frontline, when asked why
he retired, Binney said:
―Well, I couldn't be an accessory to the violation of the constitutional
rights of everybody in the country. I couldn't be an accessory to that, or
an accessory to other crimes being committed, like exposing all this data
to the FBI. It was acquired without a warrant, you know. And this is the
kind of data that they would use to arrest people, which they did. So I
couldn't be a party to that. That's just a total violation of our justice
For decades, the intelligence network ran by agents within the behind-
the-scenes Deep State has been operating without concern for the law,
accountability, or transparency. Now, its sights are set on our nation‘s
very foundation— the Constitution.

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Chapter 4:The Deep State Behind the Deep
Every now and then, globalist and anti-American organizations will
provide an inside look into their motives. They are never good.
Although there have been plenty of references within the media to the
Deep State and its ultimate goal of bringing down America as we know
it, there has not been much coverage of the shadow behind the Deep
State— the second layer, or the Deep State behind the Deep State.
This network includes the members of the Trilateral Commission,
attendees of the Bilderberg meetings, and the Council on Foreign
Relations, among others. Some of these elements are visible and active,
even if their significance is rarely emphasized. Others are not so visible.
All of the elements together show that there is indeed a Deep State
behind the Deep State that wields significant power and influence over
both our nation and the globe. Slowly, their agenda is also being
revealed— to create what they call a ―New World Order‖ as part of a
global government. American citizens may not realize that they have the
authority to put a stop to this.
The Deep State is, in large part, composed of government elements, like
bureaucrats and agencies like the NSA, CIA, and more. There is also
evidence that some large corporations may also have their own parts to
Mike Lofgren, a former member of the congressional staff and among
the first to start connecting the dots on the Deep State, says that their
network is a tangled conglomerate of both private and public
institutions. There are plenty of others who have noticed that elected
officials do not always seem to be in charge of their government roles.
There are many who are close to the Deep State behind the Deep State
who have even said as much publicly.
In his book titled Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our
Time, the late Carroll Quigley includes his own findings on the Deep

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Both a Georgetown University professor and an advisor to Bill Clinton,
Quigley was close to the Deep State‘s center. He calls the organization an
―international Anglophile network,‖ stating he was very close to its inner
workings for decades.
He also wrote that two parties should represent opposing ideals and
polices, suchas left and right, was foolish. Rather, he argued that both
parties should be nearly identical to eliminate radical policy changes.
Quigley provided an inside look at the overarching goals of the Deep
State, ―to create a world system of financial control in private hands able
to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the
world as a whole.‖
According to Quigley, political systems are largely controlled by regular,
covert meetings. Some are widely known, like the G20, while others are
less visible, like Bilderberg, the World Government Summit, and the
Club of Rome. There are almost certainly more that are completely
The Deep State behind the Deep State controls a dark web of
organizations that are designed to control the numerous branches of
their operation. Although they are secretive, there are plenty of websites,
reports, and even membership lists that the public can access. There is
no argument on whether they exert a massive amount of control in
government, intelligence, banking, business, media, and academia— they
certainly do. And, their goals are out in the open. Now, American
citizens need to ask themselves whether they can recognize and address
the threat before they are beyond saving.

Council on Foreign Relations

Professor Quigley acknowledged the existence of an ―international
Anglophile network‖ exposing significant information about the Deep
State in his book.
Included are groups like the Council on Foreign Relations (United
States) and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Great Britain).

