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g q Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing) STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR BOX CELL CULVERTS Published by The Indian Roads Congress On behalf of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing) Copies can be had from The Secretary, Indian Roads Congress, Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Dethi~ 110011 NEW DELHI 2000 Price Rs. $00.00 (plus packing & postage charges) FOREWORD ‘The Standard tighwoy Plane for Gox-Cuverts with varying depth of earth filling, using high Yield strength deformed bors, ore being brought out for the fret tine. Ae Box-Cuberta, being economical, ore the bos feslure reloted to development of ony highway stretch, it was found that considerable time end duplication efforts can be eveided by adopting standord pion for BoxCubvert Structures. This volume, the frst in the series of stondord drowings for Gox-Cubverts, contains stondars plans for 104 combinations of Bex-Cuverts with various heights of earth filing (ie. 0.0m, 3.0m, 4.0m and 5.0m heights of earth iting) and covers. The clear span vorition of 2.0m to (om with combinations of clear height of 2.0m to 7.0m. Thi volume containg the most common options of single cell box-cuvert, double cell box~cuvert ang triple cell box~culvert, It also contoins the stand ronings for POC wing walls, curtain walls, floor protection he designs ore based on Standard Specifications ond Code of Proctice for Highway rages sued by Indion Roads Congress, Special attention has been given to durability cepecte of by asepting various provisions of IRC:21~1997. Far construction purposes Specifications for Roed and Bridge Works issued by Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing), Government of Incl, as omenced from time te time, wil opply. The slondord droxings con Be adopted for crose-dreinage oF well of underpass structures The plone hove been made complete in all respects 90 that they can be readily edested for preperation of estimates and serve as construction drawings in the fed To simplify the estimation work, the quontites for major tems for each of 108 coer ore included in o tobulor form. A great deol of ettention hae been pid to dimensioning ond Getoiing 20 0s to ensure proper placement ond compaction of concrete during constuction | nave ne doubt, the adaption of these Stendord Plan/Orawing wil aot only result in foster onstruction but will also enhance the qualty and durabity of Sox-Culvert Structures. Every possible care hos been token to eliminate errors In the Drawings, Users are requestes to bring to our not 1 rors and omissions, if any, which may come to their nctice during the use of these drowings in the fies ‘he work of preparing the Designs ond Orawings wos carried out by M/e Consulting Engineering Sences (I) Ltd. and independent procf checking ty M/s Tandon Consultonts etoils were mode by Officers of MOST. The enthusiasm and dedication which this teor has Que ( Profalio Kumar ) brought to bear on the task are to be highly opprecited New Delhi Girectoe General (Read Development & Merch $1, 2000 Aédiional Seevetary to the Govt. of Indo) CONTENTS (DRAWINGS) TITLE DRAWING NO. PAGE NO. TITLE DRAWING NO. PAGE NO. INO SHEET 0/100 1 0UBLE CELL BOK CULVERT so/110 32-33 TYACAL REINFORCEMENT DETALS GH & 2 0F 2) (WITHOUT EARTH CUSHION) GENERAL NOTES s0/101 2 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF TYPICAL so/ni1 3-37 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SINGLE. CELL 30/102 3 DETALS OF PROTECTION WORKS GH 1 10 4 oF 4) ROC BOX STRUCTURES 26 X 2M TO ‘817M (WTHOUT EARTH CUSHION) TRIPLE CELL 80x CULVERT sonia 30-30 TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT DETALS (ie zor 2 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF SINGLE CELL $0/103 “s (WITHOUT EARTH CUSHION) RCC BOX ‘STRUCTURES: 26 X 2M TO (HT & 2 oF 2) BMX 7M (WTH EARTH CUSHION) DETALS OF PCC WING WALL so/ti3 40-45, (GH 106 0F 6) GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF DOUBLE CELL ——so/104 ic RCC BOX ‘STRUCTURES. 