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what is forwarding table for routers ?

A forwarding table is a data structure used by routers to store information

about the paths to different destinations on a network.
It contains information such as the destination address, the next hop address,
and the interface to be used for forwarding packets.


PPP_DS3 is a type of Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) used to provide high-speed

data transmission over a digital signal 3 (DS3) line.
It is commonly used to connect two routers or two computers over a long distance.

The next hop ?

The next hop is the next router or gateway in the path of a packet as it travels
from its source to its destination.
It is used by routers to determine the best path to a destination.

what is OPSF ?

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol used by routers
to determine the best path to a destination. It works by exchanging information
with its neighbors about the cost of each link in the network.
The router then uses this information to calculate the shortest path to the

what is link-state algorithm ?

The link-state algorithm is a routing algorithm used by routers to determine

the best path to a destination. It works by exchanging information with its
neighbors about the cost of each link in the network. The router then uses this
information to calculate the shortest path to the destination.

why RIP is affected by link failures ?

RIP is affected by link failures because it uses a distance-vector algorithm,

which means that it relies on its neighbors to provide information about the cost
of each link in the network. When a link fails, the router will no longer receive
information about the cost of that link, which can cause the router to choose
an inefficient path to the destination.

what is the difference between No_Failure Scenario and Failure scenario ?

In a No_Failure Scenario, the routing protocol is able to find a path

to the destination without any link or node failures. In a Failure Scenario,
the routing protocol must find a path to the destination despite link or
node failures.

what is node failures ?

Node failures refer to the failure of a node in a network, which can be caused by
hardware or software issues.
In Routing Information Protocol (RIP), node failures can cause disruptions
in the network and can lead to packet loss or delays. When a node fails,
the routing table must be updated to reflect the new topology of the network.

I- Généralités :
- Protocole de routage de type « vecteur de
distance (distance vector protocol)
- Basé sur l'algorithme Bellman-Ford, l'algorithme permettant de calculer
les plus courts chemins dans un graphe
- Métrique: nombre de sauts (hopcount)

II- Mécanismes :
- Split-Horizon: un routeur n’annonce pas une
route par l’interface d’où il l’a apprise.
la métrique maximum est de 15
Le principe est simple, on interdit à un routeur d’envoyer
une route à un routeur adjacent quand cette route passe
par ce routeur adjacent
- Route poisonning: un réseau qui devient
inaccessible est annoncé avec une métrique infinie (16).
- Poison Reverse: un routeur annonce un réseau inaccessible par
l’interface d’où il l’a appris

III- Fonctionnement de RIP :

Le protocole RIP s’appuie sur l’échange d’information entre les routeurs adjacents.
Chaque routeur connait le coût de ses propres liaisons, et diffuse ses informations
aux autres routeurs qu’il connait. Ensuite les routeurs recalculent les meilleures
routes, grâce aux informations reçues

- À chaque route est associée une métrique (M)

qui est sa distance exprimée en nombre de routeurs (nombre de sauts) à traverser
- Chaque routeur envoie à ses voisins ses informations de routage
(les réseaux qu’il sait router et métriques associées)
Toutes les 30 secondes systématiquement

- Si un routeur reçoit d’un voisin ses informations de routage :

-Il calcule les métriques locales des routes apprises (M M+1)
-Sélectionne les meilleures routes et en déduit sa table de routage
-Envoie à ses voisins ses nouvelles informations de routage si
elles ont changé

- Fonctionne au dessus des ports udp 520 (IPv4 / RIPv1), 521

(IPv6 / RIPng)

La table de routage d’un routeur appliquant le protocole RIP contient uniquement

les réseaux qui sont directement reliés à lui

Chaque routeur du réseau qui applique le protocole RIP envoie périodiquement

(toutes les 30 secondes) à tous ses voisins (routeurs adjacents) un message.
Ce message contient la liste de tous les réseaux qu'il connait. A chaque
échanges de messages, les routeurs adjacents mettent à jour leur table de routage.