- 21 -
Founded in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was created
by global ideologists and mega-bankers whose goal was to involve
America in foreign matters. This happened shortly after the Senate
refused to become a member of the League of Nations. The CFR is one
of the most formidable ―Deep State within the Deep State‖
organizations. Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton are both members of the
CFR— and according to a 2009 speech from Hillary Clinton, the CFR
dictates ―what we should be doing and how we should think about the
From this, we can imply that the invisible Deep State establishment
within the CFR creates governmental policies, and the visible
government enacts those policies. There is also a CFR wing within the
Republican Party, though the establishment Republicans are quick to
acknowledge that this is not something that should be publicly advertised
if they want to secure voters.
There are members of the CFR throughout both political parties,
including Congress and governmental bureaucrats, members of the
media, chairmen and CEOs of banks and businesses, Supreme Court
justices, and cabinet secretaries.
Their influence even extends to pastors of mega-churches, presidents
and vice presidents, foundation members, and leaders within top-ranking
universities across the nation. Sadly, there are even conservatives and
neoconservatives that are members of the CFR and, therefore, a part of
the Deep State behind the Deep State.
CFR members within the corporate world span pharmaceutical
executives, oil and gas, global mega-banks, publishing houses, media, and
military-industrial companies. These include the most well-known names
in their industries, such as: Bank of America, Citigroup, Credit Suisse,
Deutsche Bank, Soros Fund Management, Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce; DynCorp, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., Raytheon Company,
Boeing; ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP; Fox News, Wall Street Journal,
New Y ork Post, Time Warner; The Economist, Bloomberg, and many,
many more.

- 22 -
The CFR has less than 5,000 members, but always maintains a core set of
leaders who have integral roles to play. Before defecting and becoming a
whistleblower, the late US Admiral Chester Ward was a member of the
CFR for nearly two decades. In the book titled Kissinger on the Couch,
he asserted that the most powerful group of CFR members consisted of
―Wall Street international bankers and their key agents.‖ According to
Ward, these members work towards a shared goal of creating a global
banking monopoly in order to distribute power.
There are many members of the CFR who do not adhere to the Deep
State globalist agenda— but Ward says that the majority of them share
the same globalist viewpoint. His book discusses the foundation of the
CFR agenda and ideology, including the inherent danger in their power
over the government.
Ward cautions that the CFR ultimately wants to establish a global
government, effectively diminishing the independence and power of the
United States— a goal that directly clashes with the idea to put ―America
Foreign Affairs is a magazine that serves as the propaganda arm for the
CFR. Articles within the magazine are designed to promote the
underlying themes of deception and subversion, which are how the CFR
will ultimately accomplish their global government.

The Trilateral Commission

Founded in 1973, the Trilateral Commission was created by David
Rockefeller. He also played a significant role within the CFR, as a long-
time member and chairman until he passed away in 2017.
While all of the Rockefellers have played significant roles within the
Deep State, David was particularly useful as part of the Trilateral
Zbigniew Brzezinski was another key figure within the Trilateral
Commission, becoming the director of the organization, an advisor for
Rockefeller, and the national security advisor for President Jimmy Carter.

- 23 -
In 1970, Brzezinski wrote extensively about this new world order in his
book titled Between Two Ages: America‘s Role in the Technetronic Era.
In it, he argues that the America-dominated world has now become
obsolete, calling for a new globalist mindset, praising Marxism, and
arguing for both communist and non-communist nations to unite into
one government. Rockefeller seemed to latch onto this idea, and the
Trilateral Commission was created.
While the CFR has gotten much more coverage than the Trilateral
Commission, the latter still has a significant impact.
Conservatives have long pointed out that the Trilateral Commission
poses great danger to America and the liberties that all American citizens
are endowed with. Senator Barry Goldwater explains in his memoir titled
With No Apologies: ―In my view the Trilateral Commission represents a
skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four
centers of power — political, monetary, intellectual, and
ecclesiastical...What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a
worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the
nation-states involved.‖
This sentiment has been echoed in other published documents, including
a book called Trilaterals Over Washington, written by Antony Sutton
and Patrick Wood. Wood describes one of the primary globalist goals of
the Trilateral Commission as something called the ―New International
Economic Order,‖ which essentially functions as a rebranding of an
earlier ―technocracy‖ movement. This would mean that ruling parties
would be composed of technocrats instead of elected representatives.
As a crucial piece of the Deep State, the Trilateral Commission has
played a major role in a steady progression towards globalism, as seen in
the European Union (Europe) and NAFTA (North America).

The Bilderberg Meetings

Bilderberg is within the same branches as the CFR and the Trilateral
Commission. This annual meeting at the Hotel de Bilderberg, located in
the Netherlands, began over half a century ago in 1954. Former Nazi SS
member Prince Bernhard is credited with founding these meetings,
designed to create a space for casual dialogue.

