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Dentistry Review 2 (2022) 100035

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Management of Dry Socket: New regenerative techniques emerge while old

treatment prevails
Aqsa Kamal a,b, Marzuki Omar b, A.R. Samsudin a,∗
College of Dental Medicine, University of Sharjah, PO Box 27272, Sharjah, UAE
School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Objective: Although dry socket has been recognized for more than a century, its etiology is still poorly under-
Dry socket stood, and treatment approach is diverse with varying outcome. The aim of this review is to investigate, classify,
Alveolar osteitis summarize, and discuss the treatment of dry socket.
Dry socket remedies
Method: Four databases (PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and Medline) were searched from April 2000 till April
Platelet rich plasma
2020 for articles featuring the key words: ‘dry socket’, OR ‘alveolar osteitis’, OR ‘post-extraction complication’, OR
regenerative approach
Low level laser ‘treatment of dry socket’, OR ‘treatment of alveolar osteitis’, OR ‘treatment of pain following tooth extraction’. The
Standard Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) were adopted for data gathering.
Results: A total of 3,857 results were found and 17 articles were finally selected and reviewed thoroughly. Treat-
ment initiatives were categorized into empirical approach, conventional approach and regenerative strategies. 19
treatment products were identified. Earlier therapeutic approaches focus on pain control, infection prevention and
resolving inflammation while current strategies modulate angiogenesis and granulation tissue formation. These
latter armamentariums use blood-based products such as Platelet-Rich Plasma; employing laser and ultrasound
technology that initiate and propagate tissue regeneration.
Conclusion: While evidence support a regenerative approach for dry socket healing, the old treatment modality
controlling infection, inflammation and pain prevails.

1. Introduction socket due to forceful mouth rinsing, use of contraceptives and heavy
smoking have all been implicated in the etiology of dry socket [5]. In-
Dry socket is the most common post tooth extraction complication crease local fibrinolysis at the wound site is another possible mechanism
[1]. The condition is also known as alveolalgia, localized osteitis, fibri- [6].
nolytic osteitis or alveolitis sicca dolorosa [2]. The leading symptom is Due to its poorly understood etiology, a range of treatment modali-
severe pain related to a recent tooth extraction socket, commonly occur ties has been implicated in the treatment of dry socket with varying suc-
from day one to day five post-extraction, and is also characterized by cess claims by dental practitioners. To date, treatment for dry socket has
halitosis, disturbed masticatory function but generally without systemic never been satisfactory and patients suffer from pain and delay in socket
upset. Dry socket is known for its dry appearance of the socket, exposing wound healing. There is no standard recommendation for treatment of
bare bone, filled with slough. The condition is also known as fibrinolytic dry socket, and it is commonly missing in clinical practice guidelines
osteitis or alveolar osteitis and has been described by Crawford in 1896 in many dental centers. Therefore, the aim of this study is to conduct
[3]. a mini review on the types of treatment advocated for management of
The incidence of dry socket has reported to be 1% to 4% worldwide dry socket among healthy patients in general dental practice.
[4]. It rarely occurs in children but is common among both healthy and
medically compromised patients. Despite its clear symptom and sign 2. Materials and methods
which could be clinically recognized immediately without the aid of
further special investigations, its etiology is bizarre and much poorly A systematic literature database search was conducted using
understood. PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and Medline from April 2000 till April
Trauma following forced tooth extraction, excessive use of vasocon- 2020. The search included the following sets of key words : ‘dry socket’,
strictors in local anesthetics, infection, dislodgement of blood clot from OR ‘alveolar osteitis’, OR ‘post-extraction complication’, OR ‘alveolar

Corresponding author at: University of Sharjah, College of Dentistry, United Arab Emirates.
E-mail addresses: (A. Kamal), (M. Omar), (A.R. Samsudin).
Received 29 December 2021; Accepted 14 January 2022
2772-5596/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
A. Kamal, M. Omar and A.R. Samsudin Dentistry Review 2 (2022) 100035

