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Accountancy, Business, & Management Strand

In partnership with
College of Business & Accountancy and College of Hospitality &
Institutional Management

A Portfolio in Work Immersion, Research, Career Advocacy, &

Culminating Activity (WRCC)

As a partial requirement in the Senior High School Curriculum

Presented to the Senior High School Department-

Accountancy, Business, & Management Strand

Presented by:


Presented to:
Ms. Francheska Tiquia

May 2021

I. Form 1- Student Reference Sheet

II. Form 2- Resume

III. Form 3- Seminars/Workshops Reflection Papers

IV. Form 4- Weekly Journals

V. Form 5- Over-all Immersion Experience

VI. Form 6- Photos taken during the immersion.

Student Reference Sheet

LAST NAME: _______________________________________________
Cyril Jevic
FIRST NAME: _______________________________________________
MIDDLE NAME: _______________________________________________
STUDENT NO.: _______________________________________________
MOBILE NO.: _______________________________________________
e-Mail ADDRESS: ________________________________________________
Phase 3a, Blk 75, Lot 10, E.R, San Isidro, Rodriguez, rizal
CITY ADDRESS: ________________________________________________
Jenia N. Francisco
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: ______________________________________
RELATIONSHIP: _____________________________________________
CONTACT NO.: ______________________________________

Create at
Seminars/Workshops Reflection Papers

WEEK 2: Understanding the ABM World Part I (Industries under Business &

I understood that Accountancy and business management are two

interconnected fields that play crucial roles in the financial operations and
decision-making processes of organizations. Accountancy, also known as
accounting, involves recording, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting
financial information. Its primary purpose is to provide accurate and timely
financial data that helps individuals and organizations make informed
decisions. Accountants utilize various principles, standards, and
methodologies to ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial information.
Business management encompasses the activities and processes involved in
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve
organizational goals. Effective management is crucial for the success and
growth of businesses. Financial management involves planning, budgeting,
and controlling the financial resources of an organization to achieve its goals.
Both accountancy and business management are interconnected and
essential for the smooth functioning of organizations. Accountants provide
financial information that managers use to make informed decisions, while
effective business management ensures the overall success and sustainability
of an organization. It's worth noting that both fields require knowledge of
relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, as well as analytical and
problem-solving skills. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as
cloud-based accounting software and data analytics tools, have significantly
impacted both accountancy and business management practices in recent
WEEK 3: Understanding ABM World Part 2: Industries under Tourism and
Hospitality Management

Accountancy and business management skills are highly

relevant and valuable in the tourism and hospitality
management industry. Accountancy knowledge is valuable
in establishing internal control systems and implementing
auditing processes within tourism and hospitality
organizations. Internal controls help ensure compliance,
safeguard assets, and minimize the risk of fraud. Auditing
skills enable professionals to assess the effectiveness of
internal controls, identify weaknesses, and provide
recommendations for improvement. Accountancy and
business management skills are instrumental in strategic
decision-making within the tourism and hospitality
industry. Managers need to analyze market trends, assess
financial viability, evaluate investment opportunities, and
make strategic choices that align with the organization's
goals. Both disciplines contribute to analyzing the financial
implications of strategic decisions and ensuring their
feasibility and sustainability. By combining accountancy
and business management skills, professionals in the
tourism and hospitality management industry can
effectively manage financial operations, make informed
decisions, optimize revenues, control costs, and contribute
to the overall success of the organization.
WEEK 7: In Focus: Accountancy & Accounting Information Systems

The point of accountancy and accounting information systems is

to effectively and accurately manage financial information within
organizations. Accountancy involves the measurement,
processing, and communication of financial information, while
accounting information systems (AIS) refer to the technology and
processes used to collect, store, process, analyze, and report
financial data. Financial Management: Accountancy provides
organizations with a systematic way to manage their financial
resources. It helps in budgeting, forecasting, and decision-making
by providing accurate and reliable financial information.
Recording and Reporting: Accountancy ensures that financial
transactions are properly recorded and reported in accordance
with relevant accounting standards and regulations. It involves
maintaining books of accounts, preparing financial statements,
and communicating financial results to stakeholders.
Accountancy provides a framework for independent audits and
assurance services. External auditors assess an organization's
financial statements and internal controls to express an opinion
on their fairness and reliability. This process enhances credibility
and instills confidence in the financial information provided.