- 24 -
These meetings include anywhere between 120-150 attendants, with
most of them originating from North America and Europe.
Every branch of power within the Deep State establishment is
represented, with some analysts suggesting that Bilderberg may indeed be
a secretive government that controls the entire globe. While this may be
true, analyzing the Deep State behind the Deep State gets much more
According to their website, the 2018 Bilderberg meeting was held in
Turin, Italy. No matter where the meeting takes place, there is one
common thread among all of the attendees— they are passionately
committed to globalism. Perhaps not surprisingly, they share an equal
commitment to secrecy. Attendees of the Bilderberg meeting include key
players in banking, media, intelligence, government, internet, data, and
Publicly, the organizers of the Bilderberg meeting portray the annual
event as a forum for casual and friendly discussion, to support and
―foster dialogue between North America and Europe.‖
The Bilderberg website also states that ―There is no detailed agenda, no
resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements
are issued.‖ However, it should be mentioned that many of those who
have attended have suggested that this summit deals with much more
than an informal discussion.
Prior attendees have said that policies are both discussed and
implemented while at Bilderberg, with leaders in politics using the
speeches and notes from each meeting as guidelines.
In fact, in an interview with EUobserver, a former European Union
commissar and former Bilderberg chairman explained that the euro
currency was developed within one of their annual meetings. Evidence
points to the Bilderberg summit as playing a key role in developing the
European Union, despite public outcry from their citizens.

- 25 -
Ultimately, the common factor between all Deep State attendees of the
Bilderberg meeting is that each of them is devoted to transferring
governance away from individual nations and states— and consequently,
the citizens within them— and creating a globalist society with one
government entity which reigns supreme. Regardless of their political
affiliation— even self-proclaimed conservatives and libertarians— many
of the attendees are committed to destroying national independence and
spreading globalism.
For example, Denis Healey (former British Chancellor of the Exchequer)
gave a statement to the UK Guardian that attests to this. In 2001, he said
that Bilderberg attendees ―felt that a single community throughout the
world would be a good thing.‖
Many big names in politics and policy creation have attended Bilderberg.
For example, before running for president, then-governor of Arkansas,
Bill Clinton was in attendance; years later, Barack Obama experienced
the same career trajectory after Bilderberg.
Members of executive branch cabinets and top officials within Trump‘s
administration have also attended the summit, including James Mattis,
Rick Perry, and Wilbur Ross. British Prime Minister Tony Blair attended
Bilderberg while he was a member of Parliament.
The fact that Clinton, Obama, Blair and many others, attended
Bilderberg before running for leadership positions suggests that
Bilderberg meetings are ultimately used as a sort of testing ground to vet
new leaders on whether they will fall in line with and support the group‘s
globalist regime.
Presidents within the European Union have experienced significant
career trajectories after their attendance at a Bilderberg meeting. Keep in
mind that these presidents are put into power with little to no input from
the citizens whom they govern.
In some cases, these appointments appear to make little sense in the
larger framework— for example, former Belgian Prime Minister Herman
Van Rompuy was given the role of EU president mere days after
Bilderberg. In his acceptance speech, he announced the advancement of
a new ―global governance.‖

- 26 -
There are plenty of overlaps in leadership and membership when
analyzing the Deep State behind the Deep State. Along with CFR,
Trilateral, and Bilderberg, these overlaps include the World Affairs
Council, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the World Economic
Forum, and more. All of these organizations are deeply embedded within
the infrastructure of the Deep State.
There are also plenty of secret societies to consider, too, like the
Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones. Key leaders like Soros,
Rockefeller, and the Rothschild family exercise significant influence and
control over these organizations, relying on their connections to escape
taxation and gather funds to consider pushing their globalist goals. These
are the ones that we know of— there are almost certainly many more that
operate purely in the shadows, away from the public light.
In the sections to follow, God-fearing Americans will learn that they do
not have to sit back and become victims. There is an opportunity to take
our country back, and to deny the globalist agenda from taking over. A
key part of this will inevitably be exposing the existence, values, and
actions of the Deep State— and each individual and entity that is a part
of it. Before sending action through Congress, it is crucial for the
American people to educate themselves on the Deep State, organize
together as a united front, and finally, have the courage and the drive to

