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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Multidimensional perspective of green financial innovation

between green intellectual capital on sustainable business:
the case of Pakistan
Hafeez Ullah 1 & Zhuquan Wang 1 & Muhammad Mohsin 2 & Weiying Jiang 1 & Hasnain Abbas 3

Received: 14 June 2021 / Accepted: 7 August 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

This study investigates the multifaceted role of green innovation among green intellectual capitals (GICs) on business sustain-
ability in Pakistan’s manufacturing sector. A quantitative method based on the SEM model on SmartPLS and Stata analysis was
used, which was supplemented by a survey of 800 Pakistani SME sector supply chain-associated participants. The findings
revealed a significant effect of green intellectual capital and green innovation on business sustainability, while structural capital
was found to have a significant moderating effect on the business sustainability of Pakistani firms. It has been determined that the
relationship between GIC and BS has a strong moderation of green innovation. Furthermore, the relationship and impact of GICs
on the business sustainability of Pakistani manufacturing companies were statistically significant, and green innovation played a
moderating role between GIC and business sustainability. Therefore, it has been suggested that Pakistani manufacturing com-
panies participate in eco-innovation to progress business sustainability.

Keywords Green financial innovation . Green intellectual capital . Business sustainability . SEMs Pakistan


Green intellectual capital (GIC) research combines compa-

nies’ employee awareness, intellectual material, knowledge,
experience, intellectual property, and information that can be
Responsible Editor: Nicholas Apergis used to create long-term value. The primary stage encom-
passes studies that deal with human resources measurement,
* Hafeez Ullah reporting green human capital and green structural capital and;
demonstrating their impact on business sustainability and val-
Zhuquan Wang
ue creation (Minoja and Romano, 2021). According to Wang et al. (2020a), green intellectual capital (GIC) can be called the
entirety of assets, relationships, knowledge, and intangible
Muhammad Mohsin capacities of an organization applied to maintain the
environment of the organization. Ullah et al. (2021a) proposed
Weiying Jiang
a robust relationship between GIC and business sustainability,
and the results highlighted a significant relationship in emerg-
Hasnain Abbas ing economies. This study suggests that business sustainabil-
ity depends on GIC.
College of Management, Ocean University of China, Green intellectual capital encourages organizational trans-
Qingdao 266100, China formation, continuity, and achievement in consistently grow-
School of Finance and Economics and Jiangsu University, ing industries, and it is a significant measure of a company’s
Zhenjiang, China competitiveness for a knowledge-based economy (Rehman
School of Economics and Management, Southeast University, et al. 2021). While green intellectual capital is efficiently in-
Nanjing 210096, China corporated into the enterprise’s actions, it also points towards
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advancing extremely innovative or rare services and products Q2: Does GI significantly moderate the relationship be-
or production methods and the affiliated firm’s strengths tween green human capital (GHC) and business
(Zhou et al. 2020). These strengths build upon the firm’s hu- sustainability?
man capital and other modes where knowledge is mutually Q3: Does GI significantly moderate the relationship be-
ingrained in the organization holistically. Therefore, indicated tween green structural capital (GSC) and business
by the improvement in unique innovations, intellectual capital sustainability?
embodies a crucial foundation of profound innovation.
However, the evidence in Pakistani manufacturing compa-
nies is restricted. Abdal et al. (2018) stated that in future stud-
ies, green innovation could also be tested while their study is Theoretical foundation and hypotheses
also limited to SMEs; therefore, the researchers suggested development
expanding the research to other countries and sectors. Since
the evidence on Chinese manufacturing companies is limited, The institutional theory has been adopted (directing individ-
the study evaluated the moderating role of eco-innovation uals’ or companies’ social behavior with the establishment of
capacity among GICs and business sustainability. Numerous practice) as the underlying research determines the multidi-
elements impact a company’s financial performance, includ- mensional role of green innovation between green intellectual
ing intellectual capital, human capital structure, and intangible capital and business sustainability. Green intellectual capital is
assets (Rodgers, 2007). Intellectual capital is also considered a multidimensional paradigm and has been evaluated and
the difference between book value and market value (Ahmad researched in several theories. From the human resource per-
et al. 2020; Karami and Madlener 2021). In addition, if the spective, green human capital and green structural capitals are
company cannot maintain business, it will soon be left out of the most critical business sustainability elements. Researchers
the industry due to increased competition and rapid develop- explained that intellectual capital is the accumulated stocks
ments. Therefore, the sustainability of the business is also and flows of valuable skills and knowledge in an organization.
essential for the organization to assure the company’s long- Green human capital concludes a vital role of organizations
term existence. However, intellectual capital has a particular that help develop new information in the economy (H. Wang
impact on the company’s performance (Gallego-Álvarez and et al. 2021; Kousar et al. 2017). Yong Wang et al. (2019)
Pucheta-Martínez 2019). On the other hand, Ullah et al. explained intellectual capital as the aggregate stocks and flows
