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Pride and Prejudice


- Elizabeth Bennet (Lizzie) (Anissa Septi)

- Fitzwilliam Darcy Esquire (Darcy) (Azhar Bima)
- Mr. Bingley (Firman)
- Jane Bennet (Anisa pratiwi)
- Lydia Bennet (Ila Kustila)
- Kitty Bennet (Ina)
- Marry Bennet (Previa)
- Mr. Bennet (Biyan Aji)
- Mrs. Bennet (Dea Rahma)
- Lady Catherine (Aulia)
- Caroline (Umi Riri)
- Georgiana (Darcy Sister) (Ratna)
- Colonel Fitzwilliam (Nandadewa)
- Mr. Collins (Ary Fatah)
- Charlotte (Lizzie’s Fried, Collins Wife) (Shabrina)

- Maid (Fatma)



-KURSI = 10


*lampu menyala menampilkan orang-orang yang sedang berdansa di Ballroom.

Malam yang indah untuk memulai sebuah pesta. Kemudian Mr. Bennet
mengenalkan 5 anaknya kepada Caroline, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. Setting
tempat di Ballroom*

Mr. Bennet : Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy. Please, meet my daughter; Jane Bennet,
Elizabeth Bennet, Lydia Bennet, Kitty Bennet and Mary Bennet.

*Mereka berlima memberi salam, menundukkan kepalanya.*

Mr. Bingley : I’m honoured to meet you, You look very beautiful, Miss Jane Bennett
(sambil menatap mata jane penuh arti)

*Jane tersenyum malu dengan menatap Mr. Bingley*

*Setelah bertatapan pandangan Mr. Bingley teralihkan ke Lizzie yang sedang
bingung mencari seseorang.*

Mr. Bingley : What are you looking for, Miss Elizabeth?

Lizzie : (hanya diam dan belum menyadari bahwa Mr. Bingley bertanya)
Mr. Bingley : (berdehem) Miss Elizabeth Are you looking for someone?
Lizzie : Oh, No, No, not at all. Just admiring the splendor of the ball.

*Lizzie berpisah dari Jane dan Mr. Bingley. Matanya terus mencari keberadaan
Mr. Wickham. Tiba-tiba datanglah Charlotte.*

Charlotte : Lizzie!
Lizzie : Have you seen Mr. Wickham?
Charlotte : Who is that gentleman?
Lizzie : He is a lieutenant in this village. He promised to meet me here.
Charlotte : Perhaps he is in the ballroom?

*Tiba-tiba Mr. Collins mendatangi Lizzie dan Charlote. Dengan tingkah gugup
Ia memberanikan dirinya berbicara kepada Lizzie.*

Lizzie : What a pleasant surprise, Mr. Collins.

Mr. Collins : Perhaps, Will you give me the honor to dance, Miss Elizabeth?
Lizzie : Oh, I didn’t think you danced, Mr. Collins

*Mr. Collins hanya tersenyum dan pandangannya teralihkan kepada Charlotte

dengan tersenyum lebar lalu Mr. Collins pergi meninggalkan mereka. *

Lizzie : (Lizzie tertawa kecil melihat tingkah laku Mr. Collins). You must have seen
that, right, Charlotte?
Charlotte : (tertawa kecil mengingat tingkah laku Mr.Collins) yes

*Saat sedang tertawa itu tidak sengaja Lizzie bertemu Mr. Darcy. Ia sangat
terkejut karena didepannya ada Mr. Darcy*

Mr. Darcy : May I have the next dance, Miss Elizabeth?

Lizzie : You may. (dengan nada terkejut)

*Setelah mengatakan itu Mr. Darcy Pergi. Lizzie terkejut dengan jawaban yang
ia berikan sendiri.*

Lizzie : What was I thinking?!

Charlotte : I dare say you will find him very agreeable.
Lizzie : Arrrgghhhh! I need to find my sense!
*Setelah obrolan itu mereka mempersiapkan untuk dansa. Lizzie kini sedang
berhadapan dengan Mr. Darcy. Berdansa mengikuti lagu yang semakin
meromantisasi suasana.*

Lizzie : I do love Sarabande.