osteitis management’, OR ‘treatment of dry socket’, OR ‘treatment of This review observed treatment strategies for dry socket among
alveolar osteitis’, OR ‘treatment of pain following tooth extraction’, OR healthy patients only. All articles in this review were clinical studies
‘management of tooth-socket healing’. The search terms employed were conducted on patients in Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America.
key words classified under the general (all fields) category. The search It shows the incidence of dry socket is between 1% and 4 % worldwide
terms were combined with an ‘OR’ and categories were combined using [4] and the clinical features were identical across the globe, without
‘AND’ or ‘NOT’ to create a final search query. The following filters were any specific geographical predilection. Identification of subjects suffer-
applied to these terms: Full text, published in the last 20 years (since ing from dry socket is straight forward with obvious clinical symptoms
2000), English and academic journals only. and signs of severe pain in the extraction wound about 24 to 36 hours
The search was conducted by two authors. Inclusion criteria were post-operative associated with a bare dry socket filled with superficial
clinical studies in English Language pertaining directly to local treat- slough is diagnostic of the condition. The number of study subjects in
ment of dry socket or alveolar osteitis, and only performed on healthy this review range between 10 and 178 patients due to its low incidence
patients with suitable controls. Articles concerning management of pain experience in each center.
following tooth extraction, post-extraction pain and management of A total of 19 treatment products in the form of remedies, medica-
tooth-socket healing were carefully read and were only accepted if the ments, topical drugs and blood-products and technologies have been
study is related to dry socket condition. Literature on treatment of in- advocated for treatment of dry socket over the past 20 years and these
fected extraction wound, post-operative pain without a diagnosis of initiatives contributed to a combination of 9 clinical effects that support
dry socket, single case report and case series without controls were ex- the healing of dry socket (Table 2). Pain relieve has always been the key
cluded. All other related articles concerning etiologies, pathologies and outcome investigated in all the studies since it is the principal symptom
animal studies related to dry socket research were also excluded. The in dry socket. Six studies observed response to a single treatment only
focus questions were: while most studies were comparing the outcome between two treatment
(1) What was the material or technology use for treatment of dry socket?
In the ‘empirical approach’ to dry socket treatment, the remedies ap-
(2) What is the direct action of the material or technology on healing of
plied in this review include honey, turmeric, aloe vera and vitamin C [7].
the socket?
The term remedy has been coined in this context to denote a substance
(3) What are the characteristics of the materials or technology selected?
that relieves or occasionally able to cure a disease or injury. Remedies
(4) Was the material or technology used alone or being compared with
for dry socket has established its ground for centuries in wound heal-
other materials and technologies?
ing management and has become a common prescription in the field of
(5) What is the outcome of treatment in relation to the material and
allopathic and alternative medicine too. Honey, turmeric and aloe vera
technologies used?
are herbal in origin and use as part of nutritional supplement. Honey is
The selected articles were read and summarized based on treatment derived from nectar gathered and modified by the honeybee, Apis mel-
technique, material, medications and technology used, the active com- lifera. It is a carbohydrate-rich syrup derived from floral and other plants
pound employed, mechanism of dry socket healing advocated, and out- nectars and secretions [8]. Honey has been used in folk medicine since
come of treatment achieved. A database was developed to compare and ancient times and has more recently been rediscovered by medical re-
assess the literature based on the Preferred Reporting Items for System- searchers for its use in dressing acute and chronic wounds [9]. Turmeric
atic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement guidelines. is a perennial plant from India and South East Asia that has found medic-
inal values in wound infection [10]. Aloe vera is a shrubby, xerophytic,
3. Results green plant, grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe
and America. It is a vital nutrient having vitamins A (beta-carotene),
A total of 3,857 results were identified from all the searches. Follow- C, and E, which are antioxidants [11]. Aloe vera has calcium, copper,
ing screening and removing duplicate records, 112 articles which met magnesium, potassium and zinc which are essential for the proper func-
the inclusion criteria were included. Further eligibility was assessed by tioning of various enzyme systems in different metabolic pathways [12].
all authors based on whether the articles answered the focus questions Honey, turmeric and aloe vera are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiox-
through full text reading. A total of 17 articles were found eligible and idant, antibacterial and promotes immunomodulation for the body to
were selected, reviewed thoroughly and independently by all authors. fight infection. Vitamin C gel is a potent antioxidant placed in socket
A descriptive summary of the findings based on the focus questions that also promotes tissue regeneration through stimulation of collagen
are tabulated in Table 1. The bioactive material and technologies used synthesis [7,13]. Being non-toxic and no known allergy are the strength
for dry socket management in the 17 studies were classified into reme- of remedies compared to other pharmacological therapeutics. In addi-
dies, medicaments, topical drugs and blood-products while the technolo- tion, remedies described in our review are basically food supplement
gies used were Low Level Laser Therapy and Low-Intensity Pulsed Ul- that can be purchased over the counter and showed high efficacy in sup-
trasound. The mechanism of action for each of these armamentarium porting dry socket. However, the clinical use of remedies in dry socket
used was categorized into pain control, sedative, anti-halitosis, anti- will require the appropriate clinical and scientific investigations to en-
inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-microbial and regenerative sure safety, quality assurance and professional licensing requirements.
strategies (Table 2). ‘Conventional treatment’ for dry socket advocate medicaments and
drugs for local treatment. The procedure begins with gentle curettage
4. Discussion to debride the slough in socket, followed by irrigation and creation of a
new blood clot. The irrigation solution use may comprise of only physi-
The art and science of wound healing has its roots for many centuries ological saline solution or other irrigant solution such as chlorhexidine
across all civilizations. Throughout history, management of the difficult and hydrogen peroxide [14]. This is then followed by insertion of a
wound has been among the greatest challenge faced by surgeons and dressing into the socket that comprise of medicaments such as alvogyl,
nurses caring for such unfortunate patients. The struggle against poor zinc oxide eugenol, oil of clove/eugenol, antihomotoxic, colloidal silver,
wound healing lead to a vast array of treatment innovations where many SaliCept or antibiotic dressing such as chlortetracycline, rifampicin, clin-
found little scientific basis. Dry socket management follows a similar damycin and metronidazole gel [15,16]. This treatment strategy is con-
journey and experienced a wide range of treatment strategies with un- sidered ‘conventional’ because curettage and wound debridement is the
satisfactory outcomes. In this review the authors classify the wide array basic principle of management in poor wound healing and creation of a
of treatment options for dry socket into ‘empirical approach’, ‘conven- new clot revive the wound healing mechanism by repeating the clotting,
tional treatment’ and ‘regenerative strategies’. inflammatory and proliferative phases. Insertion of other therapeutic