Pour renseigner la colonne "métrique", le protocole utilise le nombre de sauts,

autrement dit, le nombre de routeurs qui doivent être traversés pour atteindre
le réseau cible

RIP appartient à la famille des protocoles à vecteur de distance. Avec ce type

de protocole, les routeurs envoient régulièrement l'ensemble de leur table
de routage aux routeurs voisins, auxquels il est directement connecté. Ceux-ci
mettent alors à jour leur propre table de routage en tenant compte des informations

Les envois prendraient beaucoup trop de temps avec des grosses

tables de routage. De plus, les tables de routage mettent beaucoup de temps avant
de se stabiliser, ce qui rend le routage très inefficace au début de l'utilisation
du réseau.

Lorsqu’un routeur reçoit une route, il compare la route avec les informations de
sa propre table de routage :
– Si la destination n’existe pas, et que la métrique n’est pas infinie alors
la route est ajoutée.
– Si la destination reçue existe, et que la métrique obtenue est meilleure alors
la table de routage est mise à jour.
– Si la destination reçue existe, et que le routeur qui a envoyé la table est
le routeur adjacent déjà connu, et que la métrique obtenue est différente, alors
on met à jour la table de routage.
– Sinon on ne change rien.

IV- Les limittions du protocole RIP :

Pour éviter les boucles de routage, le nombre de sauts est limité à 15.
Au-delà, les paquets sont supprimés. Au-delà de 15 sauts, le protocole RIP
affecte une métrique ∞ à la liaison.

Le protocole RIP est aujourd'hui très rarement utilisé dans les grandes
En effet, il génère du fait de l'envoi périodique de message, un trafic réseau
important (surtout si les tables de routages contiennent beaucoup d'entrées). On
lui préfère donc souvent le protocole OSPF qui corrige les limitations évoquées

Vecteur de Distance => le terme vecteur vient du faite que le protocole manipule
des tableaux vers les autres noeuds du réseau, et le mot distance c'est le nombre
de sauts qui lui permettent d'atteindre les autres routeurs.


In the context of the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), a "scenario failure"

refers to a situation where there is a problem or failure in the network that
affects the performance of the routing protocol. This could include issues such as
link failures, node failures, or other disruptions that prevent the routing
protocol from functioning properly.

On the other hand, a "no_failure" scenario refers to a situation where there are
no problems or failures in the network, and the routing protocol is able to operate
Comparing the sent RIP traffic in scenarios with and without failure can help you
understand how the routing protocol responds to different types of disruptions and
identify any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in its performance.

For example, if you observe a significant increase in the sent RIP traffic
in a scenario with failure compared to a no_failure scenario, it could indicate
that the routing protocol is struggling to adapt to the network disruption and
is sending more updates to try and maintain a consistent view of the network.
On the other hand, if the sent RIP traffic is similar between the two scenarios,
it could indicate that the routing protocol is able to handle the failure
and maintain a stable routing table.


The "Common Route Table" is a data structure that is used by the Routing
Information Protocol (RIP) to store and manage routing information. It consists
of a list of entries, each of which represents a route to a particular destination
and includes information such as the destination address, the next hop towards
the destination, and the distance to the destination.


Autonomous system (AS) ?

a group of networks and routers under a single administration.

In the context of the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), an autonomous system (AS)
is a collection of interconnected internet routing prefixes that are under the
control of a single entity, typically an Internet Service Provider (ISP).
The entity that controls the AS is responsible for the routing of traffic within
the AS and for announcing the routes to other autonomous systems.

In order for an AS to function properly, it must be able to exchange routing

information with other ASes. This is done using a routing protocol, such as RIP,
which allows the routers within an AS to communicate with each other and share
information about the available routes to different destinations.

The use of autonomous systems allows for more efficient routing of traffic on the
internet, as it allows for more granular control over routing decisions and enables
ISPs to route traffic within their own networks before sending it out to other
ASes. This can help to reduce the amount of traffic on the global internet and
improve the overall performance of the network.


