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Nama: Nadin Aulia Rahma

Kelas: X-D

Absen: 24

Hi everyone!

My name is Nadin Aulia Rahma, often called Nadin. I am sixteen years old, I was born on August 18,
2006. I am the second of three children. I live on Jalan Mualim Aminudin 3, Cibubur, Ciracas, East
Jakarta. I am the type of child who is quiet and not easy to get along with. But when I find friends who
are on the same frequency as me, my quiet nature will disappear. I am the type of child who likes to
help and share. I am also the type of child who, when forced to do homework, doesn't want to be
forced. I prefer it when I take the initiative myself to do the job.

My hobby is cooking, because my goal is to become a successful person. entrepreneurs in the culinary
field. Apart from cooking, I also enjoy playing badminton, playing bicycles, and playing cellphones.

My favorite foods are Indomie and chicken satay. My favorite drink is mango juice. I was born in a fairly
simple family. I come from a family that incidentally is Javanese. My mother's name is Septi Dwi Rahayu
from East Java, while my father's name is Soleman from Central Java.

My mother is the second child of three children, while my father is the first child of ten children. My
mother is from Blitar, while my father is from Boyolali. My mother's job is a housewife. while my father's
job was a private employee who worked at the Al Azhar Islamic Elementary School foundation.

My environment is very beautiful, in the area of my house there are still many trees that make the
atmosphere of the house cool. during the day my home environment is quiet because many of the
residents work. all my Neighbors are very friendly.

The most memorable experience for me was when I managed to enter SMA Negeri 99 Jakarta, which is
the most favorite school in the East Jakarta area. the worst experience in my life is that I once fell off the
motorbike while on the highway, when I was crossing to refuel. My position was on a friend's piggyback
at that time. Luckily I'm fine. only got a light burn on my leg because it was hit by a motorcycle exhaust
which still has a scar. my ambition is to be a useful person and a successful person. That's all my story,
more or less I apologize.

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