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(Short version)

1. Lube oil temp after cooler 35 to 40 °C in normal operation not to exceed 50 °C otherwise
pump will trip.
2. Maximum vacuum suction opening should be close while starting but not to 100 % close,
according to literature it may 80 % close. It should be all automated. Wire part and release
valves are automated but press part valves are not automated in our case. It should be all auto
controlled valve.
3. Wire and felt not should be cleaned properly and not to be clogged. - if clogged then will
create over load.
4. While paper break automatic valves in the vacuum line need to close up to surge protection
range. (press part valves are not automated, need to make automated and also need to
incorporate into DCS for smooth repeatedly operation)
5. Overloading in a turbo air compressor happens when the basis weight of the sheet
increases of the porosity drops. To avoid such overloading, the motor is normally run at
60% of full load. (Ref: Text book: Theory & Design of Paper machines)
6. The air to compressor must be free from water drops and compressor capacity can be greatly
increased by spraying cold water to the separators, which can also scrub the dust and
deposition on the impellers causing imbalance.

Conclusion: Vacuum over load is not only depend on water separator but also depend
greatly on operational procedure.
Dissimilarities from Original:

1.Our vacuum’s water separator is similar to water ring vacuum pump’s water separator and
we have 6 pieces whereas there original was single RCC Made rectangular separator for this
case we do not have experience.
2. As this pump is 4 stage vacuum pump for this case we still connect only 3 stage with pipeline
and still 1 for each pump is not connected meaning for 2 separate pumps’ 2 lines are still blind

All information’s are based on the study in the field and in the available references.
Operational point of view (in detail):

For Turbair blower vaccume : Power consumption of the blower is proportional to the suction volume.

Higher suction opening will consume more power and Higher closing will create surging which will
also create over load.

While paper is running:

Overloading in a turbo air compressor happens when the basis weight of the sheet increases of the
porosity drops or if the felts are clogged, the amount of air sucked by the blower will decrease and it
is possible that blower’s pumping limit will be exceeded. Therefore, it will create strong vacuum
fluctuations as well as strong flections in power consumption. In this case false air slide should be
open until the “pumping” stops. Automated Release valve suction opening is necessary to control
over load. Better if possible to do automation while increase GSM / felt clog at wire and press
part. Wire felt cleaning is also necessary for that.

While paper is not running or paper break or while starting:

For the above captioned, Throttle valves in the suction duct close, simulating the flow resistance of
the missing paper sheet, thus preventing air inrush and drive motor overload. Hence maximum
opening should be close while starting but not 100 % close. If 100 % close, then will create surging
and again will be unstable. Therefore, need antisurge protection.

Antisurge protection
When operated below minimum flow level, the blower will surge (reverse blowing). To avoid this, an automatic valve bleeds air
into the first suction branch until stable operation is restored. Automated Release valve suction opening is
necessary to control over load.

Operating Range from


This Turbine
Vacuum motor
is normally run
at 60% of full
load. It is
Other related Notes: The compressed air exits the blower at a temperature of approximately
160 °C.

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