Mr. Darcy : Indeed. Most invigorating.
Lizzie : It is your turn to say something, Mr. Darcy - I talked about the dance, now
you ought to remark on the size of the room or the number of couples.
Mr. Darcy : I am perfectly happy to oblige, please, advise me of what you would like
to hear.
Lizzie : I may observe that private balls are much pleasanter than public ones. But, for
now, we may be silent.
Mr. Darcy : Tell me, do you and your sister very often walk to Merylton?
Lizzie : Yes, we very often walk to Merylton - It is a great opportunity to meet many
Mr. Darcy : I will admit your Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners as
may ensure his making friends - whether he is capable of retaining them is less
Lizzie : He has been so unlucky as to lose your friendship - You are very cautious, I
suppose, as to its being created.
Mr. Darcy : I am. May I ask what this question tends?
Lizzie : To make out your character, Mr Darcy.
Mr. Darcy : And what have you discovered?
Lizzie : Very little - I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.
Mr. Darcy : I hope to afford you more clarity in the future.

*setelah berdansa semua menikmati makanan dan minuman di pesta itu, dan
saat ini Lizzie duduk bersama keluarganya menikmati makanan dan minuman.
Di tengah menikmai pesta tiba-tiba Mr. Coliins mendatangi mereka.*

Mr. Collins : Mrs. Bennet, I was hoping if it’s not trouble you that I want to private
audience with Miss Elizabeth
Mrs. Bennet : (dengan terkejut) Oh, sure - sure. Lizzie would be very happy indeed.
Please, go ahead. Everyone. out. Come on - come on!

*Semua orang berdiri bingung dengan maksud tujuan Mr. Collins. Lizzie
memandang satu per satu anggota keluarganya, berharap mereka

Lizzie : Wait. I beg you. Mr Collins can have nothing to say to me that anybody need
not hear.
Mrs. Bennet : Oh - nonsense, Lizzie. You will stay here with Mr. Collins. Everyone,
come on out- Mr. Bennet!
Mr. Bennet : But… (memandang Lizzie karena tidak tega meninggalkannya)
Mrs. Bennet : Now!

*Setelah memastikan bahwa di bangku itu hanya mereka berdua, Mr. Collins
memulai pecakapan dengan tujuan melamar Lizzie. *

Mr. Collins : (dengan perasaan gugup dan bahagia) You can probably guess what my
argument is trying to get at. Almost immediately after I entered the house. You were
chosen as my companion of my upcoming life.
Lizzie : (berdiri dari kursi dan memandang Mr. Collins dengan tatapan tidak nyaman)
Mr. Collins : However, I should probably explain why I want to get married. First and
foremost, you must know that a clergyman has a responsibility to model matrimony
for his parish. Second, that I am certain it will significantly increase my happiness.
Lizzie : (sedikit mundur untuk menjaga jarak) Mr. Collins--
Mr. Collins : (menundukkan kaki untuk melamar) And now all I have to do is assure
you in the most animated language of the ferocity of my feelings.
Lizzie : (terkejut) You are too hasty, Sir! I have made no answer! (mengatur nafas).
Mr Collins, I am perfectly serious. You could not make me happy and I'm convinced
I'm the last woman in the world who could make you happy!
Mr. Collins : Sorry Lizzie (meninggalkan Lizzie sendiri)

*Setelah itu Lizzie duduk kembali menenangkan perasaanya. Namun disisi lain
sudah sedari tadi Carolline memperhatikan Lizzie, dia berniat untuk
memberikan surat dari Mr. Darcy untuk Lizzie namun tidak jadi, dia melihat
kearah jane yang sedang bersama keluarganya itu, ia ingin menghasut Jane
untuk memisahkan Lizzie dan Mr. Darcy*

Carolline : (mendatangi keluarga Bennet) Miss Jane Bennet, I would like to speak to
you! (dengan nada angkuh dan sombong)
Jane : Yes, Miss Carolline what do you want to talk to me about? (dengan senyuman)
Carolline : I want to give you a letter from Mr. Darcy for Lizzie. Mr. Darcy is going
to London to meet his sister in London. Me and Mr. Bingley also accompanied him to
London. I just thought that Mr. Darcy didn't meet your family. If he really loved
Lizzie he would ask Lizzie to go with him to London. I don't think Mr. Darcy likes
Lizzie with a poor family background like yours. (dengan nada angkuh dan sombong)
Jane : (masih mendengarkan perkataan dari Carolline dengan perasaan yang sedikit
kecewa dengan Mr. Darcy)
Carolline: oh yes to Mr Bingley, I don't like you approaching him, I know your
family's intention in marrying you to my younger brother is to target his wealth, right?
(dengan smirk mengejek) You do have a beautiful face but that will not change your
fate. (dengan memegang dagu Jane sambil smirk)
Jane : (memalingkan mukanya)
Carolline :(dengan nada mengintimidasi) Tell your sister so she can keep her distance
from Mr. Darcy because they are as incompatible as the earth and the sky, they are
very far apart and cannot be together. Likewise with your relationship with Mr.
Bingley. (memberikan suratnya ke Jane. Lalu beranjak pergi meninggalkan Jane)

