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I’m going to talk about an article entitled “Mercury’s Strange Hollows”.

article was written by Antanas Greicius. The article is taken from NASA official
website. It’s divided into 19 paragraphs.
For decades, scientists have been puzzling over strange hollows on Mercury’s
surface, thousands of peculiar depressions at a variety of longitudes and
latitudes. The author states that “There is essentially no atmosphere on
Mercury”. With no atmosphere, wind doesn’t blow and rain doesn’t fall, so
hollows weren’t carved by wind or water. Other forces must be at work.
Then scientists got their first tantalizing glimpses of the hollows from the 70s.
After over 30 years NASA returned to the small planet with the MESSENGER
mission. As part of this mission the spacecraft circled the planet more than
4000 times in 4 years, collecting hundreds of thousands of images and other
data, and giving researchers new insights into this little-explored world.
The probe sent back finely detailed, beautiful images of the hollows, looking in
some color-enhanced mosaics like sheets of copper corroded with blue-green
patina. In other photos are strange landforms, etched and ragged, glow bright
blue amid the surrounding crater walls and mounds.
Author suggested a large object slamming into the planet, with the meteorite
forming a new crater and tossing material from deep underground onto
Mercury’s surface.
Other theories include the idea that darker areas on Mercury’s surface are
graphite deposits that, when pummeled and destroyed by solar wind, collapse
and leave behind pits.
The article concludes by saying that MESSENGER finally ran out of fuel and
crashed into Mercury in April 2015, but researchers are still shifting through the
data it collected.
I have chosen this article because I'm interested in what might be on other
planets. Maybe there is life not only on earth`

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