(2021b) indicated a significant and robust influence of intel- of valuable skills and knowledge within an organization.
lectual capital on company performance; hence, there are con- Green human capital declares an important component of or-
flicting findings. ganizations that encourage the development of new informa-
In the context of green innovation’s moderating role, re- tion in the economy. Some researchers have argued that the
searchers have contradictory ideas about the relationship be- significant association between green intellectual capital and
tween green intellectual capital and the company’s business its successor improved performance in firms dealing with
performance. Therefore, it is necessary to control the influence business issues.
of green intellectual capital on business sustainability. The fast This framework is derived from the organization perfor-
development of the technology sector has also generated the mance assessment by the international and organization as-
requirement for organizations to assimilate technological ad- sessment model (Ullah et al. 2021a), and it consists of orga-
vances throughout the business procedure (Heyes, 2018; nization motivation, organization capacities, and external en-
Raguseo, 2018). In this regard, this study estimates the re- vironment. There are four aspects of motivation (i.e., history,
straint of green innovation among the relationship of green mission, culture, and initiative). An exemplary individual with
intellectual capital and the business sustainability of a great business background, clear business goals and mission,
Pakistani manufacturing companies. This study will provide encouraging working culture, and a great initiative to change
Pakistani manufacturing companies with the improvement of will have great performance. Business sustainability in this
business sustainability through effective management of green study is composed of innovativeness, reactiveness, and risk-
intellectual capital with the moderation of green innovation. taking. The second part, organization capacity, is the enabling
This research examines the moderating role of green inno- factor that allows an organization to perform the actual work
vation among GICs (green human capital and green structural towards its goals (Cao et al. 2021; Wall et al. 1998). In addi-
capital) on business sustainability in Pakistani manufacturing tion, the study mentioned above adopted resource-based the-
companies. The following three research questions have been ory and capital theory, which means that it looks at the re-
addressed. sources inserted in one social network and how accessing and
using such resources benefits each individual’s actions. The
Q1: Does green innovation (GI) have a significant direct view considers that the social structure is pyramidal in terms
relationship with business sustainability? of the accessibility and control of such resources. The higher
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the position, the fewer the occupants, and the better the view organization will improve employees’ creativity with in-
of the building. creased human capital, contributing to its growth in innova-
Intangible resources such as green human capital and green tion. In this way, the study’s first hypothesis has been devel-
structural capital generate competitive advantage because they oped and tested in the context of manufacturing sectors in
are rare and complex, so it is not easy to emulate (Khan et al. emerging economies, especially in Pakistan (Zhang et al.,
2021). Firms gain a competitive advantage through plannings 2021). This hypothesis is provided below:
that utilize their internal strengths while preventing external
threats and avoiding internal weaknesses. Strategic financial H1: Green human capital (GHC) significantly affects
services apply to all companies and are sustainable over time. business sustainability.
The resource-based view (RBV) model sees resources as the
key to robust performance. As such, resource-based theory
emphasizes the critical importance of internal resources for
competitive advantage. Iqbal et al. (2020) argued that corpo- Green structural capital
rate performance is a function of how well the financial man-
agers build their organizations with the resources available In prior studies, GSC refers to trademarks, copyrights, patents,
that are important, rare, unpredictable, and ineffective (Fig. 1). company images, organizational culture, management philos-
ophies, company commitment, environmental protection, and
green innovation competencies. Some researchers argued that
Green human capital
green structural capital comprises the non-human assets of an
organization, such as intangible assets that include organiza-
Yusoff et al. (2019) describe GHC as a skill set of a
tional charts, catalogues, technological characteristics, process
company’s employees who strategically play a role in improv-
ing productivity. The GHC states the undertaking, creativity, instruction, and approaches as intangible assets. This notion
provides the company with a focus on sustainable product
attitudes, experiences, and competencies of employees to-
development along with green manufacturing practices. In this
wards environmental sustainability or green innovation.
way, the company manages to increase business performance
Therefore, employees capable enough to ensure environmen-
with the help of environmental sustainability (Yusliza et al.
tal sustainability in the company’s manufacturing operations
2020; Fernando et al. 2019). In addition, the shortage of GSC
tend to promote the sustainability of the business. That is
significantly negatively influences the company’s perfor-
because the employees’ enhanced skills and experience will
mance because it restricts the adoption of environmentally
increase their productivity and contribute to its development.
sustainable exercises. Yong et al. (2019) reported the positive
Yousaf (2021) indicated that green human capital denotes the
effect of GSC on business sustainability. Consequently, the
ability and expertise of employees. An organization educating
second hypothesis is established to observe the effect of green
its workers increases its human capital. In this way, the