*Setelah obrolan itu Jane terdiam sebentar dengan mengatur nafas agar tidak
terhasut oleh Carolline. Kemudian Jane menghampiri Lizzie yang sedang
terduduk sendirian*

Jane : Lizzie (memberikan surat dengan berusaha membuang jauh-jauh prasangkanya

buruknya. Dan ingin membuktikannya sendiri bahwa itu semua tidak benar )
Lizzie : Mr Darcy is impatient to see his sister and we are scarcely less eager to meet
her again. I really do not think Georgina Darcy has her equal for beauty, elegance and
accomplishments, so much so I must hope to hereafter call her my sisteI must to
indulge you in no hope in this respect for yown self.
Jane : Is that not clear enough?
Lizzie : Oh, Jane. He loves you. Do not give up. Go to our aunt and uncle's in
London. I am sure he will come to you.
Jane : And how Mr. Darcy, Lizzie?
Lizzie : (hanya tersenyum memandangi surat itu)

*Tiba-tiba datanglah Charlotte dengan membawa kabar bahwa dia telah

dilamar oleh Mr. Collins dengan perasaan gugup takut sahabatnya marah*

Charlotte : Hei My dear, Elizabeth and Jane. I come here to tell you the news.
Lizzie : What news? (berdiri menghampiri Charlotte)
Charlotte : Uhm… Mr. Collins and I are engaged to be married.
Lizzie and Jane : Engaged?!
Charlotte : He asked me this morning and I accepted him - I’m not a romantic, you
know. I ask only comfortable home and and I'm certain that many people dream of
living with it - You don’t mind, do you?
Lizzie : No, no, not at all. You guys are very compatible, may your household journey
always be happy
Charlotte : Thanks Lizzie, BTW yesterday Mr. Collins received an invitation to visit
Rosings this evening from Lady Catherine de Bought, would you be able to
accompany me?
Lizzie : Yes I can
Charlote : Thank you very much Lizzie (mereka berpelukan)

- KURSI = 4
-MEJA = 1

*Lampu menyala aktor ganti busana dan setting di ruang tamu Lady Cathrine.
Didalam ruang keluarga itu sudah ada Lady Cathrine, Mereka memandang sinis
ke arah ke-3 pendatangan tersebut.*

Mr. Collins : Your Ladyship. Miss De Bough.

Lady Cathrine : So, you are Elizabeth Bennet. (melihat Lizzie dengan tatapan
Lizzie : I am, Your Ladyship.
Mr Collins : where is your child lady? (dengan nada beranya dan melihat sekeliling
Lady Catherine : my daughter Anne is studying music outside the city (dengan penuh
penekanan dan menatap Mr. Collins)
Charlotte : (berdehem mencoba mengalihkan topic pembicaraan) It's very kind of you
to ask us to come here, Lady Catherine.

*Tiba-tiba saja Mr. Darcy muncul dari arah samping Lizzie. Lizzie terdiam
membeku. Begitu juga dengan Mr. Darcy yang terkejut melihatnya.*

Lizzie : Mr. Darcy! What are you doing?

Charlote and Mr. Collins : Mr. Darcy [Menunduk memberi salam]
Mr. Darcy : Miss Bennet… I’m staying here.
Lady Cathrine : You know my nephew?
Lizzie : Yes, madam, I had the pleasure of meeting him in Hertfordshire.
Mr. Darcy : (sembari duduk disebelah Lizzie) I trust your family is in good health,
Miss Bennet?
Elizabeth : They are, thank you. [Pause] My eldest sister is currently in London,
perhaps you happened to see her there?
Mr. Darcy : [Awkward Pause] I haven't been fortunate enough, no.
Lizzie : Nice to meet you again, Mr. Darcy [Menatap malu-malu]
Mr. Darcy : Nice to meet you, too, Miss Elizabeth, stay here for today is it’s already
late at night.
Lizzie : Yeah thank you Mr.Darcy (senyum tipis)


*Lampu menyala aktor berganti kostum, setting tetetap di ruang tamu lady,
menampilkan Lizzie yang sedang duduk bersama Fitzwilliam pagi itu.

Lizzie : How long do you plan to stay in Kent, Colonel?

