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Micronations and the Search for Sovereignty is a non-fiction book about micronations and their

legal status within international law. It is written by the Australian lawyers and legal academics Harry
Hobbs (pictured) and George Williams, both of whom specialise in international law. Written from an
academic perspective, it is one of few works on micronational movements. The book concerns the
definition of statehood, the place of micronations within international law, the motivations people
have for declaring them, the micronational community, and the ways by which such entities mimic
sovereign states. It was published by Cambridge University Press as an ebook on 23 December
2021, and in hardcover and paperback formats in January 2022. The work's legal and non-
dismissive academic approach to micronations garnered positive reviews. Hobbs and Williams also
authored How to Rule Your Own Country: The Weird and Wonderful World of Micronations for a
broader audience, published later in 2022. (Full article...)

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