- 27 -
Chapter 5: Following the Money: Wall Street,
the Rothschilds, Soros, and the Rockefellers
Wall Street has a stream of money that is nearly limitless— and they apply
that revenue stream to the government. It‘s capitalism at its worst,
providing customized government legislation for a price.
When law enforcement is looking to catch a criminal, they may use the
phrase Follow the money ; it sounds like a common cliche , but more
times than not, it works. This phrase can be applied to the Deep State,
along with the Deep State behind the Deep State— following the money
can light the way towards understanding how bureaucrats and
intelligence figures work together. Their network depends on money,
whether they are using secretive organizations or public ones.
While mainstream media tends to refer to the federal government as the
Deep State, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Wall Street and
Big Business also play crucial roles.
As mentioned earlier, Mike Lofgren says that the American Deep State is
a ―hybrid entity,‖ filled with both ―public and private institutions ruling
the country.‖

The Deep State and Wall Street

According to Lofgren, Wall Street has a crucial role to play within the
Deep State— they provide the money that funds political initiatives and
even diversions. If a politician does not follow the globalist agenda, those
funds are poured into aggressive lawsuits, legal battles, and top-notch
lawyers. While he isn‘t wrong on the role that Wall Street plays, there are
other components to consider.
A peer-reviewed Swiss paper published in PLOS ONE journal focused
on examining what they call the ―network of global corporate control.‖
The findings were that a miniscule group of companies— largely within
the financial and banking industry— had an enormous amount of control
within international economies. The study pointed to mega-banks like JP
Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, and more as the core group of

- 28 -
Many officials have pointed out that those who are elected to govern do
not seem to be in charge— Lofgren was far from the first. These include
the late Carroll Quigley, who was very close to the center of the Deep
State for most of his life. Although he admitted to disagreeing with many
of their actions, he also admitted to going along with some of their
agenda. In 1966, Quigley published a book titled Tragedy and Hope: A
History of the World in Our Time, which became an exposé of the Deep
The insights gained on the inner workings of the Deep State from
Quigley are invaluable. In his book, he says that they desire ―nothing less
than to create a world system of financial control in private hands,‖ a
system which would enable each country to be politically controlled,
along with ―the economy of the world as a whole.‖ Quigley goes on to
explain that global banks are at the heart of this plan.
It‘s hard to deny that international banks wield a significant amount of
power. These include the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank,
and the Bank of International Settlements.
A small, close-knit group of financial institutions exerts massive control
over political systems and the economy. Take for example the Federal
Reserve, which maintains a tributary system of owned member-banks.
Because federal banks are technically private corporations, they do not
have to adhere to governmental laws that other agencies may need to
follow— namely, requirements on transparency.
It is impossible to argue that the Federal Reserve exerts incredible
control over our national economy. During the last economic crisis, the
estimated cost of bailouts required approximately $23.7 trillion. (The
annual GDP of the United States comes in at around $18 trillion.
Apparently, the bailout funds were created out of thin air.) Entities that
received a bailout were comprised largely of mega-banks and those
within the Federal Reserve.
Some suggest that prices are rigged for assets like gold. Top officials also
say that these massive bankers have reached the point of being too big to
fail or be prosecuted, meaning that they can freely commit any crimes
they choose.

- 29 -
As former Attorney General Eric Holder testified during a Senate
committee in 2013: ―I am concerned that the size of some of these
institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to
prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do
prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative
impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy.‖

Deep State Banks Support Globalism and

High-ranking leaders of the Deep State behind the Deep State have no
qualms about bragging over their power.
The late David Rockefeller, who was once a leader in the Deep State and
the former CEO of Chase Manhattan, was also a member of the Council
on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Published in 2002,
his autobiography mentions that many suspect his family of being ―part
of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United
States...conspiring with others around the world to build a more
integrated global political and economic structure.‖ As he concludes, ―If
that‘s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.‖ Rockefeller was a
globalist who had no qualms about bragging over his Deep State, ―New
World Order‖ agenda.
He had ties to communism as well. A New Y ork Times piece reported
Rockefeller singing Mao Tse-tung‘s praises. In the article, he called the
communist revolution in China ―one of the most important and
successful [social experiments] in human history.‖
For Rockefeller, success goes hand-in- hand with murder and complete
dominance. Whether the Deep State succeeds or fails in creating a
globalist existence will likely depend very little on the needs of the lower
and middle classes.
George Soros, who has given a substantial amount of funds to the Deep
State and is tied to the Rothschild family, has made similar comments
about China and its communism.