Fitzwilliam : As long as Darcy chooses.
Lizzie : I wonder he does not marry and secure a lasting convenience of that kind.
Fitzwilliam : She would be a lucky woman.
Lizzie : Really?
Fitzwilliam : Darcy is a most loyal companion. From what I heard, on our journey
here, he recently came to the rescue of one of his friends just in time
Lizzie : What happened?
Fitzwilliam : He saved the man from an imprudent marriage
Lizzie : [Terkejut] Who was the man?
Fitzwilliam : His closest friend. Mr Bingley.
Lizzie : Did Mr Darcy give you his reasons for this interference?
Fitzwilliam : I think it was her family that was considered unsuitable.
Lizzie : I wish Mr Darcy and all his friends well in finding partners suitable to their
very high standards. Good morning, Col. Fitzwilliam.
Colonel Fitzwilliam : I take my leave forst there is an important business that cannot
be left,see you Mrs. Lizzie (meninggalkan lizzie)

*Lizzie kini duduk sendirian. Ia masih tak menyangka terhadap apa yang tadi Ia
dengar dari colonel. Tak lama tiba-tiba Mr. Darcy datang dengan segala
perasaan untuk Lizzie.*

Mr. Darcy : Miss Bennet, I have struggeled in my vain and I’m no longer to hold it…
[Pause] I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you… I had to see you…
Lizzie : Me?
Mr. Darcy : I've fought against my better judgement, my family's expectation, rank,
and all circumstances [Bergetar] all those things.. .but I'm willing to put them aside...
and ask you to end my agony...
Lizzie : I don’t understand..
*Hening. Keduanya berdiam, saling menatap.*
Mr. Darcy : I love you. Most ardently. [Pause] Please do me the honour for accepting
my hand.
*Lizzie terkejut. Dengan suara bergetar ia berkata,*
Lizzie : Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I’m very sorry to
have caused you pain. Believe me, it’s unconciously done.
Mr. Darcy : Is this your reply?
Lizzie : Yes, Sir
Mr. Darcy : Might I ask why, I’m repulsed?
Lizzie : [Suara bergetar] I might as well ask why, against your better judgment, you
chose to tell me that you liked me when your intent was so obviously to insult me. If I
was rude, that was some justification--
Mr. Darcy : Belive me, I didn’t mean…
Lizzie : But I have other reasons! You know, I have!
Mr. Darcy : What reasons?
Lizzie : Do you think anything could persuade me to accept the man who may have
ruined my beloved sister's happiness forever? [Pause, Lizzie mendekat] Do you deny
it, Mr Darcy? That you tore apart a young couple who were in love, subjecting your
friend and my sister to its irony for dashed hopes, and placing them both in the worst
kind of misery?
Mr. Darcy : I don’t deny it
Lizzie : How could you do it?
Mr. Darcy : Because I believed your sister indifferent to him.
Lizzie : Indifferent?! That’s because she’s shy!
Mr. Darcy : No, it was more than that!
Lizzie : How, Sir?
Mr. Darcy : It pains me to say this, but your mother, your three younger sisters, and
occasionally even your father were impolite. Pardon me.
Lizzie : And those are the words of gentleman? From the first time I met you, your
selfishness, arrogance made me reliaze that you are the last man on this world I could
ever be prevailed upon to marry!
Mr. Darcy :(Mr. Darcy terdiam, sedikit kecewa atas jawaban Lizzie. Lizzie tak lama
tercekat atas perkataannya.) Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time

*Setelah mengatakan itu Mr. Darcy pergi dengan meninggalkan surat yang telah
ia tulis untuk Lizzie, kemudian Lizzie terduduk lemas dan mendapati surat itu
dan membacanya seketika itu tangisannya pecah setelah membaca surat dari
Mr. Darcy*

Mr. Darcy (V.O)

I won't point out the sentiments that you found so repulsive; instead, I'll respond to the
two complaints you have made against me. I hadn't even been in Hertfordshire long
when I realized Bingley liked your eldest sister better. I paid close attention to how
my friend was acting and could tell that his favoritism for Miss Bennet was unlike
anything I had ever seen in him.

However, when I looked at your sister, I found no indication of an odd regard for her
and only saw the families coarse appetite for getting their daughters married off well.
So, in London, perhaps mistakenly, I convinced him that the match was inappropriate
by bringing up your sister's cool attitude toward him.
Although the reasons that drove me may have seemed insufficient to you at the time,
they were done unintentionally in order to protect a friend. Regarding the other, more
serious issue.

As we shall never meet again, I wish

you all happiness in the future.

