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 Choose the correct option to complete the following sentences.

1. I __________ go to the gym every day, but I've been too busy lately. a) should b) could c) would

2. If you __________ a little harder, you would have passed the exam. a) studied b) study c) have

3. You _______ take a taxi. It's late and the buses have stopped running. a) could b) must c) might

4. I __________ do the shopping on my way home from work. a) can b) must c) should

5. She __________ swim when she was five years old. a) can b) could c) may

 Complete the following sentences using the appropriate modal verb.

1. I __________ be home by 9 pm.

2. They __________ not travel by train. They prefer to drive.
3. He __________ speak three languages fluently.
4. We __________ ask the teacher for help with this exercise.
5. She __________ have left her phone at the office.

 Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences related to the use of modal verbs.
Then make the right form into negative and questions form if it is possible.

1. I will can help you with your homework.

2. You shouldn't to eat so much junk food.
3. She may can come to the party if she finishes her work early.
4. We must to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.
5. They could have went to the concert, but they chose not to.

 Please choose the correct letter.

1. This book is ___________ (interesting) than the one I read last week.
a) not as interesting as b) not as more interesting as c) not as most interesting as
2. My sister's apartment is ___________ (big) than mine.
a) not as big as b) not as bigger as c) bigger

3. The weather in winter is ___________ (warm) in summer.

a) not as warm as b) warmest c) warmer

4. This restaurant is ___________ (expensive) than the one we went to last night.
a) not as expensive as b) more expensive c) not as most expensive as

5. John is ___________ (tall) his brother.

a) not as tall as b) not as taller as c) not as tallest as

6. Mary is ___________ (good) at math than her friend Jane.

a) not as good as b) better c) best

7. This hotel is ___________ (luxurious) the one we stayed at last year.

a) not as luxurious as b) more luxurious c) not as most luxurious as

8. The blue sweater is ___________ (soft) than the red one.

a) not as soft as b) not as softer as c) as softest as

9. My bike is ___________ (fast) my friend's bike.

a) not as fast as b) faster as c) not as fastest as

10. The new phone is ___________ (expensive) than the old one.
a) not as expensive as b) as more expensive c) as most expensive

 Fill in the blank with the appropriate word from your own knowledge.

1. The __________ of the flight is at 2 pm.

2. We need to __________ a hotel for our trip.
3. I love to __________ in my free time.
4. I have a lot of __________, but I try to keep them organized.
5. You should __________ your waste instead of throwing it in the trash.

 Match the words from the left column to their corresponding definitions on the right.

1. Departure a) to reduce the amount of something

2. accommodation b) a drawing or picture made with a pen, pencil, or crayon
3. collect stamps c) the act of catching a disease or illness
4. possessions d) to make arrangements or plans
5. recycle e) to be the property of someone or something

 Complete the following sentences using the appropriate word.

1. I always get seasick when there's a __________.

2. Can you help me __________ these boxes to the car?
3. I need to __________ this dress before I buy it.
4. He's __________ tall, he can barely fit through the door.
5. This ship has plenty of __________ for all passengers.

 Please write sentences with provided words.

1. on board
2. extremely
3. try something on
4. belong to
5. cough

 Choose the correct option to complete the following sentences.

1. What does "on board" mean?

a) inside a ship or plane b) outside a ship or plane c) on top of a ship or plane

2. What does "departure" mean?

a) the arrival of a plane or ship
b) the time a plane or ship leaves
c) the place where a plane or ship is parked

3. What does "accommodation" mean?

a) the act of adjusting to a new situation

b) a place to stay or live
c) the process of making something fit in a space

4. What does "arrange" mean?

a) to put things in order

b) to make a plan or deal
c) to move something from one place to another

5. What does "extremely" mean?

a) very little b) very much c) not at all

 Choose the best definition for the following words.

1. "Collect stamps"
a) to gather postage stamps as a hobby
b) to collect money from someone
c) to gather old letters and documents

2. "Draw with"
a) to create a drawing or picture using a tool
b) to move something using force
c) to make a sound by moving air past your vocal cords

3. "Storm"
a) a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and rain
b) a sudden movement of the earth's crust
c) a type of cloud formation
4. "Recycle"
a) to use something again
b) to dispose of something in the trash
c) to store something for future use

5. "Reduce"
a) to increase the amount of something
b) to decrease the amount of something
c) to keep the amount of something the same

 Choose the word that best completes the following sentences.

1. I need to __________ this shirt before I buy it.

a) try something on b) recycle c) catch an illness

2. This book __________ to the library.

a) belongs b) coughs c) reduces

3. I always bring a jacket on a flight because it can get __________ cold.

a) extremely b) on board c) accommodations

4. Can you __________ me move this heavy box?

a) reduce b) arrange c) collect stamps

5. The __________ of the plane was delayed by two hours.

a) storm b) draw with c) possessions

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