26 X 2M TO 53M X34 (WTHOUT EARTH CUSHION) DOUBLE CELL 80x CULVERT so/114 4949 TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT DETALS (SH 1 TO 4 oF 4) GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF OOUBLE CEL ——_S0/108 7 (Qwmit EARTH CUSHION) RCC BOX STRUCTURES 2M X24 TO 31 3M (WITH EARTH CUSHION) MISCELLANEOUS DRAWINGS so/115 50-55 GH TO 40F 4) GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF TRIPLE CELL 50/108 8 RCC BOX STRUCTURES 26 x 2M TO SMX 3M (WIHOUT EARTH CUSHION) TRIPLE CELL 90x CULVERT 50/116 54-56 ‘TWPICAL, REINFORCEMENT DETALS (41 To 3 oF 3) GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF TRIPLE CELL $0/107 ° (mT EARTH CUSHION) RCC. BOK ‘STRUCTURES. 24 X'2M TO SX 3M (WH EARTH CUSHION) UP ZONE DETALS 0/117 57-58 (Ht & 2 oF 2) SINGLE CEL 80x CULVERT 30/108 10-15 TYPICAL RENFORCEWENT DETALS (wiTH0UT EARTH CUSHION) Greco es SINGLE CELL BOX CULVERT s0/108 16-31 ‘TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT DETALS. (4110 16 oF 16) (nm EaRTH CUSHION) 0 oom on oats WOT Om ENON O8eF NOTES; caleee], [Slee] [lee Sat aioe meat Beamer care Bo] tea we] ware ‘GOVERNWENT OF INDIA NST OF RUA AGE TPASRORT (ROADS WING) . NEW DELHI. ‘Riowo OURNGS FOR SOK CELL STRUCTURES INDEX SHEET sss | Rw | iia] 50/100 @) GENERAL, Tee soi en core fm Storr Oem En Git a Bord wiht sort ‘cscs anton Le. Ne/ab/Ee earde for No ot ‘rteedear heh Meh of north cath @ire @iRe GiRe Gi: 18s (©) Wearing cost fad of 3 1/0qm. MT dn ae spate or MODERATE 480 signa dre te St arr 04 in fe oped Boral ln rae ley of Tgp sutace of Bottom Sib i ne Ba ai (6) MATERIAL. SPECIFICATIONS SSninum 35 aaye Chotetrate sttogtn ot 1Somm cen Seno "ee fo) boxe ctu 20 zs] m0] 25 fphieg Wa [we tee ae (ov onon va [we [wae Lis | (teeing Comme fuss [ws [1s] 1S 2 PIgBtiD%or canary Pestand coment confor 4s lagen conti of actong the rnaree Sedan Shoei rege el ony be ate Sage cay eb EOF ond” * iy Sear west omit, 7 Rare gy Detormed bare (Grode Sesipution 3 $15)" Soaring to S88, ‘0% sonigurson thew on 1g be 20p2/ -EARTH_FILL/EMBANKMENT Seok legal wl conn to CL 882 of tous’ be orerctes i azcaraance 9 aeeton 300 West apedhsoton (utd HENSON 1205) Be Tae EXPANSION JOINT 1. Te capt lug penton jot sal be proves iMeceirtace heh at aptlioaon et" anas ae Prosed om ‘ranuestes ow operoved 67 MCRL (©) WORKMANSHIP /DETAILING Bop aE (©) Fe trcaad cnet he suace tot oe eS eee (©) For poral rergned conerate, te eutece shot EF ecto i bu teledysk (6) To ot srace shat be sacked ith voter ea Fey Mee aa nee ae eghebothng fsity onstrate water 2) tbe tal mah scead oroors far concrete, stterhg ee potas shal be used ot Hloste 25082. of MOST apecreavons Hino. REV. 1998). Bye Engineer aronenge ne . (0) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Masts "sprees for Roos (Gyre evtion, 1984) sxcegt steerer Sheri (ROADS. “COVERNMENT OF NDA MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT 'WING) NEW DELHI. Sian DRAWINGS FOR SOK CEL. SMUCTIRES GENERAL NOTES ot TABLE SHOWNG SALENT DNENSIORS ae tk Pa) a os : sa ‘eo gage 120 we Tao FE (8) wm seen 22 ‘GOVERNMENT OF TROT sr OF SUS AGE TPANSRORT (ROADS WING) NEW. DELHL “SOAR ORAWNES FOR BOK CELL SHURE SNE OL. RG BOK COVERS 2m x 2m TO 8m x7m (TOUT CART CUION) GENERAL ARRANGEMENT FET = Sie ee [Sel So/02 ce) [=e S013 wares we ve wal 2005 gle merece ommes sar fas “SOVERNENT OF NOT MINISTRY ‘OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) , NEW DELML. 'SOROMO DUARNGS FOR BOK CELL STRUCTURES ‘SMOLE CEL. RCC BOX CULVERT . Tee SO/10S weaae a ‘BLE SHOWNG SALIENT DMENSONS OF SNGLE COL pox cluveet a . SE Bat el ole ‘NOES: i es ao S| Gx [Gm | oom [oom [om | [om om) |B] ee [a= a =p = ee ol Kl allel GG mgoeempegecn one aaa [vee [ame [we [ae |e | ne [ome |e | oe vse [oon [we [= [m= fo fm [om [ee 2 FOR GON NES, EER OREO. 5/10 van wo am | oe | we | me | wo lam | © | van v/exs | om [ow [oo jem [ee lem | ome | © | am 3. SE sana OlnorY REDURED FOR SOE WORD vas [= ee lef oe Po | me foe fe ven fe toe = fe le Pee ‘a aa ae] an Ce Cc ree : nares van |= = [| = [= fe oe ee pee ee pee i a2 Ney | oe ee | =i *) = vpers [on [ow [oe [= [= [= [we [= [oe 4 AL SES we Ba use Hoes OF van [== >= |» | ceil eal tallies el SCC CeCe ee Sh Se AE Se See Soron van [= = | | CC ven [om [ao [= | [we [Pe [om | 0 | wm fo ta cus rN Me fH eva sea com |e ot ss | [vv [ow [= [me [oe [fm foe [or im Geoact Sis Sel seta vane fe lo Pepe pe Pm foe Pep oe veo few fom fm = f= fom = See ay mM or ome pase a ea Eee = [em | eine soe | om [om [ow [re [ro [ow [ow [oj ow noe aLoMaue sou seme Coven Es Van [= [> | we | we [pe aa saaeea [ee ts me fae [fae Te pe | a coat ame oe Ne = oe ee = me pel pe + Betta parses ron 22 vor [om [== | m | = fem |e] um van |m [oo [= [= [= [| owe |e | me a rae [ wow |e fom fee fom fe [om mae foe eee ee ee me pete ete p= pe pet as | oe | om | om = fom |e] ven [me [ow [oe [oe [om [oe | vv van |= [= [=| = [om || om oe ort | me fv con oe es lc mp = el van [om wm [opm | | m [me |e | we vin [mo tm [oe = fom [ve fem fe Lor an f= te ltl le fe Leen Pe vase [oo [oo | om | Te ep van [oo fam |e fm fae oe foe oa a ed ae ‘mas few om ee [oe [lem Lm wars | wos [oe | ome om [ao |e | um [ves [sco [oom fume fee) ome) voe | me a ae Ce ven [om [om > le [me le |e | a SOVERNWENT OF NOT Sei il set eal ome colina MINISTRY OF SURVAGE. TRANSPORT ve mm jon | wi ial = 4 ij" (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI. vesers | ome | wee |e | oe Soe eee we fo Taw “STANOARD_ORAWINGS FOR BOX CELL STRUCTURES vee [ome [oe | om we ian [om [meee [oe [oe fe eee aaa Ga Kes Gat Glee re oe sn tn on oe GENERAL, ARRANGEMENT a reonsgggey nance sour Lown Hic roe enon oe] coi oe Som om wa Uw. 3.9/8 OVERNMENT OF INDIA anes OF SURFACE TRANSPORT Saar ame PPT aa DEAL =A 0a ave es wo eo a As sen seen | ies [ERA sp 104 Parad Pay aaa ry aie oe LS noe 5/16 © crit ummyona. *efosgepay 4 ors wer om 9. syn . GOVERNMENT OF INDIA aa mg ore er ES : ots icy “Se She == : FRE a See S| | omer au nec ex cur oe ee sheer eee faces aso [os fr will ea Se eee a] ewe [a || melee | | er | cent [PRT eae air ast svom=—|| ote | ote | eal S078 con 0 90 5 0 got BOF sRUCIRE/S Bern nore a (G_SALIENT DIMENSION: “—=— sf e BSGEE Crag | gy a Sf A iow AK 3 02 | norec wna | non st oe ‘GOVERNMENT OF INDI MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI Ton ANINGS FOR SOK CELL STRUCTURES TRPLE COL REC BOK COMERS © oF sox cinvor/sn, me PEE) SECTION 1-1 fe omy Aum Tele Legge : ppl i erence ononns iS omnioe = Osenemeereieens pgp set cr eem Rr fe Nase THO MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI. Saar ORANNOS FOR BOX CEL. STRUCTRES e/e (el else le - 10 GF snMeTeY ete ‘NOTES: 1. FOR cOWUL NOEE FER Ba. HO. 2/0. Fos SSS Bigs # oF © Snir Gee ey ror nee oe) Shor ce ee” ‘GOVERNMENT OF INDTA MINISTIEY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI “THROW GUNNS FOR SOx CEU. STRUCTURES u SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT SOS ea] ‘NOTES: A 1/22/0 1/23/0 1/33/0 1/34/0 107 ok reo ea a f eRe fed [Aaa De Toe od Reb e ETTo eof De ot Ta = ee en | |=) vr | slime eo] fe one = =] To) masa] Zitat sea ae Sia se of Bare a ge Nes oe ial | a canes + sions om. oF aan “GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRAN: |] |_—_chodbs wit) “New "DEL SOARo ORAS FOR SOL CEL. STRLCTIRES ‘SMGLE CAL RC BOK CULVERTS oe in ASS Sc sa seer PERM OT a om Zn | = z see) | osge [eseteranl $0/,108) 2 Bou 1/43/0 1/44/0 1/48/0 1/53/0 1 Fata as rt m4. sy i" TA 7 7 ilatleel® . ¢ 2970 pa hBeTE THe stot Beal Be TB fot call lis ee al ugly [sal § ® A it ls E TEE hs it EEE} jm | fn fo 7 _ 4 i wornarore ll, it oso fon sin aes oe ora . ; oe Tele el [omfomlenl « [er mor OF RoR GOVERN tL i |] ws OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW. DELHI, [ORONO ORARNGS FOR SOR CEL STRUCTURES {Ht | fal [wa] me] w | = [moma] « [os|mn IS STSTS Slee SSeS SST SOG OG OTST SOTO Primm arr] vat of oe ae =| | dee ve fe Jw | melee [avon] ser OL Ree ox CAERTs rt t “ ‘onan Toon 2m ve fl | el fi fmm lel fem fl {ne eo T —— BAR BENDING SCHEDULE ee [le ere ar = eal = [= ao) eae ON Se eee al a 5 cee | em [re] $0/108 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT foment es CES 41 ECE ees uae 85/9 pe Pays [Bode Taal ee tote seem oe oot Tn vee Tose nde) Ky _ ° “m [ovs| ina] [om | a |e ae] ov [en [sna] vo [ro | a [eel fsa [ecm PRET 7 = sg | eS [Set [ 07 109] SCPEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT == Bawa 1/65/0 j : 1/66/0 1/75/0 1/76/0 NOTES: aT alain i Toto t Een WEE Ted of lel We [eof all baht pelle) © see BoP TS sca) : “ ais SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT See | 1/77/0 1/85/0 1/86/0 1/87/0 ie Ee s]oe lis i Ess oe [be pale eli Teles i aa ‘NOTES: pa Obes Tie [of] aad SSS SS ope “SOERNMENT OF T INSSTRY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI [SOND DOAN FOR BOK CALL STRICTURES wa [eS S STS S| Tae SO sa ® 0 ‘NOIES: oe @ @ SVERMENT OF NOTE von, : MISTI OF SURFAGE. TRANSPORT e eon F © [NBS wh) Boca 7 £-100® og, | SERS ow cE SUC 8 & 2 eee ee S a )} © SOLE CALL BOK CULVERTS: a ® “ar an SSN) vomuo Bi SSS TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT DETALS secoma-n SESSA ema aorta PET | re er eo 0 (OE 2) ese | = |Seaea| $0/ 108 me DT cae SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT le Bae] 1/22/3 1/23/3 1/33/38 74/3 ke) NEE la | See are ges, eb asl i ay 8, alt 5! gels, se 5] BPs cca ETH aoe GE ale ae Ee eto] sell belt lea al afte seloe ae] legs 2] | : ls * aisle { 4 ilo BAR |Is NOT) USED ' tals to | o q lo 3 3 ° lal = [ae [aw fame |» fas ees] | [20 jm [ae a fom enenne ond ens 8 oF [——SovERNVENT-OF NO ———] MINISTRY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) , NEW DELH. SSNGLE CELL BOX CULVERT ‘2m x 2m TO Bm x 7m (WITH EARTHY CUSHION) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE ‘Ss} $D/ 109] SOTO ee 1443/3 eis as/s Eee cennieene te ie else ais wali fees st i ale eles a ie pia] * ee 1 feral med we | | mm] a |e faz] is No} useD | | m |e | ame) = |e! we joel ne i pale oe fa] 15.NoT| USED g ° ~ la ci Lo ale ° _ ° 2 | i wala ed oases Ri ASSeeo ! lo © to | sme aeiad aandend aL | HERE OF WO ‘ bel of SNOLF CEL, 8% cuyeRT (WITH EARTH CUSHION) | = [ese] [inf BAR BENDING SCHEDULE la} [is ac a - 7 seer oeae PSR a ——— ae ie eee | $2/,109 1 aaee 1/54/3 1/55/3 1/63/3 1/64/3 . | 5 anes er ats T le | = ae es ®, By Bi lst at lee] ® | | Sofi IRE Tet of BET EDs oe] toe a pa Dal ee ata ee ‘ol = om [ome [om fore] er femefousl ve [ame fax | | [oe foe [ew fo te [rem |e el |e | om [om om fmm fad w fm flo | =| | tre eo v0 [anys vasjana 2 » salon | ede |rm [nae | 90 jena aad le ee cane | ws |aae 20 as | a0 | 0 | m0 eso i I ° ep epe et 0 WIN GOS HOOK ODIO HF Mie OF 135 a) ve | av | am [nears] w [ne 3) | 00 1 we is ' g | jo} fons |aee | ao see |nma|aeine| 4 [ons | mas me Ci | fm forte | SRR FR i shad MNT OE ASE fscomt 9) ' - eee smmerunes | —_ aa calan coe : aise Seeenee is ma torenen ee wet aoe ae Fon Snes en ae | He | 50/109] 20 SOneduLe OF REINFORCEMENT STOO a] i ae 1/65/3 Te 1/75/3 sop | | pies RETR!" flan TE Quy st etd] alee ie emma i [oe fa vl [ond | ma] ws [ace we | Sa) a tf nett ee etl ce eae oe le ol bd Kael eal batl ye P\\, 1 t - [——SOvERNENT OF A ———| MINISTRY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI ala fe fo feelon| = fo I" sas cot cs BAR BENDING SCHEDULE [ex cene cmt Se ror t Te SD 7108 1/85/3 1/86/3 Halse valeli ipa aisle ‘NOTES: SAL A moe 96 s/n TOERNVENT OF THO ‘ion CNS FOR SOF CEL. STRUCTURES SMOKE CAL. BOX CULERT ‘am x 2m TO 8m x 7m, (wT EARTH CUSHION) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE | tee [Solel el elolele ele oe ole |e oe el ele ele o[mun 2 SOOT ae a SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT 1/22/4 1/23/4 1/34/4 ‘NOTES; ; cal eee ii dehy fe > Nom usto | tt i++ ” fe ia COVERNMENT OF TRO ns Oya URTACE TRANSPORT (RONDS wing) “NeW aun a ‘SMGLE CEL. BOX CULVERT ia an oo re ‘a CuSO) ‘e m|{_BaR BENDING SCHEDULE man sewn PEE ee tire | se [e507 09 23 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT Swe 1/43/4 1/44/4 1/45/4 1/53/4 _ TS saa i ' - - ors BBP a fat EE st (A Used Balt A stl Tedd oe Ae gail vali [ee aa] eh Jo |e fw [ow fe fw ow [me ido Jo= jm [om fol [nm |e] | ol Te [sm bm = os | [om awe] don ae [oe fw a [ow ||| dn ie ETS ete \o} —— a ee | - [0 le [ovale] [am [rm] |e] end eal = fal le fe |e [esd wm | | [oman] fe fooled fomfamd “8 T 7 1 oS ral w [nef] [ow [om = [ane] [vam |= almond EO > : ; fe el [om lool = pm = ea fm tT = 2... Ts fn fo : Rf ee i amo rm fm elm Jpaualnes | so | smo | seaman ame) ot |sem eee law fo love fare] fa] em | mw [owen w nd = Jo fm is . ws nn fm i dn nb [esa [mo an» nn ee |e be preted fase] em rin dfs Yow mee | onal [ow [a an nd Oy ee fo fm Festal Peed [ow [m mde = fate lo fm fee bem|m foal» [om [om rae w [alc =)! = Yow fvaorsl sa fama fns| wo | = | [oma ana we [aol snsfw | [uw fw rere fovalems| w | ~ [ve fomelned «| . i I ell 1 Pel a + nm oo wen [= foe fe nae] 2 Jas [ns [oe [= [om [emelanad x [ms] mrfie [= [ow me se] « nzale [se | = |e frwalansd « [ra] a Eiememess | [eel { ye « | SOVERRENT OF THOT fk ae sete ee leelelsialelcde ve [ow me few fun) w [wal wl] MINISTIRY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT | | RORDS WING) NEW ORLA io Bins FOF oe ek STRESS ale [= [nla | oa ob on 4 1 fuw fr fm or ow foms|aa] so | mo [rar] are] 2» [aes aa] o [ie fe me lore [0 ne |ical vo [0 |e] som [or] oe | nas] {2m X 2m TO Bo x 7m {| { * \"t (Cem RD cUBON) “ a Via |= fam loo Jom | a0 |re ore | wa | - | 