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Group 4

Natasya Algifari Airlangga

Hanna Manalu Kirenius
Zalfa Tara Jonathan Siahaan
Shofiyah Naufal Syujahadi
Jabriel Yodi

First of all the definition of Criminal law is a rule that
can regulate violations and crimes against the public
interest and determine punishment for the perpetrators.


Furthermore the definition of civil law is a series

of legal regulations that regulate the relationship
between one legal subject (person and legal
entity) and another legal subject by focusing on
the personal interests of the legal subject
- Criminal Law: Aims to maintain public order and
punish offenders as retribution or as a deterrent effect.
- Civil Law: Aims to resolve disputes between individuals
or organizations and restore the injured party to their
original condition or provide compensation.
not only purpose but also offenses.
- Criminal Law: Deals with violations of criminal law rules
that may result in criminal sanctions such as imprisonment
or fines.
- Civil Law: Resolves civil disputes, such as contracts,
damages, or land, with expected sanctions in the form of
compensation or restoration permits.

Punishment or Sanctions:
- Criminal Law: Regulates criminal sanctions such as
imprisonment, fines, or other sanctions for actions that violate
the law.
- Civil Law: Provides compensation, replacement, or
restoration of rights as compensation for the losses suffered
by the aggrieved party.

Criminal Law:
There are two types of criminal law: misdemeanors and felonies.
1. Misdemeanors are considered lower-level criminal offenses, such as minor assault,
traffic violations, or petty theft. Meanwhile not as severe as felonies, misdemeanors can
still carry penalties of up to one year in jail, fines ranging from hundreds to thousands
of rupiah.
2. The most serious criminal offenses, such as those resulting in or threatening serious
bodily harm to someone, or causing someone's death, are categorized as felonies.

Criminal Law is divided into two main branches, material

criminal & formal criminal :

First Material criminal law regulates the Second Formal criminal law is the law used as a
determination of criminal acts, basis for law enforcers. In a simple sense, formal
perpetrators of criminal acts, and criminal law regulates how the state deals with
penalties (sanctions). In Indonesia, equipment to carry out its obligations to investigate,
material criminal law regulations are impose, prosecute and carry out crimes. In Indonesia,
regulated in the criminal law book formal criminal law regulations have been legalized
(KUHP) with Law number 8 of 1981 concerning criminal
procedural law (KUHAP).

Civil Law
Civil law is the part of the legal system that regulates relationships between individuals
or private entities. Civil law systems can be divided into several categories
1. Contract law: regulates agreements between two parties, including the formation,
implementation, fulfillment and breach of contracts.
2. Ownership law: regulates ownership rights to property, including the acquisition, transfer
and protection of property rights.
3. Family law: regulates the relationship between husband, wife, children and family, such as
marriage, divorce, child custody, guardianship and financial rights in the family.
4. Inheritance law: regulates the transfer or assignment of a person's property rights after his
death, including the distribution of assets, inheritance planning, and the execution of his last
will (testament).
5. Offense law: regulates civil liability for unlawful acts, including compensation, defense
actions and compensation.
In conclusion of the differences between Criminal Law & Civil Law is Criminal cases arise because
there is a violation of a criminal act that has been regulated in criminal law or contains something
that is prohibited and is a form of threat to the perpetrator. for example theft, fraud, murder,
abuse, rape, corruption and others.
Civil cases arise because there is a violation of a person's rights as regulated in civil law or this
civil law contains the legal relationship between one legal subject and another, as well as the
rights and obligations of that legal subject. for example, debts and receivables, inheritance,
ownership of goods, marriage, divorce, defamation, child custod.

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