- 30 -
Soros called for China to become a part of the globalist ―New World
Order‖ not once, but twice. The second time this happened was when he
received the Globalist of the Y ear award from the Canadian
International Council.
He praised China for their ―vigorous economy‖ and their government
that functioned better than the United States. In every corner of the
globe, there are high-ranking politicians and officials who all support the
progression towards a globalist regime, creating orders like the Union of
South American States, the African Union, and the European Union.
Although they are not commonly discussed, the Rothschild family is a
supreme group within the Deep State. With more power and money than
the average citizen can even comprehend, the Rothschilds have been
involved in global finances for over two centuries. Current
approximations of the dynasty‘s total wealth expand into trillions of
Centuries of historians have taken note of the Rothschilds and their
influence, even tracing their funding to determining the outcome of the
Napoleonic wars. Since that time, their wealth and power have continued
to grow, expanding from financial services and banking into agriculture,
energy, mining, real estate, and more. In spite of their attempts to stay
relatively hidden from the media, their expansive reach makes this

The Deep State Finances Evil Through Foundations

Tax-exempt foundations are the organizations of choice for many
globalists, including Soros, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. These
foundations allow them to shelter money from taxes and provide the
basis for the financial foundation of the Deep State.
For example, the Rockefellers maintain a web of foundations,
culminating in billions of dollars.
These foundations provide financing for other— also tax-exempt—
foundations. Soros maintains Open Society Foundations, which provide
funding for hundreds of others throughout the globe.

- 31 -
The Deep State has provided financial backing for countless others,
including the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation. They all have their own role to play,
each equally as important as the next.
To see how these foundations and their tax-exempt status provide
benefits to the Deep State, let‘s look at what they do. Foundations under
Soros promote abortion, statism, and globalism.
For example, some recent leaks show that some of this funding goes to
Catholics for Choice (a pro-abortion organization). Similarly, the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation funds Planned Parenthood and population
control. It also finances building the Common Core standards, pushing
towards a globalized education.
Foundations through the Rockefellers support environmentalism,
feminism, and statism. This is only a small sampling— there are many
In a 2014 report by the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee, a wide network of the ultra-wealthy and the foundations that
they maintain was referred to as the ―Billionaires Club.‖ According to the
report, the members of this club benefit from a combination of front
groups and tax loopholes, manufacture propaganda through phony
science, and create false ―grassroots‖ movements to advance their
There have been cases where this ultra-rich club provides funding for
―scientific‖ research as well. These findings are promoted by liberal, far-
left news and media outlets that receive a cut of the funds shared by the
Billionaires Club. For example, the study showed that the Park
Foundation funded a scientific study on fracking— it was later publicized
and spread on social media by Park-funded organizations.
The Deep State behind the Deep State is consistently using— and
abusing— the advantages that come from tax- exempt foundations.
What‘s worse is that they have been doing it for years. The Deep State
has been using foundations as their monetary source since the early
1950s, if not longer.