A. Kamal, M. Omar and A.R. Samsudin
Table 1
Summary of 17 clinical studies on local treatment of dry socket in healthy patients.

No. of
Title of study/ Author/Year Type of study subjects Treatment Methods Mechanism of Action Study Findings

Clinical management and control Clinical prospective 24 Dry socket patients were given 4,000 Vitamin C is compulsory in the secretion, The dry socket showed faster
of alveolalgia (dry socket) with study mg/day dosages of Vitamin C. synthesis and maturation of collagen. recovery following treatment
vitamin C. Halberstein RA et al. Vitamin C supplements help to regulate with vitamin C.
2003 [7] wound healing.
The Efficacy of a Topical Prospective 35 Patients were divided into two groups. The anesthetic gel contained prilocaine Thermosetting gel showed
Anesthetic Gel in the Relief of randomized clinical Control Group was given eugenol on and lidocaine with anesthetic effects on significant pain relief compared
Pain Associated with Localized study gauze strips while the Test Group was nerve endings. to eugenol.
Alveolar Osteitis. Burgoyne CC given thermosetting gel. Followed up
et al. 2010. [21] after 48 hours post-treatment.
Comparison of Alvogyl, SaliCept Randomized 104 Patients were divided into 4 groups. SaliCept has acemannan, which acts as Low level laser therapy showed
Patch, and Low-Level Laser prospective clinical Group I was treated with saline irrigation anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and superior results among 4 groups.
Therapy in the Management of trial. and curettage, Group II was treated with immune modulating, whereas Alvogyl has Salicept patch is an acceptable
Alveolar Osteitis. Kaya GŞ et al. irrigation, curettage and alveogyl eugenol, iodoform and butamen which alternative of alvogyl in the
2011. [41] dressing, Group III was treated with acts as sedative, anti-microbial and treatment of dry socket.
SaliCept patch following irrigation and anesthetic. Low level laser therapy works
curettage and Group IV was treated with at the molecular level to enhance
low level laser therapy. proliferation and promote wound healing
and pain relief.

