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An Introduction to Python


HUMSS 1101 B

What is Python?
From what I gathered; it is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. Code
readability is prioritized in its design philosophy, which makes heavy use of indentation.
Python is a well-known language for web and software development because it enables
the creation of sophisticated, multi-protocol applications with clear, simple syntax.
Python was used to create some of the most well-liked programs. Python uses garbage
collection and has dynamic typing. It supports a variety of paradigms for programming,
including functional, object-oriented, and structured programming.

Why is it a Popular Programming Language?

It is well-liked for its user-friendly semantics and simple to understand syntax.
Additionally, for the availability of a sizable number of libraries and modules. The best
coding language to learn, according to many beginners, is Python.

What is Python’s Origin and Who Created it?

ABC was replaced by Python, which was developed by Guido van Rossum at CWI in the
late 1980s. With significant releases like Python 2.0, 3.0, and 3.7, it has evolved since it
was first put into use in 1989. Due to the intricacy of the code, Python 2.7's end-of-life
has been delayed until 2020. Only Python versions 3.8 and later are supported at the
moment, with the final 3.7.x release serving as the release. Due to security concerns,
Python 3.9.2 and 3.8.8 were accelerated in 2021. Due to security concerns, Python 3.10.4
and 3.9.12 were expedited in 2022. Python 3.11, with noteworthy enhancements like
quicker program execution and enhanced error reporting, is the stable release as of
November 2022.

What are some Key features of Python that stand out as a programming language?
 Open source and free
 Large standard library
 Easy to learn and readable
 Large community support
 Extensible and embeddable
Give examples of programs created from Python.
 Google
 Spotify
 Reddit
 Quora
 Instagram

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