0 [sso | sie] av [vers] onefse | ~ [oo fem fn | 20 rsa fenr | | = [am {ance | an] 20 [sos] wl Mt a [a | I | Jew bm | | na Rebs oes eae aa Teas Tae Teme sam seer [eoae foo fora coven (ond 7 seo a2has S367 aa Pee si | seo |erearia $0/ 108 4 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT ] = aaa Ng Sar 1/84/4 1/85/4 1/63/4 1/64/4 er S| RRs oN FETE se te sa ET EET Tet ot ie al ele] ill “— | ‘|e | 0 oe tem foe [ov fos] of mol | lo a fe [fm lem = fmt aafnal w |e ee | Ilo} fe | fom fo ff fname 7 9} | | \ lo} o| a | e| #*)) woowmcrae ol, o U PL | ison: + iow 4 oF ow | o| SOEUR OF ROA | fo inst OF rae F_TRANSPOr | (GOADS WRG)" NN BELA | FH _| [sees owns roo ca sacra] | sai cau oor cave | ‘ma tn 10 tm xm - * (wt a esc) fof fa |= om fw mm elie» | ms : BAR BENDING SCHEDULE a — ) manlecon PERF ae] | fem once omy Soar ear on 2 | Se [eee S700) = Ts SOT sero a f ke a 1/65/4 1/66/4 1/78/4 = i a le] alesle] caleslfe fi st luele (Bane 1 |r oy Ui The nef He] ada The [Ube] lag als [Toe be pel | jo} | Jo dm | rp Troe fur] oF frnsfra et] 2| b ea | " i e i fe fe e ; |°| i ei | e | | 5 SEeesesesee | I? SOVERRVENT OF THO | 0} Joon joe fms ina we | " MINISTRY OF SURFACE. TRANSFORT I | { (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI. \ f Lh efoto sos ee ar na Soe I pin sec wx |@| rm Joe | fone ama (2m x 2m TO Gm x 7m 2 StS ne ee ee led rt | one - Leal BENDING SCHEDULE. —— OT ers aa aa SEE EEEEREEE Pa a = i a i as | Be ees — = SOTO SCTE DULE OF REINFORCEMENT Baa 4/77/4 1/88/4 1/88/4 1/87/4 To MTS PFE ef, 4.50/00 fe aes] at sali [eghlealee ft Z seo ms hee oF Teleloleleie mn MINISTRY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI. "FO OMINCS FOR GOK CALL STRUCTURES ‘SWOLE CAL BOX CULE ‘am x 2m TO Bm x 7m Tel@lelelele (HT EARTH CLIN) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE cal Tae SOTTO SCHEDULE OF REINFORGEMENT A Ea 1/22/5 1/23/5 —_ Ne sos pot naw smn Bf Ht Ls a idululee a 7 Ul See pl op bec leech Taf eee fo fmf om fn om fmf fw ow fm ef fore al | —s— gar|is poor use | | | Garlic nor! Useo Fo ls me {ste [rm [tm [ane frsnslrce| ve [am face [rf |sm fa veo [one [im ee sus safe) a oes lo ws hort ust | || danles hor] ucko | [= b= bo] fow)m fle] | banlis hort ust “P* | Se Raa eae 4 | non jm ome ez fama fae fem fae foe | fee nnn ce [neem [oe fc |e fs fon we] [ie | [nee |e nee elm wt oer HONE BOD A MRE OF 3 5 Ll | ae [a0 mol eo] [of fin bl wf ow nr re oe / | Lee fame w [ow [om fan + fnfome] w [a [aw ewan] fe res] w [mw re we fe [= fo frvfeeel a leah 7 lve foelera] ve [.-, [tm fomfeus| se foualene]s | — laa lew oe wo none saiae) 2 |e aa 6 siecle) 2 ans (ane jw pave sour] 2 fees moe foe | Coe _ [ ——OvERNENT OF OR ——} MINISTEYOF SURFACE TRANSPORT | wh fetebe|= os e[ Tos foes : al tg2 [eel mle fim ae : ls giele a 28. SCHFOULE OF REINFORCEMENT = Se) Ne Tar 1/44/5 1745/8 1/53/5 re | Pasa EHR st Teta] Bales oe a vel oe ge] | lo v= 0 [mms fm at [orn [am [inane | ja Tos |i ems [re] at [onl | | ff 4 st |} | i { | > [erp [= fs bel h i ze | fo | se [we fos 5 [> [= [= me oe om im |= elon elton j lo i uso le : Tole bake | 5 g | 4 el ° | | i | | a . 9} } MINISTRY mR Na cE i (ROADS WING) G see ok cae || ‘2m x 2m TO Bm x Tm ‘ont Sm sows BAR BENDING “SCHEDULE Fea oe foe ener ond sie | whew [SE] S07 roo] 2a. SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT 1/54/5, 1/88/8 1/63/5 1/64/5 tlt syle ibe lt PR ee Be fee]od/ Ae pf STeTele 1S WoT] USED Bar| IS NoT le o le lo] lo] lo fe rl ol rm me fo selec ol to) [ocean la) fmf lowell « | — mld le bec ba fem one ca i mone as was rae | ZL NVENT OF NSE (ri EARTH CUSHON) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE | 5/109] 0 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT iy a 1/65/5 1/66/5 4/78/58 1/76/5 5] Babs can fe Ee] “eel ht ies] uli Pe ae fe ESOT fpaR| 5. NOT) USED le soos jo] —»— ff 5) eclmee l= ee lo “es lo] fe = fol ae. fw fol beled = eee ee fe ae cele soem non ma lol «2. Teafand w focdiacd @ feo] mlomdhoe w frac » |] wm frocoel 7 + lo] «2. om sa sae] fore | » le] +2. nel x | 20] 0] re : [ame fe | oer —— ) fj ; st son oo 3 Tetel shelelatelalalctotelatetaledad [ear Fie | c i ‘SMG CEL OK CULVERT “ > | | | | 2m x 2m TO 8m x 7m 7 | pale ell . | ‘or ea cu we [ol -[= vos wae | [ae loo] fvalaf | ~ [ae nea) = [ial elf GAR BENDING SCHEDULE [ears = feel scien PRET te core (ay 57078 weve | ote [d Sere St 50/109] aL = eS SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT ze W77/5 1/85/5 1/86/5 1/87/5 Ne sce a Aes aD A Te eT 7 wai] «fs AR 15 Nor] USED | aris Nor] a | F + ; | | | e = epee seal arm FE | Be fs |e ase f|e efeefth|y o|s el m MINISTRY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT l2| =p | Pelee [oe [~ [= . BROS wing) New SoU 0} eo we me vaea|aes fio | = [= [sos |soims) ve jveso | 1c rea wo J STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR BOX CELL STRUCTURES | eee | ale a Jelel= fem h | le Sia oaks al SSSoes shah asf t ote tated = cto |_ ont Benone Setar | L ~ 1 ~ Tes FE] 1988 a GSE RT ar can er Ax, Sextee. | Soy 1001 = NOTES: (por neubeD ae : 5 epee emu @ DETAL=s i e @ i alia ; ; + ® 1 ifEfj—o — beoewas i L Wok 9 = ———_ > athe ‘ wae 8 eee sor ct we oo pws aes Br : ‘SECON 1=1 sce Prosecvow oF somerey € ® 9 T Tt 7 iG rT r Tr I T a | i 7 WI ° 1M Wh | \ WII le ® io oe Wet iH ot i + “lh —-4—e— e ) alll. 4 al | . LM. al 2 ‘GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ‘on i) ! ro | |_MINROADS WG) NEW BEL —- Mi} allt ie es Ea boum ck noc vo casera TP ye ialeat I CWTHOUT EARTH CUSHION) | \ Si oh... Pe by yo Wy TYPICAL RENFORCENENT OETALS | NOL eo ak TET {tit S| =e gua BI a a PT anor Done (0 wa ©, TOE TRE ERIE 10 cs, | Ge eel orto “DULE OF REINFORCEMENT 2/23/0 eugluli ihe oo “La iy t | 1 COVERNUENT OF TDA nur OF SURFACE, TRANSPORT wROHDS WN) NEW (91819818 0/8 0199/8 OOO OOD O OANA FG GO wae : x [oe [| linen | ve evr] m | | neon, [ee coo ee Tea SE = =e = oe [Se] 50/110, Ex ye ry re TYPICAL c2055_ S&C rss Cust Wah Tee . SOVERNWENT OF INDIA : : MINISTRY OF “SURFACE. TRANSPORT - (oss. ‘NEW DEI "WRAL OES OF FLOOR PROTECTION WORKS GENERAL ARRANGEMENT baste STi Ts SOT saree ‘NOIES: eve” [REDE | Seat [0 Sel rm ae me] BEE wee] eT er [ae [ae [we [ome fie ere |r Fone tvs " [ [wef se | Soria Gu 1030 6 ~ So/s08 (SUE 4 2. 2) aB/8 4 w/OT oye sia [ace fen ont 2/115 (eT 3 oF 8). hen pc 5/48 (SE 3 oF 8) sae [ws] ae ‘GOVERNMENT OF INDIA wus SUBPAGE TRAWSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI. ESTIMATION OF PROTECTION WORKS (TH EARTH CUSHION CASES) TS eae CURTAIN WALL: 2a ee Sse | fe = =e] =| me [rae ef ws | «|p| @ | le |e a | vase a wie) | cE oe we as “ wane wars [ae = | a aye wars |e me wer | ae me we || reve [are | ar |e [vrs | me [a |e [ave [me | ne | me | | RAD ae | me | me al Toe | [awe [ae [oe [|e P| [ame Dae me a | Cea [me [= wave | me = eff = vet | [lee ne [|e] = =| = [a [vee oo [ee me me vee fe ewe pe) [ime [oe [ae [ef | [ee = : vom | we [as | ee | [mn | mf meme || [Spee foe | ef | [ae ara cate [er wo [me fm | aa fee | me | ee |e vn | ow | ee | Vee | me [mw |e [vm = oe | [ovr [oe [me [ome [me | [rm [oe [vee | me | med Poe [| me =) = [ar a vee | or | ae | es | we | [vase [me | ee | me | sae [eo |e & mwa [we [= | e vn |e [oe [we [me | [me eee 1 FoR AL tees en ono, 0. s/n (er 2 o 0 ‘GOVERNVENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI. “ShiOw ORMANCS FOR SOK CEL. STRUCTURES ESTIMATION OF PROTECTION WORKS (HTH EARTH CUSHON CASES) Teo | oo wT 0 co. | OS [hapten PS eases | ose [ers $0/10) Pa ne SOZT y APRON: CURTAIN WALL ‘NorES: | Rite PSF [Es el ml EE ian ane ee ee a4 rae eee |store an | me [me [we [oe van |» [ome ‘nae [ me [me = vere |e wo | «2 | oe ya | we onde 1870 | wea es er ‘mr estat vn alae var alee aes Race eek ore } aaa eacte rots |e i) OT | \nusTie’ OF SURTASE TRANSPORT | (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI. i ESTIMATION OF PROTECTION WORKS | Been my QEIAL— A oF Swern T 1 \ 1 1 |_--@ SNERUEN OF ROA i uunusrte OF MURPAGe TRaNSeoRT IL (ibs wing) “ew See ! p SNOnee Sona: Foe eo oe Seas 1 1 1 1 TRPLE CELL REC BOK CUVERTS (QATHOUT EARTH CUI) ‘TYPICAL, REINFORCEMENT DETAILS a] 8 oe : : |e | 3. Se SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT cal . 