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Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional

English for ISTN Students

Session 9
Scientific Writing

ISTN Jakarta

Academic English for

Pharmacy & Engineering Students
Module 9 English for
Academic Skills in Science
and Technology
Knowledge Point: Structure and Written
Expression, Vocabulary and Reading,
Academic Skills, Sentence structure,
General knowledge of Science, Introduction
of Specialty, Writing scientific manuscript,
Reading Comprehension
List of General Terms of Pharmaceuticals from A-Z
Abscess Collection of pus in cavities formed due to tissue damage.
A physical or chemical phenomenon or a process when atoms, molecules, or ions enter another bulk phase
Absorption that can be gases, liquids, or solids. This process is different from adsorption in that molecular binding is
done through volume rather than surface.
Habitual and compulsive use of a drug is accompanied by evidence of physiological dependence. The
Addiction concept of addiction also extends beyond chemical substance abuse in order to be used in some forms of
habitual maladaptive behavior, such as pathological gambling.
The process that occurs when a fluid, liquid or gas, is attached to a solid or liquid (suction substance,
Adsorption adsorbent) and finally forms a thin layer or film (snared substance, adsorbate) on its surface. In contrast
to absorption which is the absorption of fluid by other fluids by forming a solution.
The number of leukocytes is less than 500 mm3 with symptoms of infectious wounds on the throat,
intestinal tract and skin.
Acromegaly Enlargement due to excessive secretion of somatotropin
In Vitro Equipment, whether used single or in combination, is intended by its manufacturer for in-vitro examination
Diagnostic of specimens derived from the human body solely or in principle used to provide information for diagnostic,
Medical Devices monitoring or conformity purposes. This includes reagents, calibrators, control materials, specimen
(DIV) containers, software, and related instruments or equipment or other items.
instruments, apparatuses, machinery and/or implants, reagents for in vitro use, software, materials or
materials; as intended by the manufacturer, used alone or in combination, for humans for one or more of
the following purposes:
diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or reduction of diseases;
diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, reduction or compensation of sick conditions
investigation, replacement, modifying, supporting anatomy, or physiological processes;
support or maintain life;
control/control fertilization;
disinfection of medical devices;
provide information for medical purposes or diagnosis through invitro testing of specimens from the human
And it does not achieve major work on or in the human body through pharmacological, immunological or
metabolic processes but can help the desired function of medical devices in that way.
compounds that can induce immunoglobulin E (IgE) through exposure in the form of inhalation (inhaled),
ingestion (swallowing process), contact, or injection.
immunity in which a person's body becomes hypersensitive in reacting immunologically to ingredients that
are generally immunogenic (antigenic) or said to be atopic.
Alkalosis Increased blood pH above 7.43
Amenoroe No menstruation
Stimulant drugs (only available by prescription) are usually used only to treat hyperactivity disorder due
to inattention or Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adult and children patients. It is also
used to treat symptoms of traumatic injuries to the brain and symptoms of daytime sleepiness in cases
of narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome.
a reaction that assembles organic compounds from certain molecules, to be absorbed by the body's
(in Greek: without blood) is a state in which the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin
(an oxygen-carrying protein) in red blood cells is below normal.
Angina ischemic heart disease is defined as reduced oxygen supply and decreased blood flow into the
pectoris myocardium.
Anorexia Loss or decreased appetite.
Anxiety Anxiety, restless, excessive anxiety do not correspond to reality.
Antioxidant it is a substance that slows or prevents oxidation.
Anuria There is no urine exist.
Arthritis Arthritis especially in rheumatics
(derived from Dutch: Apotheek) is a place to sell and sometimes make or concoct drugs. Pharmacy is also
a place where pharmacists practice the pharmaceutical profession as well as become retailers.
