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Short Answer Questions


• The purpose of this task is to assess your knowledge relating to

providing leadership across the organisation
• You must answer all ten (10) questions. Where applicable, a guide to the length
of your response for each question is provided next to each question.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Learner Guide and class notes
o Computer with MS Office Suite (or similar) and internet access.
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the
Learner Guide or other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences
and/or paragraphs directly from these sources. If your responses are found to
have been copied directly from the learner guide or other sources, your result for
this task will be Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete this task at home in your own time.
• You must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence Submission Checklist’ by the
due date.


1. Discuss the concept of business ethics. (in 80 to 90 words)

Business ethics pertains to the moral principles and values that guide the conduct of
individuals and organizations in the business world. It involves making morally
sound decisions and actions, considering the impact on stakeholders, society, and
the environment, in addition to pursuing profit and growth.

2. Discuss ethical leadership and its importance in supporting organizational values.

(in 80 to 90 words)

Ethical leadership is crucial for upholding and promoting an organization's values.

Ethical leaders set a positive example through their behavior, fostering a culture of
integrity and accountability. They inspire trust, enhance employee morale, and
ensure the company's long-term success by aligning business practices with ethical
3. List three (3) characteristics of an ethical leader.

Three characteristics of an ethical leader are integrity (demonstrating honesty and

consistency in actions), empathy (showing concern for others' well-being and
perspectives), and a commitment to fairness (ensuring equitable treatment of all

4. List three (3) benefits of ethical leadership.

a. Enhanced Reputation: Ethical leaders build trust with stakeholders, leading to a
positive reputation that attracts customers, investors, and top talent.
b. Improved Employee Morale: Ethical leaders create a supportive and fair
workplace, boosting employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.
c. Long-term Success: Ethical leadership contributes to sustainable business
growth, as it ensures that decisions align with values and long-term goals.

5. List four (4) styles of leadership and describe the impact of each of the
identified styles on organizational culture. (in 200 to 300 words).

a. Autocratic Leadership: This style is characterized by a top-down decision-

making approach. It can lead to a culture of strict hierarchy, limited innovation,
and decreased employee morale.

b. Transformational Leadership: Transformational leaders inspire and motivate

their teams, fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and a shared vision.
This style promotes adaptability and long-term growth.

c. Servant Leadership: Servant leaders prioritize the needs of their team

members, creating a culture of empathy, cooperation, and strong employee
engagement. This style encourages collaboration and a focus on shared goals.

d. Laissez-Faire Leadership: Laissez-faire leaders offer a high degree of

autonomy to their team members. While it can lead to increased individual
freedom and creativity, it may also result in confusion and a lack of direction if
not managed effectively.

6. Explain how a charismatic leader can assist in ensuring that a company’s vision
is implemented. (in 30 to 40 words)

A charismatic leader can help ensure the implementation of a company's vision

by inspiring and motivating their team. They possess the ability to articulate a
compelling vision, create enthusiasm, and build a shared sense of purpose.
Through their charisma, they can align employees with the company's mission,
making them more committed and enthusiastic about working towards the vision,
ultimately increasing the likelihood of successful implementation.
7. Discuss three (3) strategies that can be used to encourage employee
participation in decision-making. (in 10 to 40 words each)
• Open Communication: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable
sharing ideas and concerns.
• Employee Involvement Programs: Implement mechanisms like suggestion boxes,
regular meetings, or surveys to gather input.
• Empowerment: Delegate decision-making authority to individuals or teams,
allowing them to take ownership of their work and decisions.

8. Discuss three (3) strategies that a leader can use for building trust and
confidence with colleagues. (in 20 to 40 words each)
• Transparency: Share information openly, including successes and challenges.
• Consistency: Be reliable and follow through on commitments.
• Active Listening: Demonstrate genuine interest in colleagues' concerns and ideas.

9. Explain the importance of leadership in ensuring that work health and

safety legislation is met. (in 80 to 100 words)
Leadership plays a vital role in ensuring that work health and safety
legislation is met. Leaders must set the example by prioritizing safety,
creating policies and procedures, training employees, and conducting
regular inspections. They instill a culture of safety, motivating compliance
and preventing accidents, which not only protects employees but also
avoids legal and financial consequences for the organization.
10. Give five (5) reasons why it is important to follow anti-discrimination law and
provide equal opportunity, giving a short explanation of each.
• Uphold Human Rights: Protecting the rights and dignity of every individual.
• Fosters Diversity: Encourages a diverse and inclusive workforce, which can
lead to increased creativity and innovation.
• Legal Compliance: Avoid legal liabilities and potential fines.
• Employee Well-being: Promotes a healthy work environment, enhancing
employee morale and productivity.
• Reputation: Demonstrating commitment to equality enhances an organization's
reputation, attracting a wider customer and talent base.
Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Answers to all questions 🖵

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