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Universidad Católica de Honduras

“Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz”

English III
Paragraph 1
Lesly Rodriguez
Kattia Rosales
16 - 07 – 2023
Well, the first object that seemed appropriate to describe was a book that my mother
gave me after a trip.
The book is called Esperanza para la familia: El camino para un final feliz. It's funny
because the book was given to her, but since I'm the bookworm in the family and
she hardly cares about reading, she gave it to me.
The book comes from Spain and is made of paper and ink (obviously), it took me
months to be able to read it since I didn't think I'd like it, but in the end, I decided to
read it on a weekend and to my bad luck, I didn't like it, It is not the type of reading
that I usually like, more than anything it is written more than anything to guide
because of marriages and since I am not married nor do I want to get married shortly,
well I don't like it at all.
The second object I chose is a Rubik's cube that my dad gave me.
I’m fascinated by my dad's "complicated" games since he is the one who has taught
me to play each one, but this one, in particular, was a challenge between the two of
us since I was barely 10 years old and constantly asked for this toy and he gave it
to me. He gave it away, but when I couldn't solve it, I destroyed it, that kept happening
until a year ago when he challenged me to solve it and I did it, I had to memorize a
7-minute live in 2 days to win against him.
The cube is made of a material similar to plastic but harder and more resistant,
divided into pieces of three by three on six sides, and comes from the United States
since at that time, my father still lived there, so he sent it to me from there.

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