The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance-vector routing protocol

that is used to exchange routing information between routers in a network.
It is primarily used in small to medium-sized networks, such as local area networks
(LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).

RIP uses a routing algorithm known as the Bellman-Ford algorithm, which determines
the shortest path to a destination by considering the number of hops required to
reach it. Each router in the network maintains a routing table that lists all of
the available routes to different destinations, along with the number of hops
required to reach each destination. When a router receives a packet, it looks up
the destination in its routing table and forwards the packet to the next hop on
the shortest path to the destination.

RIP has a number of features that make it well-suited for use in small to
medium-sized networks. It is relatively simple to implement and configure, and it
is relatively robust and efficient in terms of the amount of bandwidth and
processing power it requires. However, it is not well-suited for use in large,
complex networks, as it can become inefficient in such environments due to its
reliance on the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

There are two versions of RIP: RIP version 1 (RIPv1) and RIP version 2 (RIPv2).
RIPv1 is the original version of the protocol and is now largely obsolete.
It does not support authentication or variable length subnet masks, which can
make it vulnerable to routing attacks. RIPv2 addresses these issues and also
includes support for multicast updates and the ability to carry additional
information in its routing updates.


Some additional information about the Routing Information Protocol (RIP):

RIP is a connectionless protocol, which means that it does not establish a

dedicated end-to-end connection between routers before exchanging routing
information. Instead, it sends routing updates as individual packets that are
broadcast to all of the other routers in the network.

RIP uses a metric called hop count to determine the distance to a destination.
The hop count is the number of routers that a packet must pass through to reach
its destination. RIP has a maximum hop count of 15, which means that it can only
route packets to destinations that are 15 or fewer hops away. If a destination is
more than 15 hops away, the route is considered to be unreachable.

RIP sends periodic routing updates to its neighbors to keep its routing table up
to date. The frequency of these updates is configurable, but it is typically set
to 30 seconds by default. If a router does not receive an update from a neighbor
within a certain time period (called the "timeout"), it will consider the route
to that neighbor to be invalid and will remove it from its routing table.

RIP supports both simple and split horizon with poison reverse. Simple split
horizon is a technique that prevents a router from sending a routing update back
in the direction from which it was received, in order to prevent routing loops.
Poison reverse is a variation on this technique that allows a router to send an
update back in the direction from which it was received, but marks the route as
unreachable in order to prevent other routers from using it.

RIP is a classful routing protocol, which means that it does not support variable
length subnet masks (VLSMs). This can make it difficult to use in networks that
have subnets of different sizes, as it requires that all of the subnets in the
network use the same subnet mask.

Despite its limitations, RIP is still widely used in small to medium-sized

networks due to its simplicity and ease of configuration. It is also used as a
fallback protocol in larger networks, in case other more advanced routing
protocols fail.

Here are some advantages of the Routing Information Protocol (RIP):

Simple and easy to implement: RIP is a relatively simple protocol, which makes
it easy to implement and configure. It is well-suited for use in small to
medium-sized networks, where it can be deployed quickly and with minimal overhead.

Low overhead: RIP requires relatively little bandwidth and processing power, which
makes it efficient to use in small to medium-sized networks. It sends periodic
updates to its neighbors, but these updates are relatively small and infrequent,
which helps to reduce the amount of traffic on the network.

Robust: RIP is a robust protocol that is resistant to network disruptions and can
recover quickly from routing failures. It has a built-in mechanism for detecting
and repairing routing loops, and it can adapt to changes in the network topology
by updating its routing table in response to changes in the available routes.

Here are some disadvantages of RIP:

Limited scalability: RIP is not well-suited for use in large, complex networks,
as it relies on the Bellman-Ford algorithm, which can become inefficient in such
environments. It is also limited by the maximum hop count of 15, which means that
it can only route packets to destinations that are 15 or fewer hops away.

