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Name : Feby Rahmayanti

NIM : 20018060
Class : K2-20
Course : ICT for Language Learning


Online teaching is the process of educating others through the internet. Various methods

can be used, such as one-on-one video calls, group video calls, and webinars. You can start

teaching from any location (home, coffee shop, co-working space) and enroll students from a

variety of backgrounds and geographic areas. Almost any topic or skill can be taught online, but

popular subjects include language, math, science, and business.

To teach online, you need to be quite comfortable with computers and the internet. This

is because interactions with students will take place via messaging platforms, email, and video

calls. In addition, many online teachers need to create digital resources to share with their

students, such as PowerPoint presentations, videos, audio lectures, and pdf guides.

Online teaching does this beautifully. Anyone with an internet connection can attend live

streaming lectures, learn languages via video calls, or train themselves through online video

courses. Plus, students can participate in interactive discussions through forming small groups to

examine topics from multiple perspectives. Online learning activities include: synchronous and

asynchronous online discussions, online self-assessments, blogs, wikis, virtual field trips, virtual

laboratories, case studies, simulations, problem solving, concept mapping, and interactive

learning objects. Reusable learning objects and learning activities can be found in online
repositories such as Merlot or through the instructor resources repository in our current learning

management system (go to LEARN and open the link in the repository section of your course

listing page). Activities can be relatively easy tasks that can be completed by an individual in a

short time, or more complex activities that can include collaboration between students and have a

longer timeframe. All activities should promote meaningful engagement with course concepts

and not become "busy work" for students.

Online learning platforms are web spaces or portals for educational content and resources

that offer students everything they need in one place: lectures, resources, opportunities to meet

and chat with other students, and much more. It is also a great way for students and teachers to

monitor student progress. Virtual learning environment examples include the following and

more, all of which can be accessed via an online or computer-based system:

 Distance Learning Degree Programs.

 Professional Certification Courses.

 Instructional Videos.

 Video or Audio Lectures.

 Books, Articles, and Other Writings.

 Podcasts.

 Webinars.

Benefits of eLearning
 Effective at producing good outcomes.
 Everywhere Learning – not limited by place or time.
 Fairer – it extends learning to more people.
 Supports individual learning styles and needs.
 Self-paced.
 Cost Effective.
 Time Efficient.
 Easily adaptable, yet consistent.

Ensure there is enough light for reading and taking notes. The monitor should be at eye

level and the student's chair must be comfortable and offer back support. Stock this area with

school supplies! Include pens, pencils, markers, paper, notebooks, and any other tools your

student may need besides the computer.

Virtual learning is designed to extend educational experiences. It does not try to replicate

them. In virtual learning environments, students access resources and interact in ways they

would not or could not in the physical classroom. Many educators use virtual learning and have

been for a while.



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