The Effectiveness of GECB Pastille Randomized clinical 30 Patients were divided into two groups. The effective ingredients of GECB are 3% GECB showed significant
in Reducing Complications of Dry trial. Group I was given GECB pastille (3% eugenol (Merck), 3% Guaiacol (Merck), reduction in pain symptoms
Socket Syndrome. Abbas Guaiacol, 3% Eugenol 1.6% and 1.6% chlorobutanol in the pastille. while zinc oxide eugenol showed
Haghighat et al. 2012 [22] Chlorobutanol) and Group II was given Guaiacol enhance cellular proliferation. acceptable results.
zinc oxide eugenol. GECB and ZOE both have eugenol but
GECB is better in pain-relieving properties
and are superior to ZOE
Comparison Between Neocone, Double blind 105 Patients were divided into three groups. Neocone contains polymyxine B sulfate Alvogyl was quicker in initial
Alvogyl and Zinc Oxide Eugenol randomized control Group A patients were treated with which has anti-microbial properties pain relief but neocone showed
(ZOE) Packing for the Treatment trial alvogyl, Group B patients were treated against gram negative bacteria, complete pain relief and faster
of Dry Socket: A Double Blind with ZOE and Group C patients were tyrothricin which has effects on gram healing.
Randomised Control Trial. Sayed treated with neocone. Pain relief and positive bacteria and spirochetes,
Faizel et al. 2014 [24]. healing of socket was compared up to day neomycin sulfate which has a
10. broad-spectrum impact and tetracaine
hydrochloride works as a local anesthetic.
Management of Alveolar Osteitis: Prospective study 42 Patients were divided into two groups. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent The duration of treatment was
A Comparative Study of The experiment group sockets were which releases oxygen and creates a less in the experiment group
Two-Treatment Techniques. irrigated with dilute hydrogen peroxide foaming action which removes the food compared to the traditional
Charles Anyanechi. 2013 [26] while the other group was given debris and kills the anaerobic bacteria group. Hydrogen peroxide is
traditional treatment with gauze such as actinomyces viscosus, strept effective and safe for use in the

Dentistry Review 2 (2022) 100035

impregnated with zinc oxide eugenol. mutans and treponema denticola which treatment of dry socket.
play a role in the etiology of dry socket.
(continued on next page)
A. Kamal, M. Omar and A.R. Samsudin
Table 1 (continued)

Title of study/ Author/Year Type of study No. of Treatment Methods Mechanism of Action Study Findings

Comparison of the effect of low Prospective 60 Patients were divided into three groups. LLLT promote fibroblasts, In this study LLLT showed
level laser therapy with alvogyl randomized clinical Group 1 dry sockets were treated with epithelialization, collagen maturation, superior results for the treatment
on the management of alveolar trial. alvogyl after irrigation, Group 2 patients angiogenesis and reduces pain. It also has of dry socket.
osteitis. Eshghpour M et al. 2015 were irradiated with low power red laser anti-inflammatory effects.
[40] (LLLT) and Group 3 with low power
infrared laser (LLLT).
Management of dry socket using Prospective clinical 10 5 patients were given 1 ml. each of ozone Ozone has strong anti-microbial Ozone gel enhanced healing and
Ozone gel vs. Alvogyl – trial gel via syringe into the socket, while properties with ability to penetrate in relieved the severe dry socket
prospective clinical trial. Anum another 5 patients were given alvogyl as both hard and soft tissue; and promote pain faster as compared to
Rehman Khan et al. 2015 [32] control. epithelization. alvogyl.
Effect of low level laser therapy Clinical comparative 40 The patients were divided into four LIPUS affects the gingival cells and LIPUS showed significantly
and low intensity pulsed prospective study groups. Group A was given infra-red laser increase m-RNA of proliferative cells superior results when compared
ultrasound on pain following (LLLT), Group B was given placebo laser, along with connective tissue growth to LLLT, placebo LLLT and
tooth extraction: a single blinded while Group C was given low intensity factors which the promotes soft tissue placebo LIPUS for socket pain
study. Anil R. Muragod et al. pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) and Group D healing. control.
2016 [38] received placebo ultrasound. The study