Lack of security: RIP does not support authentication, which means that it is
vulnerable to routing attacks. It is also vulnerable to spoofing, as it relies on
the trustworthiness of the routing updates that it receives from its neighbors.

Lack of support for VLSMs: RIP is a classful routing protocol, which means that it
does not support variable length subnet masks (VLSMs). This can make it difficult
to use in networks that have subnets of different sizes, as it requires that all
of the subnets in the network use the same subnet mask.

Limited support for IPv6: RIP is primarily designed for use with IPv4, and while
it has been extended to support IPv6 in the form of RIPng (RIP Next Generation),
it is not as widely used or as well-supported as other IPv6 routing protocols.


In the context of networking, a hop count is a measure of the distance between

two devices on a network. It is typically used in routing protocols, such as the
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), to determine the shortest path between two

The hop count is determined by counting the number of routers that a packet must
pass through to reach its destination. For example, if a packet must pass through
three routers to reach its destination, the hop count would be 3.

In some routing protocols, the hop count is used as a metric to determine the
shortest path to a destination. For example, in RIP, the route with the lowest
hop count is considered to be the shortest path to the destination. This allows
routers to choose the most efficient route to a destination, based on the number
of hops required to reach it.

However, the hop count is not always the most accurate measure of the distance
between two devices, as it does not take into account other factors such as the
speed or reliability of the link between the devices. As a result, some routing
protocols use more complex metrics to determine the shortest path, such as link
state or path cost.

when the router 1 forwards the packet to the router 2 then it will count as 1
hop count. Similarly, when the router 2 forwards the packet to the router 3 then it
will count as 2 hop count, and when the router 3 forwards the packet to router 4,
will count as 3 hop count. In the same way, RIP can support maximum upto 15 hops,
which means that the 16 routers can be configured in a RIP.


"Export Time(s) Specification = Once at End of Simulation" means that the output
or results of a simulation will be exported or saved only once, at the end of the
simulation. This is typically used when running simulations that take a long time
to complete, as it allows you to save the results of the simulation without having
to interrupt it.

The "Export Time(s)" specification is a parameter that can be set in a simulation

tool or software, such as a network simulator or a computer-aided design (CAD)
It determines when the output or results of the simulation will be saved or
In this case, the specification is set to "Once at End of Simulation", which means
that the results will only be exported at the end of the simulation.

The "Export Time(s) Specification" parameter is typically used to specify the time
intervals at which the output or results of a simulation will be saved. Other
possible values for this parameter include "At Every X Time(s)", "At Specified
Time(s)", and "Manually". The specific options and meanings of these values may
vary depending on the simulation tool or software that you are using.


The total number of updates in RIP depends on the size of the network and the
frequency of changes to the network. In general, the larger the network and the
more frequently the network changes, the more updates will be required to keep
the routing tables of all the routers in the network up-to-date.

In RIP, updates are sent at regular intervals, typically every 30 seconds.

The updates contain a list of all the routes that are known to the router,
as well as the number of hops required to reach each destination.
When a router receives an update from another router, it compares the information
in the update with the information in its own routing table, and updates its own
routing table as necessary.

Overall, the goal of RIP is to ensure that all routers in the network have the
most up-to-date and accurate information about the available routes to all
destinations on the network.


Certainly! In the network you just created, the routers will build their routing
tables, which essentially consist of information about the various routes that
exist within the network and the destinations that can be reached through those
routes. This is done through a process called routing protocol convergence,
in which the routers exchange information about the network topology and determine
the best routes to use for forwarding packets.

Once the routing tables have been built, the routers will not normally need to
update them further, as long as there are no changes to the network topology.
However, if there are changes to the network, such as the failure of a node or
link, the routers will need to update their routing tables to reflect the new
network conditions. This is known as route convergence, and it involves the routers
exchanging updated information about the network topology and recalculating
the best routes to use for forwarding packets.

In this scenario, you will simulate failures (such as the failure of a node or
in order to compare the behavior of the routers in both cases (when there are
no failures and when there are failures). By simulating failures, you can see how
the routers respond to changes in the network and how well they are able to adapt
to those changes by updating their routing tables.


