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Lecture notes

Topic: Introduction to Reading

Course: Reading and Writing

Date: 1/31/2022 (7-9am, Monday)

Professor/Speaker: Ma'am Vergara

Reading is a survival skill
1. Reading in our everyday lives.
road signs, messages, drinking medicine, nutrition value, groceries

simultaneously extracting (simply getting info from the text) and constructing
(connect to own perspective; process and interpret based on own understanding)
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language
not just a basic skill
a big skill composed of micro/mini skills
pragmatics - meaning in context of discourse
semantics - literal meaning
syntax -
complex process - developmental, involves different stages
situationally bound
depends on personal preference
casual reading - no highlights, take your time, no annotations; academic
reading - highlighting, annotations / side notes
not the same as decoding - reading requires understanding, decoding is just
recognizing the text
requires fluency and accuracy = proficient readers
fluency - without error, smoothly without stuttering
accuracy - ability to understand what you are reading

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