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Movie Reflection of Zootopia

There are 64 different species of animals in the Zootopia movie.

Judy Hopps and Nick Wide are main characters and Bellwether, Mayor
Lion Heart, Chief Boga, Officer Clawhauser, Gideon Grey, Mr.Bing are
supporting characters in Zootopia.
Judy Hopps is a female rabbit and the main protagonist pf
Zootopia. Her dream was wont to be a cop when she was young. She
believes the world is a great place and she can help it be even better.
She become the first rabbit officer of the Zootopia Police Department.
So, she determined to make the world a better place while breaking
misconceptions about other species.
Nick Wide is a red fox of the city of Zootopia. Nick come from a
poor background living with his mother. As a child Nick had a dream to
foin the local Ranger Scouts.
Assistant Mayor Bellwether is a sweet sheep with a little voice and
a lot of wool, who constantly finds her self under foot of the largerthan-
life mayor Lion-Heart.
When Hopps went to the Zootopia city it had different kinds of
animals were living together. There were different animals but they
were anthropomorphic animals thrive in their place. There were
equality and respect. According to this sense, it is the good for the
world and I think all people should have like that rule. We can live
peaceful together, no matter our race or gender.
When Hopps was young, she saw one of wolf groups are hectored
a little rabbit. She helped her and the wolf scraped her face. She could
do back nothing. That why, she tried hard more and she met a lot of
difficulty but she did not give up because of she wont to improve other
animals. According to this sense, sometime we were be lazy or
sometime we want to give up when we met problems, etc. That why,
we needed to improve some one or myself never give up and shew
them you can do it.
I get the lessons from Shakira song the soundtrack of movie “ Try
Everything “ when we fall down, never give up until the end and get up
and start again because nobody learns without getting it wrong.
Sometime we come last but we did our best and try everything.

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