was done to compare the effectiveness

between LLLT and LIPUS.
Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) in the Clinical prospective 10 The dry socket site was irrigated with PRF works at the molecular level. It PRF showed earlier pain relief
management of established dry study normal saline and plate rich fibrin (PRF) enhances angiogenesis, cellular migration, and good wound healing within
socket. Srinivas Chakravarthi. was inserted. Patients were followed-up epithelialization and bone regeneration. 24 hours and with minimal
2017 [35] to fifteenth day postoperatively. analgesic intake.
Role of turmeric in management A randomized 178 Patients were divided into two groups. In Turmeric contains curcuminoids which Turmeric treated Group A
of alveolar osteitis (dry socket): A clinical study Group A, patients were given turmeric as are prostaglandin inhibitors, stabilizer of showed faster pain relief and
randomized clinical study. PA a dry socket dressing while Group B the liposomal membrane and inhibitor of faster wound healing.
Lone et al. 2018 [10] patients were given ZOE dressing. the activity of leucotrienes as well as
thromboxaneB4. It is anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant and anti-microbial, and
enhance regeneration.
Efficacy of Alvogyl (Combination Single-blinded 50 Patients were divided into two groups. Alvogyl has sedating, anti-microbial and The study claims that alvogyl
of Iodoform + Butylparaminoben- prospective study. Group I patients were given alvogyl as anesthetic effects. ZOE has sedating provide faster pain elimination of
zoate) and Zinc Oxide Eugenol dressing and Group II patients were given effects. dry socket and better results.
for Dry Socket. Supe NB et al. zinc oxide eugenol as dressing.
2018 [18]
(continued on next page)

Dentistry Review 2 (2022) 100035

A. Kamal, M. Omar and A.R. Samsudin
Table 1 (continued)

Title of study/ Author/Year Type of study No. of Treatment Methods Mechanism of Action Study Findings

Choice of the treatment method Clinical prospective 58 Patients were divided in to two groups to Colloidal silver protects against Combined use of colloidal silver,
of the inflammatory process in study treat dry socket. Test group consist of 38 Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Traumeel S which has
the alveolar tooth socket. Helei patients were prescribed combine drug and Streptococcus salivarius and the anti-inflammatory action and
VM et al. 2019 [15] therapy (colloidal silver, Traumeel® S, biofilm created by these bacteria. It is Polymic showed faster results to
Polymic®), while the Control group biocompatible. Antihomotoxic drugs have eliminate socket symptoms up to
consist of 20 patients were prescribed anti-inflammatory properties. 2-3 days.
allopathic treatment.
Evaluation of the effects of Clinical comparative 54 Patients were divided into three groups. Clindamycin has antibacterial action. It Clindamycin showed significant
intra-alveolar irrigation with prospective study Group A dry sockets were irrigated with works by inhibiting ribosomal results in pain relief when
clindamycin, rifampicin and sterile saline while Group B were irrigated translocation or protein synthesis. compared with rifampicin and
sterile saline in alveolar osteitis with rifampicin and Group C were Rifampicin carries anti-bacterial action sterile saline.
treatment. Çebi AT. 2020 [16] irrigated with clindamycin. Patients were and works by inhibiting bacterial
evaluated post-treatment. DNA-dependent RNA synthesis.
The Efficacy of Concentrated Longitudinal cohort 40 Patients were divided into two groups. In CGF is a cocktail of growth factors which Patients in CGF treated Group II
Growth (CGF) Factor in the study Control Group I, dry socket patients were enhances, angiogenesis, epithelialization, showed earlier granulation tissue
Healing of Alveolar Osteitis: A treated using conventional approach in collagen, cellular proliferation and works formation and pain relief by day
Clinical Study. Aqsa Kamal et al. which the socket undergo gentle curettage at the molecular level to expedite the 4, while Control Group sockets
2020 [36] followed by irrigation with normal saline healing process and the granulation tissue showed delayed in granulation
solution. In Test Group II, following formation. It also has anti-inflammatory tissue formation and prolong
curettage and irrigation, CGF gel was effects and modulate healing and pain pain.
inserted in the sockets. The patients were control.
clinically followed up on day 4 and 7, and

