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Essay about the film Christopher Robin.

Winnie Pooh is one of the most famous and well-known characters in the
world, he had many movies and series chapters for a long time, this writing is
an analysis about the world of Christopher Robin, about the characters, what
is behind each one? And what does each one represent?
Christopher Robin is a boy who spent much of his childhood with Winnie
Pooh and his friends in the enchanted forest.
It may seem like these characters were real, but they were toys, only
Christopher's imagination made everything that happened real and not a
figment of his imagination.
There are many theories about why Christopher Robin imagined his
adventures with them, it is said that it is because he has mental problems and
each of his toys has a meaning.
Let's start analyzing each of the characters, Winnie Pooh represents attention
deficit disorder as you can see that he is a very disorganized and forgetful
person. Igor represents depression as he has very bad energy and is very
pessimistic. Cangu represents anxiety disorder as she is always worried about
her son Roo because he has autism and does not pay attention to what is
going on around him. Piglet represents anxiety, he is very skittish and
anything makes him run and hide. Tigger represents hyperactivity because he
can't sit still. Rabbit represents obsessive-compulsive disorder because he
gets desperate when something interrupts his organized life.
After analyzing each of the characters we can conclude that Christopher
Robin also represents a disorder because of the aforementioned, the disorder
he presents is schizophrenia because of the stories he imagines and the
characters he develops in his mind.
At first glance it might seem that this cartoon went from being tender and
funny to something really shady, but I think it is a cartoon that can help us to
analyze from another perspective the mental problems that can occur in
people, empathize with those who suffer from mental illness and understand
that it is always good to go to therapy, meditate and find a way to move
forward despite the problems we have.

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