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1. What are the Environmental Laws of the Philippines ?

 The environmental laws of the Philippines there are 7 Laws including the Clean Air Act, Clean
Water Act, Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, Renewable Energy Act, and the Wildlife
Resources Conservation and Protection Act, these Laws include the environmental Laws of
the Philippines.

2. Site the role of economics in sustainable development.

 Economics plays a crucial role in sustainable development by providing frameworks for

assessing the costs and benefits of environmental conservation, guiding policy decisions, and
encouraging the efficient allocation of resources to promote long-term environmental
sustainability. Here’s the site of role of economic sustainable development.

3. What are the challenges faced in Environmental ethics?

 The challenges faced in environmental ethics often involve balancing human needs with
environmental protection, addressing ethical responsibilities towards future generations,
navigating conflicting values and interests, and implementing ethical principles in policy
making and everyday actions.

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