Figure 1 Hypothesis details

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structural capital on business sustainability in Pakistani Cao et al. 2021). Wang and Yang (2021) further illustrated
companies. that dynamic capabilities help organizations increase the re-
sults of their business performance and strengthen their com-
H2: Green structural capital (GHC) significantly affects petitiveness (Hussain et al. 2019; Malmi and Brown 2008)
business sustainability. and reported that companies could improve their business
growth through product and process innovations. Madsen
(2020) also considered marketing innovation a key capability
Green innovation and business sustainability (BS) that positively affects business growth and survival. However,
this paper focuses on four different forms of innovation (i.e.,
Green innovation exists when a company introduces a new product innovation, process innovation, service innovation,
product, service, or process to meet the needs of its stake- and marketing innovation) to test their effects on business
holders. In the previous studies, Cao et al. (2021) and sustainability. In general, the previous literature testified that
Hilkenmeier et al. (2020) developed the dynamic capabilities innovation represents a valuable strategy to improve company
perspective as an extension of the resource-based view, stating performance and achieve business sustainability (Chien et al.
that a company’s unique capabilities and resources represent 2021; Shang and Sun 2021).
the important assets to build and sustain its competitive ad- Also, Yousaf (2021) and Borsatto and Bazani (2020) con-
vantage. Green innovation depends on technological practice firmed that innovative corporations tend to generate better
and the benefits of green technology (Hasan et al., 2020). market positions. Product innovation is conceptualized in the
Green innovation can significantly lower costs and provide literature as the ability of a company to offer a new or im-
the opportunity to improve business performance, while proved product or service that can meet the target market’s
recycling practices positively affect business performance needs (Ying Wang and Yang 2021). Chien et al. (2021) indi-
(Khan et al. 2021). cated that successful SME entrepreneurs regularly analyze
Sustainable development exists when a firm implements their capabilities and customer perceptions of their products
proactive approaches to meet its stakeholders’ objectives and and services and emphasize introducing new offerings from
wishes and simultaneously considers the future generation time to time to meet market needs and ensure success. This
(Barbieri and Santos 2020). The concept of sustainability hypothesis is provided below:
was defined previously as fulfilling economic and social needs
without harming the ecological environment (Zhou et al. H4: Green innovation (GI) moderates the relationship
2020). In some prior studies, business sustainability focuses between green human capital (GHC) and business sus-
on achieving three distinct goals (i.e., economic, environmen- tainability significantly and positively.
tal, and social performance). Huang et al. (2021) added that
the sustainability concept emphasizes meeting business objec- The GSC capital is the logo and copyright of the organiza-
tives and human wellbeing. The above sustainability defini- tion that demonstrates the company’s support towards the sus-
tions indicate that firms should not merely concentrate on tainability of the environment. It is because the appearance of
increasing shareholders’ wealth, but they have to consider the company or the message conveyed by the company
the influence of their business operations on employees, soci- through the logo aids to grow the perception of clients towards
ety, and the environment as well (Hossain 2021). The advan- the brand (Foroudi et al. 2021). In this manner, it generates the
tages of sustainability practices will eventually be translated requirement for the companies to assure a productive appear-
through improved earnings, higher product quality, brand sat- ance that could support and foster the sustainable practices of
isfaction, organizational commitment, improved brand image, manufacturing products. Therefore, there is a huge role of GI
government support, cost-saving from sustainable logistics, on the GSC of the company. Because of this motive,
supply chain, minimal environmental liability, and legislation organizations with the support of GI can assure effective
costs (Paiola et al. 2021; Belmonte-Ureña et al. 2021). GSC and its attitude and beliefs. The performance of the
company is increased in this regard while increasing the
H3: The effect of green innovation (GI) on business sus- sustainability of the business. It has been highlighted by
tainability (BS) is significant and positive. Ullah et al. (2021a) that the green innovation of the organiza-
tion moderates the corporation of GSC and the sustainability
Some previous studies have suggested a significant effect of the business.
of green innovation, recycling efforts, and environmental pol- Consequently, the hypothesis has been developed for test-
icy management on corporate performance. Green innovation ing the moderation of green innovation of the firms operating
within sustainable business models has become an exciting in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan about the association
area of research, but it is affected by a high failure rate due between GSC and business sustainability. However, GI plays
to the lack of consistent and efficient approaches (Ortiz, 2020; a crucial role in the company’s GSC. Hence, companies with
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the help of GI can guarantee an influential GSC and its attitude Lavado et al. (2010) declared that already characterized ideas
and beliefs. The performance of the company increases in this are mostly examined in deductive studies. Hence, this study
regard while increasing the sustainability of the business. will encourage employees and stakeholders, especially in the
According to Ullah et al. (2021b), green innovation moderates emerging economy.
the GSC partnership and business sustainability. Therefore, Moreover, the ideology adopted in this study is optimism,
the hypothesis has been developed for testing the moderation so the study’s nature is founded on objectivism, a concept that
of green innovation of companies operating in Pakistan’s has already been outlined. The overall justification for
manufacturing sector in partnership between GSC and busi- employing quantitative data is also encouraged by (Foroudi
ness sustainability. The hypothesis is presented below: et al. 2021; Sharma and Iyer 2012). On the other hand, Cantù
(2010) used the SEM model to determine the impact of IC and
H5: Green innovation (GI) moderates the relationship IP on SMEs in Jordan. Other studies by Lascaux (2020) and
between green structural capital (GSC) and business sus- Huang et al. (2021) adopted a similar SEM technique to as-
tainability significantly and positively. certain the effect of intellectual capital on SMEs’ performance
in Pakistan. Data used for the present study was collected from
managers and employees of various SMEs in Pakistan. The
Theoretical model previous part contributes a thorough review of previous liter-
ature, based on which the researcher has also developed a
Build on hypothesis formulation, and the following model has conceptual framework of the study. However, this section is
been recommended in manufacturing companies operating in devoted to highlighting the key methods and techniques that
Pakistan. As depicted in the conceptual model, GIC is the the researcher pursued to accomplish the primary goal, which
independent variable. Two dimensions were considered inde- was to study the effect of moderating GI capacity on the rela-
pendently (i.e., GHC and GSC). Green innovation (GI) (the tionship between intellectual corporate sustainability and
moderating variable) was analyzed on business sustainability green capital (Ahmed et al. 2020).
(IG) (the dependent variable). GIC as an element has also been The researcher used a quantitative approach to attain
encouraged in research (Fig. 2) (Ullah et al. 2021a). the central study purposes. The main rationale for opting
for the quantitative research design is related to the nature
of the study, as it requires research on a larger audience or
Methodology a larger sample. This study also desires additional data or
numerical and factual proof to ascertain the relationship
Research method and participants between the determined variables. Therefore, a quantita-
tive method was considered more appropriate for this
This section outlines the various aspects of the researcher’s study. On the other hand, the researcher used primary
methodology. A quantitative design is employed. Dai et al. sources to collect quantitative data. Since one of the key
(2020) assumed that employing quantitative data offers sig- objectives of this study was to make a valuable addition
nificant proof to the research, adding to its effectiveness. to the existing literature, the researcher opted for the pri-
Hence, an analytical approach has been used to gauge partic- mary data collection method because it allows the re-
ular prevalent ideas, which have also been outlined in the prior searcher to collect raw data. In this way, the researcher
section’s hypotheses. Hsieh and Tsai ( 2007) and Carmona- collected the data via a survey questionnaire from

