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British Tradition Benefits

Introduction to British Culture

Muhammad Oktrianda Arrafi


Drs. Rumbardi, M. Sc

Faculty of Humanities - English Department

Universitas Andalas
A. Introduction

Culture is all the knowledge, experience, and habit of our predecessor that they pass down to
us. Every civilization that had exist on this earth has their own culture, ranging from how
they survive, to the minute detail like how they have fun, every single person must’ve
experience the richness of their culture, or at least the culture from the place that they live in.
What about the British culture then? British culture is influenced by many other culture, their
culture is also the combination of many nations’ history.

It was estimated that by the 10th century when the Anglo-Saxons built ‘England’ was the start
of British culture. Their unique culture and deep root makes this culture to feel regal and
majestic. This culture has been passed down for many years till this day, it is bound to have a
large impact in the life of its countryman, let’s discuss the social and economy benefits that
British culture had gave to its people.

B. Social

Although in the past the majority of British-land used classing system where people would be
differentiate based on their social class, it has been abandoned by their society today, most of
the people there is treated equal. Their culture is that of a peaceful life, they enjoy talking and
spending time with each other, one of their unique and renowned culture is their ‘tea’ time.

British people are also very polite as to sometimes over apologize might be the cause of their
social structure in the past, and also because of this that they have a good schedule, they
rarely comes late, and even if they are late, they are taught to apologize. Their cultural events
are also very extraverted, they ‘cultural’ events like watching concert and going to festival
together are very social and can make them to be more open-minded and know more people.

C. Economy

British was once quite harsh with their economy as how their social structure was classified,
fortunately, at this period of time, they are thriving as one of the best countries to be visited
because of their rich culture. Their cultural events create an abundant of opportunity for the
locals to thrive in their business, along with their social life, British people loves to go and
hang out with their friends, this culture leads to the rise of their economic value because how
their money always rotates around.

D. Conclusion

As one of the best country to visit in the entire Earth, British culture really has a lot of things
that can be implemented in other culture and most of them are valuable lesson. This culture
offers many opportunities for their people to gather up and increase their social moral and at
the same time creates an abundant opportunity for their economy to grow large.

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