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Market Power and Pricing: Responses



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Market Power and Pricing: Responses

Hello Justin,

I appreciate your detailed description of your multi-specialty physician group's supplier

relationships provides a clear understanding of the varied bargaining power dynamics within your

organization. It became apparent to me that pharmaceutical companies hold significant bargaining

power due to patents on essential drugs, limiting alternatives. Similarly, the local mechanical

contractor's expertise in your HVAC systems creates a high switching cost, emphasizing their strong

bargaining position. Additionally, your electronic medical records system operator's leverage, built on

substantial investments and the complexity of transitioning to a new system, further highlights the

supplier's significant bargaining power. In line with Bruijl (2018), it seems your organization faces a

mix of supplier power scenarios, where the uniqueness of certain products and services strengthens

suppliers' positions. Managing and balancing these diverse supplier relationships is crucial for

optimizing costs and maintaining operational efficiency.

Hello Tylor,

I agree with the analysis of Apple's strategic positioning within the context of Porter's Five

Forces model. The example effectively highlights how Apple has leveraged its technical expertise to

navigate the dynamics of the industry environment. I realized that Apple's dominance in the media

market is a result of its adept management of barriers to entry, particularly in the streaming service

sector. The low entry barrier due to perfect substitutes for streaming titles has allowed Apple to

capitalize on its vast resources and technological capabilities to establish a significant presence.

Moreover, your post rightly stresses the significance of understanding not just direct competitors but

also the broader market dynamics, including the power of suppliers, buyers, and potential threats from

substitutes. Apple's ability to seamlessly transition its customer base to its media properties showcases

a strategic response to the forces at play in the industry.



Bruijl, D. G. H. T. (2018). The relevance of Porter's five forces in today's innovative and changing

business environment. Available at SSRN 3192207.

Shobhit, S. (n.d.). The world’s Top Media Companies.


media-companies-dis-cmcsa-fox.aspxLinks to an external site.

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