Figure 2 Conceptual model.

Source: (Yong et al. 2019; Ullah
et al. 2021b; Wang et al. 2020b)
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Table 1 Construct/items used in the research questionnaire

Construct Definition Measurement item Adopted from

Green The green innovation stands on the summation GHC1: The sustainability of the business Fernando et al. 2019; Pringles et al.
human of employees’ skills, capabilities, knowledge, environment depends on the intellectual skills 2020
capital experience, wisdom, creativity, attitude, and enhancement is instrumental in increasing the
commitments motivation of the employees
GHC2: Organization has mentoring programs
aimed towards developing work-related
green intellectual skills
GHC3: With respect to achieving sustainability
of the business, green human capital is
Green The stocks of a company’s interactive GSC1: The sustainable actions of the Yusliza et al. 2020 ; Wang et al.
structural relationships with customers, suppliers, organization are important for the positivity 2020a
capital network members, and partners about and reputation of the company
corporate environmental management and GSC1: The green structural capital assumption
green innovation enable it to create fortunes motivates to create a perception among the
and obtain a competitive advantage minds of consumers
GSC2: The green structural capital tools used
for dense networks, or bonding ties, help
preserve or maintain resources
GSC3: The green structural capital is necessary
for business sustainability and performance
with respect to the company’s capabilities
Green This can be ensured with the green innovation GPI1: To carry out company operations, the Schivardi et al. 2017 ; Chien et al.
innova- capabilities of the company as to how the incorporation of technology is helpful related 2021 ; Du and Li 2019
tion company is well able to integrate the to environmental sustainability
shareholders in the business operations. We GPI1: Use of green innovation is helping
focus on green product innovation and green individuals gain accessibility
process innovation GPI2: Green innovation and green technologies
are helping individuals get and store
information digitally
GPI3: Individuals can access any supplier
through its web pages to have knowledge of
the green innovation
GPI4: Green innovation reduces business cost
and time-saving
Business The advancement of technology had made it BS1: Sustainability of business is essential for Hsieh and Tsai 2007;
sustain- essential for companies to ensure the company to make certain long-term Carmona-Lavado et al. 2010; De
ability technological advancement in the entire performance Silva et al. 2020; Ullah et al.
process of business sustainability BS2: Sustainability of business supports the 2021a; Shahzad et al. 2021c
company to participate effectively in the
BS3: Sustainability enlarges the revenue of the
company, as sustainable products largely
influence consumers
BS4: Sustainability increases the profitability
and reputation of the industry