*Tiba-tiba sesaat setelah menenangkan perasaanya Lady Cathrine duduk


Lady Catherine : Miss Elizabeth I want to talk to you about Mr. Darcy! (dengan nada
Lizzie : Yes madam
Lady Catherine : I want you to stay away from Mr. Darcy because he is engaged to
someone prettier than you and of course we are of the same caste. (dengan nada penuh
penekanan dan memandangi Lizzie dengan tatapan tidak suka)
*tiba-tiba datanglah Georgiana dengan Mr.Darcy, kemudian Lady Cathrine
pergi dari ruang itu*
Georgiana : (dengan nada gembira) Are you Miss Elizabeth (Lizzie) ?
Lizzie : Yes (dengan senyum ramah)
Georgiana : My brother has told me so much about you. I feel as if we ar friends
already. (bercerita dengan perasaan mengebu-gebu)
Lizzie : Well, thank you. [Menunduk, memberi salam] What a beautiful pianoforte.
Georgiana : Yesterday my brother gave piano to me. Oh yeah my brother has told me
you are good playing the piano, is that true?
Lizzie : No, he lied to you, I’m not good at playing the piano (dengan menatap malu-
malu Mr.Darcy)
*tiba-tiba datanglah pelyan dengan membawakan surat dari Jane untuk Lizzie*

Pelayan : A letter for you Madam.

Lizzie : Oh, it’s from Jane. (memandangi Mr. Darcy)
*Lizzie langsung membuka surat itu dan setelah membacanya, Lizzie pun
Lizzie : It’s the most dreadful news. Lydia has run away with Mr. Wickham. They are
gone from Brighton to Lord knows where. She has no money, no connections. I fear
she is lost forever. (menatap lurus dengan mimic muka sedih)
Georgiana : (menenangkan Lizzie) Don't cry Miss Elizabeth.
Mr. Darcy : This is my fault. If only I had exposed Wickham when I should.
Lizzie : No. No, this is my fault. I might have prevented all this merely by being open
with my sisters. My father has gone to London. But I know very well that nothing can
be done. We have not the smallest hope.
Mr. Darcy : Would I could help you?
Lizzie : Sir, I think it is too late.
Mr. Darcy : This is grave indeed. I will leave you. Goodbye.


-MEJA = 1

*lampu menyala aktor ganti busana dan setting pindah di ruang tamu Mr. Mrs
Bennet yang menampilkan Kitty, Marry, Jane, dan Lizzie berkumpul di ruang
tamu dan berusaha menenangkan Mrs. Bennet yang terduduk lemas setelah
mendengar tentang hilangnya Lydia.

Mrs. Bennet : (Sambil mengipasi wajah) Oh, why did the Forsters let her out of their
sight? I always said they were unfit to take charge of her.
Jane : And now she’s ruined.
Mrs. Bennet : You are all ruined. Who will take you now with a fallen sister?
(Menangis tersedu-sedu)Poor Mr. Bennet will now have to fight the perfidious
Wickham and then be killed.
Lizzie : He hasn’t found him yet, Mama. (Sambil memandang ke arah luar jendela)
Mrs. Bennet : And then Mr. Collins will turn us out before he’s cold in his grave.
Jane : Do not be so alarmed, Mama. Our uncle has gone on to London and is helping
in the search. (Sembari mengelus tangan Mrs. Bennet)
Mrs Bennet : Lydia must know what his must be doing to my nerves. Such flutterings
and spasms all over me. My baby Lydia… My baby… How could she do such a thing
to her poor Mama?
*Kemudian tidak lama ayah datang dengan membawa kabar bahwa Lydia telah
menikah dengan Wichkam namun masih diujung pintu sudah dihalangi oleh
Kitty,Lizzie and Jane*
Mr, Bennet : He has found them
Kitty : Are they married?
Lizzie : Oh! They will be married, if father will settle £100 a year on her. That is
Wickham’s condition. You will agree to this, father?
Mr. Bennet : Of course I’ll agree. God knows how much your uncle must have laid on
that wretched man.
Kitty : What do you mean father?
Mr. Bennet : No man in his senses would marry Lydia under so slight a temptation as
£100 a year. [Pause] Your uncle must have been very generous.
*berbisik antara Jane and Lizzie*
Jane : Do you think it a large sum?
Lizzie : Wickham’s a fool if he accepts less than £10,000.
Jane : [Terkejut] £10,000? Heaven forbid.
Marry : (setelah mendegar itu ia memberitahukan kepada mama) Mama Lydia is
married! (berteriak)

