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Core Java:

1.Explain OOPS concepts.

2.Concurrent vs synchronised collections.
3.Hash-map internal implementation.
4.Executors framework.
Class not found no class definition found difference.
How to create custom exceptions.
handling multiple exceptions.
What is try with resource.
6.Immutability how to create immutable class.
7.Synchronisation and serialisation concepts.
8. Custom object as Hash-map key what are the precautions needs to be taken care of?
9.Java memory model-memory areas
10.Thread methods
11.shallow cloning deep cloning.
12.Comparator comparable.
13.Object class ,class, character class methods.
14.How many ways to create object.
15.callable and feature.
17.varargs fast fail safe operations.
19.Hash-collision how to resolve/Contract between hashcode and equals.
20.Explain any design patterns used in your application.

Java 8:

1.Why functional programming is introduced into java?

2.Name few functional interfaces(provided for usage in java8) you have used in your code.
3.Why default or static methods into interfaces/How to overcome diamond problem with java8 interfaces.
4.What are intermediate and terminal operators. Explain them.
5.Explain custom comparator with java8 to sort employees based on their department and then by their salary.
6.Name some default methods introduced in existing interfaces of java.
7.Why we need streams.Whats the benefit we will get if we use streams.
8.Name some methods of java8 datetime API.
9.What is completable feature?
10.explain why map is used.
11.Method references.


1. What do you mean by Dependency Injection?

2.What are the major features in different versions of Spring Framework?
3.configuration of datasource in your project in spring.
4.what is singleton how spring always returns same instance on request.
5.difference between bean-factory and application context
6.Few AOP concepts which you have used in your application.
7.How transactional management is maintained in your application.
8.Some of annotations used in your application.
9.Life cycle of spring bean.
10.Controller advice.

1.What is rest how it is different from SOAP?

2.What is the difference between SOA and microservices?
3.What are resource based URI's tell me few examples how you expose RESt endpoints?
4.Limitations of SOA architecture and microservices?
5.What are the best practices needs to follow while building rest services.
6.How authentication is provided for your services?
7.How to post image or test payload using rest?
8.How exceptions will be handled in your services?
9.Explain a get call which will return employees whose age is greater than 40 and salary greater than 50000
10.If you are a consumer how have you consumed a service?

Spring Boot:

1.Why we need spring boot when we have spring?

2.What are starter dependencies in spring boot?
3. What is the difference between @SpringBootApplication and @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation?
4.What is actuator and what it will do?
5. What are some common Spring Boot annotations?

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