employees working in Pakistan’s manufacturing sector. technique is mostly used when the researcher determines all
This study allowed the researcher to collect more the people in a sample who are readily available (Hou et al.
appropriate and authentic data on the research subject. 2019; Chege and Wang 2020). The fewer complications asso-
The choice of sampling technique is considered another ciated with the convenience sampling method were the main
vital part of the data collection method. Ullah et al. (2021a) reason for choosing this technique. In this way, the sample
state that the notion of sampling technique can be considered a size or the number of respondents in this research was 800,
particular procedure by which several sample organizations which allowed the researcher to collect complete data on the
are chosen. The sampling technique that was followed in this various variables of the study, ultimately enabling the key
study was convenience sampling to extract the sample from research objectives to be achieved. The survey questionnaire
the general study population. The convenience sampling finding aid includes different closed-ended questions on four
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important variables from this study, which were examined Measurement model
applying the 5-point Likert scale between strongly disagree
and strongly agree. It can be seen in Tables 5 and 6 to analyze the data collected,
Harman’s single element has been applied, taking the prin- and the researcher used the SEM method on SmartPLS.
cipal component analysis on Stata to examine the CBM in the According to the study by Z. Wang et al. (2020) and Karami
data, clarifying the high or low variation of the data. Ullah and Madlener (2021), the SEM approach is possibly one of
et al. (2021b) advised a 50% threshold for Harman’s test, the key convenient and efficient procedures to measure the
which suggests that if the value is above 50%, the CMB matter most complex models involving different variables. SEM is
is shown in the data and considered in the examination. a frequently used approach to measure the structural relation-
Harman’s single element assessment declared that the total ship between variables while examining confirmatory factor
variance is evaluated to be 30.45%, which is below the thresh- analysis (CFA) and regression. Apart from this, composite
old of 50%, and consequently, the hypothesized items are reliability and Cronbach’s alpha is considered two further es-
related to the element determined in this study. Therefore, sential factors of the AFC that measure the model’s reliability
CBM was not found in the data. by evaluating internal consistency.
On the other hand, the researcher also carried out a
measure of the mean extracted variance (AVE) to ensure
Construct measurements the latent constructs’ convergent validity. In order to ex-
amine the result, firstly, the reliability of each variable has
Table 1 shows the statements utilized for all the designated been examined by employing Cronbach’s alpha. A study
items in the research questionnaire. As mentioned to from Y. Wang and Yang (2021) and Abbasi et al. (2021)
completely construct variables, all selected items were authen- outlines that the threshold level for the reliability or spec-
ticated by the prior studies. ificity of Cronbach’s alpha spreads between 0.6 and 0.7.
In this instance, the study variables can be acknowledged
as reliable, as all alphas are more than 0.6, such that GHC
Ethical consideration has 0.773, GSC has 756, GI has .891, and BS has 0.854.
Concerning factor loadings, a study by Hair and Sarstedt
Some critical ethical aspects have been considered in this (2021) stated that the acceptable value is 0.7, whereas a
study. During the data collection process, it has been assured study by Yusoff et al. (2019) referred to an existing study
that all the study respondents must have a complete under- by Ullah et al. (2021a), where it is outlined that 0.5 is also
standing of the question and the primary purpose of an acceptable value—this is also backed by Abbas et al.
interviewing to receive informed consent. The anonymity (2021a). Factor loadings have been calculated to be higher
and confidentiality of research participants have also been than 0.5, hence verifying the convergent validity. In light
ensured by keeping the respondents anonymous and of this, it is also essential to report the AVE of the model,
confidential. which should be higher than 0.5, as outlined by Anwar
et al. (2021).

HTMT ratio and Fornell-Larcker criterion value

Data analysis and results
HTMT ratio and Fornell-Larcker criterion value can be
Table 2 describes the participants’ sociodemographic charac- seen in Tables 7 and 8; currently, it has been highlighted
teristics; 447 (55.875%) were males, and 353 (444.125%) by (Henseler, Ringle & Sarstedt, 2015) that the Heterotrait-
were females. According to age, 130 (16.25%) were at the monotrait ratio of the correlations (HTMT) method to es-
age of 18 to 25; 553 (69.125%) was at the age of 26 to 40; timate discriminant validity. The absence of discriminant
and 117 (14.625%) were at the age of 41 to 60. The work validity has been considered if the value of the HTMT is
experience declared that 86 (10.75%) had one year experi- greater than this threshold. Several scholars highlight a
ence, 536 (67%) 37–72 have 5-year experience, and 177 threshold of 0.85 (Kline 2011), besides some recommend
(22.125%) over 5 years of experience. As it can be seen, a value of 0.90 (Teo and Noyes 2010). HTMT values
134 (36.41%) were from the textile industry; 43 (11.68%) smaller than 1 describe that the true relationship between
were from feed; 32 (8.695%) chemical products; 22 the two constructs should be changed. For analyzing the
(5.978%) were from motor vehicles, oil, or energy industry; distinctiveness among the latent constructs, discriminant
10 (2.717%) were from information and communication ser- validity is considered applying the HTMT ratio. Wang
vices; and 11 (2.989%) were from fuel and energy industry (2011) explained that the value of the HTMT ratio should
(Tables 3 and 4). be less than 0.85; likewise, the performance might be
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 2 Demographics on
investigated statistics Item Characteristics Frequency Percent

Gender Male 447 55.875

Female 353 44.125
Age 18–25 130 16.25
26–40 553 69.125
41–60 117 14.625
Education Matric 385 48.125
Bachelor 206 25.75
Master 141 17.625
PhD 67 8.375
Experience 2 years 86 10.75
5 years 536 67
Above 5 years 177 22.125
SMES Textile 134 36.41
Spinning, weaving, finishing of textile 119 32.33
Make-up textile articles 4 1.086
Other textiles 11 2.989
Sugar 29 7.88
Feed 16 4.347
Chemical, chemical products 43 11.68
Manufacturing 32 8.695
Mineral products 9 2.445
Cement 17 4.619
Motor vehicles 18 4.891
Fuel and energy 22 5.978
Information, communication, and transportation services 11 2.989
Coke and refined petroleum products 10 2.717
Paper, paperboards, and products 9 2.445
Electrical machinery and apparatus 7 1.902
Other sectors 10 2.717

affected by the cause of multicollinearity. Respectively, benchmarks: Fornell-Larcker and HTMT ratio. Fornell-
the results presented in Table 5 highlight that nothing of Larcker is a traditional method, and outcomes reasoned
the values exceeds the prescribed threshold of 0.85. that the square root of AVE was higher than correlation
Consequently, discriminant validity is found. values between it and all other constructs (M. Shahzad
Researchers argue discriminant validity by two et al. 2020).