3/35, ‘NOIES: : slPa Eo EE ele PIE} cat ‘cts iernaaniities /® 1 @/@18/ 0] 6/6/96] 6/6] OO G1 5/ S/S GOGO GOGO Fm nase OF SURFACE TARSPORT © ar ree | ree wera] 10 fr (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI. orale SR ORAMS FOE RO CSL SCNT ia [=m bm fom |= mlm] em pm ———— a [ete [om [ar [wm lesfen fe [mm be [ow | eel [co [ocr “min oon on oe [=a | =} | | {femur et Coon) wt, [oe sa} [ous | fasion] oe |= [ne evo fra | ae [ster [no EAR Senta SRA De Del fre Pe 7a [we [am fw [ane [ [oer fas son # [oom [7aePyeT tees eect = = Sem | Se [ees lore toe ear pues om) (BUNDING LAYER LINE AND WEEP HOLES NOT SHOWN IN PLAN) BELOW 6m.) Sa | SS eel ors SECON 4 = 4 (WN HEIGHT) ae bale om Led. 30 mm oo es SECTION 3-3 oe Te Sa] ‘NOTES: > BPR et | 3) at Wore 20 [gameomees ri Wt MINISTRY OF “SURFACE. TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI. "SOROARO DRAWINGS FOR OK CEL STRUCTIRES ‘DETLS OF PCC WG WAL GENERAL. ARRANGEMENT (WAX HEIGHT. OF WING WALL 4 foe wee Hues (90) —\ PLAN (GUNDING LAYER LINE AND WE: I, bx [nc oe col 9 HOLES + T= SOS we ‘NOTES; 8 = | in ‘ETRE OF POC WH WAL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT (MAK HEIGHT OF WING WALL TABL 'SAUENT Oi ENSIONS. OF Pe wi CONSIDERING NET SAC=_St/m2 Poe (20) oe [rr Tes [oe pos |e los los los low law lew|w | ow] ow | ow torma_fetmn 522-2 Gm) | om. ted nmr | ord | ad | md | fmm _| emmy tom nd | inmd_| en) mm) [a [ewe Cee [evr foe raat) fowl dona icna TABLE _No. “SALIENT DIMENSIONS OF PCC WING WALL CONSIDERING NET SBC=_10t/m2 Poo (20) . os_$Binmy 32-2600) | om) | dcr) om | om) | tom oe [eon tom | md | md || md i i ‘SALIENT DIMENSIONS OF PCC WING WALL CONSIDERING NET S8C=_15t/m2 Pec (20) OSs Bbealie races [2 [tow [eon fo foro [tom [eo GOVERRWENT OF NDIA MINISTRY "OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI, | Stiorso oRawnos FoR Box ce SRUCTRES DIMENSION SCHEDULE FOR PCC WING WALL (GENERAL) eee sane PE soi, |S, | asl 90/113, 43 EE Sarre TABLE No. = 4 ‘NOTES: 'SAUIENT DIMENSIONS OF PCC WING WALL {fot ge ee 1. n. /88 Bee (20) eet) a a pemoamar menetene.> aL olees | | fon | ms foe | ow aye ut | 2 oF 2) 8/8 & Sot me en | om) tor |r | | om | od [ten eyes Cain Sefoe Tap |= | om = [se] [mm [me | cen eee es ee ae | wave |= [oe [ew [ae [oe ome [oe [oe Shen ono s/s Gear 3 or) fs vave[ = [oe [lee [ a [ oe [oo we 1S ERE eT om LE ok ef vs |= [ve [ow [on fos [oe Fok ATMA 24S OF OK CERT, Js| 9 [ oe oo [ oe oe = the mur owe Souter wares for | ef wa [sae = Lm = Sn ee ocean er 3 [vem [o_o m7 Bev ne ay ger 92 a |e | oe = ae 0 | ee |e | oe | oe sa | oe | ae = | aL ie [ef poe ee ee ae | co hi a ee i) E rel oc =| = wo i = coe fal 5 [| oe [oem [oo = = CA = few Pao ef oo om i i is | af | eae pe = sf eta a ca = cy fal 87 |p a = — af va |e om | om me 2 | ae [or | oe = fal reve |e [om | ow Low | oe [oer [om [ee [oe | or [abv [oe Laer Teor oe weer | oe [owe [or | oe fal wave [soe [oe | ws | et fee [awe | or fal eye [we | ome | ee [oe | oe [oe om | oe [ow | oe [| van |e om et me |e co [ome [ow | oe of fal vere [wm [oe [oom | ome |v Le [we [me [me [oor fal ave [we [oe | oe [me [or | we oe [| me ben fal vv [6 [mm [we [oom [ow [ae eo ae [aoe | oe Ss a oD H sf are eae Te ed ous OF USAGE TRANS § svete Le [oe [oe Com [oe [om [oe [a [| (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI, el a =r SEES Timo OeuMes FOR Sx COR, STUCTRES [a vere oe [ aw [wm ae [oe [| om DIMENSION SCHEDULE FOR PoC S| se [Le me oe Wo WALL | Va |e om | wo a oH (oan Onn cunica Ooen cd we | Se ee af VS | a [om = 7 eT ae | pees tele te sre ste os | Ses eel eri y sa 7 [eee S07 IS s f TABLE No. = 4 (CONT fy SALENT-DMENSIONS OF CC WING WALL Pec. (u26 1 tn wr TI ors eel = Ese) l=l=)=]=)=)=l~ l= l= © lw lm fw bie pea pee | SE Eaet | Gael | eon [cond tom ts |tomd [om [ed [tm [tom com [Com lm |r | two [md | fel ve |] oe a [a] a Be sare rr a a Sa a oe [eves ef i [ax mmf Sr fe elas ont [erent aa a [=| reali ail em ; le spe =e ls fa [ae Soa | o = [ee oS a L i ie ial eani|enal = aa a in le] i aetna tw esl oT] Tomine ole oe eb an [w 7 5 Me eal on | aro ai] oe ERT OF NOR sls rile oa me oe MINSTRN OF SURTAGE. TRANSPORT fal we [ome [aw [oe | oe | Geos wing) New ELH. _| FE ae ile ace | sososo cones ror fox cei SHUT | E a ca | we funnel caso itoe ros Fe ieee vez ocean cian ee [rae] ow ea] om] alae real ‘ane Wau, 5 rea eft] oe [er] melee [el Spee pete terete] am NOI, ac FF ee Se eo ee ee Te TT x 3 ~ wor | a | ona a 226 50/1 fs set Lest Red em fe eee fff srl ee alias && (S& Beslere, TABLE_N. 5_(CONT, ‘NOTES: SALIENT DIMENSIONS OF BCC WING WALL Pe oom Poe (w20) oer) Eh = ee Team ool Fs fesevnen es La as me ee se Seem) IT] wae |e = o alo q oe [3] za ei» oor | tn | ves ian oa [ope [afew | a be ef er CT SOVERNUENT OF NDA, MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI. DIMENSION SCHEDULE FOR PCC WING WALL Cumout EARTH CUBHON CASES) [OROARD OWNS FOR SOK CAL. STUCTRES Tone oem EE] aoe Ca | MEE ate PE same | ize [EP 26133 oF swwerey LEGEND ! At 1 neers 1 tqh-@ -- >> smu’ a Ch + f-@ LE te ie robe MEW 3-3 a