*Mrs. Bennet yang semula lemas setelah mendengar kabar bahwa Lydia sudah
menikah pun langsung menegakkan badan bahagia.*
Mrs. Bennet : [Menegakkan badan] Lydia married…? [Terharu] And at 15, too. Ring
the bell, Kitty. I must put on my things and tell Lady Lucas. Oh to see her face—and
tell the servants they will have a bowl of punch.
Lizzie : We should thank our Uncle, Mama.
Mrs. Bennet : And so he should help. He’s far richer than us and has no children—A
daughter! Married!
Lizzie : Is that really all you think about?
Mrs. Bennet : When you have five daughters, Lizzie, tell me what else will occupy
your thoughts, and then perhaps you will understand. (Berjalan meninggalkan Lizzie)
*Bell ringing, datanglah Lydia dan suaminya*
Lydia : mama (memanggil ibunya dengan bahagia). You must all go to Brighton, for
that is the place to get husbands. I hope you have half my good luck.
Mrs. Bennet : (tertawa melihat anaknya)
Lydia : Well, Monday morning came and I was in such a fuss.
Lizzie : [Menatap Wickham, lalu berbalik ke Lydia] I don’t want to hear.
Lydia : There was my aunt, preaching and talking away as if she was reading a
sermon. She was horrid unpleasant.
Lizzie : Can’t you understand why?
Lydia : [Sembari meminum] But I didn’t hear a word because I was thinking of my
dear Wickham. [Tersipu membyangkan Wickham] I longed to know whether he’d be
married in his blue coat.
Marry : The North England, I believe boasts some spectacular scenery.
Lydia : And then my uncle was called away from the church on business, and I
thought, “Who is to be our best man if he doesn’t come back?” Lucky he did or I
would have had to ask Mr. Darcy but I don’t really like him.
Lizzie : (dengan nada terkejut) Mr. Darcy?!
Lydia : Oh, I forgot! But I shouldn’t have a said a word.
Lizzie : Mr. Darcy was at your wedding?
Lydia : He was the one that discovered us. He paid for the wedding, Wickham’s
commission. Everything. But don’t tell anyone. He told me not to tell.
Lizzie : Mr. Darcy???
Lydia : Stop it, Lizzie. [Berbisik] Mr. Darcy’s not half as high and mighty as you

*Setelah perbincangan itu Lydia pamit pulang dan di saat itu tidak lama Mr.
Bingley and Mr. Darcy mendatangi rumah keluarga Bennet. Sedangkan di sisi
lain Mrs. Bennet dan anak-anaknya sedang bersantai di ruang tamu. Tiba-tiba
Kitty pun berteriak bahwa Mr. Bingley dan Mr. Darcy datang*
Kitty : He’s here! He’s here! He’s at the door! Mr Bingley.
Mrs. Benner : (Terkejut) Mr. Bingley? Oh, my goodness! Everybody behave
naturally. And whatever you do, do not appear overbearing.
*Keadaan pun mulai ricuh, Mrs. Bennet dan anak-anaknya sibuk merapikan
ruang tamu.*
Kitty : (Melihat ke arah luar) Look, there’s someone with him.
Jane : Mama. Mama.
Kitty : (Ekspresi mengejek) Mr. What’s-his-name. The pompous one from before.
Mrs. Bennet : Mr. Darcy!. The very insolence of it. What does he think of, coming
here? (Sembari membetulkan pita pada gaun Jane) Keep still, Jane—Mary, put that
away at once. Find some useful employment. Oh, my lord! I shall have a seizure, I’m
sure I shall.
Jane : Mary, the ribbons, the ribbons, the ribbons.
*Mary melemparkan sekumpulan pita kepada Jane*
Mrs. Bennet : Mary, sit down at once, Mary!
Mrs. Hill : [Menunduk memberi salam] Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley, ma’am.
*Semua sudah duduk di tempat masing-masing sembari terdiam. Kemudian
mereka berdiri untuk menyambut Mr. Bingley dan Mr. Darcy.*
Mr. Bingley : Good—
Mrs. Bennet : How very glad we are to see you, Mr. Bingley. There’ve been a great
many changes since you went away. Miss Lucas is married and settled. And one of
my own daughters, too. You will have seen it in papers, though it was not put in as it
ought to have been. Very short, nothing about her family.
Mr. Bingley : Yes. Yes, I did hear of it, I offer my congratulations.
Mrs. Bennet : But it is very hard to have my Lydia take away from me. Mr. Wickham
has been transferred to Newcastle, wherever that is.
Lizzie : Do you hope to stay long in the country, Mr. Bingley?
Mr. Bingley : Just a few weeks. For the shooting.
Mrs. Benner : When you have killed all your own birds, Mr. Bingley, I beg you will
come here and shoot as many as you please.
Mr Bingley : Thank you.
Mrs. Bennet : Mr. Bennet will be vastly happy to oblige you and will save all the best
of the coveys for you.
Mr. Bingley : Excellent.
Lizzie : Are you well, Mr. Darcy? (menatap dengan penuh makna)
Mr. Darcy : Quite well, thank you.
Lizzie : I hope that the weather stays fine for your sport.
Mr. Darcy : I return to town tomorrow.
Lizzie : So soon?
Mrs. Bennet : (mengalihkan topik dengan membicarakan penampilan Jane kepada Mr.
Bingley) My Jane looks well, does she not?
Mr. Bingley : She does indeed. [Bertatap mata dengan Jane dan saling melemparkan
senyum] Well, we must be going, I think.—Darcy—It’s been very pleasant to see you
all again—Miss Elisabeth, Miss Bennet
Mrs. Bennet : You must come again. For when you were in town last winter, you
promised to have a family dinner with us. I’ve not forgot, you see. At least three

Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley : Excuse me. (Mr. Bingley keluar terlebih dahulu setelah
itu diikuti Mr.Darcy)
Jane : (senyum dengan nada sedikit kecewa karena perilaku Mr. Bingley kepadanya
yang acuh) I’m glad that’s over. At least now we can meet as indifferent
Lizzie : Oh, yes.
Jane : No, you cannot think me so weak as to be in danger now.
Lizzie : I think you are in great danger of making him as much in love with you as
Jane : I’m sorry, though, that he came with Mr. Darcy.
Lizzie : Don’t say that.
Jane : Why ever not?
Lizzie : [Berbisik] Jane… I’ve been so blind.
Jane : What do you mean?
Kitty : LOOK! It’s him! He’s back. He’s come again.
Mr. Bingley : (langsung masuk ke rumah) I kmow this is all very untoward, but I
would like to request the privilege of speaking to Miss Bennet. Alone.
Mrs. Bennet : Everybody to the kitchen. Immediately. Except you, Jane dear.
(Mencium tangan Jane) Of course.—Oh, Mr. Bingley. It is so good to see you again
so soon.
*Kemudian Mrs. Bennet dan Lizzie pun menunduk memberikan salam dan
meninggalkan ruangan itu.*
Mr. Bingley : (berjalan mendekati Jane) First, I must tell you I have been the most
unmitigated and comprehensive ass. Second, I really liked you from the first sight.
(berlutut dan memberikan cincin) Third, will you marry me?
Jane : (bahagia terharu) Yes. A thousand times, yes. (membantu Mr.Bingley berdiri
dan memegang tangannya)
Mrs. Bennet : (dengan nada bahagia) Thank the Lord for that. I thought it would never

*Setelah itu Mr. Bingley pamit, mereka kini tengah duduk diruang tamu dengan
perasaan bahagia dan tak selang lama datanglah Lady Catherine dengan hati
yang perapi-api . Terdengar ketukan pintu yang keras dari arah luar, seluruh
anggota keluarga Bennet segera menuju ke bawah untuk melihat siapa yang

Marry : Coming! (Membuka pintu) Yes?

Lizzie : Lady Catherine (Menunduk memberikan salam diikuti dengan yang lainnya)
Lady Catherine : (dengan nada angkuh) The rest of your offspring, I presume.
Mrs. Bennet : All but one, the youngest has been lately married, Your Ladyship. And
my eldest was proposed to, only this afternoon.
Lady Catherine : You have a very small garden, madam. (smirk mengejek)
Mrs. Bennet : Could I offer you a cup of tea, perhaps, Your—
Lady Catherine : Absolutely not. I need to speak to Miss Elizabeth Bennet alone. As a
matter of urgency.
Mrs. Bennet : Everyone, come on out!!! (setelah itu mereka pergi dari ruangan itu)
*Setelah memastikan hanya mereka berdua yang berada diruangan itu Lady
memulai percakapan*
Lady Catherine : You can be at no loss, Miss Bennet, to understand why I am here.
(dengan nada angkuh)
Lizzie : Indeed you’re mistaken. I cannot account for this honor at all.
Lady Catherine : Miss Bennet, I warn you. I am not to be trifled with. A report of a
most alarming nature has reached me that you intend to be united with my nephew,
Mr. Darcy. I know this to be a scandalous falsehood, though not wishing to injure him
by supposing it possible, I instantly set off to make my sentiments known. (dengan
nada tinggi dan penuh penekanan)
Lizzie : If you believed it to be impossible, I wonder you took the trouble of coming
so far. (dengan smirk)
Lady Catherine : To hear it contradicted, Miss Bennet.
Lizzie : Your coming will be rather a confirmation, surely, if indeed such a report
Lady Catherine : If? Do you then pretend to be ignorant of it? Has it not been
industriously circulated by yourself? (dengan nada leboh tinggi dan amarah)
Lizzie : I have never heard of it.
Lady Catherine : And can you declare there is mo foundation for it?
Lizzie : I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with Your Ladyship. You mask
ask a question which I may choose not to answer.
Lady Catherine : This is not to be borne. Has my nephew made you an offer of
Lizzie : Your Ladyship has declared it to be impossible.
Lady Catherine : Let me be understood. Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Now,
what have you to say?
Lizzie : Only this. If that is the case you can have no reason to suppose he would
make an offer to me.
Lady Catherine : You selfish girl! This union has been planed since their infancy. Do
you think it can be prevented by a young woman of inferior birth whose own sister’s
elopement resulted in a scandalously patched-up mariagem only achieved at the
expense of your uncle? Heaven and Earth, re the shades of Pemberly to the thus
polluted? Now tell me once and for all, are you engaged to him? (nada penuh amarah)
Lizzie : I am not. (dengan nada sidikit tinggi)
Lady Catherine : And will you promise never to enter into such an engagement?
Lizzie : I will not, and I certainly never shall. You have insulted me in every possible
way and can now have nothing further to say. I must ask you to leave immediately.—
[dengan penuh kecewa dan amarah Lizzie menyuruh Lady untuk pergi]
Lady Catherine : [Berjalan keluar] I have ever been treated in my entire life!

