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Dr Ben Ocra

+233 54 200 0909

Abdul Basit Zakaria

+233 26 303 1726
Our Reference ITSA/2023/0076 Your Reference………………...….
Nuongtah Lenwood
13/11/2023 Vice President
+233 59 907 7686

Mensah Cecilia
UPSA LBC 410 +233 53 139 2286
Asideka Joshua
13/11/2023 Financial Secretary
+233 24 583 3805
Farr Yakubu Halifatu
GERSFORT EAGLE EYE Women commissioner
MENZVIC-ACCRA +233 55 121 7600

Dear GERSHON. Gyamfi Godfred

LETTER OF PROPOSAL +233 200 013 1931
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to propose an exciting
Addy Kwadwo Desmond
opportunity that aligns perfectly with Gersfort's commitment to community welfare and the Deputy Organizer
"Lunch Bonanza" program, while also creating substantial benefits for the Information +233 547 129 636
Technology Students Association (ITSA) at the University of Professional Studies, Accra
Tunfu Eliezer
Communications Officer
As a dedicated and socially conscious NGO, Gersfort has consistently demonstrated its +233 54 780 4179
commitment to making a positive impact in the communities it serves.
We believe that our proposed collaboration will not only reinforce Gersfort's reputation as a
Djirackor Benjamin
responsible corporate entity but also help ITSA realize its mission of promoting educational Auditor
excellence among its members. +233 25 642 6795
Below are the proposal Highlights: Tenkorang Issac
1. Lunch Bonanza Enhancement: Gersfort's "Lunch Bonanza" program has already made a Electoral Commissioner
significant impact by providing hot meals to those in need. We propose expanding this +233 59 767 1993
program to include the ITSA students at UPSA. By offering hot meals to ITSA
members(Level 100-300) , Gersfort can support their academic journey and alleviate
financial burdens, ensuring they remain focused on their studies.

2. Financial Assistance for ITSA Members: In addition to providing hot meals, Gersfort will
contribute to the future of young, promising Information Technology students. We propose
that Gersfort funds 25% of the school fees for at least 10 ITSA students who are in financial
need. This financial assistance will not only relieve the students of a substantial financial
burden but also empower them to concentrate on their studies without the constant worry of
educational expenses.

Benefits to Gersfort:

 Enhanced Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Gersfort's involvement in education

and community welfare will reflect positively on your brand, reinforcing your commitment
to social causes.
 Positive Publicity: This collaboration will generate positive publicity and foster goodwill
among the student community, their families, and the public.
 Long-Term Talent Pool: By supporting ITSA students, Gersfort invests in the future talent
pool of the technology industry, ensuring a pipeline of skilled professionals who may
potentially contribute to your organization.

Benefits to ITSA - UPSA:

 Financial Relief: ITSA members will receive crucial financial relief, enabling them to focus
on their studies, participate in extracurricular activities, and excel academically.
 Educational Excellence: Gersfort's support will motivate ITSA members to strive for
academic excellence, contributing to the overall educational success of the association.
 Stronger Community Ties: This collaboration will foster a sense of community within
ITSA, encouraging peer support and solidarity among its members.

We look forward to the opportunity to discuss this proposal further and explore how we can
work together to make a significant difference in the lives of ITSA students at UPSA. We are
confident that this partnership will be mutually beneficial, offering Gersfort a unique opportunity
to enhance its CSR efforts and ITSA the support it needs to foster educational excellence.

Please feel free to contact me at 0263031726 or to arrange a meeting or

discuss any questions or suggestions you may have.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards,

Abdul Basit Zakaria

(President, ITSA)

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