ee REET, ane 2 ee 5 99 "5 90 1 Say | | off 1 We ew { 9 t ite Sh o fu 4 al. Wt boa eos all re rams boast on ORE ces filutat Whey way : Ly tat ih a oro a Say | fen SEES he SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT f Ea 2/22/3 2/22/4 2/22/58 2/23/3 5] gaat ually! fede as pal [ae SO ae i [114 p{elsleleleleleislelelelelslelelelelsielelal 5 : Tee a Te ST SCHSOULE OF REINFORCEMENT ep] NESE 2 2/23/5 2/32/8 2/32/4 oe 5 alps fe festa’ sal oes t @1@/01016/6/6/6/61/51/5|60 6/6610 OO 80 (wr EARTH cuSHON) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE Ajelere ——e—_—_—_—_ 42 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT 2/32/5 2/33/38 2/33/4 we fe) led ofa ae elit iil i Telelelelele|umx @19]6 e]0 eo ofelelolele SOERUENT OF ROA, MINISTRY OF SURFACE. TRAN Veen sew BEL ‘Sancao es FOR BX CL, STRUCTURES DOUBLE CELL BOK CUNVERT 2m x 2m TO 30 x 30 (EARTH CUSHEON) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE TENT Ol MINISTRY OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT SEEN, OF OR (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI. ‘Denes FOR BOK CHL MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS "APPROACH SLAB at 4s E me A | —consregenen | ame oJ Ts SOT sae sham on tn s pee MISCELLANEOUS DETALS ® RCC RANG | (omer om i809 Nw omen [HERE aay TPP Tear ‘SECTION 5-5 Ss | see [es bees | obo feeearaa] 20/115, Te . ma L@ ‘GOVERNVENT OF IND MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELM., ‘SRO ORAS FOR BOX CEL, STRUCTURES es Te S07 ees ‘COVERNVENT OF ND MINISTRY OF ‘SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) , NEW DELHI, Soin DS FOR BOK GALL STRUCTURES MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS ‘DRAINAGE. SPOUT (mur EARTH CSN) Tan poee PERT ars ea | Hee [Spee 7h | TABLE: BAR BENDING SCHEDULE FOR RAILINGS AND POSTS Tes SO7T1S weno aree eS 7 TABLE: BAR BENDING SCHEDULE FOR APPROACH SLAB nd aro s| one er —T 7 : ' Se Le bv @illa ao rca] | | | GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF, SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) TARO DROWNS FOR BOX CELL STRUCTORES MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS (BARBENDING SCHEDULE) Tamed | oe oS = Se cor sme | wba 5-0 ©® * ame WO. Syrie tee 8S OF 9) | ee yom yp oon | we ew | ® O © | ste wea TION 4~ Fra | ond SP | o 98 9 | TF t { Ohl oy | I | ! I i fesse sac i H GOVERNMENT OF IND. Ir 4 MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT I! vt (ROADS WING) . NEW DELHI. fs iH ROAR ORANGES FOR GOK CELL STRUCTURES I it a 1 | Hi 1 TRIPLE CELL BOX CULVERT ! i HEATH CUBAN) + Ht TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT DETALS. | Hy Tee ee mae aT | T Sr |geeeSal s0/118 nen ies 4 A AND ae, ne eS ST HN NAY oe Fee) S18 J SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT aa aa 5 Sauer 3/22/38 3/22/4 3/22/5 Pa 1 3) Bois oN Jie efot ot 06 sled] eT oa] oe ae oa le) Be oe ae EGS ee ; la] sme | = [ol sn] oe ™ green ‘| a0 | w [oro] re] oe fons] ons] w [mw © oe a COVERNMENT OF NDT MINISTRY "OF “SURFACE TRASpoRT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI aes teen Foro ca em RPE OAL Box CULVERT 22m 2m TO 3m x Sm ©|© OOOO GGG OO (QM EARTH CUSHON) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE. aa aT rae Tae as = = my was | By eerie | sen (SEES) $0, 58. [ SCHEDULE OF REINFORCEMENT See sys s/t 3135/8 een perce) [fel #e] se] Be sof ff Bees RPE sce} => Wu Zz wnustay OF Sune nee Teatbeorr (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI Sco been Fe oc TRAE Clk Box CULVERT 2m x 2m TO 3m Se. a ©1981 8191S 19191 G1 S1G1G1S1G5 S16 [S [6167S [OTe 1G] oa max (mi EAH CUSHION) BAR BENDING SCHEDULE tte fw | | [elem [imal we | = om [rele] [oe mr oT Ta Tas ioe SS Toot Eo fond 28 Seats eee See | Se [ees $0/116| am SOT. n02te, | @__02se, ej @ 02, = \ — Pye rar ror anys A oft hl ; » SAN RR eS w 9 1 4 © rowme s/tte (eet or 3 | aly oot ¢ v8) errs ® ® oe! | eee emo 0256 7 YW Gaye ee fae ee| SOVERNVENT OF NDA, MINISTRY “OF SURFACE. TRANSPORT = i 1 | | MINRDS wig) New BELHL = = a = ‘TOAD ORAS FOR BOX CHL, STRUCTURES LAP_ZONE DETALS, ‘ (WITH EARTH CUSHION: CASE) se “ss aS ‘NOTES: E08 roy oo ‘GOVERNVENT OF IND MINISTREY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROADS WING) NEW DELHI Sand ORONNOS FOR SOK CELL ST LAP_ZONE DETALS (WITHOUT EARTH CUSHION CASE) mas eee PRAT See | Se eee

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