Table 3 Descriptive statistics and

correlation matrix N mean SD 1 2 3 4

Business sustainability 799 3.504 0.772 1

Green human capital 799 3.669 0.79 0.271*** 1
Green structural capital 799 3.561 0.902 0.296*** 0.0837* 1
Green innovation 799 6.469 1.911 0.515*** 0.0955** 0.262*** 1

t statistics in parentheses
p < 0.05
p < 0.01
p < 0.001
N number of observations, SD standard deviation
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Table 4 Full collinearity

estimates Full collinearity estimates Green innovation Green structure capital Green human capital

VIF 1.08 1.078 1.013

Score 0.926 0.928 0.987

Note this shows for all the latent variables; dummy latent variable criterion has been used. VIF equal to or greater
than 10 suggests collinearity

Structural model Additional robustness test

The study implemented by Vinzi et al. (2010) explained that As shown in the robust outcome regression analysis in
restarting could be considered an experimenting method. Table 11, we found the same outcome in path assessment. In
Accordingly, the analyses have been highlighted in Table 9. robust analysis, there is a strong effect GHC is statistically
This trend is consistent in the present findings as the impact of positive and significant about business sustainability of
GHC is positive and statistically significant on the business sus- manufacturing organizations of Pakistan p-value= 0.000<
tainability of manufacturing organizations of Pakistan [Coef.= 0.01. The effect of GSC is also statistically positive and sig-
0.248; p-value= 0.000]. Moreover, the effect of GSC is also nificant; p-value= 0.000< 0.01, while GSC also has affect
statistically positive and significant [Coef.= 0.311; p-value= business sustainability positively p-value= 0.000< 0.01. In
0.000] Respectively, the moderator, GI, is seen to have a positive furtherance, the moderator, GI, is developed to have a positive
and significant influence [Coef.= 0.248; p-value= 0.000] on the and significant influence and p-value= 0.000< 0.01 on the
sustainability of Pakistan manufacturing industries. sustainability of Pakistan manufacturing organizations.
According to moderation, GI is declared to significantly According to moderation, GI is developed to significantly
moderate the association between GSC and business sustain- moderate the relationship between GSC and business sustain-
ability [Coef.= 0.152; p-value= 0.004] (Figs. 3 and 4). ability significantly p-value= 0.000< 0.01, although the rela-
Although, the significant relationship highlights that traditional tionship is negative that shows that traditional association ad-
association management techniques would be better for ministration techniques would be improved for Pakistan
Pakistani manufacturing industries. The relationship between manufacturing organizations. The positive moderation of
GHC and the business sustainability of the manufacturing or- green innovation capability among GHC and sustainability
ganizations working in Pakistan is insignificantly and positively suggests as the formation could be redesigned with the help
moderated by GI [Coef.= 0.152; p-value= 0.595]. The positive of integrating GI in the systems for attaining long-run sustain-
effect explains that complete development in the green intellec- ability concerning Pakistan manufacturing companies.
tual capital would benefit the business’s high sustainability.
Although, the positive Moderation of GI between sustainability Testing moderation using Jeremy-Dawson model
and structural capital shows that the structure can be developed
with the help of integrating green financial innovation in the The study has precisely applied bilateral cooperation’s where
networks for achieving long-run sustainability regarding the three independent variables have been served beside the
Pakistan's manufacturing industries (Table 10). moderators separately, and accordingly, all depictions have

Table 5 Measurement criteria

Measurement criteria Recommended Source

Factor loading .70≥ Sharma and Iyer 2012

Composite reliability .60≥ Ahmad et al. 2020
Cronbach’s alpha .70≥ Wang et al. 2020b
Average variance extracted .50> Ma et al. 2018
HTMT ratio .85< M. Shahzad et al. 2020
VIF 5< Shahzad et al. 2021a
CBM .50<. Ullah et al. 2021b
Dimensionality 1.00> Mohammadi and Mahmoodi 2019
Fornell-Larcker criterion AVE=<
Likert scale 5 (Asadi et al. 2020) ; Ullah et al. 2021b
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 6 Measurement model

