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What is there in the Eucharist/ Mass?

Why do we need this sacrament?
What is its importance in my faith as a Christian?

It is the “source and summit of the Christian Life.”

it is the Center of our Christian faith and the Highest form of Prayer and praise that
we can offer to God.

The Difference between Old and New Covenant

old Covenant
In the Old Testament God made a covenant/ a promise to Moses and his people to
save them from slavery and from the wrath of death the Pharaoh and his people will
suffer. This feast is being celebrated by the Jews every year called “Passover”.

“Passover” is being celebrated to remember the passing of the angel of death to the
houses of Israelites. They painted their houses with the blood of the lamb and stayed
inside eating unleavened bread to remind them that God sustained them in the

New Covenant
In the New Testament God renewed this Covenant / this promise to save his people
the “universal Church” to save them from the slavery of sin.

In the New Covenant the blood is the life of Jesus poured out or given for us to save
us from sin.
Through Jesus life laid down in death and taken into Glory, an eternal union is
created between the Father and mankind.

who instituted the Eucharist?

Christ himself Instituted the Eucharist.
Jesus chose the time of Passover to fulfill what he had announced: giving his
Disciples his body and blood. –CCC pg. 1339

What happens during consecration?

As defined by the Council of Trent, “ it is a singular and wondrous conversion of the
bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. Although the external appearance
remains unchanged.” it is through Transubstantiation that the Body and Blood of
Jesus are present in the Holy Eucharist.

Who can celebrate Mass?

All the ordained ministers starting from Pope down to the priests Except Deacons.
What does the celebration of the Eucharist symbolizes?
God’s continuous Love.
The saving deed that Christ accomplished on the Cross
Unity among Catholics
God’s covenant of Love and his Command to us to Love and serve others
The Summit of Christian worship

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