a person who has expertise and authority in the field of pharmaceuticals both in pharmacies, hospitals,
industries, education, and other fields that are still related to the field of pharmaceuticals.
Uric acid, urate) is a purine-derived compound with the chemical formula C5H4N4O3 and a plasma ratio
between 3.6 mg/dL (~214μmol/L) and 8.3 mg/dL (~494μmol/L) (1 mg/dL = 59.48 μmol/L).
Renal tubular acidosis, RTA) is a kidney disease (renal) especially in the renal tubules. According to a
Renal tubule
number of scientific literature in the field of health, ATR disease is indeed classified as a rare disease, with
nonspecific clinical manifestations so that diagnosis is often too late.
Asites Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
Ataxia Impaired coordination of movements
Atonia Muscle relaxation
Bacteria a group of microorganisms that do not have a cell nucleus membrane.
chemical substances or low concentrations of bactericides that are able to withstand the growth of
bacteria, but do not turn them off, such as bactericides.
Bactericide chemical substances capable of killing or destroying bacteria; exterminator of bacteria.
Balanitis inflammation of the glans penis.
Benign not maligna; not recusal; can heal.
Tabloker drugs that induce adrenergic blockade on receptors b1 or b2 or both.
Bioavaibility the degree of a drug or another substance reaching the target tissue after administration.
science studies the structure and function of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates,
lipids, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules.
Biopsy Retrieval of tissue from living things for microscopic examination.
Biotoxins toxins (toxic substances) that form in the tissues of living bodies.
a series of chemical changes of a compound (a drug) that occur in the body, such as by enzymatic
Bisinosis lung disease due to the influence of cotton dust.
Blood Count The number of white blood cells and red blood per unit of blood volume.
cleaning materials (antiseptics; auxiliary substances melt solids) in the form of yellow hablur
(crystals) or brown powder.
Brakikardia conditions in which the heart rate weakens to less than 60 beats per minute.
Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi/airways
Bronchodilators a device that can widen narrowed airway holes when a person has an asthma attack.
Bulimia the disease feels excessive hunger and wants to always eat
APD (Continuou-
sambulatory peri- Continuous peritonial dialysis.
toneal dialysis)
COPD (Chronic
Obstructive Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Pulmonary Disease)
Enzyme Cyclooxygenase. This enzyme plays a role in converting arachidonic acid into
COX (Cyclooxygenase)
prostaglandins in the inflammatory process.
CSF (Cerebrospinal Clear fluid is present in the subarachnoid space and ventricular system around and inside the
Fluid) brain.
CVP (Central Venous
Blood pressure in the thoracic vena kava, close to the right atrium of the heart.
Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (peritonium). Although the common cause is cirrhosis
Ascites liquid
or other liver pain, this accumulation may be caused by other medical conditions.
The genus of fungi resembles yeast which is generally part of the normal flora of the mouth, skin,
digestive tract, and vagina, but can cause a variety of infections.
The preparations are in the form of powder filled in a capsule shell or in the form of liquid
preparations, half solid wrapped in base capsules.
How to Distribute guidelines used in a series of distribution and quality control activities aimed at ensuring that
Good Medical Devices distributed medical device products always meet the requirements set in accordance with the
(CDAKB) purposes of their use.
Carcinoma/ Malignant cell growth consists of epithelial cells that tend to infiltrate surrounding tissues and give
Carcinoma rise to metastatic.
Cardiomyopathy a primary disease of the heart muscle with no known cause.
Castration disposal of testes or ovaries.
Another name for Uncaria tomentosa, a species that grows in the Amazon rain-forest. This plant
Cat's Claw contains alkaloids and has medical effects such as tannins and other phytochemicals. Some
compounds from this plant have effects as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer.
Cito Soon
Cofactor Elements or materials such as coenzymes, where another factor must be united with it to function.
Collutoria Concentrated solution in water containing deodorants, antiseptics, local anesthetics or astringents.
