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Overwhelming, acquaintances, contagious, obsessed, perspective

Staying in Touch with Friends and Family: A Dialogue Between Two Friends
Usama (in a pensive tone): You know, I've been feeling rather alienated lately, like I'm drifting away
from everyone.
Yasir: Really? Why do you think that is?
Usama: Well, I guess it is paucity of time! I have been so caught up with my job that I didn't realize
how distant I've become from even my closest friends and relatives.
Yasir: I get it. Life can be overwhelming sometimes. But you should reach out to friends and family
– otherwise you will become a complete recluse.
Usama: You're right. I remember the epigram my grandfather used to utter: "A friend in need is a
friend indeed." But I don’t find any free time at all during the weekdays.
Yasir: Perhaps, you should reach out to your acquaintances over the weekend.
Usama: Ahh! I am so lackadaisical over the entire weekend; I hardly have any energy to visit people.
Plus, I don’t want to obtrude on someone’s private time.
Yasir: You could start by calling a friend you haven't spoken to in a while. You might be surprised at
how elated you'll both feel when you reconnect.
Usama: You're absolutely right. I'll do that. And speaking of connections, have you ever met that
enthusiastic numismatist who always talks about ancient coins?
Yasir: Oh, you mean Junaid? Yes, he's quite the expert. He's so passionate about history, and his
enthusiasm is contagious. He could talk about numismatics for hours without boring you.
Usama: Ha, true! It's refreshing to meet someone so obsessed with his interests. Anyway, I'm going
to reach out to Hammad now. Thanks for the chat – you've really given me a new perspective.
Yasir: No problem at all! Good luck with reaching out to Hammad.

Why does Usama feel alienated?

a) He has too many friends.
b) He is too busy with work.
c) He prefers solitude.
d) He has moved to a new city.

How has Usama's busy schedule affected his relationships?

a) He has become more social.
b) He has become closer to his friends.
c) He has drifted away from friends and relatives.
d) He spends most of his time with family.

According to Usama, what is the main reason for his alienation?

a) Lack of interest in socializing
b) Paucity of time due to work
c) Lack of understanding from friends
d) Frequent traveling for business

What advice does Yasir give to Usama regarding his situation?

a) He should focus more on his job.
b) He should become a complete recluse.
c) He should reach out to friends and family.
d) He should give up on maintaining relationships.

What does the epigram "A friend in need is a friend indeed" mean?
a) Friends are only needed in times of need.
b) Friends should always be available.
c) Friends should never ask for help.
d) True friends are those who help in times of need.

Why does Usama find it challenging to reach out to people during the weekdays?
a) He is too busy with work.
b) He prefers spending time alone.
c) He is too tired to socialize.
d) He dislikes his friends and family.

What does Usama mean when he says he is "lackadaisical" over the weekend?
a) He is full of energy and enthusiasm.
b) He is lazy and unmotivated.
c) He is highly motivated and active.
d) He is busy with various activities.

What suggestion does Yasir give to Usama to reconnect with his friends?
a) Visit them during weekdays.
b) Send them gifts and letters.
c) Call a friend he hasn't spoken to in a while.
d) Join a new social group.

Who is Junaid, and what is he passionate about?

a) Usama's friend who likes to travel.
b) Yasir's cousin who collects ancient coins.
c) A numismatist who talks about modern currency.
d) A colleague who is a history professor.
How does Yasir describe Junaid's enthusiasm for numismatics?
a) It's boring and uninteresting.
b) It's contagious and engaging.
c) It's overwhelming and intimidating.
d) It's irrelevant and impractical.

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