The loopback interface is a virtual interface on a router that is used to send and
receive packets to and from the router itself. It is used to create a logical
network that is separate from the physical network and is used for a variety of
purposes, including routing protocols such as RIP (Routing Information Protocol).

One of the main benefits of using a loopback interface with RIP is that it allows
the router to advertise its own address as a valid network to other routers in the
network. This can be useful in cases where the router is connected to multiple
physical interfaces and it is not clear which interface should be used as the
source for routing updates.

Another benefit of using a loopback interface with RIP is that it allows the router
to maintain a stable and consistent address that can be used as the source of
routing updates, even if the physical interface addresses change.
This can be useful in cases where the router is connected to a network with
dynamic addressing, such as a DHCP network.


RIP operation :

The following procedure describes how RIP works:

1- After RIP is enabled, the router sends request messages to neighboring routers.
Neighboring routers return response messages that include routing table

2- After the router receives this information, it updates its local routing table
sends triggered update messages to its neighbors. All routers on the network do
this to keep the latest routing information.

3- The RIP router periodically sends its local routing table to its neighbors.
After a RIP neighbor receives the message, the RIP neighbor updates its routing
table, selects an optimal route, and sends the route to other neighbors.
RIP ages out routes to keep only valid routes.

If there are 8 routers in a network where Router 1 wants to send the data to
Router 3. If the network is configured with RIP, it will choose the route which has
the least number of hops. There are three routes in the above network, i.e., Route
Route 2, and Route 3. The Route 2 contains the least number of hops, i.e., 2 where
Route 1 contains 3 hops, and Route 3 contains 4 hops, so RIP will choose Route 2.


Routing loops prevention

RIP is a distance vector routing protocol. Because a RIP router advertises its own
routing table to neighbors, routing loops may occur.

RIP uses the following mechanisms to prevent routing loops:

Counting to infinity : —Metric value of 16 is defined as unreachable. When a

loop occurs, the metric value of the route increments to 16.

Split horizon : —To prevent routing loops and save bandwidth, a router does not
routing information back on the interface the information was learned from.

Poison reverse : —A router sets the metric of routes received from a neighbor to 16
(unreachable) and sends back these routes to the neighbor to help delete such
information from the neighbor's routing table.

Triggered updates : —A router advertises updates once the metric of a route is

changed instead of after the update period expires to speed up network convergence.


In the context of the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), a routing table is a data
structure that stores information about the routes that a router can use to forward
packets to their destinations. It contains a list of known networks and the
corresponding next hop for each network, as well as the distance (measured in hop
count) to each network. The router uses this information to determine the best path
to use for each packet it receives, based on the destination address of the packet.

Each router maintains its own routing table, which is updated periodically based on
information received from other routers running RIP. When a router receives a
it looks up the destination address in its routing table to determine the next hop
for the packet. If the destination is not in the routing table, the router sends
the packet to its default gateway (if one is configured) or discards the packet.

Routing tables can be viewed and configured through a router's command-line

interface or through a web-based graphical user interface. They are an important
component of network routing and are used by many different routing protocols,
including RIP, OSPF, and BGP.


When I mentioned that the maximum number of hops allowed by the Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) can limit the scalability of the protocol in large networks
with many devices, I was referring to the fact that the protocol is designed to
work best in smaller networks.


The Bellman-Ford algorithm is a routing algorithm used to find the shortest path
between nodes in a graph. It is used in the Routing Information Protocol (RIP),
which is a distance-vector routing protocol that is used to exchange routing
information among routers in a network.

The algorithm works by maintaining a table of the shortest distances between each
pair of nodes in the network. This table, known as the distance vector, is updated
periodically as new information about the network is received from other routers.

At each iteration, the algorithm checks the distance vectors of all of its
nodes and compares them to its own. If it finds a shorter path to a destination
through one of its neighbors, it updates its own distance vector to reflect this
new information.

