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Hexaware Interview Questions for Java Full Stack Developer:

Mostly They will Ask ->

1. Java-->Collections
Override Equals & Hashcode Method
Synchronize Hashmap
Exception handling
Ways to Create threads

2. Java 8:
Functional Interface
Design Patterns
Immutable Class

3. Spring:
Dependency Injection
When server gets started what comes first: Please Explain Correct Answer

4. Spring Boot:
Advantages of Spring Boot: Please explain Clearly
@RequestController: Please explain the Use

5. Hibernate:
Hibernate as a ORM Tool
@Transient Annotation: Please Explain Correct Answer

6. WebServices:
HTTP Method types: Explain properly
Qualifier annotation: Explain properly

7. Microservices:
Monolithic architecture
Use of Circuit Breaker

8. HTML5:
New features of HTML 5

9. CSS:

10. AWS:
Secure resources in S3 bucket

11. Angular

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