Overall, accountancy and accounting information systems are

essential for managing financial information, complying with
regulations, facilitating decision-making, and communicating
financial performance. They provide the foundation for effective
financial management, planning, and control within organizations
of all sizes and across various industries.
WEEK 8: In Focus: Marketing Management

Marketing management is of crucial importance for businesses and

organizations in today's highly competitive marketplace. It plays a pivotal
role in driving growth, creating brand awareness, attracting customers, and
ultimately achieving business objectives. Effective marketing management
involves deep market research and analysis to understand consumer needs,
preferences, and market trends. This understanding helps businesses
identify target markets, develop products or services that meet customer
demands, and position them effectively. Marketing management focuses on
acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones. It employs various
techniques like advertising, promotions, public relations, social media
marketing, and customer relationship management (CRM) to attract and
engage potential customers. Effective marketing strategies also prioritize
customer satisfaction and post-purchase support, leading to increased
customer loyalty and repeat business. Marketing management plays a
crucial role in promoting innovation and adapting to changing market
conditions. By constantly monitoring market trends and consumer
preferences, businesses can identify new opportunities and develop
innovative products, services, or marketing campaigns. This adaptability
ensures long-term success and sustainability in dynamic market
environments. 1 Marketing management facilitates two-way
communication between businesses and customers. Through market
research, surveys, feedback mechanisms, and social media listening,
businesses can gather valuable insights about customer preferences,
needs, and concerns. This information helps in refining marketing
strategies, improving products or services, and addressing customer issues
In summary, marketing management is essential for businesses to succeed
and thrive in the marketplace. It enables businesses to understand their
target market, build strong brands, attract and retain customers, gain a
competitive advantage, generate revenue, drive innovation, and gather
valuable customer insights. By effectively managing marketing efforts,
businesses can achieve their goals and remain relevant in an ever-evolving
business landscape
WEEK 10: In Focus: Banking

Banking refers to the industry and activities associated

with financial institutions that provide a wide range of
financial services to individuals, businesses, and
organizations. Banks play a crucial role in the economy by
facilitating financial transactions, offering various banking
products and services, and managing risks. Banks accept
deposits from individuals and businesses, allowing them to
safeguard their money and earn interest on their savings.
These deposits can be in the form of checking accounts,
savings accounts, fixed deposits, and other types of
accounts. Many banks have investment and wealth
management divisions that offer services such as
investment advisory, portfolio management, mutual funds,
retirement planning, and wealth preservation strategies.
These services help individuals and organizations grow and
protect their financial assets. Banks focus on building
strong relationships with their customers. Relationship
managers provide personalized services, financial advice,
and tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of
individuals, businesses, and institutional clients.

Therefore, the banking sector plays a vital role in

facilitating economic activities, promoting financial
stability, and providing essential financial services to
individuals and businesses. It serves as a key intermediary,
connecting savers and borrowers, enabling transactions,
and supporting economic growth.
WEEK 11: In Focus: Operations & Supply Chain Management

Operations and supply chain management is a critical

aspect of any business, encompassing the design,
planning, execution, and control of the processes that
transform inputs into products or services. It involves
managing the entire value chain, from sourcing raw
materials to delivering the final product to customers. This
essay explores the significance of operations and supply
chain management in driving efficiency and competitive
advantage for businesses. One of the primary goals of
operations and supply chain management is to improve
efficiency and reduce costs. By streamlining processes,
optimizing resource allocation, and minimizing waste,
businesses can achieve cost savings. Efficient operations
enable organizations to produce goods or deliver services
at a lower cost, thus enhancing their competitiveness in
the market. Supply chain management plays a crucial role
in cost reduction by ensuring timely and cost-effective
procurement, inventory management, and logistics
operations. Operations and supply chain management are
integral to the success and competitiveness of businesses
across industries. From cost reduction and quality
improvement to flexibility, innovation, risk management,
and sustainability, these disciplines drive efficiency,
customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage. By
effectively managing their operations and supply chains,
organizations can achieve operational excellence, adapt
to changing market dynamics, deliver superior products or
services, and build a resilient and sustainable business for
the future.
WEEK 12: In Focus: International Tourism Management

International Tourism Management refers to

the field of study and practice that focuses on
managing and overseeing tourism activities on
a global scale. It involves the planning,
development, coordination, and execution of
various aspects related to international
tourism, including marketing, operations,
policy formulation, and sustainable practices.