- 32 -
Consider the Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations
and Comparable Organizations, which was created by Congress to
determine whether funds from a foundation were being diverted to
promote communism.
The staff director of the committee, Norman Dodd, gave an interview in
1991, in which he recounted a chilling conversation with H. Rowan
Gaither (then-president of the Ford foundation). According to Dodd,
Gaither mentioned that the policymakers at the Ford Foundation
planned to ―use our grant-making power to alter life in the United States,
that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.‖
Foundations, Wall Street, and their financial backers have been
supporting the establishment of communism in America for decades.
In fact, financiers from Wall Street were instrumental in creating Russia‘s
communist regime— not only did they provide the funds necessary to
establish communism, but they also profited from it.
Antony Sutton, author of the book Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution, goes into great detail on the role that Wall Street played in
pushing Leon Trotsky into power. In turn, it is also possible to draw a
connection between Wall Street financiers and slavery throughout the
globe, as the Soviet nation drew strength from their financing and
support. More than 100 million citizens were murdered, with billions
more being pushed into slavery. Deep State operatives have issued
similar support for China, Cuba, and other communist nations.
Thanks to their never-ending web of networks and organizations— both
secret and visible— the Deep State is now closer than ever to
accomplishing their goal of creating a new globalist existence. At the
same time, they are also inching closer to complete exposure, as the
conversation about the Deep State continues to expand and more people
start to open their eyes. Should the Deep State accomplish their goals,
we can safely say that self-governance and liberty will disappear. With
such dire consequences, it is imperative that everyone does their part. We
need to investigate, to educate ourselves, and wake up to the harsh reality
of the Deep State. Illuminati

- 33 -
Chapter 6: Secret Societies
We can trace documentation about various secret societies back to the
1700s. While they may seem like a thing of the past, rest assured that
secret societies created to manipulate the government are just as alive
and well today.
These secret societies are influential within American politics and events,
a fact that has remained true for centuries. Unfortunately, many
American citizens do not pay attention to current affairs past what they
are shown by the mainstream media. In recent years, however, that trend
is changing for the better, as the Deep State continues to peek its head
out of the dark recesses of government and bureaucracy. Because of
repeated leaks— like email hacks and public testimonies— we now know
that the Deep State is waging a war against our nation, our Constitution.
The Deep State behind the Deep State is composed of visible and
invisible elements. Some of these are semi-secret organizations that we
have covered extensively already, like the Bilderberg meetings, the
Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. Of course,
there are also parts of the Deep State that include secretive organizations,
existing without websites, press releases, or member lists.
While they operate in the shadows without recognition, these secret
societies played pivotal roles within the American lawmaking process
before ―America‖ even came to be.

The Illuminati
George Washington, our nation‘s first president, expressed concern
about the Illuminati.
In a letter to a friend, he said that he did not doubt its existence and
spread of influence, calling them ―diabolical tenets.‖ According to
various scholars throughout history, the objectives of the Illuminati
involve destroying governments and religions of all kinds to create a
collective brotherhood.
The Illuminati that Washington referred to was created in Bavaria in

- 34 -
The secret society was founded by Adam Weishaupt, a law professor at
Ingolstadt University, who was inspired by French philosophers like
Rousseau and Voltaire. All of these ―philosophers‖ played significant
roles in the French Revolution and expressed decidedly anti-Christian
The operations of the Illuminati were largely unknown until 1797, when
John Robison published his book titled Proofs of a Conspiracy Against
All the Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret
Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies.
Robison was a professor at a university and a Freemason— according to
the National Archives. Even George Washington had a copy of his book
within his personal library. In his book, Robison gave an account of how
the Illuminati infiltrated Europe and tore France apart through the
French Revolution.
This secret society gathered influence through infiltrating the European
Masonic lodges and by bringing powerful men into their fold in an
attempt to tear down cultural and societal staples like religion, morality,
government, and more.
According to researchers, the official disbanding of the historical version
of the Illuminati occurred after Bavarian authorities discovered that the
group had ill intentions.
Some scholars, however, suggest that this initial disbanding was
ineffective— instead, many Illuminati members could have simply gone
into hiding to evade Bavarian authorities. Another argument is that they
left Bavaria entirely and traveled to various places in Europe.
Regardless, the ideals established by the original group of Illuminati
continued. In fact, Karl Marx used them in his manifesto; the French
Revolution applied the hatred of religion and the embracing of brutality.
Even today, we can see remnants of the Illuminati in our colleges and
universities, with students learning that religion does nothing but soothe
the ignorant, and that rights to private property should be stripped down
to the bare essentials.

- 35 -
As the Illuminati ―disbanded‖ and their ideas began trickling across the
continent, this growing shift in consciousness developed into a rejection
of morality and traditional religion— more specifically, Christianity.