14 for pain score and quantification of

granulation tissue in socket.
Management of dry socket with Longitudinal Cohort 45 Patients were divided into two groups. In LLLT induced biostimulation. It directly LLLT irradiation is superior to the
low-level laser therapy. Aqsa Study. Control Group I, dry socket patients were acts on mitochondria and increases the conventional treatment approach
Kamal et al.2020 [39] treated using conventional approach in amount of ATP, which results in in terms of pain relief and
which the socket undergo gentle curettage intracellular metabolic changes formation of granulation tissue
followed by irrigation with normal saline promoting proliferation, migration, within 7 days. Promotes faster
solution. In Test Group II, Low level laser epithelialization and it also stimulates healing of dry socket.
therapy (LLLT) irradiation was done The platelet derived growth factor.
patients were clinically followed up to
day 14 for pain score and quantification
of granulation tissue in socket.
A Comparative Clinical Study Longitudinal Cohort 60 Sixty patients with one dry socket each Both CGF and LLLT promote angiogenesisi CGF treated socket was superior
between Concentrated Growth Study were divided into three treatment groups and granulation tissue formation in dry to LLLT in its ability to generate
Factor and Low-Level Laser group I (n = 30), conventional treatment socket through biostimulation and 75% granulation tissue and
Therapy in the Management of comprising of gentle socket curettage and immunomodulation effects. It facilitate eliminate pain symptom by day 7
Dry Socket. Aqsa Kamal et al. saline irrigation was done. Group II resolution of inflammation and increases post-treatment.
2020 [37] (n = 15) dry sockets were treated with the wound resistance to infection.
CGF and group III (n = 15) sockets were

Dentistry Review 2 (2022) 100035

lased with LLLT. All dry socket patients
were seen at day 0 for treatment and
subsequently followed-up at 4, 7, 14, and
21 days. Pain score, inflammation,
tenderness, and amount of granulation
tissue formation were noted.
A. Kamal, M. Omar and A.R. Samsudin Dentistry Review 2 (2022) 100035

Table 2
Remedies; medicaments and drugs; blood-based products and technology used for dry socket management between year 2000 and 2020 and their actions in
supporting dry socket healing.

Anti- Anti- Anti- Regenerative: Regenerative:

Pain relieve Antiseptic inflammatory halitosis microbial Sedative Antioxidant Immune modulating Biostimulation

Honey ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Turmeric ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Aloe Vera /Acemannan ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Vitamin C ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Antihomotoxic ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Colloidal Silver ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
GECB Pastille ✔ ✔
Alvogyl ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
SaliCept ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Zinc Oxide Eugenol ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Oil of Clove/eugenol ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Anesthetic Gel ✔ ✔
Clindamycin ✔ ✔ ✔
Rifampicin ✔ ✔ ✔
Hydrogen Peroxide ✔ ✔
Ozone Therapy ✔ ✔ ✔
Concentrated Growth ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Factor / PRP
Low Level Laser Therapy ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Low Intensity-Pulsed ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Ultrasound (LIPUS)
PRP: Platelet-rich plasma; GECB: 3%, Guaiacol, 3% Eugenol 1.6% Chlorobutanol

