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Week 1: Day 1:

 Introduction to HTML and its history

 Setting up a development environment
 Basic HTML structure and syntax

Day 2:

 HTML headings, paragraphs, and line breaks

 HTML links, images, and lists

Day 3:

 HTML tables and forms

 HTML attributes and CSS

Day 4:

 CSS selectors, properties, and values

 CSS Box Model and layout

Day 5:

 CSS typography, background, and borders

 CSS responsive design

Day 6:

 HTML5 Semantic Elements

 HTML Media Elements (audio, video)

Day 7:

 HTML Local Storage and Web Storage API

 HTML5 APIs (Geolocation, Drag and Drop)

Week 2: Day 1:

 Review of HTML topics covered so far

 HTML best practices and debugging
Day 2:

 Introduction to CSS frameworks (Bootstrap)

 Setting up a development environment for Bootstrap

Day 3-4:

 Bootstrap grid system and layout

 Bootstrap UI components (Navbar, Jumbotron, Cards, etc.)

Day 5:

 Bootstrap forms and media objects

 Bootstrap modals and popovers

Day 6-7:

 Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript customizations

 Bootstrap best practices and debugging

Week 3: Day 1:

 Introduction to JavaScript
 Variables, data types, and Operators

Day 2:

 Control structures (if/else, loops)

 Functions and Arrays

Day 3:

 Objects and JSON

 Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation

Day 4:

 JavaScript Event handling

 Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX, Fetch API)

Day 5-6:
 JavaScript Libraries (jQuery)
 Introduction to Single Page Applications (SPAs)

Week 4: Day 1-2:

 Introduction to Angular
 Setting up a development environment for Angular
 Angular Architecture and Components

Day 3-4:

 Angular Directives and Pipes

 Angular Forms and Reactive Forms

Day 5-6:

 Angular Services and HTTP Client

 Angular Routing and Navigation

Week 5-12:

 Building and deploying Angular applications

 Working with Angular APIs and backends
 Advanced Angular topics (Animations, Testing, etc.)
 Debugging and best practices in Angular development
 Projects and assignments to solidify understanding and skills.

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