*Setelah kejadiaan kepergian Lady Catherine Lizzie terduduk di kursi ruang

tamu sembari menenangkan diri, tiba-tiba suara ketukan pintu terdengar dan
kemudian ia membukanya*

Lizzie : (sedikit terkejut) Please come in, Mr. Darcy (mempersilahkan untuk duduk)
Mr. Darcy : (sembari duduk) Nor. My aunt—
Lizzie : (Tersenyum lalu menunduk) Yes. She was here.
Mr. Darcy : How can I ever make amends for such behavior?
Lizzie : After what you have done for Lydia, and I suspect for Jane also, it is I who
should be making amends.
Mr. Darcy : You must know. Surely you must know it was all for you. You are too
generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night and it has
taught me to hope as I had scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still
what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not
changed, but one word from you will silence me forever.
Lizzie : (sedikit tenang karena mendengarkan penjelasan Mr. Darcy dan terlihat
senyum tipis diwajahnya)
Mr. Darcy : (berdiri dari duduknya) If, however, your feelings have changed, I would
have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love.. I love… I love
you… I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
Lizzie : (berdiri dan sembari memegang tangan Mr.Darcy) Well then, your hands are
cold. And—I love you too, Mr. Darcy. (dengan wajah yang bahagia)
*Ternyata sedaritadi Mr.Bennet dan Mrs. Bennet mendengarkan pembicaraan
Lizzie dengan Mr.Darcy*
Mr. Bennet : (berdehem sabil mengahmpiri mereka) Lizzie, are you out of your
senses? I thought you hated the man.
Lizzie : No, Papa.
Mr. Bennet : He’s rich, to be sure, and you will have carriages than Jane. But will
make you happy?
Lizzie : Have you no other objection than your belief in my indifference?
Mr. Bennet : None at all. Well, we all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of
fellow, but this would be nothing if you really liked him.
Lizzie : I do like him. (sambil menatap Mr.Darcy)
Mr. Bennet : Well.
Lizzie : I love him. He’s not proud. I was wrong. I was entirely wrong about him. You
don’t know him, Papa. If I told you what he was really like, what he’s done.
Mr. Bennet : Whas has he done?—Good Lord. I must pay him back.
Lizzie : (memegang tangan untuk menyakinkan) No. You mustn’t tell anyone. He
wouldn’t want it. We misjudged him, Papa, me more than anyone, in every way, not
just in this matter. I’ve been nonsensical. But he’s been a fool about Jane, about so
many other things. But then, so have I. You see, he and I are… He and I are so
similar. We’re both so stubborn. Papa, I—
Mrs. Bennet : (tertawa bahagia) You really do love him, don’t you?
Lizzie : Very much.
Mrs. Bennet : I cannot believe that anyone can deserve you, but it seems I am
overruled. So I heartily give my consent. I could not have parted with you, my Lizzie,
to anyone less worthy.
Lizzie : Thank you mama papa (bahagia haru)
Mr. Darcy : Thank you Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet
*Setelah itu Mr. Darcy mengulurkan tangannya untuk Lizzie*
Mr. Darcy : Thank you Lizzie for giving color to my life, will you marry me?
(sembari berlutut dan memberikan cincin)
Lizzie : Yes, I will (dengan sembari mengulurkan tangannya dengan nada sangat


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