dressings into the socket following ‘re-freshening’ of the wound healing homotoxic drugs’ which represent combinations of herbal, mineral, bio-
cascades is controversial with some benefits and drawbacks. This review logical, pharmaceutical and/or biopharmaceutical ingredients prepared
shows alvogyl, zinc oxide eugenol, eugenol and Neocone have stood the homeopathically. Their use by dental practitioners will need careful con-
test of time as the most popular dry socket dressing. Alvogyl is an alve- sultation and advise from relevant drug authorities enquiry services.
olar hemostatic-analgesic paste with a fibrous consistency and good ad- Socket irrigation with appropriate solution is necessary allowing a
hesion from the Penghawar fibers [17]. It is a one-step, self-eliminating clean socket bed to begin its healing process. Dental practitioners prefer
treatment that requires no suture and no special care [18]. Other stud- antiseptics or antibiotic irrigating solutions that would enhance the pro-
ies have observed damage to granulation tissue within the healing dry cedure. A list of irrigant solutions from the literature review is also listed
socket when intra-socket dressings are plugged in tightly and the possi- in Table 2, of which hydrogen peroxide seems to be among the oldest
ble cytotoxicity effects of these materials on stem cells when introduced irrigant use [26]. This is based on the historical account of hydrogen
in high doses, preventing active angiogenesis during the proliferative peroxide usage in managing general surgery and orthopedic wounds. It
phase. [19,20]. serves very well in dental surgery too where its strong oxidizing agent
Pain control is considered the primary goal of dry socket treatment. releases oxygen and kill anaerobes while its foaming action causes ooz-
Topical anesthetic gel applied directly onto the dry bare bone seems ing and bubbling out of food debris from the dry socket site. However,
to bring immediate and effective relief, but it does not possess other hydrogen peroxide is caustic, and it has been largely replaced with
beneficial antiseptic or cellular healing effects like eugenol and GECB chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2% or 0.12%. Unfortunately, many wound
[21,22]. Zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) contains eugenol, which has a more healing studies have shown the drawbacks of potent antiseptics that
potent analgesic, sedative and anodyne effects compared to alvogyl as damages the development of granulation tissue formation [27].
well as having antibacterial properties. Eugenol alone is an allyl chain- Antibiotic irrigant solutions such as clindamycin, Rifampicin and
substituted guaiacol, a member of the allylbenzene class of chemical Chlortetracycline is clinically effective but controversial due to such
compounds [23]. It is a colorless, aromatic essential oil extracted from practices of low dose topical antibiotics currently raises the current
clove oil, nutmeg or cinnamon, and has a pleasant, spicy, clove-like global issue of emerging antibiotic resistance in the community, and
scent, much stronger than alvogyl or ZOE. This property contribute to the dental practitioner needs to be aware of these implications [16,28].
the euphoric and soothing scent, relieves pain and eliminate halitosis. This treatment caused significant change in the microbiota of the ex-
Neocone is an antibiotic-analgesic medicament containing polymix- traction socket by decreasing the number of anaerobes while increasing
ine B sulfate, which has an effect on gram negative bacteria; tyrothricin, the amount of multi-resistant microorganisms [29].
and on gram positive bacteria and spirochetes [24]. Its analgesic ef- Ozone, represented as O3 , is a naturally occurring gaseous molecule
fect is provided by combination with tetracaine hydrochloride as local of triatomic allotrope of oxygen [30]. In dental surgery, ozonated wa-
anesthetic. Colloidal silver is commonly used in general wound dressing ter was used to promote homeostasis, enhance local oxygen supply and
due to its potency against streptococcus mutans, sangius and salivar- inhibit bacterial proliferation [31]. Anum RK et al. did a comparative
ius. Currently no FDA-approved over the counter or prescription drugs study between ozone gel and alvogyl in the treatment of dry socket
containing silver that are taken by mouth. However, there are still col- [32]. They found Ozone to be superior to alvogyl based on assessment
loidal silver products available as homeopathic remedies and dietary of the pain symptoms. The regenerative capacity of Ozone therapy is
supplements, in combination with Traumeel that showed good response reflected in its ability to stimulate the expression of vascular endothe-
in dry socket treatment [15]. Traumeel is an anti-inflammatory cream lial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor-𝛽 (TGF-𝛽), and
containing Cetostearyl alcohol, liquid paraffin, solid paraffin, purified platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) proteins in wound healing [33].
water, 96% ethanol Manufactured in accordance with German Home- Ozone therapy is safe, non-toxic and the technology is environmentally
opathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB) [25]. These are then named as ‘anti- friendly.

