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1. Introduction to HTML and its role in web development.

2. Basic structure of an HTML document (DOCTYPE, html, head, body).

3. HTML elements (headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, etc.).
4. Working with forms (input fields, buttons, select, textarea, etc.).
5. Semantic HTML (header, footer, section, article, nav, etc.).
6. Tables and forms for data organization and input.
7. Multimedia elements (audio, video, canvas, SVG).

1. Introduction to CSS and its role in web design.

2. Selectors and properties to style HTML elements.
3. Box model (margin, padding, border) and layout techniques.
4. Working with colors, backgrounds, and gradients.
5. Text formatting and typography (fonts, text-shadow, etc.).
6. Responsive web design and media queries.
7. CSS positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed).
8. CSS transitions, animations, and transforms.

1. Introduction to JavaScript and its role in web development.

2. Variables, data types, and basic operators.
3. Control flow statements (if, else, switch, loops).
4. Functions and scope.
5. Working with arrays and objects.
6. DOM manipulation (interacting with HTML and CSS through JavaScript).
7. Events and event handling.
8. Asynchronous programming and callbacks.
9. Introduction to ES6 features (arrow functions, let/const, classes).
1. Introduction to jQuery and its role in simplifying DOM manipulation.
2. Selecting elements with jQuery.
3. Event handling with jQuery.
4. Animations and effects.
5. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) with jQuery.

1. Introduction to Node.js and its role in server-side JavaScript development.

2. Setting up Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager).
3. Modules and the CommonJS pattern.
4. Working with the File System and Streams.
5. Building web applications with Node.js and Express.js.
6. Introduction to databases and using MongoDB with Node.js.
7. Asynchronous programming with callbacks and Promises in Node.js.
8. RESTful API design and implementation.
9. Introduction to WebSocket for real-time communication.
10. Deploying Node.js applications.

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