Preparations in the form of sterile, clear, foreign-free solutions, isotonus, are used to clean the eyes.
Can be added dapar substances and preservatives.
disturbed orientation in a time, place, or person that is sometimes accompanied by a disturbance of
the presence of abnormal amounts of fluid in the vessels or entrance of an organ or part there;
especially, blood fluid caused by increased influx or resistance to backflow.
Corpumonale Heart abnormalities characterized by hypertrophy of the right ventricle due to lung disease.
Costovertebral With regard to a rib or vertebrate.
a shock of a high-intensity direct current that flows to the heart to stop ventricular fibrillation and
restore synchronous electrical activity.
Crepitus Bone crepitus: the thuding sound caused by swiping broken bone fragments.
The skin discoloration becomes somewhat bluish, which is due to excessive concentrations of
reduced hemoglobin in the blood vessels on the surface of the skin.
Cytochrome/ It is a hem-containing compound that is bound to proteins, playing a role in cell breathing,
Cyochrome/ distinguished by its prosthetic groups such as a, b, c, d and P450. Examples: CYP2A6, CYP 2B6,
Cychrome CYP289, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, CYP3A4
Abscess Collection of pus in cavities formed due to tissue damage.
Abses Kumpulan nanah dalam rongga yang terbentuk akibat kerusakan jaringan.
A physical or chemical phenomenon or a process when atoms, molecules, or ions enter another bulk
Absorption phase that can be gases, liquids, or solids. This process is different from adsorption in that molecular
binding is done through volume rather than surface.
Fenomena fisik atau kimia atau proses ketika atom, molekul, atau ion memasuki fase massal lain yang
Absorpsi dapat berupa gas, cairan, atau padatan. Proses ini berbeda dengan adsorpsi karena pengikatan molekul
dilakukan melalui volume daripada permukaan.
Habitual and compulsive use of a drug is accompanied by evidence of physiological dependence. The
Addiction concept of addiction also extends beyond chemical substance abuse in order to be used in some forms of
habitual maladaptive behavior, such as pathological gambling.
Penggunaan obat secara kebiasaan dan kompulsif disertai dengan bukti ketergantungan fisiologis. Konsep
Ketagihan kecanduan juga melampaui penyalahgunaan zat kimia untuk digunakan dalam beberapa bentuk perilaku
maladaptif kebiasaan, seperti spekulasi patologis.
a place to sell and sometimes make or concoct drugs. Pharmacy is also a place where pharmacists
practice the pharmaceutical profession as well as become retailers.
tempat berjualan dan terkadang membuat atau meramu obat-obatan. Apotek juga merupakan tempat
dimana apoteker menjalankan profesi kefarmasian sekaligus menjadi pengecer.
a person who has expertise and authority in the field of pharmaceuticals both in pharmacies,
hospitals, industries, education, and other fields that are still related to the field of pharmaceuticals.
orang yang mempunyai keahlian dan kewenangan di bidang kefarmasian baik di apotek, rumah sakit,
industri, pendidikan, maupun bidang lain yang masih berkaitan dengan bidang kefarmasian.
Pharmaceutics the branch of pharmacology concerned with the preparation, use, or sale of medicinal drugs.
"natural molecules now occupy an increasingly important place in pharmaceutics"
cabang farmakologi yang mempelajari penyiapan, penggunaan, atau penjualan obat-obatan. "molekul
Ilmu Farmasi
alami sekarang menempati tempat yang semakin penting dalam farmasi"
immunity in which a person's body becomes hypersensitive in reacting immunologically to ingredients
that are generally immunogenic (antigenic) or said to be atopic.
kekebalan di mana tubuh seseorang menjadi hipersensitif dalam bereaksi secara imunologis terhadap
bahan-bahan yang umumnya imunogenik (antigenik) atau dikatakan atopik.
1. Make review to this course material
2. Make some notes for doing resume of this material
3. Work out with other students in the same group for browsing
Glossary of General Pharmaceutical Terms; from website: kefarmasian-dari-
a-z-yang-digunakan-sehari-hari/2/ ; G1 : D G2 : E G3 : F G4 : G G5 : H …
4. Based on the table, make some notes as dictionary in English-
Indonesian as the examples (use Google translator)
5. Presentation must be made in power point with two-column table,
24-pt Agency FB fonts.
6. Make captured images in pdf
7. Send the file to both email and WhatsApp
8. Filename: “CG#-ID-name” (deadline Nov. 30th, 2023)

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