A. Kamal, M. Omar and A.R. Samsudin Dentistry Review 2 (2022) 100035

In 1999 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that CGF, Aqsa et al. found that LLLT showed a delay of 4 days compared
these colloidal silver products were not considered safe or effective. Col- to CGF in granulation tissue formation and pain control. In their study,
loidal silver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for CGF treated socket healing was superior to LLLT in its ability to gener-
unproven uses are now considered "misbranded" under the law with- ate 75% granulation tissue and eliminate pain symptom completely by
out appropriate FDA approval as a new drug. There are currently no day 7 post-treatment. They concluded that CGF is superior to LLLT in
FDA-approved over-the-counter or prescription drugs containing silver its capacity to generate granulation tissue and eliminate pain symptom
that are taken by mouth. However, there are still colloidal silver prod- within the first seven days of treatment and enabling early return to
ucts being sold as homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. In normal oral functions [37].
1999 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that these col- Healing potential of the tooth socket may be enhanced through
loidal silver products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal sil- mechano-transduction effects following application of Low Intensity
ver products marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS). Ultrasound waves transmit mechanical en-
uses are now considered "misbranded" under the law without appropri- ergy on extracellular matrix that in turn stimulates integrin to translate
ate FDA approval as a new drug. There are currently no FDA-approved these extracellular physical signals into intracellular downstream bio-
over-the-counter or prescription drugs containing silver that are taken chemical signals. In a single blinded study, Anil et al. compared the ef-
by mouth. However, there are still colloidal silver products being sold fects of LLLT and LIPUS on tooth extraction pain control and they found
as homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements In 1999 the U.S. that the LIPUS Group showed significantly lower pain scores compared
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that these colloidal silver to the LLLT Group [38]. Signal transduction using LIPUS has also been
products were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver prod- shown to enhance early bony healing in tooth socket around dental im-
ucts marketed for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are plants [42].
now considered "misbranded" under the law without appropriate FDA
approval as a new drug. There are currently no FDA-approved over- 5. Conclusions
the-counter or prescription drugs containing silver that are taken by
mouth. However, there are still colloidal silver products being sold as Dry socket is a common dental complication that has been subjected
homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements In 1999 the U.S. Food to diverse treatment options with varying outcome. Gentle curettage
and Drug Administration (FDA) ruled that these colloidal silver products followed by socket irrigation under local anesthesia is the only recom-
were not considered safe or effective. Colloidal silver products marketed mended invasive procedure in this review. Products containing anal-
for medical purposes or promoted for unproven uses are now consid- gesic and sedative properties that support pain relief, such as alvogyl,
ered "misbranded" under the law without appropriate FDA approval as ZOE and oil of clove are most effective in the early phase of dry socket
a new drug. There are currently no FDA-approved over-the-counter or intervention while products that possess anti-inflammatory properties
prescription drugs containing silver that are taken by mouth. However, such as honey, turmeric, colloidal silver and CECB pastille took a bit
there are still colloidal silver products being sold as homeopathic reme- longer to provide relief. Granulation tissue formation is key to healing
dies and dietary supplements of dry socket. Products containing antimicrobials and antiseptics protect
With the advent of tissue engineering concepts and greater under- granulation tissue health and help the socket to heal. Earlier treatment
standing in molecular wound healing, current approach in dry socket approach mainly focuses on pain control, prevention of infection and re-
management is looking at regenerative strategies in dry socket healing solving inflammation while current therapeutic strategies modulate an-
[34]. The interplay among stem cell, growth factors and cytokines and giogenesis, granulation tissue formation and tissue regenerative targets
chemokines become the key players in this regenerative approach to in dry socket management. These later armamentariums include usage
dry socket management. Recent refine techniques in safe blood prod- of blood-based products such as platelet rich plasma and concentrated
ucts preparation has allowed feasibility of such treatment option in the growth factors; LLLT and LIPUS that are able to initiate and propagate
dental office, as demonstrated in this review when employing Platelet fibro-vascular tissue invasion into the socket and complete the initial
Rich Plasma, Platelet Rich Fibrin and Concentrated Growth Factors phase of healing process. While evidence suggest a comprehensive ap-
[35,36,37]. Regenerative treatment approach employs the power of the proach that combine pain relief and sedation, anti-inflammatory and
cell for healing initiatives through two biological mechanisms; immuno- antioxidant agents and granulation tissue regeneration strategies that
biomodulation and mechanotransduction. may be packaged together to achieve the best outcome, there is still
Delivery of blood-based products into dry socket wound potentiates no consensus on the appropriate treatment of dry socket. Although cur-
the healing capacity [35]. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Platelet-Rich Fib- rent evidence supports a regenerative approach for dry socket healing,
rin (PRF) and Concentrated Growth Factors (CGF) are generated from the old treatment modality controlling infection, inflammation and pain
the patient’s own blood and formed a concentrated cocktail of growth prevails.
factors that determine the fate of cells during the proliferative stage of
wound healing. The growth factor proteins provide the necessary signals Funding
for cell proliferation and differentiation, including fibroblast growth fac-
tor and vascular endothelial growth factor that induces angiogenesis and This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agen-
help lay down fibro-vascular granulation tissue on the dry socket wound cies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
bed. Rapid and healthy granulation tissue formation is key to wound
Declaration of Competing Interest
healing strategy [36,37].
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