The algorithm continues to iterate until it converges on a stable set of distance

vectors, which represent the shortest path to each destination in the network.


The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance-vector routing protocol that

is used to exchange routing information among routers in a network. It is used to
build and maintain routing tables, which contain information about the topology of
the network and the paths that packets can take to reach their destination.

In a distance-vector routing protocol, each router maintains a table of the

distances (measured in terms of hops) to each destination in the network.
These distances are referred to as "vectors."

When a router receives a packet, it looks up the destination in its routing table
and forwards the packet to the next hop along the shortest path to the destination.
If the destination is not in the routing table, the router sends the packet to its
default gateway, which is typically a router that is connected to a broader network
and can route the packet to its destination.

To maintain accurate routing information, routers periodically exchange their

distance vectors with their neighbors. This process is known as routing table
Each router uses the information it receives from its neighbors to update its own
distance vectors and to determine the best path to each destination.

RIP has a number of advantages, including its simplicity, ease of implementation,

and ability to handle a wide range of network topologies. However, it is not
particularly efficient and may not be the best choice for very large or complex
networks. It is most commonly used in small to medium-sized networks.


A big problem with distance vector routing protocol is routing loop. Let’s take a
look at how a routing loop occurs.

Here we have routers A, B and C. Notice that at the beginning (when a routing
protocol is not turned on) there are only directly connected networks in the
tables of these routers. For example, in the routing table of router A,
network has already been known because it is directly connected through
interface E0 and the metric (of a directly connected network) is 0 (these 3
parameters are shown in the routing tables below).

Now we turn on RIP on these routers

RIP sends update every 30 seconds so after 30 sec goes by, A sends a copy of its
routing table to B, B already knew about network 2 but now B learns about network 1
as well. Notice the metric we have here for directly connected networks, since
we’re using RIP, we’re using a metric of hop count. Remember a hop count (or a hop)
is how many routers that these packets will have to go through to reach the
For example, from router A to network 1 & 2 (which are directly connected) it goes
to 0 hop, router B has now learned about network 1 from A via E0 interface so the
metric now will be 1 hop.

Each router receives a routing table from its direct neighbor. For example,
Router B receives information from Router A about network 1 and 2. It then adds a
distance vector metric (such as the number of hops), increasing the distance vector
of these routes by 1.

B then passes the routing table to its other neighbor, Router C.

Now let’s assume network 4 down suddenly.

When network 4 fails, Router C detects the failure and stops routing packets out
its E1 interface. However, Routers A and B have not yet received notification of
the failure. Router A still believes it can access through Router B.
The routing table of Router A still refects a path to network with a
distance of 2 and router B has a path with a distance of 1.
There will be no problem if C sends an update earlier than B and inform that
is currently down but if B sends its update first, C will see B has a path to
network 4 with a metric of 1 so it updates its routing table, thinking that
“if B can go to network 4 by 1 hop than I can go to network 4 by 2 hops” but of
course this is totally wrong.

The problem does not stop here. In turn, C sends an update to B and informs it can
access network 4 by 2 hops. B learns this and think “if C can access network 4 by 2
hops than I can access by 3 hops”.

This same process occurs when B continually sends its update to C and the metric
will increase to infinity so this phenomenon is called “counting to infinity”.

split horizon: prevents a routing protocol from sending an advertisement out the
interface on which it was received.

poison: r3 is going to say i've lost connectivity with that network i have 16 in
metric let's take that out of my routing table but it's going to make sure thar r2
no longer relies on it to get to that network, he wants to r2 know that this
is no longer available


In the context of the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), convergence is the

process by which all the routers in a network have the same view of the network's
routing table. When a network has reached convergence, this means that all the
routers have the same information about which paths can be used to reach a
particular network, and they have all agreed on the best route to use for

Convergence is an important concept in networking because it allows routers to

efficiently and accurately forward packets to their destination. When a network is
not converged, it can lead to problems such as packets being forwarded along
inefficient routes or being dropped altogether.

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