Variables Item Loadings AVE Cronbach’s alpha CR Dimensionality

Green human capital GHC1 0.758*** 0.691 0.773 0.87 1

GHC2 0.853***
GHC3 0.877***
Green structural capital GSC1 0.715** 0.675 0.756 0.861 1
GSC2 0.877***
GSC3 0.864***
Green innovation GPI1 0.859*** 0.753 0.891 0.924 1
GPI2 0.873***
GPI3 0.869***
GPI4 0.869***
Business sustainability BS1 0.794*** 0.696 0.854 0.901 1
BS2 0.846***
BS3 0.861***
BS4 0.834***

been presented (Wang et al. 2020a). Consequently, this has Ultimately, employees’ creativity plays a vital contribution
been taken to explain the moderating influence of all the in- towards a company’s green innovation process, and in this
dependent variables with the moderator. In the context of the way, one element pointing towards the advancement of novel
independent variable, which are GHC and GSC, the graphical concepts and knowledge was added to the measurement scale.
results have been presented as follows (Fig. 5): Information on technological capital is linked to the knowl-
edge level for technology, utility, patent use, and R&D ex-
penses (Menéndez Blanco and Montes-Botella 2017). In re-
Discussion verse, to expectations, the association between this sort of
green intellectual capital and business sustainability signifies
The findings above portray that each form of green intellectual that although employees’ idea generation, experience, and
capital considered here acts differently. In this regard, it can be creativity can be considered as hurdles in advancing towards
noticed that green human capital does not reflect any differ- radical innovations, once a certain extent of green human cap-
entiating patterns in its association with green innovations; ital is approached, the scientific evidence proposes that the
hence, the relationship between green intellectual capital presence of this “critical” extent or “saturation point” of hu-
(GIC), green innovation (GI), and business sustainability man capital is not so clear. A potential description is that
(BS) tracks a linear pattern, whereas proportional increases factors like employees’ idea generation, talent, creativity, abil-
in business sustainability. Employees’ skills and experiences ities, and previous experience contribute towards green inno-
were accessed regarding green intellectual capital, including vation instead of being hurdles and offer businesses the much-
essential skill sets, creative ability, and relevant experience. needed diversity to modify their behaviors and become more
These three factors are mostly used in the literature when hands-on with innovation (Shahzad et al. 2021b).
scholars try to examine employees’ attributes. Degree of ex- Firms in the modern business atmosphere are more open to
pertise is another significant element of green intellectual cap- green innovation and business sustainability. It holds that
ital, which offers useful information to gain high-level intel- competition is escalating, and organizations need more novel
lectual capital; the current research, in particular, employed products and services while enhancing processes and methods
the element taken into account by Zhang et al. (2019). to obtain optimal efficiency (Ullah et al. 2021a). The rising

Table 7 Fornell-Larcker criterion value Table 8 TMT ratio to

test discriminant validity GHC ↔ GSC 0.122
1 2 3 4
GHC ↔ GI 0.127
Green human capital (GHC) 0.831 GHC ↔ BS 0.344
Green structural capital (GSC) 0.084 0.822 GSC ↔ GI 0.331
Green innovation (GI) 0.108 0.272 0.868 GSC ↔ BS 0.376
Business sustainability ( BS) 0.273 0.313 0.542 0.834 GI ↔ BS 0.604
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 9 Hypothesis testing

without moderator Measurement item Coef. Std.Err. t-value p-value Sign

GHC→BS 0.248 0.042 5.85 0.000*** ***

GSC→BS 0.311 0.07 4.41 0.000*** ***
GI→BS 0.317 0.042 7.6 0.000*** ***
Log pseudo-likelihood −13525.3 R-squared 0.338 F-test 135.357
F-test 135.357 Prob > F 0.000***
AIC 1531.182 BIC 1549.916

***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.

competition, coupled with increasing complications in the significant correlation between green relational capital (GRC)
work atmosphere, has made it more important to build a dis- and business sustainability, which implies a company through
tinct rank in the industry, and it has been observed that this developing a positive relationship with green suppliers. It can
aim can be fulfilled well with innovation. At present, the larg- achieve its goals of business sustainability. The researcher
est and most productive assets for companies are the intangi- argued a vital requirement to adopt a green approach like GI
ble ones (Waseem et al. 2018; Abbas et al. 2021b). These and GIC to resolve the environmental and business issue. The
include human capital, brand value, and customer relation- improvement of the implementation of GIC has been
ships; these are crucial for companies in the modern environ- appreciated by prior studies such as Ullah et al. (2021b) and
ment, and great efforts are being employed to achieve im- Huang et al. (2021). Hence, the association between GIC and
proved GIC, which would eventually be optimized for im- business sustainability (BS) has yet to be identified mainly in
proved effectiveness and performance. In terms of this GIC, Pakistan. Although, this research covers this gap by inspecting
it is also clear that GHC and GSC are significant for busi- the effect of GIC dimensions, namely GHC, GSC and GI, on
nesses Sustainability, and they must pay close attention to BS. Firstly, the findings showed that GHC and BS have a
these prospects to guarantee growth and success (Umeair robust significant correlation. This study contradicts past
et al., 2020; Li et al. 2021). research like those Rehman et al. (2021) and Zafar et al.
(2021). Other prior studies found that there is an important
contribution of GHC about different business sustainability
Theoretical contribution and managerial implication (Shahzad et al. 2021a).
Most prior studies emphasized which SME organizations
The findings of this study also carry out huge theoretical im-
limited resources and had less motivation in environmental
plications, as it makes a new contribution to the existing liter-
management and business sustainability. Additionally, several
ature. The social exchange theory offers a valuable perspec-
organizations, especially SMEs, tend to neglect the innovative
tive for investigating the combined effects of global supply
concept of GI and GIC on BS. Secondly, GSC was found to
chain management and green intellectual capital. This theory
have a significant and positive association with BS in the
posits that supply chain partners exchange resources through
perspective of without moderator. Thirdly GI also found a
relationship exchange, and the company’s behavior in a sup-
robust and positive association BS. Finally, in the moderator
ply chain can be explained through social and business inter-
perspective, we found a positive and insignificant association
actions (Mohsin et al. 2021; Yao et al. 2020). The primary
between GHC and BS, while on the other part, we found a
findings of this study validated and further extended the con-
significant and negative association between GSC and BS.
cept of social exchange theory by identifying the positive and