Skull and Bones: Brotherhood of Death

Secret societies are not easy to track— and this makes them even more
difficult to understand. Of course, this is exactly what they want. Aside
from looking at the similarities between their values, it can be challenging
to see what connects one secret society to the next. However, there is
plenty of evidence that secret societies that share similar interests and
practices with subversive actions, ideologies, hatred of religion, and
occult practices certainly do exist in today‘s America.
The Skull and Bones society is one of these, founded in 1832 and housed
at Y ale University.
Its founder, William H. Russell, created the group after returning from
Germany, which has led many to believe that the American Skull and
Bones could possibly be an extension of either a German or global
Although its existence is commonplace knowledge, some have called it
one of the most secretive organizations across the globe. Skull and Bones
has brought in plenty of criticism, particularly for their rituals that bear a
disturbing resemblance to the occult. These ceremonies are filled with
references to death, like lying in a coffin while discussing their sexual
proclivities. We know some of this information due to videos of these
bizarre ceremonies, all of which occur in, ―The Tomb‖, a sandstone
building in Y ale.
ABC News aired a film in 2001 that included members of the society
(called Bonesmen) that appear to be engaged in a ―mock killing.‖
Members of Skull and Bones have gone on to become significant players
in the American economic and political machines, including members of
Congress, Wall Street, the Supreme Court, and the White House.

- 36 -
Both George W. Bush and John Kerry were once members of Skull and
Bones, a fact which got the society a fair amount of attention throughout
the 2004 presidential election. When asked to explain their involvement,
both candidates only said that it was a secret. Interestingly, this meant
that the American voters had to choose between two presidential
candidates who both shared the same occult-like experience within a
secretive society— and neither of them were willing to discuss what that
might mean.
There have been plenty of Bonesmen throughout all layers of
government, including high-ranking officials in the Cabinet, the CIA, the
Supreme Court, and of course, the president. Even though not every
member of these secret societies continues on to these high ranking
influential roles, there are a significant number of them that do.
Not much is known about the Skull and Bones, other than bits and
pieces. For example, their logo is composed of a skull and crossbones,
and the number ―322‖ holds some significance. Researchers have
undergone numerous investigations, but with little results.
However, the most significant investigation comes from Antony Sutton,
a historian at Stanford University who wrote America‘s Secret
Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones. He
says that the group is part of a larger ―global conspiracy for world
government,‖ and that it exists purely for recruiting purposes.
Sutton has written other books that expose the Deep State and their
support of communism. Along with writing on Skull and Bones, he has
also researched and written about Wall Street and the Trilateral
Commission, giving unique insight into how the Deep State operates and

The Bohemian Grove

Similar to Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove is a secret society,
known for its influence and its ability to attract future secretaries,
bankers, intelligence offices, military leaders, and other key figures of the
Deep State.

- 37 -
Founded after the Civil War by Henry Harry Edwards, the Bohemian
Grove was originally intended to be an organization where journalists,
writers, and artists of all kinds could find a sense of community and
Since that time, however, the Bohemian Grove has brought in thousands
of the wealthiest and most influential men in the world. They hail from
all across the country to meet each year in the California redwood forest.
Members can only be male, and must adhere to complete secrecy.
Despite this secrecy, every GOP president has been a member of the
Bohemian Grove— with Trump as the only exception, of course.
The motto of the Bohemian Grove is ―Weaving Spiders Come Not
Here,‖ which is ironic, considering that the club is known for conducting
business during their meetings.
Power and influence are certainly present at the Bohemian Grove— but
so are occult ceremonies and perverse acts.
The members are known to urinate wherever they please, and dance
through the forest drunk and naked— all as a representation of their
innate freedom. There is a darker side to the Bohemian Grove, however,
which falls somewhere along the spectrum ranging from pagan to
satanic. Perhaps the most infamous ritual is a mock child sacrifice called
the ―Cremation of Care.‖ Men in robes and donned in hoods chant,
carry torches, and congregate beneath an owl that some suggest
represents Moloch, a demon god that the Canaanites sacrificed infants
and children for. A child ―effigy‖ is thrown on the fire as a sacrifice to
the owl, all amidst eerie chants and disturbing screeching from the men.
We can thank the dedicated journalist, Alex Jones, for providing us with
so much information about the Bohemian Grove. He was able to record
the above-described ritual on camera and put it online, providing the
public with the first actual piece of footage, proving without a doubt that
the occult ceremony exists.
The actual actions of the ceremony are no less strange than the words
spoken throughout. In Jones‘ video (available from multiple streams on
Y ouTube), the speaker can be heard proclaiming a strange and disturbing
speech beneath a giant concrete owl.

