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Affirmations from the

21 Day Self Love Course

Day 1 - Affirmations for self-belief

I am my best source of inspiration

I can overcome any obstacle

I respect myself and my intentions

I can achieve everything I set out to do

I am strong and full of self-belief

I believe in my abilities

I am on my way to great things

I have incredible potential

I control my destiny

I’m grateful for my potential.

Day 2 - Affirmations to embrace feelings

I am allowed to feel this way

The greatest gift I can give and receive is the awareness of what I

need right now. The inner work that I do directly benefits the people

around me, too

I am free to choose the palette of my emotional sky

I can easily manage my emotions

It is okay for me to feel my feelings

My feelings are valid

I am doing the best that I can do

I am honest with myself

I take care of my emotions and my well-being

I value my emotions and my life.

Day 3 - Affirmations for confidence
I am content with my life in my heart and mind
I am kind to myself and my development
I am thankful for my unique qualities
I genuinely celebrate the success of others
I support my friends and loved ones who are doing well
Jealousy has no place in my heart or mind
I dismiss any thoughts that entertain feelings of comparison
I embrace my journey because it is uniquely designed just for me
I am beautiful, inside and out
I am important.

Day 4 - Affirmations for your intuition

I honor my intuition and use it as a guide
My inner self always has the answer
Whenever I am in a doubt, I always listen to my intuition
I trust my intuition more and more every day
My intuition is highly accurate and clear
Everything I need is within me
I know my intuition will guide me in the right direction
My intuition will lead me to my passion and purpose in life
I have found that if I quiet myself, the answers will come to me
My intuition knows the way.

Day 5 - Affirmations for self-care

I take time to nourish my whole self

I am a priority in my own life
I choose to live in the moment and take things one day at a time
My self-care is worth making time for every day
I take great care of and love my body, for it is a temple and I treat it
with respect
I have the right to complete all my needs
I am responsible for taking care of myself
Self-care is important to me
I always make time to nourish my body, mind, and soul
Every day, I put focus on caring for myself as I care for others.

Day 6 - Affirmations for positive body image

My body is a vessel for my awesomeness

I deserve to be treated with love and respect by my mind
I trust the wisdom of my body
There is more to life than worrying about my weight. I’m ready to
experience it
I love my body as it is today
I am nourishing my body with healthy food
I am choosing to do kind things for myself
I am compassionate and warm to my body
I promise to love and cherish my body
I am grateful for my body that lets me experience life.

Day 7 - Affirmations for letting go of the past
I am appreciating myself for learning all the good things from the
I let go of all the barriers and hurdles that come in my way to
I let go of all the negative thoughts that affected my past
I am trusting the phases of life and releasing the past with ease
I am grateful for knowing about the reality of many things in my past
I am releasing all the painful thoughts of my past
I am converting my past into my future very positively
I am releasing all the things from my past that are not for me
I am forgiving myself for my mistakes in my past
I am now living my life the way I want to.

Day 8 - Affirmations to appreciate progress

I allow myself to take it easy right now at this moment
Today I will focus on what is possible
I handle criticism with ease
I give myself grace when I make a mistake
I rest, sleep and work in a peaceful manner
My best is not the same every day. I do what I can and appreciate
myself for it
I am aware and in touch with my humanness
I acknowledge my progress and celebrate it daily
I notice each little improvement in my life
Today, I will concentrate on taking one step forward, however small.

Day 9 - Affirmations for self-worth
I am a successful and happy person
I am whole and complete
I am worthy just as I am
My life is a miracle and I belong here
I have abundant self-worth and inner beauty
I deserve everything good that comes to me
I own my power and recognize the strength inside me
I am allowed to take up space
I am worthy and deserving of my beautiful dreams
I confidently and fearlessly believe in myself.

Day 10 - Affirmations for self-validation

I have everything I need to create my own opportunities
I accept myself as I am, and release the need for approval
Even if I stand alone, I will stand firm
I can say no when something does not serve me or help me grow
The only approval I need is my own
I am free to evolve and release anything that takes away from my
I allow myself to feel deeply and to cry when I feel the need
I put forward my opinions and beliefs with confidence and bravery
I make a difference in this world with my presence and my voice
All of my decisions are inspired by my inner wisdom and compassion.

Day 11 - Affirmations to value time
I have the freedom to do as I choose with my time
I will put to good use every spare moment I have
I use my time wisely and well
There is infinite potential in every blessed minute
I have time for everything that is important to me
I have all the time I need
I make better and better use of my time
I am very clear about what I want to do
I understand the only ‘life’ I can live is right now
I live in the moment and I am fully present with whatever tasks I am
currently doing.