The main goal of international tourism

management is to ensure the successful
operation and promotion of tourism
destinations, attractions, and services to
attract and satisfy international travelers. It
involves understanding the diverse needs and
preferences of tourists from different cultures
and countries, and developing strategies to
cater to their expectations.
WEEK 13: In Focus: International Hospitality Management

International hospitality management refers to the

management and coordination of hospitality
operations and services in a global context. It
encompasses a range of activities related to the
planning, organization, and execution of hospitality
services, with a focus on catering to the needs and
expectations of international guests.

International hospitality management involves

overseeing various aspects of the hospitality
industry, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, event
planning, tourism organizations, and other related
establishments. Professionals in this field are
responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of
these establishments, maintaining high service
standards, and delivering exceptional guest
experiences to individuals from diverse cultural

A career in international hospitality management

can lead to various job opportunities, including hotel
general manager, food and beverage manager,
events manager, revenue manager, and executive
positions in hospitality corporations or international
hotel chains. It requires a combination of leadership
skills, business acumen, cultural awareness, and a
passion for providing exceptional guest experiences.
WEEK 14: In Focus: Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition and dietetics is a field that

focuses on the relationship between food
and health. It involves the study of how
nutrients and other components of food
impact the body's functioning and overall
well-being. The goal of nutrition and
dietetics is to promote good health,
prevent disease, and assist individuals in
making informed choices about their diet
and lifestyle.

Professionals in the field of nutrition and

dietetics, known as dietitians or
registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs),
are experts in assessing the nutritional
needs of individuals and providing
guidance and advice to promote optimal
health. They work in a variety of settings
such as hospitals, clinics, schools,
community health centers, and private
Weekly Journals

Week 4: Winning your Career Goals thru Workplace Behavior

When it comes to my career goals through workplace behavior,

I know that it requires a combination of professionalism, strong
work ethic, effective communication, and the ability to build
positive relationships with my colleagues and superiors. Here
are some of my strategies to help me achieve my career goals
through your behavior in the workplace. First is setting my clear
goals. I should define my career goals and objectives. Second is
to demonstrate a strong work ethic. Be punctual, meet
deadlines, and go the extra mile when needed. Third is to
communicate effectively. Effective communication is crucial in
the workplace. I will clearly express my thoughts and ideas,
actively listen to others, and be open to feedback. Fourth is to
seek continuous learning and development. Stay curious and
proactive about learning and developing my new skills. And
lastly, display a positive attitude. Maintain a positive attitude
even in challenging situations. Winning my career goals through
workplace behavior is a long-term endeavor. It requires
consistent effort, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal
and professional growth. By demonstrating my professionalism,
strong work ethic, effective communication, and fostering
positive relationships, I can position myself for success and
advance towards my career goals.
Week 5: Making Good Personality Impression Last

In terms of making a good personality impression last, it

involves consistently displaying positive traits and
behaviors over time. For me to have a good personality
that lasts, I must acquire a genuinity. Be true to myself
and others, and I will let my genuine personality shine
through. Next is show respect and kindness. Treat
everyone with respect and kindness, regardless of their
position or background. Thirdly, Listen actively. I will
practice my active listening by giving my full attention to
the person I am talking to. Fourth is to display empathy.
Show empathy and understanding towards others'
feelings and experiences. Fifth is to maintain a positive
attitude. Optimism and positivity are contagious. By
maintaining a positive outlook, you uplift the spirits of
those around you and leave a lasting impression as
someone who brings joy and positivity to any situation.
And lastly, exhibit my confidence without arrogance.
Confidence is attractive, but it's important to strike a
balance between self-assuredness and arrogance. Be
confident in your abilities and ideas, but also be humble,
open to feedback, and willing to learn from others. Take
note that building a good impression takes time and
consistency. By consistently exhibiting positive traits and
behaviors, you can create a lasting impression that
reflects your true personality.
Week 6: Getting the Right Job for You

Finding the right job for me that aligns with my

skills, interests, and values can be a rewarding and
fulfilling experience. I have these ideas that are
helping me in the process of finding the right job
for me. First is self-reflection. I have this time
where I am understanding my skills, strengths, and
interests. Second is to have a targeted job search. I
am doing my job search to focus on roles and
companies that align with my skills and interests.
Third is to have a professional development. I am
enhancing my skills and knowledge through
courses, certifications, or workshops. And lastly,
consider multiple offers. If I have to receive
multiple job offers, I will carefully evaluate each
opportunity based on factors such as salary,
benefits, growth potential, and company culture. I
will always remember that, finding the right job
may take time and effort. I will be patient, stay
motivated, and keep refining my approach as I
gain more experience and self-awareness.
Photos taken during the Immersion

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