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Association-a Human Group: The term "group" in this context refers to a collection of social beings who

have certain social bonds with one another. as a group that speaks of reciprocity among its members.
Therefore, an association is a group that is specifically put together because of a shared interest.
Association as a social group is distinguished from other social groupings including primary and
secondary groups, class, and throng by the concept of functional organisation.

Common Interests: Association as a distinct social group in terms of interest component of association
rather than merely a collection of individuals. Due to the association's organisation for defined goals and
the pursuit of certain We are a part of it because we share these interests. As a result, interests serve as
the central virtue on which various associations are built.

Association as an organisation: Association is a type of organisation. A group that is organised is known

as an association. An association's organisational personality provides stability and the right form. The
distribution of status and functions among members is likewise governed by the idea of association as
an organisation.

Regulation of Relations: Each association has its own procedures and tools for controlling member
interactions. As a result, they establish a number of laws and rules, both written and unwritten.

Co-operative Spirit: One of an association's qualities is its cooperative pursuit of its goals. This
cooperative endeavour could be as simple as lending a stranger a hand. It might be unintentional, or it
might actually be determined or directed by local customs, like in the example of farmers helping their
neighbours harvest. But in reality, group members' shared interests serve as a direction for association.

Membership is Voluntary: Association membership is entirely optional. It depends on what each person
chooses based on their interests. In actuality, anyone is free to join them. Joining an athletic club, a
business for livelihood or profits, a social club for camaraderie, or a club for physical recreation or sport
are all options. As a result, belonging to an association has little social relevance.

Associations as Agencies: Associations serve as vehicles or conduits for the realisation of members'
shared interests. Such social organisations must act through officials or representatives rather than just institutions. In a sense, associations usually take action through representatives who answer
to and represent the association. Additionally, it gives the group a unique identity as a legal entity.

Association has Corporate Character:Association has a corporate personality Because it is a social

organisation, an association may own assets or funds that are held collectively and do not belong to
specific members. It has obligations, liabilities, and rights that its members cannot exercise on their own.
This is how the association has a corporate character, in line with its unusual mode of operation.

Durability of Association: An association's nature might be either transient or permanent. The state, the
family, religious institutions, and others are more long-lasting and exist on a bigger scale. However,
some relationships have a highly fleeting nature.

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