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Environmental protection is a global concern that has been a topic of discussion for

several years. There is a common belief that politicians and governments should be
primarily responsible for environmental protection as individuals have little to no
control over environmental decisions. Although politicians have a significant role to
play in environmental protection, individuals can also make a difference

Individuals can take small yet meaningful steps to protect the environment. For
instance, reducing energy consumption in our daily lives can contribute to the
protection of the environment. Turning off lights, unplugging electrical appliances
when not in use, and reducing water usage can go a long way in conserving natural
resources. Additionally, using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving
alone can reduce carbon emissions, which is a significant contributor to environmental

However, it is true that politicians and governments have a greater responsibility when
it comes to environmental protection. They are responsible for creating laws and
regulations that incentivize companies to switch to more environmentally friendly
practices. Governments can also invest in renewable energy sources to reduce carbon

In conclusion, while it is true that politicians have a crucial role to play in

environmental protection, individuals should not be absolved of their responsibilities.
Small actions of individuals can create a significant impact on the environment.
Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness among individuals and encourage them to
take actions towards environmental protection.

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