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Fmt to collect iTunes gift cards

After 1-2 days without no text to her

You will give her this first after she have sent you text and u not reading and
responding to it

First fmt

Hello sweetheart, I'm sorry for not been replying ya texts... I'm facing some apps
upgrade on my device in which I can't see a message until I'm done upgrading it...
I know you've been seeing me online... But unfortunate I haven't been getting the
text. I just had to ask a friend to lend me his device to text u now.

Second fmt

I was just thinking if you could get me an iTunes card from store I just got an
notification just now that all my apps would be shutdown by tomorrow if I didn't
upgrade it and you know I wouldn't like to loss connections with you I needed 88$
to upgrade the apps but get me an iTunes card of 100$ so I could use the remaining
to down music and Videos and watching whenever I'm bored and thinking about you
honey I would be glad if you can get it for me today I love you so much .... Cash

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