Day 12 - Affirmations for letting go

I let go of negative experiences
I am letting go because I need to go
I am releasing painful thoughts that occupy space in my head
I am ready to move forward with my life
The past has no power or control over me
I am ready to live my life free of the past and by looking forward to
new adventures
I feel good about the future
I step away from the prison of resentment into freedom
I choose to be free and happy
I choose the contents of my life.

Day 13 - Affirmations for enthusiasm
I always take advantage of new opportunities
I free myself of limiting beliefs
Today I am going to bid farewell to old bad habits and welcome a
positive change in my life
I believe in myself
I choose to embrace the mystery of life
I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities
I am open to limitless possibilities
As I allow more abundance into my life, more doors open for me
I believe that I can do anything
Today I am prepared. I am prepared for success, love, happiness,
peace, joy, and abundance! I am prepared for my wildest dreams to
come true.

Day 14 - Affirmations for inner child

I choose to embrace my inner child
I love being playful and friendly
My inner child deserves to have a voice
I am listening more and more to my inner child
I feel safe being innocent and vulnerable
My inner child often has the right answer for me
I trust my inner child
I listen to my inner child's needs
I validate my inner child's thoughts and feelings
I love my inner child unconditionally.

Day 16 - Affirmations for positive self-talk

I am letting go of my worries
I am in control of my life
Everything is going to be okay
I am enough
I am a good person who deserves happiness, health, and peace
I am learning to support my best self
I am proud of myself
I am capable of everything I want to achieve
My words have value
I can do anything I set my mind to.

Day 17 - Affirmations for prioritizing health

I am serving my body and my mind with everything they need

I am doing all the good things that improve my health
I am supporting my own life very well
I am participating in my wellness
I am so grateful to be healthy
I am worthy of good health
I choose thoughts that create a healthy atmosphere within and
around me
I listen with love to my body’s messages
My body knows how to heal itself. I allow the intelligence of my body
to move my health forward
Every choice I make, I make it with mindfulness and a love of life.
Whatever it is that I do, I love myself through it.

Day 18 - Affirmations for self-compassion

I am doing the best that I can do

My best is good enough
Mistakes are proof that I’m learning and improving
It is okay for me to be kind to myself
There is a beautiful loving light inside of me
As I focus on compassion, I naturally relate to others with love and
Respect begins with love; therefore, I love my entire self
I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion
Compassion is infinite and fully surrounds me and my life
All of my decisions are inspired by inner wisdom and compassion.

Day 19 - Affirmations for accepting love

I am worthy of the compliments I receive

I am letting love into my life
I am worthy of love and care
I deserve the love I receive
I love myself and am open to love
I feel surrounded by love everywhere
The more love I give, the more I receive
I love to give and receive love
I receive love in abundance from everyone I meet
I am grateful for all the love and affection I get.

Day 20 - Affirmations for self-acceptance

I am exactly who I need to be in this moment

I accept myself just as I am
I choose to love and accept myself
I bring consciousness instead of judgment to myself
I am willing to accept my wholeness
I choose wholeness
I celebrate all of who I am
My imperfections make me beautiful
I accept everything in my life
I am at peace with myself.

Day 21 - Affirmations for gratitude

I am so grateful to be alive. I cherish being here

I honor my own life path
I am grateful for everything, the good and the bad because it made
I am eternally grateful for all of the blessings I have in my life
I deserve a peaceful and loving life
I choose to move my focus on happy experiences
Good things continually happen to me
I lovingly nurture my mind, body, and spirit
I express deep appreciation for the small steps I achieve each day
All the good in my life comes to me as a result of my willingness to
find happiness in each moment.

Day 15

Self-reflection journal prompts

What makes you feel calm
How do you set boundaries and avoid absorbing someone else's
emotions and stress
How do you remind yourself that you're enough
When do you feel happiest in your skin
What does growing older mean to you
If you had a theme song, what would it be
Describe your dream life
What do you judge yourself for? How can you let go of that
What would you do today if you loved yourself
What would you do if you knew you could not fail
What would you like to do more of
What would you prefer to do less of
What makes you feel calm
How do you set boundaries and avoid absorbing someone else's
emotions and stress
How do you remind yourself that you're enough
When do you feel happiest in your skin
What does growing older mean to you
If you had a theme song, what would it be?

Describe your dream life
What do you judge yourself for? How can you let go of that
What would you do today if you loved yourself
What would you do if you knew you could not fail
What would you like to do more of
What would you prefer to do less of
How would you like to be remembered
How have you grown in the past two years
If you were given $1 million that you had to spend on yourself within
a year, how would you spend it
What makes you unique? How can you use this uniqueness more in
your life
If you could have a superpower, what would it be
What will that one message or letter that you wish to give to your
childhood self
Which dream of yours do you wish to come true
What are you most grateful for?


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