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Along with video footage, we also have century-old still photographs.
While they are blurry, they still stand as evidence that this ritual has been
alive and active for at least 100 years.
After filming the Cremation of Care ritual, Jones stopped David Gergen
on the street for an interview. Gergen regularly attended the Bohemian
Grove, and acted as a head advisor to four presidents, both Democrats
and Republicans. Gergen had already admitted publicly that he was a
member, and when Jones asked about the Cremation of Care, Gergen
quickly shut down. His mood visibly changed, his facial expression
darkened, and the interview ended.
Without a doubt, these secret societies include the most powerful
individuals in the nation— and, in many cases, across the world. The
societies that intensely hold onto their secretive nature are also those
with the most similarities— like the strange rituals and connections to the
occult within the Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove. Along with
the visible and invisible pieces of the Deep State behind the Deep State,
there are plenty of other globalists that remain completely behind the
scenes. In all likelihood, there are many other societies that we may never
know exist.
Fighting back against the secret societies of the Deep State represents the
most classic battle of them all: good versus evil. The goal of the
globalists is not to make the world a better place for everyone— it is to
manipulate the world for their own personal benefit. They will not
measure freedom, good, and prosperity as markers of success.
Along with good versus evil, there are also spiritual implications that
cannot be removed from this battle. For those that maintain a moral
compass— and particularly for those who hold to the Christian faith—
the Deep State globalist campaign is one that holds serious implications
for our nation‘s spirituality.

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The Deep State is very real and has been pulling the strings in America
for far too long. We can see examples of the far- reaching grasp it has on
our country in countless occasions over the years. It is our job to wake
up and fight back.
It may seem like a fight we cannot win. Especially when we follow the
money in Wall Street and see how intertwined our own intelligence
agencies are with this immense threat to our nation. But if enough
people open their eyes, the American people have the power to fight
The most powerful weapon that we have in this fight is truth. Exposing
the Deep State and all of its branches, networks, organizations, and
players is the only way that we can win this war.
We must seek to inform, educate, and enlighten those who do not
understand the Deep State, or perhaps have not seen their influence.
With a united and educated America, we can continue to expose the
Deep State; fight for freedom; fight for our God; and ultimately, fight for
our country.

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―Nearly Half of Americans Think There‘s a ‗Deep State‘: Poll‖ April

americans-poll/story?id= 47032061

―What Y ou Need to Know About the 'Deep State.'‖ April 2017 47086646

Here‘s the Memo That Blew Up the NSC‖ August 2017.

―Opinion: Diplomats Called ‗Deep State‘ Insiders Were Outsiders

Fleeing Oppression.‖ Nov 2019.
―Bilderberg Website Hacked – Promises Release of Members Private
Documents.‖ Dec 2016.

―The Wall of Controversy.‖ April 2020.

―US Intel Community 'Ready to go Nuclear' Against Donald Trump

Over Russia Ties, Claims Former NSA Analyst.‖ Feb 2017.

―Schumer: Intelligence Agencies ‗Have Six Ways From Sunday of

Getting Back At Y ou‘.‖ Sept 2019

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―Arming Syrian Rebels: Where the US Went Wrong.‖ Oct 2015.

―European Court Censures Italy Over ‗CIA‖ Abduction.― Feb 2016.

―El Chapo‘s Capture Puts ‗Operation Fast and Furious‘ Back in the
Headlines.‖ Jan 2016.

―Operation Mockingbird‖. https://spartacus-

―William Binney.‖ Frontline Interview. Dec 2013.

―Essay: Anatomy of The Deep State.‖ Feb 2014.

Quigley, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope a History of the World in Our Time.

―The Network of Global Corporate Control.‖ 2011. PLOS ONE.

Newman, Alex. DE E P STA TE : Secret Societies: Skull and Bones, Bohemians,


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