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When I was in sixth grade, at the age of 11, in my school, in COLOMBIA,

immense, to stand out, and still study in it, I adore it, there I have trained as a
person and as a student, a place full of great teachers and friends, a suitable
place to carry out academic activities fully.
My 60-year-old course director, who had barely done her undergraduate
degree, advised me at all times, she said, that every moment had to be used to
the fullest.
One day, I met with a working group to finish a proposed activity, among my
companions was the drug addict, who at his young age, had several disciplinary
processes, my intention was to take him on the right path, however he did not
leave. The teacher when she saw me with him told me "tell me who you are with
and I will tell you who you are" that these companies were not going to
contribute anything good for my life, according to both the good and the bad is
contagious, that I would continue my path in company of good people and so I
would have a full life. Since that day it has been like that, the only that reigns in
my life thanks to the counsels of the teacher are good things.

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