Table 10 Hypothesis
measurement with the help of Measurement item Coef. Std.Err. t- p>z Hypotheses Exp. sign
moderator value

H1 :GHC→BS 0.134 0.101 1.33 0.183 Not supported +

H2: GSC→BS 0.404 0.1 4.03 0.000*** Supported +
H3: GI→BS 0.607 0.071 8.56 0.000*** Supported +
H4: GHC*GI→BS 0.152 0.286 0.53 0.595 Not supported +
H5: GSC*GI→BS −0.85 0.293 −2.9 0.004*** Supported +
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Figure 3 Without moderator measurement model

Respectively, previous researchers have identified the contri- capital with their suppliers to achieve business sustainability
bution of GHC, GSC, and GI on business sustainability. This goals. For that purpose, employees must provide training to
conclusion is associated with the results of a previous study create a culture of respect in supplier management.
(Yusoff et al. 2019; Yusliza et al. 2020; Ullah and Wang In addition, it is also challenging to encourage society to
2021). participate in green innovation and green intellectual capital
Therefore, it is vital for the company’s top management to and improve business and environmental sustainability.
emphasize developing GHC to accomplish their desired re- Experience has shown that the results of implementing such
sults related to business sustainability. For that purpose, com- reforms are uncertain, and it may be difficult for policymakers
panies can consider offering green training activities to their and enterprises to obtain public consent. It is necessary to
employees to increase their awareness and develop more formulate relevant policies to support scientific research to
green human capital. Apart from that, the study’s finding re- obtain and maintain public support for change. Legislation
garding the significant impact of GHC and GSC on business and investment will encourage more people to invest in green
sustainability also carries out huge managerial implications. innovation technology for business sustainability. However,
As per these findings, companies must develop relational to obtain and maintain government support, changes are made

Figure 4 With moderator

measurement model
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 11 Robustness analysis

Business sustainability Model 1 Model 2
Without Interaction With interaction

Green human capital 0.215 0.0869

−0.0281 −0.1
Green structural capital 0.125 0.399
−0.0254 −0.0997
Green innovation 0.179 0.281
−0.012 −0.0353
Interaction effect Yes
Green innovation × green human capital 0.318
Green innovation × green structural capital −0.887
Constant 1.141 1.297
−0.139 −0.145
Observations 799 799
R-squared 0.333 0.346
F-test 132.29 83.87

to achieve business sustainability. It should not make the lives Conclusion and policy implications
of socially and economically disadvantaged people more dif-
ficult or expensive. It takes time to prove and build confidence This work assessed the association between GIC and busi-
in these issues, but there is also an urgent need for intense ness sustainability and the moderating effect of GI over
action to leading business sustainability in Pakistan. this association. A quantitative research design was

Figure 5 Moderating effect of GHC and GSC

Environ Sci Pollut Res

followed, where the primary data was gathered through a towards additional strategic resources, contributing signifi-
survey questionnaire, which was then analyzed through an cantly to SME performance.
SEM technique based on CFA analysis—to ensure the
validity and reliability of the model—and path evaluation,
to verify the model. All latent constructs were definitive, Author contribution Hafeez Ullah: conceptualization, data curation,
methodology, and writing—original draft. Wang Zhuquan: data curation
such as Cronbach’s alpha’s value and composite reliabil-
and supervision. Muhammad Mohsin: visualization and editing proof-
ity, which was determined higher than 0.7. In addition, reading. Hasnain Abbas: review and editing. Weiying Jiang: review and
the outcomes of AVE also determined the validity of ev- editing.
ery latent construct, as all the variables were found below
0.5. The considerable literature has permitted us to deter- Data availability The data that support the findings of this work are
available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request
mine some important factors of green intellectual capital
that can influence business sustainability. Additionally,
some significant GIC elements declared in this study in- Declarations
clude green human capital and green structural capital.
Ethics approval and consent to participate We declared that we do not
The elements were also described in the conceptual have human participants, human data, or human tissue.
framework, which has been analyzed on business
sustainability. Consent for publication We do not have any individual person’s data in
Following the finding of this study, all the variables, any form.
including green human capital and green structural capi-
tal, are found to have a significant impact on business Competing interest The authors declare no competing interests.
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