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Shubham Bajaj

Computer Engineer UnderGraduate

I aim to see myself grow and to learn as a professional and as an individual working in an innovative and
competitive world. I am ready to take new challenges required to perform better for the company and myself.

B.Tech in Computer Engineering
(+91) 8238922587
NIT Surat
07/2018 - Present, CGPA : 7.79

Surat, India XII (GSEB)

C.S. Vidya Bharti English School , Surat 06/2016 - 03/2017, Percentage : 82.46

C.S. Vidya Bharti English School , Surat
Languages : C++ , 06/2014 - 04/2015, Percentage : 82.50
Javascript, Python

Web Development :
Bootstrap Chat App
It is an application with real-time bidirectional communication. Here Users can create their room, others can join that
room by its ID and can communicate or send their location with others. They can get notified if someone is
App Development: Dart,
connected/disconnected from the room and also see the list of active users in the room. Here no one can use bad words
Flutter in their message.
Technology Used: NodeJS (web socket).
Database : MySQL, Platform/Deployment : Heroku.
MongoDB, Mongoose
Task Manager App
It is a Task Manager REST API. It involves the concept of sorting, paging, and filtering. Here User can create and update
Data Structures and the profile along with validations and JWT Authentication. It supports Autocropping and image formatting. It is also
Algorithms tested using the jest framework.
Technologies Used: NodeJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, Robo 3T.

Corona Detector Android Application

LANGUAGES An application from which it can detect whether a person is infected by COVID19 or not by their chest X-RAY image.
Technologies used : Dart, Flutter, Deep learning , Django .
Platform/Deployment : Heroku.
Full Professional Proficiency Library Management System
An interactive system wherein a student can register and can issue any book available in the library, and there is an
Hindi admin user which can perform all the actions of books( manage books, authors, category ) and also see the user activity
Full Professional Proficiency using the MySQL database.
Technologies used : PHP, MySQL,HTML, CSS,and Bootstrap.
Professional Working Proficiency Weather Application
Basic application that fetches latitude and longitude and give forecast data based on address using NodeJS
API's Used: weatherstack and mapbox
Managerial Work
Social work
Quick learner


ACM ICPC coding event rank- 3347
The ACM ICPC is considered as the "Olympics of Programming Competitions". It is quite simply, the oldest, largest, and most
prestigious programming contest in the world.

Executive at ACM NIT SURAT (July 2019 - April 2020)

Class Representative (July 2018 - August 2020)

Volunteer at ALL India NIT Students Conference Cultural Program (September 2019)

Organizer of Championship Box Cricket League

CBCL is an open age box cricket tournament played in Surat

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